<h1 class="ptitle">TOO LATE</h1>
<h3>It's too late to do anything. You should go to sleep.</h3>
<<button "My room 🛏️" "BedroomSleep">>
<<SetPlayerLocation House>>
<h1 class="ptitle">YOU ARE TIRED!</h1>
<h3>You feel very tired and go straight home to sleep.</h3>
<<button "My room 🛏️" "BedroomSleep">>
<<SetPlayerLocation House>>
</center><<widget "FlashEventClassroom">>
<<message "You notice that some guys are staring at you">>
<<linkreplace "Flash to them">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("flash1.webp", "flash2.webp", "flash3.webp", "flash4.webp", "flash5.webp", "flash6.webp", "flash7.webp", "flash8.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/school/classroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockLocationScene school ClassroomFlash>>
<<if Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.Game.Instafame)>>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "Hey, tell me your nickname on Instafame so I can follow you">>
<<linkreplace "What is this?">>
<<Speech Player "What is this?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "It's a social network, you can share photos and videos">>
<<Speech Strange "Another Student" "You can also follow other people and see their posts">>
<<linkreplace "How do I create one?">>
<<Speech Player "I don't have an account, how do I create one?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "Just download the app and create an account">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'll do it">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Game.Instafame>>
<h3>I should go to the Tech Store at the mall to buy a phone and download the app</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<widget "ThomasPartyDialog">>
<h3>You hear some people talking about a party</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "I heard that there is a party this weekend">>
<<Speech Strange "Another Student" "Yeah, I heard that too, are you going?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "Yeah, it's gonna be insane, I can't wait">>
<<linkreplace "What party ?">>
<<Speech Player "What party ?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "It's a party at Thomas's house, he's going to have a DJ and everything">>
<<linkreplace "Can I go ?">>
<<Speech Player "Can I go ?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "I don't know, you should ask Thomas">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty>>
<<widget "ClassLactation">>
<h3>You hear some people talking about you</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "I heard that she is pregnant">>
<<Speech Strange "Another Student" "Damn, her breasts are wet, is there milk coming out?">>
<<linkreplace "You look down">>
<h3>You look down and see that your breasts are wet, you squeeze them and a little milk comes out</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "I was right, she's lactating">>
<<Speech Strange "Another Student" "I wonder if she's going to breastfeed in class">>
<<Speech Player "Shut up, I'm not going to breastfeed in class">>
<<UnlockLocationScene school ClassLactation>>
<<widget "EscapeClassNatasha">>
<h3>$npc.name.Natasha come close to you</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Hey, this class is boring as hell, let's get out of here">>
<div id="followNatasha">
<<linkreplace "You follow her">>
<<HideDiv "stayInClass">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, let's go">>
<<button "Leave the class" "HomelessThreesome">><</button>>
<div id="stayInClass">
<<linkreplace "You stay in class">>
<<HideDiv "followNatasha">>
<<Speech Player "No, I'm going to stay in class">>
<<Speech Natasha "You are boring, I'm leaving">>
<h1 class="ptitle">BUS 🚌</h1>
<h3>Riding the bus, watching the city roll by...</h3>
<<set $game.random to random(1,3)>>
<<if $game.random == 1>>
<h3>You feel several hands caressing and groping your ass.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Mmm, someone's feeling bold...">>
<h3>One of them pulls up her shorts, showing off your entire ass, while the other takes the opportunity to grope you.</h3>
<<UnlockLocationScene bus BusGrope>>
<<elseif $game.random == 2>>
<h3>You look around and see that everyone is distracted, would this be the best time for a little exhibitionism?</h3>
<<linkreplace "Flash">>
<<if $player.exhibitionism >= 10>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("flash1.webp", "flash2.webp", "flash3.webp", "flash4.webp", "flash5.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/bus/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockLocationScene bus BusFlash>>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 10>>
<<Speech Player "I would never do that in public..">>
<<elseif $game.random == 3>>
<h3>When you get on the bus, you immediately sit in the first available seat, but when you look to the side, you see a man masturbating</h3>
<<linkreplace "Help him">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<h3>You slide in next to him, your thigh pressing against his. You glance down at his hard-on and a mischievous grin spreads across your face. Without a word, you reach out and take his cock in your hand.</h3>
<<video 'bus/strangeHandjob/strangeHandjob1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck yeah, that's it, baby. Tease me good." >>
<<linkreplace "Stroke him">>
<h3>You pump his cock, your fingers wrapping around his shaft. He groans and bucks his hips against your hand.</h3>
<<video 'bus/strangeHandjob/strangeHandjob2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Oh god, I'm gonna cum... Right in your hand, baby." >>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>His hips jerk as he cums, a thick rope of cum landing on your fingers. You watch him catch his breath, a satisfied smirk on his face.</h3>
<<video 'bus/strangeHandjob/strangeHandjob3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, that was hot. Think I could convince you to do that again sometime? Maybe somewhere a little more...private?">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe, hehe. I like a guy who's adventurous." >>
<<UnlockLocationScene bus BusMasturbate>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<h3>I should get out of here</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<button "Get off the bus">>
<<EnterLocation $location.bus.busDestination.name>>
<<energy -10>>
.passage img {
max-height: max-content;
<h1 class="ptitle">BUS STOP</h1>
<h3>Choose your destination:</h3>
<<for _loc range $location>>
<<if _loc.area == "Zone">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<Bus _loc>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Drink 🍸'>>
<<if $player.money - 15 >= 0>>
<<addMoney -15>>
<<goto 'BarDrink'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You don't have enough money!">>
<<button 'Socialize 🗣️'>>
<<Notification 'info' "You socialize at the bar">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<<button 'City 🏙️' 'Center'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BAR</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("drink1.webp", "drink2.webp", "drink3.webp", "drink4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/bar/drink/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>You drink a cocktail and relax</h3>
<<if $player.trans && $npc.Veronica.relation == 0 && $player.corruption.level >= 3 && $player.drunkness == 3>>
<h3>After many beers, drinks and other things, you are completely drunk, and a woman appears in front of you</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Whoa there, tiger. You look like you're about to fall over. Too many shots?" >>
<<Speech Player "Huh? Wha-? Who're y-you?" >>
<<Speech Veronica "Come on, let's get you out of here. I'll give you a lift home." >>
<<linkreplace "Go with her">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm'kay, sounds good... " >>
<<Speech Veronica "Alright, c'mon. My car's this way." >>
<h3>She leads you towards her car</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "So, where to?" >>
<<Speech Player " *mumbles incoherently* " >>
<<Speech Veronica "Okay, new plan. You're crashing at my place tonight, champ. No way I'm letting you wander around like this." >>
<h3 class="ptitle"><span class="drunk">The moment you slump into the car seat, the world dissolves into a blurry, drunken abyss.</span></h3>
<<button "Veronica's House" "VeronicaMeet">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bar'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Swim 🏊🏼♀️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<goto 'BeachSwim'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You need to wear a swimsuit to swim">>
<<button 'Sunbathe ☀️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<goto 'BeachSunbathe'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You need to wear a swimsuit to sunbathe">>
<<button 'Explore 🔍'>>
<<goto 'BeachExplore'>>
<<button 'Change Clothes 👙' 'Wardrobe'>>
<<set $activeTab to 'swim'>>
<<button 'City Center 🏙️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You cannot go out wearing a swimsuit">>
<<goto 'Center'>>
<<if $game.time == "N" || $game.time == "LN" || $game.time == "E">>
<<goto 'BeachNight'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim' && random(1, 2) == 1 && previous() == "Wardrobe">>
<<goto 'BeachRandomEvent'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH EXPLORE 🌴</h1>
<h3>You walk around the beach exploring the area.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("beachExploring1.webp", "beachExploring2.webp", "beachExploring3.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/beach/explore/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<button 'Go back' 'Beach'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH 🏖️</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Explore 🏝️'>>
<<Notification 'info' "Work in progress!">>
<<button 'Change Clothes 👙'>>
<<goto 'Wardrobe'>>
<<set $activeTab to 'swim'>>
<<button 'City 🏙️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You cannot go out wearing a swimsuit">>
<<goto 'Center'>>
<<if $game.time == "N" == false && $game.time == "LN" == false && $game.time == "E" == false>>
<<goto 'Beach'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH RANDOM EVENT 🏖️</h1>
<h3>When arriving at the beach, something happens...</h3>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<h3>A guy runs by and pulls down your bikini, exposing your breasts in public for everyone to see</h3>
<<UnlockLocationScene beach BikiniThief>>
<<goto 'TouristsThreesome'>>
<<button 'Go to the beach' 'Beach'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH SUNBATHE 🏖️</h1>
<h3>You are sunbathing on the beach.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $player.clothing.corruption > 30 && random(1,3) == 1>>
<h3>While you are sunbathing, a guy approaches you and asks if he can rub sunscreen on you to help you tan.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you're sunbathing alone. Would you like some help with that?">>
<<button 'Accept' 'SunbatheLotion'>><</button>>
<<button '$location.beach.title' 'Beach'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH SWIM 🌊</h1>
<h3>You are swimming in the ocean.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<!-- FLASH SCENE -->
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<h3>You see two boys watching you and whispering..</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<div id="flashThem">
<<linkreplace "Flash them">>
<h3>You decide to flash them, they seem to enjoy it.</h3>
<<HideDiv "ignoreThem">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("swimflash1.webp", "swimflash2.webp", "swimflash3.webp", "swimflash4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/beach/swim/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockLocationScene beach SwimFlash>>
<div id="ignoreThem">
<<linkreplace "Ignore them">>
<<HideDiv "flashThem">>
<h3>You ignore them and continue swimming.</h3>
<!-- FLASH SCENE -->
<<button '$location.beach.title' 'Beach'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BEACH SUNBATHE ⛱️</h1>
<h3>You lie back, enjoying the sun, waiting for the guy to apply the sunscreen.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion1'>>
<<Speech Strange "I've got a special lotion that'll help you tan faster. Want to try it?">>
<<linkreplace "Accept">>
<h3>His hands linger on your breasts, squeezing them as he rubs in the lotion.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion2'>>
<<Speech Player "Hey! What are you doing?">>
<<Speech Strange "Just making sure I cover every inch. Relax.">>
<div id="let-him">
<<linkreplace "Let him continue">>
<<run $('#get-out').hide()>>
<h3>A strange warmth spreads through you. You let him continue.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion3'>>
<<Speech Strange "You have a beautiful body. It's hard not to admire.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, but maybe focus on the lotion?">>
<<Speech Strange "Would you mind if I applied it directly to your breasts?">>
<<linkreplace "Let him touch your breasts">>
<h3>He unties your bikini top, his hands massaging the lotion into your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion4'>>
<<Speech Player "Someone might see.">>
<<Speech Strange "Doesn't it excite you… the thought of someone watching?">>
<h3>A thrill shoots through you.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Admit you're excited">>
<h3>You can't deny the feeling.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion5'>>
<<Speech Player "It does… a little.">>
<<Speech Strange "I can make it even more exciting.">>
<<Speech Player "How?">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on all fours, and I'll show you.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You obey, the sand cool against your skin. He begins rubbing lotion on your ass.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion6'>>
<<Speech Strange "Hold on. I need to get more lotion from my car. Be right back.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay. Hurry.">>
<h3>You notice a man watching you, stroking himself openly.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Call him over">>
<h3>You beckon him, and he approaches, a hungry look in his eyes.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion7'>>
<<Speech Player "Enjoying the show?">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "I couldn't help myself. You're incredibly sexy.">>
<<Speech Player "Come closer. Let me see.">>
<<linkreplace "He approaches">>
<h3>He steps closer, and you reach out, your fingers brushing against his erection.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion8'>>
<<Speech Player "My, my… what a big one you have.">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Want to play with it?">>
<<linkreplace "Play with his cock">>
<h3>You pull his cock free, stroking him as the first guy returns.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion9'>>
<<Speech Player "This is so hot. Doing this out in the open…">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "I know, right? We could go to my car if you want…">>
<<Speech Player "Right here is fine.">>
<<linkreplace "The first guy returns">>
<h3>The first guy returns, his eyes widening as he takes in the scene.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Looks like you're having fun. Mind if I watch?">>
<<Speech Player "Join us, if you like.">>
<<Speech Strange "I prefer to watch. It's kind of my thing. Though… I wouldn't mind if you took off that bikini.">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "He's got a point.">>
<<linkreplace "He removes your bikini">>
<h3>He removes your bikini bottoms, his gaze lingering on your exposed pussy.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion10'>>
<<Speech Strange "She's beautiful, isn't she?">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Absolutely stunning.">>
<h3>He removes your top as well, leaving you completely naked.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion11'>>
<<Speech Player "I've never done anything like this before…">>
<<linkreplace "Apply lotion to his cock">>
<h3>You squirt lotion onto his cock, stroking him sensually.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion12'>>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Good girl. Keep going.">>
<<Speech Player "Do you like this?">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Love it. You're a natural.">>
<<linkreplace "Rub lotion on yourself">>
<h3>You rub the lotion over your breasts and down your stomach, your movements deliberately seductive.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion13'>>
<<Speech Player "Is this turning you on?">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Fuck, yes. So much.">>
<<linkreplace "Stroke him with both hands">>
<h3>You take his cock in both hands, stroking him faster.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion14'>>
<<Speech Player "Are you going to cum for me? I want it all over me.">>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "If you keep doing that, I won't last much longer.">>
<<Speech Player "You, squeeze my breasts. And you, keep stroking yourself.">>
<<linkreplace "They obey">>
<h3>The first guy grabs your breasts, squeezing them rhythmically as the second man continues to masturbate.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion15'>>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "I'm going to cum! I can't hold back!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum on me! Cover me with it!">>
<<Speech Strange "Me too! Fuck!">>
<<linkreplace "They cum on you">>
<h3>You moan, squeezing your breasts as the second man cums all over you, followed quickly by the first. Their cum drips down your body, hot and sticky.</h3>
<<video 'beach/sunbathe/sunbatheLotion/sunbatheLotion16'>>
<<Speech StrangeBBC "Fuck… take it all, baby.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh god… that was incredible.">>
<<Speech Strange "We should go. People are coming.">>
<h3>You quickly gather your things and leave the beach, your body tingling with the afterglow.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene beach SunbatheLotion>>
<<FinishSex StrangeBBC false>>
<div id="get-out">
<<linkreplace "Get out you pervert!">>
<<run $('#let-him').hide()>>
<h3>You take his hands off your br*asts and push him away.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Hey, I was just trying to help you.">>
<<Speech Player "I don't need your help, get out of here!">>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button '$location.beach.title' 'Beach'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">TOURISTS 🏖️</h1>
<h3>You're strolling along the beach when...</h3>
<<linkreplace "Two tourists approach you">>
<h3>Two tourists, grinning like they've hit the jackpot, pull up beside you in a flashy rental. The car's bass thumps like a heartbeat.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Hey there, beautiful. What's a knockout like you doing all alone out here? You should be with us. Ready for some fun?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not so sure, I don't even know you guys.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Hop in with them">>
<h3>A jolt of excitement shoots through you as you nod. The car doors swing open, the music explodes, and you can't resist the pull as you slide inside.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex2'>>
<<Speech Strange "We're staying at this crazy penthouse a few minutes away, babe. Trust us, you're gonna get wild.">>
<<Speech Player "What exactly do you mean by 'wild'?">>
<<Speech Strange "Oh, you know... lots of naughty fun, don't be shy now.">>
<<linkreplace "Arrive at their hotel">>
<h3>The car pulls up to a swanky hotel. Their room is a mix of luxury and pure lust. The air practically crackles with anticipation.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Alright, make yourself comfortable... it's playtime.">>
<<Speech Strange "Let's start with a kiss, yeah?">>
<<linkreplace "They kiss you intensely">>
<h3>Their mouths crash onto yours, one a soft tease, the other a hungry invasion. Your head swims; this is way more intense than you expected.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, you taste incredible.">>
<<Speech Strange "I bet you're amazing at other things too.">>
<<linkreplace "A hand slips under your shorts">>
<h3>A hand snakes under your shorts, teasing, sending a shiver of pure pleasure down your spine.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex4'>>
<<Speech Strange "You're liking that, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Strange "Just a little appetizer for what's coming.">>
<<linkreplace "They yank your shorts down">>
<h3>With a practiced move, they yank your shorts down, leaving you exposed and blushing hard.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Look at you, all hot and bothered.">>
<<Speech Strange "You're making this too easy, darling.">>
<<linkreplace "They strip off the rest of your clothes">>
<h3>Your clothes are peeled off, piece by piece, until you stand naked, your skin flushed beneath their burning gaze.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex6'>>
<<Speech Strange "Perfect, absolutely fucking perfect.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come here and give us a blowjob.">>
<<linkreplace "You start to go down on them">>
<h3>You drop to your knees, taking one into your mouth; the other watches, eyes practically undressing you.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Oh yeah, just like that.">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on doggy, babe; I wanna fuck this pussy.">>
<<linkreplace "You drop to all fours">>
<h3>You drop to all fours, one buried deep in your mouth; the other thrusts into you from behind, every moan a spark to the fire.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "Feel that, baby?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so horny.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come here and ride me, I wanna feel that pussy too.">>
<<linkreplace "You ride him while he teases you">>
<h3>You straddle one of them, hips grinding down, as the other plays himself in front of your eyes, driving you absolutely insane.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Ride me, girl.">>
<<Speech Player "Holy shit, you are huge!">>
<<Speech Strange "Let's see if you can take both of us.">>
<<linkreplace "They double penetrate you">>
<h3>He stops teasing and pushes deep inside, filling you with the most intense pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex10'>>
<<Speech Strange "Yeah, that's it, that's it.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come, ride me!">>
<<Speech Player "Don't need to ask twice.">>
<<linkreplace "You bounce on him while the other is in your mouth">>
<h3>You bounce on one of them while the other gets devoured by your lips. This pleasure is off the charts.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex11'>>
<<Speech Strange "You're a natural, you know that?">>
<<Speech Player "I want you both inside me again.">>
<<Speech Strange "As you want, babe!">>
<<linkreplace "You get a DP again">>
<h3>You ride one of them cowgirl style, while you feel the other sliding inside you from behind. This is pure ecstasy.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex12'>>
<<Speech Strange "This is the best fucking feeling.">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on your knees and suck us again, let's finish this.">>
<<linkreplace "You take both of them in your mouth">>
<h3>You take both of them into your mouth; the heat of them nearly suffocating you, but in the most incredible way.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Yes... oh, god, yes.">>
<<Speech Strange "Cum on that slut!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums on your face">>
<h3>One of them arches and covers your face with his hot load.</h3>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex14'>>
<<Speech Strange "That's it, that's it!">>
<<Speech Player "I want all your cum on my face!">>
<<Speech Strange "Take it all, baby!">>
<<linkreplace "The other cums too">>
<h3>The other one follows, unloading his offering. You feel completely drained and wonderfully satisfied.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Take this, enjoy all my cum!">>
<<video 'beach/touristsSex/touristsSex15'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene beach TouristsThreesome>>
<h3>You politely turn them down; a little bit of regret tickles you as you watch them drive away.</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return' 'Beach'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CITY CENTER</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<for _location range $location>>
<<if _location.area == "Center" || _location.area == "*">>
<<CityMap _location>>
<h1 class="ptitle">NIGHT CLUB</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $player.beauty < 3>>
<h3>You feel a little out of place in the club. You look around and see everyone else looking so much better than you.</h3>
<h3>Maybe you should buy some new clothes and some make up to fit in better?</h3>
<<button 'City 🏙️' 'Center'>><</button>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Dance 💃🏼' 'ClubDance'>><</button>>
<<button 'WC 🚾' 'ClubBathroom'>><</button>>
<<button 'City 🏙️' 'Center'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">DANCING</h1>
<h3>You dance to the music, feeling the beat and letting your body move to it.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("clubdance1.webp", "clubdance2.webp", "clubdance3.webp", "clubdance4.webp", "clubdance5.webp", "clubdance6.webp")>>
<div id="club">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'club/dance/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<h3>After some drinks and dancing, you feel a little more confident in your body. You feel like you could take on the world!</h3>
<<linkreplace "Naughty dance">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("sexdance.webp", "sexdance1.webp", "sexdance2.webp")>>
<div id="club">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'club/dance/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>When you look to the side, you see several guys drooling at you while you dance</h3>
<<linkreplace "Flash to them">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("clubflash.webp", "clubflash1.webp", "clubflash2.webp", "clubflash3.webp", "clubflash4.webp")>>
<div id="club">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'club/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockLocationScene club ClubFlash>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1 && $npc.Jamal.scenes.JamalMeet.unlocked == false>>
<h3>One of them approaches you and asks if you want to dance with him</h3>
<<Speech Jamal "Hey, wanna dance?">>
<<Speech Player "Fine!!">>
<h3>He takes you by the hand and leads you to the dance floor</h3>
<<Speech Jamal "You're a great dancer, you know that?">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks!">>
<h3>He gets closer to you and you feel his body against yours</h3>
<<Speech Jamal "You're so hot, I can't resist you, wanna go to my house ?">>
<<button 'Go with him'>>
<<goto 'JamalMeet'>>
<<button 'No, thanks'>>
<<goto 'Club'>>
<<energy -20>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Club'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -20>>
<h1 class="ptitle">TAXI</h1>
<h3>Jamal leads you to the waiting taxi, the night blurring around the edges.</h3>
<<Speech Jamal "I'm glad you came with me. Tonight's going to be unforgettable.">>
<h3>The alcohol and the pulsing music have left you pleasantly disoriented. The thought of going home with a stranger barely registers.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm so drunk…">>
<h3>He leans in, his lips finding yours. The kiss is deep and urgent, and you kiss him back without hesitation.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet1'>>
<h3>Your hand brushes against his crotch, encountering a noticeable bulge.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Someone's eager, aren't they?">>
<h3>His eyes darken with lust as his hand moves to your crotch, rubbing you through your clothes.</h3>
<<Speech Jamal "Just wait until we get back to my place. You're driving me wild.">>
<<linkreplace "He unzips his pants">>
<h3>He pulls out his cock, hard and throbbing. It's impressively large, and a thrill shoots through you.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Damn… that's a big one.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Want to touch it?">>
<<Speech Player "I want to taste it. See if it fits in my mouth.">>
<<linkreplace "Take him in your mouth">>
<h3>You wrap your lips around him, the taste and texture intoxicating. You can feel his pulse throbbing against your tongue.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet2'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Damn, girl… you're wasted.">>
<h3>His words barely register. All you can focus on is the sheer size of his cock.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet3'>>
<<Speech Player "I have to show my friends this!">>
<<linkreplace "Take a selfie">>
<h3>You pull out your phone, snapping a quick picture.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet4'>>
<<Speech Jamal "You're crazy. I like that.">>
<h3>The taxi pulls up to a stunning house. He pays the driver, and you stumble out, his arm around your waist. He pulls you close, kissing you deeply.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet5'>>
<<linkreplace "Enter his house">>
<h3>Inside, you're speechless. The house is luxurious beyond anything you've ever seen.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Holy shit… this place is huge!">>
<<Speech Jamal "You like it? It's just one of my homes. Bathroom's down the hall, first door on the right.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the bathroom">>
<h3>You head to the bathroom, shedding your clothes as you go.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet6'>>
<<Speech Player "Time to freshen up.">>
<h3>You reapply your lipstick, smudged from the earlier kisses.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet7'>>
<<linkreplace "Join him">>
<h3>You emerge from the bathroom, clad only in your lingerie. Jamal's eyes devour you. You walk towards him, your lips meeting in a hungry kiss.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet8'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Good girl. Now suck my cock.">>
<<Speech Player "Don't have to tell me twice.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck him">>
<h3>You drop to your knees, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet9'>>
<<Speech Player "I've never seen anything like it…">>
<<Speech Jamal "You'll never find another one like it.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm…">>
<<Speech Jamal "Come on, baby. Let's go to bed.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the bedroom">>
<h3>He leads you to the bedroom. As he lies down, you crawl between his legs, your mouth finding his balls.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet10'>>
<<Speech Jamal "That's it, bitch. Suck them good.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm…">>
<<Speech Jamal "Take those clothes off. I want to see you naked.">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your bra">>
<h3>You unhook your bra, your breasts spilling free. He watches, stroking himself.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet11'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Now the panties.">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your panties">>
<h3>You turn your back to him, sliding your panties down your legs. He slaps your ass, a jolt of pleasure shooting through you.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet12'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Get on top. Ride me.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You straddle him, his cock sinking deep inside you.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet13'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Good girl. Ride it hard.">>
<<Speech Player "Do you like this, Jamal? Do you like how your little bitch rides you?">>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet14'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Get on all fours. I want to fuck you like a dog.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You turn over, pushing your ass up for him.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet15'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh fuck… yes…">>
<<Speech Jamal "That's it, bitch. Higher.">>
<h3>He pushes you down onto the bed, your face pressed against the mattress, your ass high in the air.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet16'>>
<<Speech Jamal "What a view…">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me harder!">>
<<linkreplace "Spread your legs for him">>
<h3>You turn over, spreading your legs wide.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet17'>>
<<Speech Jamal "I can't hold it any longer. I'm cumming!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum inside me!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you">>
<h3>His cum fills you, hot and thick.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet18'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Goddamn… that was good.">>
<<Speech Player "Amazing…">>
<h3>He pulls out, his cum leaking out of you.</h3>
<<video 'club/jamalMeet/jamalMeet19'>>
<<Speech Player "I should probably go. It's getting late.">>
<<Speech Jamal "I'll see you again, right?">>
<<Speech Player "Definitely.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<linkreplace "Go home">>
<<UnlockNPCScene Jamal JamalMeet>>
<<UnlockLocation jamalHouse>>
<<addRelation "Jamal">>
<<FinishSex Jamal true>>
<<goto 'Hallway'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CLUB BATHROOM 🚾</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Cabin 🚽' 'ClubGloryHole'>><</button>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Club'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BATHROOM CABIN</h1>
<<if galleryMode() || $location.club.scenes.ClubGloryHole.unlocked == false>>
<h3>Stepping into the dimly lit cabin, your eyes are drawn to a tantalizing hole in the wall, a portal to the unknown pleasures of the cabin next door.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'You move closer, curiosity piqued'>>
<h3>Suddenly, a thick cock emerges from the opening, throbbing with a life of its own. You can practically feel the heat radiating off it.</h3>
<<video 'club/bathroom/gloryholeEvent/gloryhole1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "Hey there, gorgeous. Need a hand with this? Promise I'll make it worth your while.">>
<h3>A shiver runs down your spine. Do you dare to indulge in this anonymous encounter?</h3>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 2>>
<<linkreplace 'You wrap your hand around him'>>
<<video 'club/bathroom/gloryholeEvent/gloryhole2'>>
<h3>His cock throbs harder as you stroke him, a low groan escaping from the other side. You feel a thrill course through you, a mix of excitement and danger.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "Fuck, that's it, baby. You feel so good... how about you taste how good it feels too?">>
<h3>His words are a siren song, and you find yourself powerless to resist.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'You take him in your mouth'>>
<<video 'club/bathroom/gloryholeEvent/gloryhole3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "Holy shit... You're amazing. Haven't had a mouth like that on me in ages.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm... thank you. You're not so bad yourself.">>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "You know what I'd really love? To feel those tits of yours pressed against me while you work your magic. Sweeten the deal even more, yeah?">>
<<linkreplace 'You grind your breasts against him'>>
<<video 'club/bathroom/gloryholeEvent/gloryhole4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "Ah, fuck... I'm gonna cum! Can't hold back anymore.">>
<h3>His breathing grows ragged as you stroke him faster, his cock pulsing in your mouth. You feel a surge of power knowing you have him completely at your mercy. </h3>
<<linkreplace 'You swallow him whole as he explodes'>>
<<video 'club/bathroom/gloryholeEvent/gloryhole5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange" "Fuck... So good. Here, you earned this, sweetheart.">>
<h3>A wad of cash appears through the hole, a tangible reward for your anonymous service.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<addMoney 50>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<UnlockLocationScene club ClubGloryHole>>
<<Speech Player "I better get out of here">>
<h3>You are scared and prefer not to do anything</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<linkreplace 'Gloryhole'>>
<<linkreplace 'Blowjob'>>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<h3>It's late, I should go home</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("blowjob1.webp", "blowjob2.webp", "blowjob3.webp", "blowjob4.webp", "blowjob5.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(40,60)>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/club/bathroom/gloryhole/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>You earned $ $game.randomMoney</h3>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -20>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Club'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FILM STUDIO</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h1 class="ptitle">GYM</h1>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<if $location.gym.days == 0 >>
<<BuyGymMembership "1daygym">>
<<BuyGymMembership "7daygym">>
<<BuyGymMembership "30daygym">>
<<BuyGymMembership "lifetimegym">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Workout 🏋🏻♀️" "Workout" "/gym/workoutbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Change Clothes 👟" Wardrobe "/house/bedroom/wardrobe/wardrobebanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FLASHING</h1>
<b><p class ="pbody">You feel excited and do a little exhibitionism at the gym</p></b>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("workoutflash.webp", "workoutflash1.webp", "workoutflash2.webp", "workoutflash3.webp", "workoutflash4.webp", "workoutflash5.webp", "workoutEvent.webp")>>
<div class='gym'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/gym/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if $game.randomMedia == "workoutEvent.webp">>
<<linkreplace "Go to treadmill">>
<<linkreplace "Take panties off">>
<h3>You take your panties off!</h3>
<<UnlockLocationScene gym GymFlash>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Gym'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORKOUT</h1>
<p class ="pbody">The personal trainer from the gym comes over to help you with your exercise.</p>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Well, well, well. Look at the muscles on you. I had something else in mind for our session today, but I'm sure we can work out... later. For now, let's get you warmed up.">>
<<Speech Player "Uh, okay.">>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Come closer, gorgeous. Don't be shy. You know you want to. Come on, suck my dick.">>
<<Speech Player "W-what? ">>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "That's right, baby. Get on your knees. You can handle it. I know you like it rough. ">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, but you're going to have to make it worth my while. ">>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex1'>>
<<linkreplace 'Blow him'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Mhmmm.. Keep going, bitch. That's it... good girl. I'm gonna fuck you so hard soon.">>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex2'>>
<<Speech Player "Okay, you're good at this. ">>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "I know you like it. You want me to fuck that little pussy? Tell me you want it. ">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, I do. But let's get these sweaty clothes off first. ">>
<<linkreplace 'Take clothes off'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex3'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Get on top of me, baby. Let me feel that sweet pussy. Ride me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Ride him'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex4'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "I'm so hard, let me stick my cock inside you.">>
<<linkreplace 'Put inside'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex5'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Harder bitch, harder!! Fuck, you feel so good.">>
<<Speech Player "Feel's so nice :)">>
<<linkreplace 'Sit on him'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Common girl, I know you can do better than that. You like this, don't you?">>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex6'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Get up and get on all fours bitch">>
<<linkreplace 'Get on all fours'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex7'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "You have a such gorgeous ass. Yeah, that's it.">>
<<Speech Player "Close your mouth and fuck me harder idiot">>
<<linkreplace 'Keep going'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex8'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Hang on the bar, I'm going to fuck you real hard now.">>
<<linkreplace 'Hang on metal bar'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex9'>>
<<Speech Player "Let's finish this, lie down!">>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Ok babe">>
<<linkreplace 'Ride him'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex10'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Ohh fuck, I'm cumming!!!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum on my face">>
<<linkreplace 'Cum!!'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Ohhhhhhh..!!!!!!">>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex11'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Leave it clean babe">>
<<linkreplace 'Clean his cock'>>
<<video 'gym/sex/personalsex12'>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Trainer" "Thanks, I need to go, let's do this again soon. Same time next week?">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene gym GymPersonalSex>>
<<FinishSex PersonalTrainer false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Gym'>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORKOUT</h1>
<b><p class ="pbody">You spend some time working out.</p></b>
<<if $player.clothing.corruption >= 30>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("sexyworkout.webp", "sexyworkout1.webp", "sexyworkout2.webp", "sexyworkout3.webp", "sexyworkout4.webp", "sexyworkout5.webp", "sexyworkout6.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("workout.webp", "workout1.webp", "workout2.webp", "workout3.webp", "workout4.webp")>>
<div class='gym'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/gym/workout/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "I've been admiring you for a while, that outfit is driving me crazy about you">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks, hehe!">>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Let me help you with your exercises, come with me">>
<<button 'Go with him'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<goto 'GymPersonalSex'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Hey, need some help ?">>
<<button 'Accept help' 'WorkoutHelp'>><</button>>
<<button 'Flash 🫦'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<goto 'GymFlash'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Gym'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -15>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PERSONAL HELP</h1>
<b><p class ="pbody">The coach helps you with your exercise</p></b>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("workouthelp.webp")>>
<div class='gym'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/gym/workout/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech PersonalTrainer "Personal Mind" "*I'll be fucking this bitch soon*">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Gym'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HOSPITAL 🏥</h1>
<h3>Welcome to the hospital, how can I help you?</h3>
<<if haveBaby()>>
<<button 'Give baby up for adoption'>>
<<Notification "info" "You have given your baby up for adoption.">>
<<set $player.baby = []>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<<button 'Prenatal Care'>>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<goto 'PrenatalCareBigBelly'>>
<<goto 'PrenatalCare'>>
<<button 'City Center 🏙️' 'Center'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HOSPITAL 🏥</h1>
<h3>You're rushed into the delivery room, each moment feeling like an eternity in pain.</h3>
<<Speech Doctor "Hello, I'm Dr. Johnson. We're here to help you through this. How are you feeling?">>
<<linkreplace "Respond to the doctor">>
<<Speech Player "The pain is unbearable! I can't take much more!">>
<<Speech Doctor "I understand. Don't worry, you're in good hands. We'll help you through this. Try to focus on my instructions. We'll begin when you are ready, Just let me know if you need more time">>
<<linkreplace "Ready to push">>
<<Speech Player "I am ready, please help me.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Okay, let's get ready. When I say push, you push with all your strength. Are you ready?">>
<<linkreplace "Push">>
<h3>You push with all your might, focusing all your strength.</h3>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<Speech Doctor "I'm so sorry. Despite our best efforts, your baby didn't survive the birth.">>
<<Speech Player "No! This can't be happening!">>
<h3>You're devastated by the news, your heart breaking at the loss of your child.</h3>
<<button 'Hospital' 'Hospital'>><</button>>
<<Speech Doctor "Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby girl. She's healthy and strong.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you so much! I'm so happy!">>
<h3>You're overwhelmed with joy, tears of happiness streaming down your face.</h3>
<<Speech Doctor "What is her name?">>
<<linkreplace "Name your baby">>
<<Speech Player "Her name is...">>
<<textbox "_babyName" Baby>>
<<linkreplace "Finish naming">>
<<Speech Player "_babyName, I love you so much!">>
<<FinishPregnancy _babyName>>
<h3>From now on, 10% of your money will be deducted weekly to cover the baby's expenses, you can give the baby up for adoption at the hospital at any time.</h3>
<<button 'Hospital' 'Hospital'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRENATAL CARE 🤰</h1>
<h3>You're here for your prenatal check-up. The scent of antiseptic is noticeable as you enter.</h3>
<<Speech Doctor "Good morning! How are you feeling today?">>
<<Speech Player "Good morning, I'm feeling okay. A bit tired.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Any new symptoms or concerns since last time?">>
<<Speech Player "Ankles are a bit swollen in the evenings, and I'm more thirsty.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Okay, noted. We'll check that. Do you have a urine sample?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, right here">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, right here.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Great. Nurse will take it. Let's check blood pressure and weight, then listen to the baby. Excited?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, very! It feels unreal sometimes.">>
<<Speech Doctor "It is a big change. Blood pressure is good, weight is on track. All looks good. Let's hear the heartbeat. Relax.">>
<<Speech Doctor "There it is! Strong heartbeat. Want to hear it again?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, please">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, please. It's reassuring.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Wonderful. Everything looks excellent. Watch the swelling, stay hydrated. Continue vitamins and rest. Next appointment in four weeks?">>
<<Speech Player "Four weeks works. Thank you, doctor. Feeling better now.">>
<<Speech Doctor "You're welcome. Take care. See you in a month. Call if needed. Have a good day!">>
<<set $location.hospital.prenatal to true>>
<<addRelation Doctor>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hospital' 'Hospital'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRENATAL CARE 🤰</h1>
<h3>You enter the doctor's office for your prenatal check-up.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly1'>>
<<if getRelation("Doctor") == 0>>
<<Speech Doctor "Hello there, welcome! I'm Dr. Johnson. It's a pleasure to be part of your pregnancy journey.">>
<<Speech Player "It's nice to meet you too, Doctor.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Alright, let's get started by checking your vitals and making sure everything is looking good with the baby.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Hello again! It's good to see you. Let's get started with your check-up.">>
<<linkreplace "He checks your heartbeat">>
<h3>He gently places the stethoscope on your chest, listening intently.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly2'>>
<<if getRelation("Doctor") >= 3>>
<<Speech Doctor "Your heart sounds perfectly healthy, strong and steady. That's wonderful news.">>
<<Speech Player "That's such a relief to hear!">>
<<Speech Doctor "Now, if you could please remove your dress, I need to examine your abdomen to properly assess the baby's growth and position.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your dress">>
<h3>You begin to remove your dress, and the doctor offers a helping hand.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly3'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Here, let me assist you with that. It must be a little challenging with your beautiful baby bump.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, Doctor, I appreciate that.">>
<<linkreplace "He examines your belly">>
<h3>He carefully places his hands on your belly, gently palpating to feel the baby's position.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly4'>>
<<Speech Doctor "The baby is developing wonderfully, everything feels just right. You're doing a great job.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, that's so reassuring to know.">>
<<Speech Doctor "You're getting close to your due date, so it's crucial to continue taking excellent care of yourself.">>
<<Speech Player "I definitely will, thank you for the advice.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Now, for the next part of the examination, I need to check your breasts. It's important to evaluate them in preparation for breastfeeding.">>
<<linkreplace "Show your breasts">>
<h3>You expose your breasts to the doctor for examination.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly5'>>
<<Speech Player "Are they looking okay, Doctor?">>
<<Speech Doctor "Hmm, they seem fine, but let me just take a closer look, just to be thorough.">>
<<Speech Player "Of course, Doctor, whatever you need to do.">>
<<linkreplace "He sucks on your breasts">>
<h3>He starts to suckle on your breasts, his examination becoming increasingly intimate.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly6'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Yes, they are perfect, perfectly healthy and ready for breastfeeding. Excellent.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, okay, good to know.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Now, for the final part of the exam, I need to examine your v*gina. Could you please remove your underwear so I can complete the check-up?">>
<<linkreplace "He removes your panties">>
<h3>He reaches out and removes your panties, leaving you completely naked.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly7'>>
<<Speech Doctor "My goodness, you are absolutely gorgeous down there. Everything looks remarkably healthy.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, Doctor...">>
<<Speech Doctor "But, just to be absolutely certain, I need to get a more... in-depth assessment. It's all part of ensuring your health and the baby's well-being, you understand.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I suppose so, Doctor.">>
<<linkreplace "He sucks on your v*gina">>
<h3>He begins to suck on your v*gina, his actions far exceeding a typical medical examination.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly8'>>
<<Speech Player "Doctor! What are you doing? This isn't normal, is it?">>
<<Speech Doctor "Relax, it's just a specialized technique. I'm thoroughly evaluating everything, it's all perfectly fine, medically speaking.">>
<<Speech Player "Well... if you say so. Can I... reciprocate? I want to make sure you're feeling okay too, Doctor.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Well, aren't you a thoughtful patient? If you insist, I suppose a little reciprocity wouldn't hurt. Feel free.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck his dick">>
<h3>You take his penis into your mouth and begin to suck.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly9'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Ah, yes, that's it. Just like that.">>
<<Speech Player "Wow, Doctor, you're really... big.">>
<<Speech Doctor "You like that, don't you? You like a big, strong man, don't you, especially a doctor taking care of you.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, Doctor, I do.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Then get on top of me, let's continue this examination properly. Go on now.">>
<<linkreplace "You sit on his dick">>
<h3>You climb on top of him, straddling his penis.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly10'>>
<<Speech Doctor "That's it, ride me, just like that. Feel good?">>
<<Speech Player "Oh yes, Doctor, it feels amazing.">>
<<Speech Doctor "You're a naughty girl, aren't you? A very naughty girl.">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe a little, Doctor.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Now, turn to your side for me, let's try a different angle. Do it now.">>
<<linkreplace "You lie on your side">>
<h3>You turn onto your side as he instructs.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly11'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Perfect, just like that. Keep moving for me.">>
<<Speech Player "This is... quite a thorough exam, Doctor.">>
<<Speech Doctor "The most thorough, for the best patients. You're enjoying this, aren't you, you little tease?">>
<<Speech Player "I... I guess I am, Doctor.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Now lie back and open your legs wide for me. Let's finish this properly. Do it now.">>
<<linkreplace "You lie back and open your legs">>
<h3>You lie back and spread your legs open for the doctor.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly12'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Yes, beautiful, just like that. Keep moving, keep it going.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, Doctor! This is... intense!">>
<<Speech Doctor "Oh god, I'm close! I'm going to cum!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you">>
<h3>He climaxes inside you.</h3>
<<video 'hospital/prenatalBigBelly/prenatalBigBelly13'>>
<<Speech Doctor "Ahhh, that was incredible. You are such a naughty little thing, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, Doctor...">>
<<Speech Doctor "Well, there you go. Now you are definitely ready to be a mother. Perfectly examined and ready.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I feel... well, I'm glad to hear that.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Excellent. I'll see you for your next appointment then. Don't be late.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<addRelation Doctor>>
<<set $location.hospital.prenatal to true>>
<<UnlockLocationScene hospital PrenatalCareBigBelly>>
<<FinishSex Doctor true>>
<<Speech Doctor "Remember to eat well, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest. Prenatal vitamins are also very important.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, Doctor, I'm doing my best to take care of myself and the baby.">>
<<Speech Doctor "Wonderful! Everything looks great today. Let's schedule your next check-up in about four weeks. How does that sound?">>
<<Speech Player "That sounds perfect, thank you, Doctor.">>
<<addRelation Doctor>>
<<set $location.hospital.prenatal to true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hospital' 'Hospital'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HOTEL 🏨</h1>
<h3>You are in front of the hotel. The building is tall and modern, with a large sign that reads "HOTEL" in big letters.</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<if $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer.progress == 1 && $game.time == "N">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Meet Edward" SecretAdmirerPregnant "/hotel/meetEdwardbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Meet Edward" SecretAdmirer "/hotel/meetEdwardbanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SECRET ADMIRER 💌</h1>
<h3>You stand before the hotel room door, your heart pounding with anticipation.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the door">>
<h3>The door swings open, revealing Edward. He's… not quite what you envisioned. A middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a slight paunch greets you with a nervous, hopeful smile.</h3>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, uh, hi. Please, come in. I've been so looking forward to this.">>
<h3>A flicker of disappointment crosses your face, but you force a smile.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hi, Edward. Thanks for having me.">>
<<linkreplace "Enter the room">>
<h3>You step inside, and Edward closes the door gently behind you. The air is thick with anticipation.</h3>
<<Speech Edward "I, uh… I actually got something for you. Something to wear. Hope you don't mind. It's just… well…">>
<<Speech Player "Oh? What is it?">>
<<linkreplace "Change clothes">>
<h3>He presents the outfit: a frilly pink dress that looks distinctly childish. He watches you with wide, expectant eyes.</h3>
<<set $clothes.cute.purchased = true>>
<<ChangeClothes $clothes.cute>>
<<Speech Player "This is… surprisingly young for me, don't you think? A little… princess-y.">>
<<Speech Edward "You look… radiant. Perfect, really. Just like a… a princess. Exactly how I imagined.">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your panties">>
<h3>You decide to play along, a bit of defiance sparking within you. You climb onto the bed, slipping off your panties and turning onto all fours, offering him a provocative view.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer1'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh… oh my. Now… now show me your… your breasts.">>
<<linkreplace "Show him your breasts">>
<h3>You lift the frilly dress, exposing your breasts, a silent challenge in your eyes.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer2'>>
<<Speech Edward "Yes… very nice. Very… alluring. Now… now we can begin.">>
<<Speech Player "Begin what, exactly, Edward? Getting dressed up isn't exactly the full experience is it?">>
<<linkreplace "He sits on the bed">>
<h3>He carefully sits on the edge of the bed, pulling you closer with trembling hands. He nervously gropes at your ass as he sucks on your nipples, his breath ragged.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer3'>>
<<Speech Edward "You're… so hot. So incredibly hot. I've been wanting this… wanting to do this for so long.">>
<<Speech Player "You have a thing for younger girls, don't you, Edward? It's kinda creepy.">>
<<Speech Edward "I… I appreciate the youthful… the… the vibrant energy. That's all.">>
<<linkreplace "He turns you around">>
<h3>He turns you around, and you catch sight of a camera subtly pointed at the bed. A cold wave of realization washes over you.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer4'>>
<<Speech Player "What the hell is that? Is that a camera?! Are you filming me?!">>
<<Speech Edward "It's just… a little… extra. Just a little something. I can… I can pay you more if you let me record. It would be… so…">>
<<Speech Player "Fine. Whatever. As long as the price is right.">>
<<Speech Edward "Yes! Of course. Wonderful. Now… kiss me. Please.">>
<<linkreplace "Kiss him">>
<h3>You lean in and kiss him, a calculated move. He pulls you onto his lap, his grip surprisingly strong.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer5'>>
<<Speech Edward "God, you're so fucking hot. You have no idea.">>
<<Speech Player "...">>
<<Speech Edward "Suck my cock. Please, I've been waiting for this…">>
<<linkreplace "Suck his cock">>
<h3>You kneel before him, a hint of disgust mixing with the thrill of control, and take him into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer6'>>
<<Speech Edward "That's it… you're… you're a natural. God, you're good.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me. Now. I'm getting bored.">>
<<Speech Edward "Yes! Yes, get on top. Please.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on top of him">>
<h3>You straddle him, feeling his cock slide inside you. You can practically feel his anticipation.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer7'>>
<<Speech Edward "So tight… Oh god, so incredibly tight…">>
<<Speech Player "You're disgusting, Edward. Do you hear what you're saying?">>
<<Speech Edward "But you like it, don't you? You like the power. The attention.">>
<<linkreplace "He squeezes your breasts">>
<h3>He groans, his hands squeezing your breasts hard, a desperate plea for control.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer8'>>
<<Speech Edward "Moan for me. Please. I want to hear you. Tell me how good it feels.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm…">>
<<Speech Edward "Turn around. Let me see you… like that.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You turn your back, and he pulls you roughly against him, his thrusts becoming more forceful, a desperate energy fueling him.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer9'>>
<<Speech Edward "You look just like her from behind… God…">>
<<Speech Player "Like who, Edward? Who am I pretending to be?">>
<<Speech Edward "Nobody. Just… lie down and spread your legs. Please. I'm… I'm close.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie down">>
<h3>You lie back, spreading your legs as he demanded, a blank expression on your face as he fucks you hard.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer10'>>
<<Speech Edward "I'm almost there… I'm so close…">>
<<Speech Player "Just get it over with. I'm not enjoying this.">>
<<Speech Edward "Jerk me off. Please, just… just a little. I need you to.">>
<<linkreplace "Jerk him off">>
<h3>You lie beside him, your expression detached, and half-heartedly stroke his cock.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer11'>>
<<Speech Edward "Faster… faster… I'm so close… Oh god…">>
<<Speech Player "Just cum already, you pathetic creep.">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He grabs your head, pulling you violently towards him as he cums in your mouth, his release sudden and desperate.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer12'>>
<<Speech Edward "Show me. Show me my cum. Show me how much you enjoyed it.">>
<<Speech Player "Ugh…">>
<<linkreplace "Show him">>
<h3>With a disgusted grimace, you open your mouth, displaying the thick, white liquid, a silent act of defiance.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer13'>>
<<Speech Edward "Swallow it. Swallow every drop. Be a good girl.">>
<<linkreplace "Swallow his cum">>
<h3>You swallow, forcing it down, the taste revolting, a final humiliation.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirer/secretAdmirer14'>>
<<Speech Edward "You're… you're so amazing. So… accommodating. I want to do this again… Can we do this again soon?">>
<<Speech Player "I have to go. I need a shower. And a serious cleansing.">>
<<Speech Edward "Yes, of course. Fine. Here's your money. And a little extra for letting me film. Thank you. Thank you so much.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<addMoney 600>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Edward SecretAdmirer>>
<<FinishSex Edward false>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer>>
<<button "Leave the room">>
<<goto "Hotel">>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SECRET ADMIRER 💌</h1>
<h3>You stand before the hotel room door, your heart pounding with anticipation.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Knock on the door">>
<h3>The door swings open, revealing Edward. He's… not quite what you envisioned. A middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a slight paunch greets you with a nervous, hopeful smile.</h3>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, uh, hi there! Please, come in, come in. I've really been looking forward to meeting you.">>
<h3>A flicker of disappointment crosses your face, but you force a smile.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hi Edward, it's nice to finally meet you too. Thanks for inviting me up.">>
<<linkreplace "Enter the room">>
<h3>You step inside, and Edward closes the door gently behind you. The air is thick with a slightly awkward anticipation.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant1'>>
<<Speech Edward "So, um... I couldn't help but notice in your pictures, and well, you know... are you pregnant?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem?">>
<<Speech Edward "Oh! No, no, not at all! I just... wanted to make sure you were comfortable, you know? Some people aren't into that, but I think it's... beautiful.">>
<<Speech Player "...">>
<<Speech Edward "I was wondering... would you mind showing me your breasts? Pregnancy does... interesting things to them, doesn't it?">>
<<linkreplace "Show him your breasts">>
<h3>You let your dress slip off your shoulders, revealing your breasts. You meet Edward's gaze, a silent challenge in your eyes.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant2'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, wow... they're... they're really something.">>
<<Speech Player "You like them?">>
<<Speech Edward "Like them? I... yes! Very much. Would you... would you mind taking off your dress completely?">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your dress">>
<h3>You step out of your dress, standing before Edward in just your underwear.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant3'>>
<<Speech Edward "You have a... a very beautiful body. Really, very lovely.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you. So, are we going to do this or what?">>
<<Speech Edward "Right, yes, of course. Um... could you take your panties off too? Just... just for a moment?">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your panties">>
<h3>You slide your panties down, letting them fall to the floor. You stand completely naked in front of Edward.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant4'>>
<<Speech Edward "I... I... you look amazing. Really, truly pretty.">>
<<Speech Player "Can we get started now? I haven't got all day.">>
<<Speech Edward "Yes! Yes, of course. Where would you like to start?">>
<<linkreplace "Stroke his cock">>
<h3>You reach out and take Edward's cock in your hand, stroking it firmly. You feel it quickly harden under your touch.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant5'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, yes... that feels... really good. Just like that...">>
<<Speech Player "You like that, Edward?">>
<<Speech Edward "Yes, I do! Oh god, yes! Don't stop...">>
<<linkreplace "Suck his cock">>
<h3>You lean down and take Edward's cock into your mouth, sucking on him eagerly.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant6'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, fuck... that's incredible! You're so good at that.">>
<<Speech Player "You like it when I do this?">>
<<Speech Edward "Like it? I love it! Don't stop, please don't stop.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You climb on top of Edward, straddling his lap. You guide his cock inside you, feeling him fill you up.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant7'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, wow... that's... that's amazing. So warm and tight.">>
<<Speech Player "Thought" "I'm not feeling a thing, what the fuck is wrong with me?">>
<<Speech Edward "Could you... would you mind getting on all fours for me? Just for a bit?">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You roll over and get onto your hands and knees, presenting yourself to Edward.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant8'>>
<<Speech Edward "Oh, yes... like that. Perfect. Just like that...">>
<<Speech Player "Do you like this position, Edward?">>
<<Speech Edward "I... I think... I'm going to cum! Oh god!">>
<<linkreplace "He cum inside you">>
<h3>Edward thrusts into you, his movements becoming faster and more frantic until he can't hold back any longer. He groans loudly as he cums inside you.</h3>
<<video 'hotel/secretAdmirerPregnant/secretAdmirerPregnant9'>>
<<Speech Player "You came inside me? Seriously?">>
<<Speech Edward "I'm so sorry! I just... I couldn't help it. It felt so good.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck...">>
<<Speech Edward "Here's your money.. Sorry!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<addMoney 600>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Edward SecretAdmirerPregnant>>
<<FinishSex Edward true>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer>>
<<button "Leave the room">>
<<goto "Hotel">>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MALL</h1>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<createSubLocationButton "Clothing Store 👚" "ClothingStore" "/shopping/clothingstore/clothingstorebanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Tech Store 💻" "TechStore" "/shopping/techstore/techstorebanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Pharmacy 💊" "Pharmacy" "/shopping/pharmacy/pharmacybanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Flash ❤️🔥" "MallFlash" "/shopping/flash/flashbanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SECURITY ROOM</h1>
<h3>You are taken to the mall security room.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Whoa there, hot stuff. Gonna have to cool you down. Think I'll be calling the cops on this one.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh God, please don't. I'm so sorry. I'll do anything.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Anything, huh? Always the young ones looking for a thrill, flashing it all around. You think you're special?">>
<<Speech Player "I just... I wanted to be seen. It felt good.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Felt good, did it? Well, let's get some pictures for our records. Need a full view for the report, you know.">>
<<linkreplace "Get up">>
<h3>You reluctantly stand, heart pounding as the security guard snaps a few pictures. The flash momentarily blinds you, and you feel a chilling blend of shame and excitement.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Good girl. Now, I need to search you. Standard procedure, you know.">>
<<Speech Player "Search me? What for?">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Gotta make sure you're not hiding any other naughty surprises. Wouldn't want to miss anything…">>
<<Speech Player "But I'm not hiding anything!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Oh, I'm sure. But I need to be *thorough*. Hands on the wall, legs spread.">>
<<linkreplace "He searches you">>
<h3>The security guard searches you, his hands lingering far too long, squeezing and groping. You try to squirm away, but he holds you firmly.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex3'>>
<<Speech Player "I have nothing on me. Please stop.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Girls can hide things in a lot of places, you know? Gotta be thorough.">>
<<Speech Player "But I'm not hiding anything. Seriously!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "I need to be absolutely sure. Take off your clothes.">>
<<Speech Player "What? No! I'm not taking my clothes off!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Do you want me to call the cops? They'll do a much more *thorough* search. Your choice.">>
<<Speech Player "No, I'll do it.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<h3>You hesitantly begin to undress, feeling exposed and vulnerable.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "I said *all* your clothes. Every single piece.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I'm naked.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Those panties are still on, sweetheart. Don't be shy.">>
<<Speech Player "Please, I don't want to do this. It's so humiliating.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Rules are rules. And security comes first. Down they go.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your panties">>
<h3>With trembling hands, you slide your panties down, your face burning with shame.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Now that's a good girl. Let's do that search again, shall we? Just to be *extra* sure.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm naked! There's nothing to search!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Oh, honey, you're so innocent. There are all sorts of places things can be hidden.">>
<<linkreplace "He searches you again">>
<h3>The security guard runs his hands over your bare skin, lingering on your breasts and thighs. His touch makes you recoil in disgust.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex6'>>
<<Speech Player "Can I please go now? I've done everything you asked.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Not yet, sweetheart. We're just getting started.">>
<<linkreplace "Why?">>
<h3>The security guard keeps touching your body, his hands now roaming freely over your naked skin.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You know you can still be arrested for indecent exposure, right? A night in jail… that wouldn't look good on your record, would it?">>
<<Speech Player "Please, I'll do anything. Just let me go.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Anything? Good. Then we have a deal. You do exactly what I say, and I'll forget this whole thing ever happened.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you want?">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Get on your knees and suck my dick.">>
<<Speech Player "What?!! No! I'm not doing that!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You don't have a choice. It's either that, or the cops. Tick-tock, sweetheart. I haven't got all day.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You take the security guard's cock into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Is that all you've got, sweetheart? I bet you've practiced this before.">>
<<Speech Player "No! I swear, I haven't!">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Don't play coy. You're enjoying this way too much.">>
<<linkreplace "Give him a real blowjob">>
<h3>You wrap your lips around the security guard's cock, swirling your tongue around the tip.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "That's it, sweetheart. You're getting the hang of it.">>
<<Speech Player "Can I please go now?">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "We're just getting started. Now get on the table.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on the table">>
<h3>You climb onto the table, your heart pounding as the security guard positions himself between your legs.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex10'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You feel so good.">>
<<Speech Player "Please, just make it quick.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Turn around and face me.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn to face him">>
<h3>You turn to face the security guard, your eyes locked with his.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You like this, don't you? Don't lie.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I don't.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You're a terrible liar. Now, come on and ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You straddle the security guard, the rhythmic motion building the tension.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex12'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Oh god, baby, I'm close.">>
<<Speech Player "Please, just finish.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Get on your knees.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on your knees">>
<h3>You sink to your knees, bracing yourself as the security guard cum.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Good girl. Now get out of here before I change my mind.">>
<<Speech Player "Do you have something I can clean myself with?">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "Just take your clothes and get out!">>
<<linkreplace "Get out">>
<h3>You quickly dress, your face still flushed, and hurry out of the security room.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/flash/securitySex/securitysex14'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene mall MallCaughtFlashing>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Mall'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MALL FLASH</h1>
<h3>You expose yourself in public at the mall, flashing your body to strangers.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("flash1.webp", "flash2.webp", "flash3.webp", "flash4.webp","flash5.webp","flash6.webp", "flash7.webp", "flash8.webp", "flash9.webp", "flash10.webp", "flash11.webp", "flash12.webp")>>
<div class='shower'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/shopping/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockLocationScene mall MallFlash>>
<<if random(1,3) == 3>>
<h3>Someone calls the mall security and a man in uniform approaches you.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "What are you doing? You can't do that here!">>
<<linkreplace "I'm sorry">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll leave right now.">>
<<Speech Strange "Mall Security" "You can't leave yet. You need to come with me.">>
<<button "Follow him" "MallCaughtFlashing">><</button>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Mall'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PHARMACY</h1>
<h3> The air is filled with the smell of medicine and the sound of people coughing. </h3>
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<div class= "gridclothingstore-text">$items.pregnancytest.name</div>
<<button 'Buy ($items.pregnancytest.price $)'>>
<<Buy $items.pregnancytest>>
<<AddToInventory pregnancyTest>>
<div class= "gridclothingstore-text">$items.contraceptivePill.name</div>
<<button 'Buy ($items.contraceptivePill.price $)'>>
<<Buy $items.contraceptivePill>>
<<AddToInventory contraceptivePill>>
<<button 'Return' 'Mall'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CASUAL CLOTHES</h1>
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<<for _clothing range $clothes>>
<<if _clothing.purchased == false && _clothing.type == 'casual'>>
<<ClothShop _clothing>>
<<button 'Return 👚' 'ClothingStore'>><</button>>
.passage button {
height: auto;
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">CLOTHING STORE</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Casual Clothes 👗' 'CasualClothes'>><</button>>
<<button 'School Clothes 👔' 'SchoolClothes'>><</button>>
<<button 'Fitness Clothes 👟' 'FitnessClothes'>><</button>>
<<button 'Swim Clothes 👙' 'SwimClothes'>><</button>>
<<button 'Mall 🏬' 'Mall'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">FITNESS CLOTHES</h1>
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<<for _clothing range $clothes>>
<<if _clothing.purchased == false && _clothing.type == 'fitness'>>
<<ClothShop _clothing>>
<<button 'Return 👚' 'ClothingStore'>><</button>>
.passage button {
height: auto;
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">SCHOOL CLOTHES</h1>
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<<for _clothing range $clothes>>
<<if _clothing.purchased == false && (_clothing.type == 'school' || _clothing.type == 'schoolCheerleader')>>
<<ClothShop _clothing>>
<<button 'Return 👚' 'ClothingStore'>><</button>>
.passage button {
height: auto;
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">SWIM CLOTHES</h1>
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<<for _clothing range $clothes>>
<<if _clothing.purchased == false && _clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<ClothShop _clothing>>
<<button 'Return 👚' 'ClothingStore'>><</button>>
.passage button {
height: auto;
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">TECH STORE</h1>
<<Speech Player "These prices are killing me! Is there any way I could get a discount? Pretty please?">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Well, I could maybe swing a 5% discount... but you'd have to do something for me.">>
<<Speech Player "What did you have in mind?">>
<<Speech Strange "I'm a bit of a photographer, and you've got such a great look. How about letting me take a few pictures?">>
<<Speech Player "Just pictures? Sure, I can do that.">>
<<Speech Strange "Excellent! Let's go in the back, where there's better lighting.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Now, don't be shy. I need to get a little closer, okay? Work it for the camera!">>
<<Speech Player "No problem, I'm ready for my close-up.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "You know, I could probably do a 10% discount if you lost a few of these clothes...">>
<<if getExb() >= 10>>
<<linkreplace 'Sounds good to me 🙂'>>
<<Speech Player "Okay, what do you want me to take off first?">>
<<Speech Strange "Let's start with the blouse. Gives us something to build up to.">>
<<Speech Player "Easy enough.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex4'>>
<h3>You slip off your blouse, your bra doing little to hide your hardening nipples. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "Those shorts are a little distracting... Why don't you lose those too?">>
<<Speech Player "Anything for a discount, right?">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex5'>>
<h3>You shimmy out of your shorts, leaving you in just your panties. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "And the bra... Let's see those gorgeous tits.">>
<<Speech Player "Hmm, I don't know about that...">>
<<Speech Strange "Tell you what, I'll make it 15%. Final offer.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 2>>
<<linkreplace 'Deal 😀'>>
<<Speech Player "Alright, you win. Off it comes.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex6'>>
<h3>You unhook your bra, tossing it carelessly onto the pile of clothes. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "And the panties. I need to see you completely bare, beautiful.">>
<<Speech Player "Fine. But this discount better be worth it.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex7'>>
<h3>You step out of your panties, completely naked now. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "Damn... you are stunning. I'm going to take some incredible photos of you like this.">>
<<Speech Player "Just get on with it.">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "You know what would really make these shots special? If you touched yourself a little...">>
<<Speech Player "Seriously? Ugh, fine. But only because I really want this discount.">>
<<linkreplace 'Masturbate'>>
<h3>You sit down in the chair he gestures to, your fingers finding your clit as you stroke yourself for him.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Good girl... you're so fucking hot.">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks... I try.">>
<h3>You catch him staring at your pussy, his hand moving in his pants. He's definitely hard now.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "How about we make another deal? A better one?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm listening...">>
<<Speech Strange "30% off. And we can forget about the photos. How about you just fuck me instead?">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Now you're talking 😍">>
<h3>You get up from the chair, walking towards him like a predator stalking its prey.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Get down on your knees, sweetheart. Show me how good you can suck.">>
<h3>You don't hesitate, dropping to your knees and reaching for the bulge in his pants. </h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex10'>>
<<Speech Player "Damn, that's a big one.">>
<<Speech Strange "Don't just stare at it, darling. Put it in your mouth.">>
<h3>You take him in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, that's it... Now, get over to that table. We're going all the way.">>
<<linkreplace 'Go to the table'>>
<h3>You crawl onto the table, lying on your back with your legs spread wide open for him. </h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex12'>>
<<Speech Strange "You're a real kinky one, aren't you? Fucking for a discount... I like it.">>
<<Speech Player "Just shut up and fuck me already!">>
<h3>He flips you over, pulling your hips up towards him until you're on all fours. </h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex13'>>
<<Speech Player "Yessss! Right there!">>
<<Speech Strange "You're gonna make me cum...">>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex14'>>
<<Speech Strange "Get off the table. Ride me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Ride him 🐎'>>
<h3>He sits down heavily in the chair, and you waste no time straddling his lap and sinking down on his cock. </h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex15'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, you're amazing... I can't hold it anymore!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me! Cum in my mouth!">>
<<linkreplace 'He cums 😋💦'>>
<h3>You scramble off him, dropping to your knees just in time. He explodes, his cum hot on your tongue. </h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex16'>>
<<Speech Player "Give me all of it, Daddy...">>
<<Speech Strange "Oh god, you're a slut... I love it!">>
<h3>He cums for what seems like forever, filling your mouth with his seed.</h3>
<<video 'shopping/techstore/discountSex/discountSex17'>>
<<Speech Strange "That was amazing. Now, get out of here before someone sees you, you little whore. And enjoy that discount!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene mall DiscountSex>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<set $items.laptop.price -= $items.laptop.price * 0.30>>
<<set $items.phone.price -= $items.phone.price * 0.30>>
<<set $items.webcam.price -= $items.webcam.price * 0.30>>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this 😓">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, but I can't do that">>
<<Speech Strange "I understand, but I can't give you a bigger discount">>
<<Speech Player "I'll take the 15% discount">>
<<Speech Strange "Okay, let's go back to the store">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you">>
<<set $items.laptop.price -= $items.laptop.price * 0.15>>
<<set $items.phone.price -= $items.phone.price * 0.15>>
<<set $items.webcam.price -= $items.webcam.price * 0.15>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this 😓">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, but I can't do that">>
<<Speech Strange "I understand, but I can't give you a bigger discount">>
<<Speech Player "I'll take the 10% discount">>
<<Speech Strange "Okay, let's go back to the store">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you">>
<<set $items.laptop.price -= $items.laptop.price * 0.10>>
<<set $items.phone.price -= $items.phone.price * 0.10>>
<<set $items.webcam.price -= $items.webcam.price * 0.10>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this 😓">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, but I can't do that">>
<<Speech Strange "I understand, but I can't give you a bigger discount">>
<<Speech Player "I'll take the 5% discount">>
<<Speech Strange "Okay, let's go back to the store">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you">>
<<set $items.laptop.price -= $items.laptop.price * 0.05>>
<<set $items.phone.price -= $items.phone.price * 0.05>>
<<set $items.webcam.price -= $items.webcam.price * 0.05>>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 10>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Back to the store 💻' 'TechStore'>>
<<set $location.mall.subLocations.techStore.discount = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -15>>
<h1 class="ptitle">TECH STORE</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="gridclothingstore-container">
<<if $items.laptop.purchased == false>>
<div class= "gridclothingstore-text">$items.laptop.name</div>
<<button 'Buy ($items.laptop.price $)'>>
<<Buy $items.laptop>>
<<if $items.phone.purchased == false && Quest.isActive($Quests.Game.Instafame)>>
<div class= "gridclothingstore-text">$items.phone.name</div>
<<button 'Buy ($items.phone.price $)'>>
<<Buy $items.phone>>
<<if $items.webcam.purchased == false>>
<div class= "gridclothingstore-text">$items.webcam.name</div>
<<button 'Buy ($items.webcam.price $)'>>
<<Buy $items.webcam>>
<<if $location.mall.subLocations.techStore.discount == false>>
<<button 'Ask for discount 💸' 'DiscountSex'>><</button>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Mall 🏬' 'Mall'>>
<<if $location.mall.subLocations.techStore.discount>>
<<set $items.laptop.price = 1000>>
<<set $items.phone.price = 500>>
<<set $items.webcam.price = 250>>
<<set $location.mall.subLocations.techStore.discount = false>>
.passage button {
height: auto;
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">OFFICE 🏢</h1>
<h3>An extremely luxurious place, full of successful people, maybe here I can grow in life?</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<if !$location.office.job>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Apply to work 💼" OfficeInterview "/office/interviewbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Work 💼" OfficeWork "/office/workbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Quit job ❌" OfficeQuit "/restaurant/quitjobbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "HR 👥" OfficeHR "/office/hrbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Change Clothes 👠" Wardrobe "/house/bedroom/wardrobe/wardrobebanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">OFFICE HR 👥</h1>
<h3>Welcome to the Human Resources department</h3>
<<if !$clothes.secretary.purchased>>
<<button "Get your uniform">>
<<set $clothes.secretary.purchased = true>>
<<ChangeClothes $clothes.secretary>>
<<button "Office" "Office">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">OFFICE 🏢</h1>
<h3>You're buzzing with nerves, but deep down, you know this interview could change everything.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Start the interview">>
<h3>You're ushered into the office of $npc.OfficeBoss.name, the big cheese of the company.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview1'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Well, hello there. I'm $npc.OfficeBoss.name, the boss around here. Hope you're ready to make a good impression.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm absolutely ready, $npc.OfficeBoss.name.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That's what I like to hear. Let's get this show on the road.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I can tell you've got brains, but I need to know if you're willing to go the extra mile to get what you want.">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, I am">>
<h3>You answer with a confident glint in your eye.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Oh, absolutely. I'm not afraid of a little hard work.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Perfect. Someone with that attitude is exactly what I need.">>
<<Speech Player "I won't let you down, I promise.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Alright, let's take a peek at your resume, shall we?">>
<<linkreplace "Deliver your curriculum">>
<h3>You slide your curriculum across the desk, your hands lingering for a moment.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview2'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Hmm, you've got ambition, I'll give you that. Not much experience in a place like this, but I'm intrigued.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm a fast learner, sir. And I'm very motivated.">>
<<if galleryMode() || $player.intelligence >= 10>>
<<linkreplace "He thinks for a moment">>
<h3>He leans back, his eyes drifting down your body for a moment.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview3'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I'm going to take a chance on you.">>
<<Speech Player "You won't regret it, $npc.OfficeBoss.name.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "However, with no real experience, you'll have to start as an intern, okay?">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<div id="acceptOffer">
<<linkreplace "✅ Accept the offer ✅">>
<<HideDiv "seduceHim">>
<<HideDiv "refuseOffer">>
<h3>You nod, a slight smile playing on your lips.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I accept the offer, sir.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Excellent, welcome aboard.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, $npc.OfficeBoss.name, I won't let you down.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You can start tomorrow, head over to HR to grab your uniform.">>
<<set $location.office.job = true>>
<<button "Leave the office" "Office">><</button>>
<div id="refuseOffer">
<<linkreplace "❌ Refuse the offer ❌">>
<<HideDiv "seduceHim">>
<<HideDiv "acceptOffer">>
<h3>You shake your head, a little disappointed but not defeated.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this opportunity.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I see, well, thank you for your time.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you for considering me, $npc.OfficeBoss.name.">>
<<button "Leave the office" "Office">><</button>>
<div id="seduceHim">
<<linkreplace "❤️🔥 Seduce him for a better position ❤️🔥">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<HideDiv "acceptOffer">>
<<HideDiv "refuseOffer">>
<h3>You lean forward, a sly grin spreading across your face. It's time to play dirty.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I think there might be other ways we could come to an... agreement.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Oh? What exactly do you mean by that?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm willing to do whatever it takes for a better position. I'm sure we can find some common ground.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I like the way you think. It's nice to see someone that's not afraid to get their hands dirty.">>
<<Speech Player "I can show you just how badly I want this job.">>
<<linkreplace "You kneel down in front of him">>
<h3>You drop to your knees, your gaze locking with his. You know what he wants.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview4'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Now that's more like it. I'm definitely liking your attitude.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm full of surprises, $npc.OfficeBoss.name. I can do much more than that.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Let's see if your actions match your words.">>
<<linkreplace "He lift your skirt">>
<h3>He lifts your skirt, his fingers grazing your skin, and slaps your ass with a playful smirk.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview5'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Do you like that, little intern?">>
<<Speech Player "Oh yes, I love it, I want to feel more.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Then come here, let me have a taste of that.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the table">>
<h3>You move to the table, straddling his lap, the tension palpable as you pleasure him with your mouth, while he's exploring your wetness.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview6'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You're a natural, I can tell.">>
<<Speech Player "I aim to please. And I can do much more, trust me.">>
<<linkreplace "He inserts his fingers into you">>
<h3>His fingers slide inside you, catching you by surprise with an intense and arousing feeling.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview7'>>
<<Speech Player "Hey! What are you doing to me?">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Relax, princess. I know you're gonna love this.">>
<<Speech Player "O-Okay...">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Now, get over here and ride me properly.">>
<<linkreplace "You ride him">>
<h3>You straddle him, bouncing on his lap, feeling him throb inside you, the world fading around you.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview8'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Seems like you really want this job, huh?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I want it so bad.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "And why is that?">>
<<Speech Player "I want to be successful, I want to reach the top.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "With me, you could. Now, let's move this to the chair, I want to feel you deeper.">>
<<Speech Player "Let's do it, the chair will be amazing.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him in the chair">>
<h3>You move to the chair, grinding against him, moaning loudly as you feel his power.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview9'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "If you keep giving me this show, you will be very successful.">>
<<Speech Player "I won't let you down, I promise.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I'm certain of that. But now, you need to truly please me.">>
<<Speech Player "Is this not enough?">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Pussy is boring. I want to bury my face into that luscious ass of yours.">>
<<linkreplace "You give him your ass">>
<h3>You bend over, presenting your ass, as he takes you hard.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview10'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That's the good stuff, I'm into it.">>
<<Speech Player "You're so big, it's actually hurting, $npc.OfficeBoss.name.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That makes it even better, doesn't it?">>
<<Speech Player "I don't think I can handle more!">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Alright, go to the table and spread those legs.">>
<<linkreplace "You go to the table">>
<h3>You spread out on the table, opening yourself up, wanting to get ripped by the boss.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview11'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Take this, you dirty little slut.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me, sir, please, I need it so bad.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Bend over, I want you in a doggy position.">>
<<linkreplace "You bend over">>
<h3>You bend over the table, gritting your teeth as he pounds into you mercilessly.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview12'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That's the way, keep moaning for me.">>
<<Speech Player "You're tearing me apart, sir!">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I'm close, kneel down!">>
<<linkreplace "You kneel down">>
<h3>You drop to your knees, panting, as he lets loose on your face, filling you with his release.</h3>
<<video 'office/officeInterview/officeInterview13'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You're a filthy little thing. I'm impressed.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm glad you liked it, sir.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You can start tomorrow, as my personal secretary. Go to HR to get your uniform.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishSex OfficeBoss false>>
<<UnlockLocationScene office OfficeInterview>>
<<set $location.office.job = true>>
<<addJobXP "office" 15>>
<<set $location.office.rank = 2>>
<<addNpcCorruption OfficeBoss 15>>
<<button "Leave the room" "Office">><</button>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I'm sorry, but your curriculum doesn't meet our requirements.">>
<<Speech Player "I understand, thank you for your time.">>
<<Notification 'warning' "You need at least 10 intelligence points to work here.">>
<<button "Leave the room" "Office">><</button>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORKING</h1>
<h3>You work hard in the office, trying to make a good impression on your boss.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("working1.webp", "working2.webp", "working3.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/office/work/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if $location.office.rank == 1>>
<<set $game.random to random(20,30)>>
<<addMoney $game.random>>
<<elseif $location.office.rank == 2>>
<<set $game.random to random(50,60)>>
<<addMoney $game.random>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Office'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<addJobXP "office">>
<<if $location.office.xp == 15>>
<<Notification 'info' "You have been promoted to Secretary!">>
<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
<<goto "SecretarySex">>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORKING</h1>
<h3>You're deep into your work when your boss strolls over, a glint in his eye.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex1'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Hey there, how's my favorite secretary doing?">>
<<linkreplace "I'm doing fine, thanks">>
<h3>He's got this sly smile and his eyes are definitely checking you out.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex2'>>
<<Speech Player "I'm doing fine, thank you. Just working hard.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That's what I like to hear. Hard worker, but I think you could use a little break...">>
<<linkreplace "He puts his hand on your shoulder">>
<h3>His hand lands on your shoulder, lingering a little longer than necessary. He's leaning in close.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex3'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You know, someone with your potential could really go far in this company.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sure I can, I am willing to work very hard.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I think you deserve some extra attention.">>
<<linkreplace "His hand starts massaging your shoulder">>
<h3>His massage starts to feel a bit too familiar, his hand inching towards your breast.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex4'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You feel so tense, let me ease that tension for you, baby. I'm good at this.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm fine, thank you, really.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Nonsense, I insist. It's for your well-being.">>
<<linkreplace "He's unbuttoning your shirt">>
<h3>He's not asking anymore, he's unbuttoning your shirt, his fingers brushing against your skin.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex5'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "It's getting a bit stuffy in here, don't you think? Let's loosen up a little...">>
<<Speech Player "I think it's fine, really.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I want all my employees to be as comfortable as possible.">>
<<linkreplace "He opens your shirt even more">>
<h3>More buttons undone, you're feeling exposed, and he's loving it.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex6'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "There, much better, don't you agree? Now you're starting to get a little hot, I like that.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not so sure about this.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Oh, I know you secretly love this. Don't be shy with me.">>
<<if $npc.OfficeBoss.corruption >= 5>>
<<linkreplace "He pops your breasts out of your bra.">>
<h3>He pulls your breasts out, cupping them in his hands.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex7'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Magnificent, just as I imagined.">>
<<Speech Player "What the hell are you doing?">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Just appreciating the view.">>
<<linkreplace "His fingers start teasing your pussy">>
<h3>He starts stroking you between your legs, and you can't help but feel a shiver.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex8'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Does that feel good? Admit it, you like it.">>
<<Speech Player "Please stop this, it's completely inappropriate.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Oh, I know you're enjoying every second of it.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes out his cock">>
<h3>He pulls out his cock and rubs it on your shoulder, the sensation shocking you.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex9'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Your skin is so soft, I can't resist you. It's driving me insane.">>
<<Speech Player "Please $npc.OfficeBoss.name, we can't be doing this. This is my workplace.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Just one little blowjob, and I'll let you get back to work. I promise.">>
<<if $npc.OfficeBoss.corruption >= 10>>
<<linkreplace "You find yourself giving him a blowjob">>
<h3>You're down on your knees, doing what he wants, and your stomach is churning.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex10'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "You're a natural at this, I'm impressed. This is good. Very good.">>
<<Speech Player "I just want to go home.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Not yet, baby. Let's go over to the table and bend over.">>
<<Speech Player "But, you said that...">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Now! Do it. I'm getting impatient.">>
<<linkreplace "You're bent over the table">>
<h3>He's taken your panties off and is now inside you, pinning you on the table.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex11'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "Tight little thing, aren't you? I am going to remember this.">>
<<Speech Player "Please, just get it over with.">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "I'm cumming!">>
<<linkreplace "He comes all over your ass">>
<h3>His load explodes onto your ass, you feel dirty and used.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex12'>>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "That was amazing, I'm done here. You better get back to work. See you later, sweetie.">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks...">>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "And you didn't see anything, understood? If you talk about it you're fired.">>
<<linkreplace "He leaves the room">>
<h3>He's gone, and you're left with the shame of it all.</h3>
<<video 'office/work/secretarySex/secretarySex13'>>
<<Speech Player "Was this worth it? Do I really need this job?">>
<<addNpcCorruption OfficeBoss>>
<<UnlockLocationScene office SecretarySex>>
<<FinishSex OfficeBoss false>>
<h3>Just as things are getting too far, someone is coming into the room. $npc.OfficeBoss.name slips out, leaving you shaken.</h3>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "We'll have to pick this up later, sweetie. I'll be back for you.">>
<<NotifyNpcCorruption OfficeBoss 10>>
<<addNpcCorruption OfficeBoss>>
<h3>Before things escalate too much, you hear someone coming. $npc.OfficeBoss.name makes a hasty retreat.</h3>
<<Speech OfficeBoss "We're not done with this, not by a long shot. I expect you to be ready next time.">>
<<NotifyNpcCorruption OfficeBoss 5>>
<<addNpcCorruption OfficeBoss>>
<<button "Return ↩️" "Office">>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<addJobXP "office">>
<h1 class="ptitle">PHOTO SHOOT</h1>
<h3>You step out in the dress, and Richard's eyes light up.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "Wow. You look absolutely stunning. I can't wait to start shooting.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you. I'm ready when you are.">>
<<Speech Richard "Great. Let's begin. Just relax and follow my directions.">>
<<linkreplace 'Strike a pose'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot1'>>
<h3>As he adjusts your pose, your dress rides up, revealing you're not wearing panties. A blush creeps up your neck.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "Don't worry about it. It's perfectly normal. Happens all the time. Actually…">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, I'm so embarrassed...">>
<<Speech Richard "No, no. It's fine. Really. In fact, it adds a certain… vulnerability. Hold that pose.">>
<h3>He encourages you to keep the dress lifted, capturing the accidental exposure.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot2'>>
<<Speech Richard "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Okay, turn and face me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Turn to him'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot3'>>
<h3>You turn, and he snaps a few more shots.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "You're a natural. But let's add a touch of… sensuality.">>
<<Speech Player "How?">>
<<linkreplace 'He guides you'>>
<h3>He lowers the straps of your dress, his fingers lingering on your skin.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "Put your hands on your breasts. Yes, just like that.">>
<h3>You follow his instruction, your cheeks burning. The camera clicks.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot4'>>
<<Speech Richard "Perfect. Now, let's try something different. Sit by the window.">>
<<linkreplace 'Sit at the window'>>
<h3>You sit, and he frames the shot.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot5'>>
<<Speech Richard "Good, good. But I have an idea. How about you get on all fours by the window? It would be incredibly striking.">>
<<Speech Player "On all fours? I don't know...">>
<<Speech Richard "Trust me. It'll be artistic. I do this with all my models.">>
<h3>Hesitantly, you agree.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Get on all fours'>>
<h3>You position yourself, feeling increasingly exposed.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot6'>>
<<Speech Richard "Excellent. Now, lift your dress just a little. Just enough to… enhance the composition.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not sure...">>
<<Speech Richard "Come on. Don't be shy.">>
<<linkreplace 'Lift your dress'>>
<h3>You comply, the camera capturing every angle.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot7'>>
<<Speech Richard "Perfect. One more time. Same pose.">>
<<linkreplace 'Get on all fours again'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot8'>>
<h3>This time, he doesn't ask. He walks over and lifts your dress himself, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot9'>>
<<Speech Richard "Much better. So much more… sensual.">>
<<Speech Player "If you say so...">>
<h3>He finishes the shoot.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot10'>>
<<Speech Richard "Alright, I think we have enough. Let me show you.">>
<<linkreplace 'See the photos'>>
<h3>The photos are stunning. You're amazed.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot11'>>
<<Speech Richard "See? Told you. You're incredible. I'll send them to you.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you. I can't wait to see them.">>
<<linkreplace "Leave">>
<h3>As you turn to leave, he grabs your arm.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "Hold on. Where do you think you're going? There's the matter of my payment.">>
<<Speech Player "Payment? There was nothing about payment on Instafame.">>
<<Speech Richard "Well, the session is $500.">>
<<if $player.money >= 500>>
<h3>You have the money, but spending it all on a photoshoot would wipe out your savings. You need that money to escape your current living situation.</h3>
<<linkreplace "I don't have that money">>
<<Speech Player "I… I don't have that kind of money.">>
<<Speech Richard "Don't worry. There are other ways you can compensate me.">>
<<Speech Player "What… what other ways?">>
<<Speech Richard "How about we make a little… private video?">>
<<linkreplace "I can't do that!">>
<<Speech Player "A… a porn video? I can't do that!">>
<<Speech Richard "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But I do need to be paid.">>
<<Speech Player "But… what will you do with the video?">>
<<Speech Richard "It'll be our little secret. Just for me.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay… okay. Fine.">>
<<Speech Richard "Good girl. Now, get down on your knees and suck my cock. I'll get the camera rolling.">>
<<linkreplace 'Suck his cock'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot12'>>
<<Speech Richard "Mmm, that's it. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership.">>
<h3>Shame burns through you as he films you sucking him off.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "Okay, get up. Let me get a good look at that body.">>
<<linkreplace 'Get up'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot13'>>
<h3>He pulls up your dress, exposing your breasts to the camera.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "What a delicious body you have, you naughty girl. I'm going to enjoy watching this later.">>
<<Speech Player "You promised you wouldn't show it to anyone...">>
<<Speech Richard "Now get on all fours. I want to fuck that tight little pussy.">>
<<linkreplace 'Get on all fours'>>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot14'>>
<h3>He rubs his cock against your wetness.</h3>
<<Speech Richard "That's it. Good girl. Here I come.">>
<h3>He thrusts into you.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot15'>>
<<Speech Richard "Oh god, this is so good!">>
<<Speech Richard "Suck my cock again. I loved that little mouth of yours.">>
<<linkreplace 'Suck him'>>
<h3>You take him back in your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot16'>>
<<Speech Richard "That's it, you little slut. Suck it good.">>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot17'>>
<<Speech Richard "Come on. Ride me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Ride him'>>
<h3>You climb on top, the lust taking over.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot18'>>
<h3>You ride him hard, lost in the moment.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot19'>>
<<Speech Richard "Turn around. I want to fuck you sideways.">>
<<linkreplace 'Spooning'>>
<h3>You turn, spreading your legs as he enters you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot20'>>
<<Speech Richard "Kiss me, you bitch.">>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot21'>>
<h3>The fucking intensifies.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot22'>>
<<Speech Richard "I'm going to cum!">>
<<linkreplace 'He cums'>>
<h3>He pulls out, cumming all over you.</h3>
<<video 'photoStudio/photoshoot1/photoshoot23'>>
<<Speech Richard "You were so quiet. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.">>
<<Speech Player "I… I did.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Richard.Model>>
<<UnlockLocationScene photoStudio ModelPhotoshoot>>
<<FinishSex Richard true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'PhotoStudio'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PHOTO STUDIO</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<linkreplace 'Talk with Richard'>>
<<Speech Player "Hi Richard, I'm here for the photo shoot">>
<<Speech Richard "Hi, I'm glad you came, I'm going to take some pictures of you">>
<<Speech Player "What do I need to do?">>
<<Speech Richard "I need you to wear that dress">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'll put it on">>
<<Speech Richard "I'll be waiting for you in the studio">>
<<linkreplace 'Wear the dress'>>
<<set $clothes.photoshootDress.purchased = true>>
<<ChangeClothes $clothes.photoshootDress>>
<h3>You notice that you were not wearing panties under your clothes, and that dress is very short</h3>
<<Speech Player "I don't think there will be a problem, it's just a photo shoot, I just don't move too much and he won't notice that I'm not wearing panties">>
<<button 'Go to the photoshoot' 'ModelPhotoshoot'>><</button>>
<<button 'City Center 🏙️' 'Center'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRISON 🚔</h1>
<h3>I'm taken to the police station and thrown in a cold, damp cell. This is bad.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob5'>>
<<Speech Player "Shit. I'm so fucked.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Up against the wall. I'm gonna search you.">>
<<linkreplace "He searches you">>
<h3>Rough hands pat me down, but they don't find anything.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob6'>>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Clothes off. All of them. We need to do a more thorough search.">>
<<Speech Player "What? You serious?">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you.">>
<<Speech Player "Then who is?">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "You'll see.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<h3>I reluctantly peel off my pants and shirt, the cold air raising goosebumps on my skin.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob7'>>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Everything. That includes your panties, bitch.">>
<<Speech Player "This is bullshit!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Shut your mouth and do as you're told!">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your underwear">>
<h3>I slide off my underwear, completely exposed and humiliated.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob8'>>
<<Speech PoliceMan "My partner will be here in a minute to conduct a proper search.">>
<<linkreplace "He calls his partner">>
<h3>Another officer, a woman, struts in with a predatory grin.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob9'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Well, well, well. What do we have here?">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "We need to check her real good, if you know what I mean.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "This is gonna be fun. Bend over, sweetheart.">>
<<linkreplace "Bend over">>
<h3>I bend over, bracing myself. Her fingers invade me, rough and probing.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob10'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Let's see if you're hiding anything up there.">>
<<Speech Player "Stop! That hurts!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Shut up!">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "I think I found something!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "What is it?">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "A nice, wet pussy just begging to be fucked.">>
<<linkreplace "They take you to the cell again">>
<h3>They drag me back to the cell. The female officer starts unbuttoning her shirt, a glint in her eye.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob11'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Don't worry, we're gonna have some fun with you.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "If you cooperate, we might go easy on you.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you want?">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "You know what we want.">>
<<linkreplace "She straps on a dildo">>
<h3>She pulls out a thick, black strap-on and fastens it around her waist.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob12'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Now, let's see if you can handle this.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "I think she's done this before. Look how wet she is.">>
<<linkreplace "She gets closer">>
<h3>She steps towards me, the dildo inches from my face.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob13'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "We're gonna have some fun with you, and you're gonna do everything we say. Understand?">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "If you don't, you'll be staying here for a long, long time.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Now, open your mouth.">>
<<linkreplace "You open your mouth">>
<h3>I open my mouth, and she shoves her fingers inside, making me gag.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob14'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Let's see if we can find anything in here.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Shove it all the way in. Let's see if she can take it.">>
<<linkreplace "She searches your mouth">>
<h3>She pulls her fingers out and replaces them with her tongue, licking and sucking.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob15'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "I don't taste any drugs, but I do taste something else.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "What?">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "A wet pussy, just begging to be fucked. Come here and taste my cock.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck her strap-on">>
<h3>I wrap my lips around the hard, plastic dildo, sucking and licking.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob16'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Don't forget my partner. He wants a taste too.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "I think she's enjoying this.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "On all fours now. We're gonna fuck you.">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours">>
<h3>I get on all fours, and she rams the dildo into me.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob17'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Moan, bitch, moan!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Look how my cock fits perfectly inside her.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "I want to be sucked too. Come here.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck her while he fucks you">>
<h3>I suck her strap-on while the male officer takes his turn. The double penetration is intense.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob18'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Good girl. You're doing great.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "I think she's ready for more.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "My turn again!">>
<<linkreplace "She fucks you">>
<h3>She pounds into me while the male officer fucks her.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob19'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "This is so good!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "I think she's enjoying it. Look at her face.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Lie down, bitch!">>
<<linkreplace "You lie down">>
<h3>I lie down, and she fucks me from the side while the other officer continues to pound her.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob20'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "I'm gonna miss this one when she leaves.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "We can catch her again, don't worry.">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Come here and fuck me, and she's gonna lick my pussy.">>
<<linkreplace "You lick her">>
<h3>I lick her while the other officer fucks her.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob21'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Lick me, bitch, lick me!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Obey her, you bitch!">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Fuck, let me rest a little. I'm tired.">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Come and ride me, slut.">>
<<linkreplace "You ride him">>
<h3>I ride the male officer while the female officer watches and masturbates.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob22'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Ride him! I want to see you riding him!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "On your knees, now!">>
<<linkreplace "You get on your knees">>
<h3>I get on my knees, and he cums all over my face.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob23'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Take it all. Don't waste a drop!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "This is so good!">>
<<linkreplace "She cleans you">>
<h3>She licks the cum off my face.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob24'>>
<<Speech PoliceMan "What a naughty girl you are!">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Now open your mouth. I'm gonna spit on you.">>
<<linkreplace "You open your mouth">>
<h3>I open my mouth, and she spits all the cum into it.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob25'>>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Swallow it all!">>
<<Speech PoliceMan "You're a real slut!">>
<<Speech PoliceWoman "Now get dressed. You're being released tomorrow.">>
<<linkreplace "You get dressed">>
<h3>I get dressed, and they leave the cell.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob26'>>
<<Speech Player "What the fuck just happened? I think I should sleep.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Sleep'>>
<<UnlockLocationScene policeDep HouseRobPrison>>
<<FinishSex PoliceMan false>>
<<Notification 'info' "You wake up the next day and are released from prison">>
<<goto 'PoliceStation'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">POLICE STATION 🚔</h1>
<h3>You are in front of the police station. The building is old and imposing, with a large sign that reads "POLICE" in big letters.</h3>
<h3>You don't have any business here, but you can always come back later.</h3>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PUBLIC POOL</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Swim 🏊🏼♀️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<goto 'PoolSwim'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You aren't wearing a swimsuit!">>
<<button 'Change Clothes 👙' 'Wardrobe'>>
<<set $activeTab to 'swim'>>
<<button 'City 🏙️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'swim'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You cannot go out wearing a swimsuit">>
<<goto 'Center'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SWIM</h1>
<h3> You are swimming in the pool, it's refreshing!</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("swim1.webp", "swim2.webp", "swim3.webp", "swim4.webp", "swim5.webp", "swim6.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/pool/swim/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if random(1,3) == 1 || $player.clothing.corruption >= 30>>
<h3>Your bikini is attracting a lot of attention, you notice several eyes wanting you</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Show your breasts!!">>
<h3>You notice a guy yelling at you to show them your boobs, you feel tempted to show them off</h3>
<<if $player.exhibitionism >= 10>>
<<linkreplace "Show him 🍒">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("poolFlash1.webp", "poolFlash2.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/pool/swim/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>He goes crazy when they see her breasts, and start whispering to each other</h3>
<<Speech Strange "I doubt you'll get naked!!">>
<<if $player.exhibitionism >= 15>>
<<linkreplace "Get naked">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("poolNude1.webp", "poolNude2.webp", "poolNude3.webp", "poolNude4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/pool/swim/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>He is shocked when he sees you naked and starts taking pictures of you</h3>
<<Speech Strange "I can't believe you did it!!">>
<h3>You feel a huge turn-on as he watches you completely naked in front of him, maybe you can ask him to get naked too ?</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<Speech Player "Why don't you take your clothes off too? It's just the two of us here.">>
<h3>Immediately the boy takes off all his clothes and gets naked with you. You start swimming towards him, and when you find him, you start kissing him</h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex1'>>
<<button 'Kiss him 👄' 'PoolSwimSex'>><</button>>
<<Speech Player "I'm not ready for that yet 😂">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<UnlockLocationScene pool PoolFlash>>
<<Speech Player "Maybe another time 😂">>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 15>>
<<linkreplace "Ignore them">>
<h3>You ignore them and continue swimming.</h3>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 10>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -15>>
<<EnterLocation pool>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SWIM SEX</h1>
<h3>The kiss deepens, your tongues tangling together as the heat between your bodies turns scorching. You're both already naked, the feel of slick skin against slick skin driving you wild.</h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex2'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, touch me... I need you to eat me out.">>
<<Speech Strange "I'm going to make you come so hard, baby. Just wait.">>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex3'>>
<h3>His tongue swipes across your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. You moan, your fingers digging into his shoulders. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "Suck my cock, baby. Right now. Underwater." >>
<<Speech Player "Underwater? I... I've never done that before." >>
<<linkreplace "Blow him underwater 💧">>
<h3>You take a deep breath and sink down, his cock already hard against your cheek. You take him into your mouth, the warm water swirling around you as you start to bob up and down. </h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, that's hot. I've always wanted to do this!">>
<h3>You come up for air, a little lightheaded. Maybe underwater blowjobs weren't your thing.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Okay, enough waterworks for now. Let's get out.">>
<<Speech Strange "Yeah, alright.">>
<<linkreplace "Get out the pool">>
<h3>You climb out of the pool, water cascading down your body. You want him so badly. You pull him down to the ground, straddling his hips and rocking against his hardening cock. </h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "That's it, ride me. You're such a good little slut, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Player "I love it, can't you tell? Fuck me harder!">>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex6'>>
<<Speech Strange "On your side, bitch. Let me see that ass.">>
<<linkreplace "Obey him">>
<h3>You move off of him, turning onto your side and pressing your ass back against his hips. </h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex7'>>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me! What are you waiting for?">>
<<Speech Strange "You're such a dirty little whore. Moan for me. Louder!">>
<<Speech Player "Ahhh! Oh god, yessss!">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on your hands and knees!">>
<<linkreplace "Doggy">>
<h3>You crawl around in front of him, pushing your ass up into the air. He grabs your hips, slamming into you with a groan.</h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex8'>>
<h3>He's hitting your sweet spot perfectly, and you can't hold back the loud moans that escape your lips. </h3>
<<Speech Strange "Who's your daddy? Whose little bitch are you?">>
<<Speech Player "Yours! I'm yours, fuck me harder!">>
<h3>He pulls out suddenly, and you whimper as you feel his hard cock dragging across your sensitive flesh. </h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex9'>>
<<Speech Player "Don't stop! Put it back in!">>
<<Speech Strange "Don't worry, baby. I'm not done with you yet.">>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex10'>>
<h3>He slides back into you, his thrusts getting sloppier as he nears his release.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "I'm gonna cum! I wanna cum in your mouth.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel down to him">>
<h3>You scramble back over to him, your mouth watering as you watch his cock throbbing. He wastes no time, stroking himself and aiming for your open mouth. You swallow every drop, eager to please.</h3>
<<video 'pool/swim/poolSex/poolSex11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, you're amazing. So hot.">>
<h3>You both quickly get dressed, your skin still buzzing from the encounter. You need to get out of here before someone stumbles upon the aftermath... </h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene pool PoolSwimSex>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Pool'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">ELITE DISTRICT</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<for _location range $location>>
<<if _location.area == "Elite" || _location.area == "*">>
<<CityMap _location>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JAMAL'S BATHROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'JamalHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JAMAL'S BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'JamalHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING BILLIARDS</h1>
<h3>You go to the games room, and there's a pool table right in the center.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I've always wanted to play pool, but never really had the chance.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Do you know how to play, baby girl?">>
<<Speech Player "Not really, but I'm a fast learner. Especially with a hot teacher. *wink*">>
<<Speech Jamal "I can teach you alright. It's easy... almost as easy as taking your clothes off.">>
<<Speech Player "Ooh, tempting. But let's play first.">>
<<linkreplace "Play with him">>
<h3>He grabs a cue and shows you the basics.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex1'>>
<<Speech Jamal "You gotta hit the white ball with the cue, and try to knock those colored balls into the pockets. Just like sinking my balls into… well, you know.">>
<<Speech Player "I think I get it… and I like where your mind is going.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Let me show you how it's done. I'll start.">>
<<linkreplace "He starts playing">>
<h3>He smoothly sinks a colored ball with his first shot.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex2'>>
<<Speech Player "Damn, you're good at this. Almost as good as you are in bed, I bet.">>
<<Speech Jamal "I've had some practice. Your turn, sweetheart. Try and impress me.">>
<<linkreplace "You play">>
<h3>You take your shot, but miss.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex3'>>
<<Speech Player "This is harder than it looks. Guess I'm better at other things…">>
<<Speech Jamal "Don't worry, baby. I'll help you. I'm always happy to get my hands on you.">>
<<linkreplace "He helps you">>
<h3>He comes up behind you, his hands covering yours on the cue, guiding your shot.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex4'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, your hands feel good there… I'm definitely getting the hang of this now.">>
<<Speech Jamal "You're a natural. Just like you were born to ride this… cue.">>
<<linkreplace "You play again">>
<h3>You sink a ball, and feel him pressing closer.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex5'>>
<<Speech Player "I did it! See? I told you I was a quick learner.">>
<<Speech Jamal "You're learning fast, alright. But I think you need a different kind of cue… a harder one.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh really? What kind of cue did you have in mind?">>
<<Speech Jamal "I think you already know, baby girl.">>
<<linkreplace "You take his cue">>
<h3>Your hand slides down to his cock, stroking him.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex6'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, this is the cue I need. Nice and hard… just the way I like it.">>
<<Speech Jamal "You're so naughty, Player. I love it.">>
<<Speech Player "Let's play with your cue for a while.">>
<<linkreplace "Play with his cue">>
<h3>You kneel, taking him into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex7'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Damn, girl, you're a pro!">>
<<Speech Player "You haven't seen anything yet. Ready for the main event?">>
<<linkreplace "Deepthroat him">>
<h3>You deepthroat him, taking him as far as you can.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex8'>>
<<Speech Player "God, you're huge! I love it!">>
<<Speech Jamal "Fuck yeah, you're a natural. Now let's take this to the bedroom... or better yet, right here on this table.">>
<<Speech Player "I've always wanted to do it on a pool table.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your shorts">>
<h3>You slide your shorts down, revealing your ass.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex9'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Damn, that ass is perfect. Made for sinning right here.">>
<<Speech Player "Then come here and sin with me, Daddy.">>
<<linkreplace "Fuck him">>
<h3>He kisses and gropes you, his hands all over your body.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex10'>>
<<Speech Player "I need you inside me, Jamal. Now.">>
<<Speech Jamal "On your knees, baby girl. I wanna fuck you like the little slut you are.">>
<<linkreplace "Doggy">>
<h3>You get on all fours, his cock pressing against your entrance.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex11'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh fuck! You're so big… stretching me out…">>
<<Speech Jamal "You'll get used to it, baby. Just relax and take it.">>
<<linkreplace "He finally gets in">>
<h3>He pushes inside, filling you completely.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex12'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Oh god, yes! Right there…">>
<<Speech Jamal "That's it, baby. Take it all.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you hard">>
<h3>He pounds into you, the rhythm increasing.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex13'>>
<<Speech Player "Harder! Fuck me harder, Daddy!">>
<<Speech Jamal "Let's get you completely naked.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your clothes">>
<h3>He strips you bare, your naked body exposed on the pool table.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex14'>>
<<Speech Jamal "You're so fucking beautiful, Player. We need to do this more often.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm all yours.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Sit on the table and spread those legs wide for me.">>
<<linkreplace "Open your legs">>
<h3>You straddle the table, legs spread wide as he fucks you.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex15'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, fuck, that's so good…">>
<<Speech Jamal "Damn, you're so tight I can barely fit it all in.">>
<<Speech Player "Let's try something different. Let me ride you.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>He sits and you climb on top, taking control.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex16'>>
<<Speech Player "Holy shit, you're so big! How do you even walk around with this thing?">>
<<Speech Jamal "This ain't no white boy dick, baby girl. This is the real deal. Now turn around and ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You turn around, riding him reverse cowgirl.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex17'>>
<<Speech Jamal "I'm gonna cum… fuck!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum all over me, Daddy.">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He explodes, covering your face in his cum.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex18'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Fuck, that was amazing. I can't wait to do this again.">>
<<Speech Player "Anytime, Jamal. Anytime.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Now clean me up, baby girl. Be a good girl.">>
<<linkreplace "Clean his cock">>
<h3>You lick him clean, savoring the taste.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/billiardsSex/billiardsSex19'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, you taste so good.">>
<<Speech Jamal "You're the best, $player.name. I'm so glad I found you.">>
<<Speech Player "Me too, Jamal. I'll definitely be back for more.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Jamal JamalBilliardsSex>>
<<FinishSex Jamal true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'JamalHallway'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $game.day == "Saturday" && $game.time == "A" && $player.corruption.level >= 3 && $npc.Jamal.scenes.JamalBilliardsSex.executedToday == false>>
<<Speech Jamal "Hey, come in, let's play billiards.">>
<<button "Play billiards" "JamalBilliardsSex">><</button>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Bedroom 🛏️" "JamalBedroom">><</button>>
<<button "Bathroom 🚽" "JamalBathroom">><</button>>
<<button "Pool 🏊" "JamalPool">><</button>>
<<button "City 🏙️" "Elite">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">POOL</h1>
<h3>You see a beautiful pool, the water is crystal clear.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.Jamal.PoolParty) && $game.day == "Sunday">>
<p>There is a pool party going on. You see a lot of people having fun and drinking.</p>
<<button "Join the party 🎉" "JamalPoolGangbang">><</button>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'JamalHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JAMAL'S POOL PARTY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3> I head to the bathroom to change into my bikini. The sounds of splashing and laughter drift in from the pool.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Jamal's got some fine-ass friends. Wonder if they're all as hung as he is.">>
<<linkreplace "Slip into your bikini">>
<h3> The cool fabric of my bikini slides against my skin. Damn, I look good.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang1'>>
<<Speech Player "Time to make a splash.">>
<<linkreplace "Head to the pool">>
<h3> I stroll out to the pool, where Jamal and his crew are waiting. I settle in next to Jamal, giving him my best smile.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang2'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Damn, $player.name, you look fine as hell in that bikini.">>
<<Speech Player "Can't deny I'm feeling myself. All your friends checking me out is kinda turning me on.">>
<<Speech Jamal "I think they're all excited to see what you got.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh yeah? What do you mean by that?">>
<<linkreplace "He kisses you">>
<h3> Jamal pulls me close, his lips hot against mine. His tongue dives in, exploring my mouth.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang3'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… that's what I'm talking about.">>
<<Speech Jamal "You're such a good kisser.">>
<<Speech Player "Glad you like it.">>
<<linkreplace "He reveals your breasts">>
<h3> Jamal's hands tug at my bikini top, pulling it down to reveal my breasts to his friends. A jolt of excitement shoots through me.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang4'>>
<<Speech Player "Whoa there, Jamal!">>
<<Speech Jamal "Relax, baby. They're all my boys. They won't bite… unless you want them to.">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe I do… Let me show you what I can do.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck his cock">>
<h3> I sink to my knees, taking Jamal's hard cock into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the tip, loving the taste of him.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang5'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… you taste so good.">>
<<Speech Jamal "I think my boys wanna join the party.">>
<<Speech Player "The more the merrier. I'm ready for anything.">>
<<linkreplace "They join you">>
<h3> Jamal's friends close in, their eyes hungry. The air crackles with anticipation.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang6'>>
<<Speech Player "Come and get me, boys.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Show her a good time, fellas.">>
<<Speech Player "I can't wait.">>
<<linkreplace "They take turns">>
<h3> They take turns with me, each touch a new kind of pleasure. Hands roam over my body, lips press against my skin.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang7'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Look at those perfect tits, fellas.">>
<<Speech Strange "I gotta get me some of that.">>
<<Speech Player "I want all of you inside me.">>
<<linkreplace "They surround you">>
<h3> They press in close, their hands and mouths everywhere. I moan, lost in the sensation.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang8'>>
<<Speech Strange "This pussy is so wet.">>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, Jamal, you didn't tell us you had a friend this fine.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come on, baby, show us what you got.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck them">>
<h3> I take each of their cocks in turn, my mouth and hands working in perfect harmony.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Holy shit, she's a pro.">>
<<Speech Strange "I can't wait to fuck her.">>
<<Speech Jamal "She's all yours, boys.">>
<<Speech Strange "Lie down, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "You lie down">>
<h3> I stretch out on the couch, legs spread wide, ready for them. They take turns pounding into me, each thrust a wave of pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang10'>>
<<Speech Strange "This pussy is so tight.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come here, baby, suck me while he fucks you.">>
<<Speech Strange "I want that mouth too.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Get on all fours for us, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours">>
<h3> I get on all fours, one cock deep inside me while I suck another. The feeling of being used like this is intoxicating.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang11'>>
<<Speech Strange "This is so hot.">>
<<Speech Strange "Look at those tits bouncing, fellas.">>
<<Speech Jamal "I think she's ready for more.">>
<<linkreplace "They take turns fucking you">>
<h3> They keep taking turns, the rhythm building. I'm close to the edge.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang12'>>
<<Speech Strange "Oh god, you're so good.">>
<<Speech Strange "Ride me, baby. Ride me hard.">>
<<linkreplace "You ride him">>
<h3> I straddle him, sinking down onto his cock. I set the pace, riding him until we're both panting.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Take my cock, baby.">>
<<Speech Strange "I want to be sucked too.">>
<<Speech Jamal "Let's give her a bukkake, guys.">>
<<linkreplace "They cum on you">>
<h3> I kneel down, opening my mouth for the first blast of cum.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang14'>>
<<Speech Strange "Holy shit, I'm cumming!!">>
<<Speech Player "Give me all of it.">>
<<linkreplace "The second cum">>
<h3> Another hot load fills my mouth.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang15'>>
<<Speech Strange "Take it all, baby.">>
<<Speech Player "I want more!!">>
<<linkreplace "The third cum">>
<h3> My mouth is overflowing.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang16'>>
<<Speech Strange "Seeing you all cummed up makes me so horny!!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm glad you like it.">>
<<linkreplace "The fourth cum">>
<h3> I swallow another load.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang17'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Here, swallow my cum, fuck!">>
<<Speech Player "I love the taste of your cum.">>
<<linkreplace "The fifth cum">>
<h3> The final eruption coats my face.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang18'>>
<<Speech Strange "Here's the last one, babe.">>
<<Speech Player "Give me this, you motherfucker.">>
<<linkreplace "Good job, girl">>
<h3> They all stand around me, smoothing my hair, admiring their work. I'm covered in their cum, a testament to the afternoon's fun.</h3>
<<video 'jamal/house/pool/poolGangbang/poolGangbang19'>>
<<Speech Jamal "We should definitely do this again.">>
<<Speech Strange "Hell yeah!">>
<<Speech Strange "Can't wait to see you again, babe.">>
<<Speech Player "I'll be back for more. Count on it.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Jamal JamalPoolGangbang>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Jamal.PoolParty>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'JamalHallway'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $game.day == "Saturday" && $game.time == "N">>
<<goto "ThomasParty">>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "City 🏙️" "Elite">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>There is a party going on. You see a lot of people having fun and drinking.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Drink 🍸' 'ThomasPartyDrink'>><</button>>
<<button 'Drink an energy drink 🥤'>>
<<if $player.energy >= 100>>
<<Notification 'info' "You're already full of energy">>
<<energy 25>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<Notification 'success' "You drink an energy drink to keep the party going">>
<<button 'Dance 💃🏼' 'ThomasPartyDance'>><</button>>
<<button "2nd Floor" 'ThomasParty2Floor'>><</button>>
<<button 'Pool 🏊' 'ThomasPartyPool'>><</button>>
<<button "Go to your house" "Hallway">><</button>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty>><center>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>You are at the second floor of the party. You see a lot of people having fun and drinking.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $location.thomasHouse.scenes.ThomasPartySpinTheBottle.executedToday == false>>
<h3>A guy approaches you to invite you to play a game</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Hey, we're playing spin the bottle, do you want to play too? This one is a bit different, we have a special rule, if the bottle points at you, you have to take off a piece of clothing.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3 || $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<<button "Play" "ThomasPartySpinTheBottle">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "No way!">>
<h3>You shake your head and walk away, not quite ready to take that risk.</h3>
<<Notification 'warning' "You're not wild enough for that yet (Corruption 30+ or Drunkness 3+)">>
<<button "1nd Floor" "ThomasParty">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>You start dancing, you feel the rhythm of the music and the alcohol.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<button "Go back" "ThomasParty">>
<<energy -20>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>You take a drink, the alcohol warming you from the inside out. You're feeling a pleasant buzz.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("drink1.webp", "drink2.webp", "drink3.webp", "drink4.webp")>>
<div id="place-head">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/bar/drink/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $location.thomasHouse.scenes.ThomasPartyPongSex.executedToday == false>>
<h3>A boisterous game of beer pong is happening nearby.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Join the game">>
<<Speech Player "Hey, mind if I jump in?">>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Sure, sweetheart. But if I win, you gotta flash those tits.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3 || $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Deal!">>
<h3>He sinks the last cup. Looks like you're paying up.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Alright, alright, here you go...">>
<<linkreplace "Flash him">>
<h3>You give everyone a quick peek.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("beerpongflash1.webp", "beerpongflash2.webp", "beerpongflash3.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/thomas/thomasParty/drink/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Holy shit! You're incredible. Wanna ditch this crowd and find somewhere more private?">>
<<button "Go with him" "ThomasPartyPongSex">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "No way!">>
<h3>You shake your head and walk away, not quite ready to take that risk.</h3>
<<Notification 'warning' "You're not wild enough for that yet (Corruption 30+ or Drunkness 3+)">>
<<button "Go back" "ThomasParty">>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>The guy leads you to a room, shuts the door, strips naked, and sprawls on the bed.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Come on, baby, ride me!">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You slide your bottoms off, climb onto the bed, and start riding him.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Damn, you're hot!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so fucking horny!">>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Let's see those tits. Take that top off, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your top">>
<h3>You peel off your top and continue grinding on his cock.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Yeah, that's it. Ride it, baby. Harder!">>
<<Speech Player "Let's see if you can handle it, Daddy.">>
<<linkreplace "Do it harder">>
<h3>You pick up the pace, riding him faster and harder.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Fuck yeah!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so fucking wet!">>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Turn around. I wanna see that ass bounce.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You flip around and keep riding him, giving him a perfect view.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "I'm so wasted... and so fucking turned on.">>
<<Speech Player "Get on your knees, Daddy. I wanna take you doggy style.">>
<<linkreplace "Go on all fours">>
<h3>You drop to all fours, and he starts pounding you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "You're so fucking hot!">>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes! Harder!">>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He explodes, covering your back with his cum.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/drink/beerPongSex/beerPongSex6'>>
<<Speech Strange "Strange Guy" "Take it all, baby.">>
<<Speech Player "That was amazing.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene thomasHouse ThomasPartyPongSex>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<linkreplace "Go back">>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -20>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<h3>You're so drunk that you pass out in bed, when you wake up the party is already over, and you go home</h3>
<<button "Go home">>
<<goto "BedroomSleep">>
<<goto "ThomasParty">>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3>There is a party going on. You see a lot of people having fun and drinking.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Girls! Go topless and jump in the pool!">>
<<linkreplace 'Jump in the pool 🏊'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3 || $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<h3>You jump in the pool, you feel the cold water and the alcohol.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Swim">>
<h3>Without your top, you swim in the pool.</h3>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You aren't corrupted enought to do this (30+) (or just not drunk enought)">>
<<button "Go back" "ThomasParty">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SPIN THE BOTTLE</h1>
<h3>The guy leads you to a dimly lit room, where a group of people are already huddled together, giggling and anticipating a game of spin the bottle.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Alright, everyone, let's get this party started. Rules are simple: the bottle points at you, you lose a piece of clothing. No chickening out!">>
<<Speech Player "Sounds fun! I'm in.">>
<<linkreplace "Spin the bottle">>
<h3>With a flick of your wrist, the bottle spins, the anticipation building with each rotation until it finally stops… pointing directly at the guy who brought you.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Looks like you're up first. You know the rules. Strip, baby!">>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Alright, alright, no need to rush me. Off comes the shirt." >>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "My turn again. Let's see who's next." >>
<<linkreplace "He spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle whirls, landing on the girl beside you. A shy smile plays on her lips as she slowly unbuttons her shirt, revealing her breasts.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Nice! Someone's getting into the spirit of things." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Well, it's getting hot in here, isn't it?" >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Your turn, sweetheart." >>
<<linkreplace "She spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle teases, circling around and around before stopping... right back on the same girl.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Seriously? Again? I guess I'm just that lucky." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Here, let me help you out with that." >>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, don't be shy. We're all friends here.">>
<<linkreplace "The guy spin the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle spins, a blur of motion, before settling on the girl in the red dress. She bites her lip, a playful glint in her eyes.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "I guess my panties are next. Bye-bye, little guys." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Allow me." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Your turn now." >>
<<linkreplace "You spin the bottle">>
<h3>You give the bottle a good spin. It slows to a stop, pointing at the guy next to you, who's down to his underwear already.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Well, not much left to take off. Guess I'm going commando." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Someone's feeling bold tonight!" >>
<<linkreplace "He spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle targets the girl in the red dress again. A mischievous grin spreads across her face.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex6'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Seriously? Just my dress left! This is getting intense." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Let's see what you're hiding under there." >>
<h3>He pulls her dress off, his hands lingering on her skin. He leans in, kissing and nibbling at her exposed flesh.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Mmm, someone's getting greedy." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Can't help myself. You're irresistible." >>
<<linkreplace "She spins the bottle">>
<h3>It's the girl's turn. The bottle spins, and lands on the guy next to you. He smirks.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "I think I'll help you with that." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Be gentle." >>
<<linkreplace "You spin the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle points at you. You meet the guy's gaze, a spark of excitement passing between you.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex9'>>
<<Speech Player "Alright, I guess my panties are next." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "I've been waiting for this." >>
<<Speech Player "I guess I'm the lucky one. Still mostly dressed." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Don't worry, that won't last long." >>
<<linkreplace "He spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle points at you again! You shrug playfully and slip off your dress, leaving you in just your bra.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex10'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Damn, you're hot." >>
<<Speech Player "Glad you think so." >>
<<linkreplace "He spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle indicates the girl with the white panties. All eyes are on her.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Looks like you're down to your last layer." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Time to let them breathe. Off they come." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Here, let me." >>
<<linkreplace "She spins the bottle">>
<h3>The bottle points to the other guy. He spreads his hands.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex12'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Nothing left! I'm totally bare." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Guess you have to lick my pussy then." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Don't mind if I do." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "I think this game is about to get a whole lot more interesting." >>
<<linkreplace "Let's see what happens next">>
<h3>With everyone naked, the game dissolves into a heated orgy. Bodies entwine, moans fill the air.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "You're so fucking hot. I can't hold back anymore." >>
<<Speech Player "You're such a tease." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Get down here and suck me." >>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You sink to your knees, taking him into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex14'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Fuck, you're good at that." >>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, I aim to please." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Get on all fours, baby. I wanna fuck you." >>
<<linkreplace "Get fucked">>
<h3>You obey, positioning yourself as he enters you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex15'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "So tight. Damn." >>
<<Speech Player "Harder, daddy." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "I want that ass. Come ride me." >>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You climb on top, taking control as you ride him. He reaches around, guiding you as he enters your other hole.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex16'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "You're a natural. I love it." >>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, it's so good." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Let's get all the ladies together." >>
<<linkreplace "Group sex">>
<h3>You and the other girls move to the sofa as the guys take turns pleasuring you.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex17'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "This is a dream come true." >>
<<Speech Player "I'm so fucking wet." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Let's try a DP." >>
<<linkreplace "DP">>
<h3>You straddle one guy as the other lines himself up behind you.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex18'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Holy shit, I've always wanted to do this." >>
<<Speech Player "Fill me up, daddy." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "Don't forget about us." >>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You get on all fours as one guy pounds into you. You reach out, licking the other girl as she moans.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex19'>>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "I'm gonna cum!" >>
<<Speech Player "Me too!" >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Suck my dick." >>
<<linkreplace "Suck his cock">>
<h3>You take him into your mouth as the other guy continues to thrust.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex20'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Let's try something new." >>
<<Speech Player "I'm game." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Get on top of each other." >>
<<linkreplace "The girl get on top of you">>
<h3>The other girl climbs on top of you, on all fours, as the guys continue to fuck you both. She leans forward, taking another guy into her mouth.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex21'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "I'm gonna cum!" >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Me too! Get on your knees, girls." >>
<<linkreplace "On your knees">>
<h3>You all kneel as the guys cum all over your faces and bodies.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/spinBottleGroupSex/spinBottleGroupSex22'>>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Holy fuck, that was amazing." >>
<<Speech Strange "Girl" "I can't believe we just did that." >>
<<Speech Player "That was so hot." >>
<<Speech Strange "Guy" "Let's get dressed and get back to the party." >>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene thomasHouse ThomasPartySpinTheBottle>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<linkreplace "Go back">>
<<energy -20>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<h3>You're so drunk that you pass out, when you wake up the party is already over, and you go home</h3>
<<button "Go home">>
<<goto "BedroomSleep">>
<<goto "ThomasParty">>
<h1 class="ptitle">NOWHERE</h1>
<h3>Your tire blows with a loud bang, the car lurching violently. You pull over to the side of the road, heart pounding.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Shit. A flat tire. Of course.">>
<h3>You call a tow truck, but the dispatcher warns of a significant wait time.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Time passes slowly">>
<h3>Headlights appear in the distance, growing steadily brighter. A tow truck pulls up beside you, and the driver gets out.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex1'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "What seems to be the problem?">>
<<Speech Player "I got a flat. Heading to a party and… well, this happened.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Let me see your license and registration.">>
<<linkreplace "Panic sets in">>
<h3>Your stomach drops. You don't have a license.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex2'>>
<<Speech Player "I… I don't have a license.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I'm going to have to call the police.">>
<h3>Panic grips you. You can't afford to get arrested.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Please, don't! I'll do anything.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Get out of the car. Let's talk.">>
<<linkreplace "Get out of the car">>
<h3>You unbuckle your seatbelt and step out, your legs shaky.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex3'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "So, a party, huh?">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah. Borrowed my $npc.Dad.relationship's car.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I can help you with the tire… but you'll need to help me out first.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you want?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Show me your tits.">>
<<Speech Player "What? No!">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Then I call the cops. Your choice.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, okay… fine.">>
<<linkreplace "Show him your breasts">>
<h3>You hesitantly lift your shirt, revealing your bra.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex4'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "What's this? I said tits, not a bra.">>
<<Speech Player "Come on, I showed you! Just fix the tire!">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I'm not negotiating. Bra up.">>
<<linkreplace "Lift your bra">>
<h3>You reluctantly lift your bra, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex5'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Much better. Nice.">>
<<Speech Player "Are we done now?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Not quite. I like to have a little fun.">>
<<Speech Player "What are you talking about?">>
<<linkreplace "He grabs your breasts">>
<h3>He grabs your breasts, squeezing them roughly.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex6'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Mmm… so soft.">>
<<Speech Player "Please… I just want to go to the party.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "And I want a little entertainment. Get down on your knees and suck my dick.">>
<<Speech Player "No!">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "You sure about that? Think about those cops.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel down">>
<h3>You sink to your knees, your heart pounding in your chest.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex7'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Holy shit… you're good at this. You like it, don't you?">>
<<Speech Player "Just shut up.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Lie down. Give me a better angle.">>
<<linkreplace "He lies down">>
<h3>He lies back, and you continue to suck him off.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex8'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Keep going… you're amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "Just hurry up. I need to leave.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I want to see those tits again. Take it off.">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your shirt and bra">>
<h3>You remove your shirt and bra, your nakedness a stark contrast to the dark night.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex9'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "The shorts too. Come on.">>
<<Speech Player "What if someone sees us?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Relax. Nobody's around.">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your shorts">>
<h3>You reluctantly remove your shorts, your body fully exposed.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex10'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Damn… what a body.">>
<<Speech Player "Are you going to cum or what?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Not yet. Take off those panties and ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You take off your panties and straddle him, the asphalt rough against your skin.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex11'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "So tight… I love it.">>
<h3>Disgust churns in your stomach, but you force yourself to continue.</h3>
<<Speech Player "How much longer?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Shut up and get on the hood of the car.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie on the hood">>
<h3>You lie on the cool metal of the car hood, his weight pressing down on you.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex12'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I know what goes on at those parties. You're a little slut, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Player "I just want to have some fun.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "I'll give you some fun, bitch.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you harder">>
<h3>His thrusts become more forceful, bordering on painful.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex13'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "You like it rough, don't you?">>
<<Speech Player "Just finish… please…">>
<h3>You catch a glimpse of a camera, pointed directly at you.</h3>
<<linkreplace "What's that?!">>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex14'>>
<<Speech Player "What the fuck are you doing?!">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Relax. It's just for me. No one else will see it.">>
<<Speech Player "You're disgusting.">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Shut up. I'm about to cum. Get down and open your mouth.">>
<<linkreplace "Open your mouth">>
<h3>You reluctantly obey, his cum splattering across your face.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex15'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Swallow it, slut.">>
<<Speech Player "Can I go now? You fixed the tire, right?">>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "Sure. All done.">>
<<linkreplace "He fixes your tire">>
<h3>He finally changes the tire. You quickly dress, your skin crawling with disgust, and speed away.</h3>
<<video 'thomas/thomasParty/tyreFixSex/tyreFixSex16'>>
<<Speech TowTruckDriver "See ya around, slut.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene TowTruckDriver TyreFixSex>>
<<FinishSex TowTruckDriver false>>
<<button "To the party">>
<<EnterLocation 'thomasParty'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VERONICA'S BATHROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'VeronicaHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VERONICA'S BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'VeronicaHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VISITING VERONICA</h1>
<h3>You arrive at Veronica's house, a familiar warmth washing over you as you remember the last time you were here. You ring the doorbell</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "$player.name!! I'm so glad you came! I was just starting to get worried you weren't coming!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so sorry, I got caught up with... things. But I'm here now!">>
<h3>Veronica pulls you inside</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Come in, come in! Don't worry, it's all good. Let's catch up.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay!">>
<<linkreplace "Enter her house">>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit1'>>
<<Speech Veronica "I'm so glad you're here. It feels like forever since we've seen each other">>
<<Speech Player "It does, doesn't it? I feel like I need to do a little catching up, it's all a bit fuzzy in my mind.">>
<<Speech Veronica "Well, you were a bit hungover last time, weren't you? Let's see if I can jog your memory.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sure you can">>
<<Speech Veronica "Come with me, let's go to my bedroom">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, lead the way">>
<h3>Veronica guides you toward the stairs, leading you up to her bedroom</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit2'>>
<<linkreplace "Veronica's Bedroom">>
<h3>Veronica leads you to her bedroom. The familiar warmth and playful energy of the room washes over you</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Still love my little haven? I've been adding a few things here and there">>
<<Speech Player "It's beautiful, as always. I love the new additions">>
<h3> Both of you sit on the bed, the conversation flowing easily between you</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit3'>>
<<Speech Veronica "So, what have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages">>
<<Speech Player "I've been busy, but I've missed you. I'm glad we could catch up">>
<h3>Veronica leans in, her eyes sparkling with mischief</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "I've missed you too. But I have to admit, I've been thinking about you a lot">>
<<Speech Player "Oh? What have you been thinking about?">>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh, you know. Just... things.">>
<h3>Veronica's hand brushes against yours, sending a shiver down your spine</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "I've been thinking about... us.">>
<<Speech Player "Us?">>
<<Speech Veronica "Yes, us. I've been thinking about... this.">>
<<linkreplace 'She kisses you'>>
<h3>Veronica leans in, her lips brushing against yours in a slow, teasing kiss.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit4'>>
<<Speech Veronica "I've been wanting to do that since you walked in the door.">>
<<Speech Player "Me too... It's been way too long.">>
<<Speech Veronica "Way, way too long..." >>
<<linkreplace 'Climb on top of her'>>
<h3> You climb on top of Veronica, kissing her deeply as the heat between you ignites.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit5'>>
<<Speech Veronica "God, you feel so good...">>
<<Speech Player "You have no idea how much I've missed this.">>
<<Speech Veronica "Then show me, baby. I'm all yours." >>
<<linkreplace 'Things heat up'>>
<h3>You lift her blouse, exposing her breasts, your touch lingering as you tease and taste her skin.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit6'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Mmm... yes, right there...">>
<<Speech Player "You're even more beautiful than I remember.">>
<<Speech Veronica "And you're definitely not so bad yourself..." >>
<<linkreplace 'She takes off your blouse'>>
<h3> Veronica's fingers work quickly, pulling off your blouse and letting it fall to the floor. Her touch sends shivers down your spine as she leans in to suck your boobs</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit7'>>
<<Speech Veronica "I need to feel you closer...">>
<<Speech Player "Don't hold back... ">>
<<Speech Veronica "We should get rid of these clothes, they're getting in the way too much">>
<<linkreplace 'You undress each other'>>
<h3>Clothes slip away, skin on skin, hungry kisses stealing your breath away. Soon, you're both bare, the air thick with anticipation. </h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit8'>>
<<Speech Veronica "You're so beautiful...">>
<<Speech Player "You take my breath away...">>
<<Speech Veronica "God, I want you so bad...">>
<<linkreplace 'She lowers herself to your pussy'>>
<h3> Veronica kneels between your legs, her fingers tracing a fiery path across your skin, finding that sensitive spot. You arch into her touch, a soft moan escaping your lips as her tongue finds you. </h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit9'>>
<<Speech Veronica "So sweet...">>
<<Speech Player "Veronica... oh, God...">>
<<Speech Veronica "Just let go, baby...">>
<<Speech Player "Now it's my turn... I've missed this so much...">>
<<linkreplace 'You suck her cock'>>
<h3>You lower yourself, taking Veronica into your mouth with a soft moan. Your fingers stroke her, tongue working its magic, drawing gasps from her lips. </h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit10'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Ahh... right there... Just like that...">>
<<Speech Player "You like that, baby?">>
<<Speech Veronica "God, yes... You're amazing...">>
<<Speech Player "I want you inside me... Need you so bad...">>
<<Speech Veronica "Then show me how good you are... On all fours for me, baby.">>
<<linkreplace 'You get on all fours'>>
<h3>You obey, positioning yourself on all fours as Veronica lines herself up behind you. The anticipation is electric.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit11'>>
<<Speech Veronica "You're so fucking hot like this...">>
<<Speech Player "Veronica... Please...">>
<<Speech Veronica "Ready?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes... Please...">>
<<linkreplace 'She enters you'>>
<h3>Veronica pushes into you, filling you completely. You gasp, your body molding to hers.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit12'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Fuck, you feel so good... Even better than I remembered...">>
<<Speech Player "Veronica... Oh, God...">>
<<Speech Veronica "You like it, don't you? Tell me you like it...">>
<<Speech Player "I love it... So much...">>
<h3> You both move together, the rhythm building, the heat between you rising to a fever pitch.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit13'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Turn around for me, baby... Let me see you...">>
<<linkreplace 'Turns sideways'>>
<h3> You turn, Veronica's hands guiding you as she takes you from behind, the new angle sending a thrill through you.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit14'>>
<<Speech Veronica "You feel so good... so fucking good...">>
<<Speech Player "You're amazing... God, you're amazing...">>
<<Speech Veronica "I'm not done with you yet... Not even close...">>
<<Speech Player "Ride you... I wanna ride you...">>
<<linkreplace 'You ride her'>>
<h3> You climb on top of Veronica, taking control as you ride her, the pleasure building with each thrust.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit15'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Fuck, yeah... just like that...">>
<<Speech Player "You feel so good... so perfect...">>
<h3> You both move together, the rhythm building, the heat between you rising to a fever pitch.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit16'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes, yes, yes!!">>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh, God, yes!! Don't stop... Don't you dare stop!">>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit17'>>
<<Speech Veronica "I'm so close... So close...">>
<<Speech Player "Me too... Oh, God, me too...">>
<<Speech Veronica "Let go, baby... Let go for me...">>
<<linkreplace 'You open up for her'>>
<h3> You open yourself up for Veronica, her fingers finding that spot that sends you over the edge.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit18'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Yes, yes, yes!!">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, God, yes!!">>
<<Speech Veronica "I'm gonna cum!!">>
<<Speech Player "Me too! Cumming!">>
<<linkreplace '⛲'>>
<h3> You both reach the peak together, the world exploding in a burst of pleasure as you come together.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bedroom/VeronicaFirstVisit/firstVisit19'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh, God, that was... incredible...">>
<<Speech Player "You're amazing... so amazing...">>
<h3>Veronica takes her cell phone and looks at the time.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Unfortunately I have to go, I have an appointment, but I want to see you very soon!">>
<<Speech Player "I can't wait!">>
<h3>Veronica gives you a quick kiss and leaves the room</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<linkreplace 'Leave her house'>>
<<addRelation "Veronica">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Veronica VeronicaFirstVisit>>
<<FinishSex Veronica true>>
<<goto 'Elite'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $npc.Veronica.relation == 1 && $player.corruption.level >= 3 && previous() == "Elite" && $game.time == "E">>
<<goto 'VeronicaFirstVisit'>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Bedroom 🛏️" "VeronicaBedroom">><</button>>
<<button "Bathroom 🚿" "VeronicaBathroom">><</button>>
<<button "City 🏙️" "Elite">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VERONICA'S HOUSE</h1>
<h3>You wake up in a strange room, your head pounding and your vision blurry.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom1'>>
<<Speech Player "Where am I? What happened?">>
<h3>You sit up, noticing a strange tingling sensation in your skin. You realize you're naked.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Why am I naked? What happened last night?">>
<h3>The sound of running water draws your attention. Through the open bathroom door, you see Veronica taking a shower.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Approach Veronica'>>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom2'>>
<<Speech Player "Veronica? What's going on? Why am I here… and why am I naked?">>
<<Speech Veronica "Hey, you! You were pretty tipsy last night, so I brought you back to my place. You had a bit of a stumble into a puddle, so I figured you wouldn't want to sleep in mud-soaked clothes.">>
<<Speech Player "But… why did you take my clothes off?">>
<<Speech Veronica "Don't worry about it. You were out cold. Besides, you look much better without them.">>
<h3>A blush creeps up your neck as you try to recall the night's events, but your memory remains frustratingly hazy.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be a burden.">>
<<Speech Veronica "No worries. Actually… want to join me? We can wash off last night's craziness together.">>
<<linkreplace 'Join her in the shower'>>
<h3>You hesitate, but the warm water and Veronica's inviting smile draw you in. Stepping into the shower, you feel a surge of awkwardness as she begins to lather soap onto your breasts. Her touch is gentle, almost motherly, making it hard to believe you were strangers just moments ago.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom3'>>
<<Speech Veronica "You have a beautiful body, you know.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you… I guess.">>
<<Speech Veronica "Mind if I wash your back?">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, go ahead.">>
<<linkreplace 'She washes your back'>>
<h3>As Veronica's hands glide over your back, her touch changes subtly. It becomes more deliberate, more intimate. You feel a shiver run down your spine, a mix of apprehension and an undeniable attraction. </h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom4'>>
<<Speech Player "Veronica… what are you doing?">>
<<linkreplace 'You turn to face her'>>
<h3>You turn to face her, but your eyes fall on something unexpected - a small, delicate penis between her legs. You're caught off guard, a wave of shock and confusion washing over you.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom5'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Something wrong, sweetheart?" >>
<h3>Her lips curl into a knowing smile.</h3>
<<Speech Player "N-no, it's just… I wasn't expecting… this.">>
<<Speech Veronica "I could tell you were curious." >>
<h3>She steps closer, her hand resting on your cheek.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Let me show you.">>
<<Speech Player "I don't know what to think right now.">>
<<linkreplace 'She moves closer'>>
<h3>Veronica's lips gently graze your neck, sending a jolt of sensation through you. Her fingers explore your curves, awakening a desire within you that you hadn't known existed.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom6'>>
<<Speech Veronica "You're trembling… but not from fear, I think. Do you trust me?">>
<<Speech Player "I… I don't know what's happening, but… don't stop." >>
<<Speech Veronica "I won't. Turn around. There's something I want to show you.">>
<<linkreplace 'You turn around hesitantly'>>
<h3>Veronica's breath warms your skin as she kneels behind you. You feel her tongue, warm and insistent, tracing a path over your sensitive skin. The sensations are overwhelming, a wave of pleasure you've never experienced before.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom7'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh… my God.">>
<h3>Her hands grip your hips, and her movements become more deliberate, pushing you closer to the edge. You feel a need to reciprocate, to explore this new and exciting world that's opened up to you.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I need... I need to return the favor. Let me... let me show you what I can do.">>
<<Speech Veronica "I can't wait to see. Show me everything.">>
<<linkreplace 'You pleasure her in return'>>
<h3>Turning around, you kneel before Veronica, taking her small penis into your mouth. You move slowly at first, teasing her, watching her gasp and her hands find their way to your hair.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom8'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh… you're… really good at this.">>
<h3>Her voice is breathy with pleasure</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm just getting started." >>
<h3>You increase your pace, watching her eyes flutter closed as her moans fill the steamy bathroom.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom9'>>
<<Speech Player "I want to taste every part of you. Let me taste you like you tasted me.">>
<h3>You feel a daring impulse, a desire to explore further</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Lick her ass'>>
<h3>You guide Veronica to turn around, your lips and tongue exploring her most intimate places. Her body tenses with each lick, each kiss, until her moans echo in the steamy air.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom10'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh God, I didn't know you could do that…">>
<h3>Her voice is a mix of surprise and pleasure.</h3>
<<Speech Player "There's a lot you don't know about me yet…">>
<h3> You're emboldened by her reaction, eager to discover more of this new side of yourself</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "I can't wait to discover more…">>
<h3> She pulls you closer, her eyes sparkling with desire.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Now, let me return the favor.">>
<<linkreplace 'She licks your pussy'>>
<h3>Veronica's hands guide you to the wall as she kneels once more, her mouth finding your most sensitive spot. Her tongue moves with expert precision, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom11'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh… Veronica… don't stop… please, don't stop…">>
<h3>You're lost in a world of sensation, your body arching against her touch.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Mhmmm…">>
<h3>Her voice is a low murmur, a symphony of pleasure. </h3>
<<Speech Player "Can you fuck me? I don't know if you're into that kind of thing.">>
<h3>A mix of fear and excitement floods you as you voice the desire you feel</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "No need to even ask! You're beautiful. Let me show you how much I want you." >>
<<linkreplace 'She fucks you'>>
<h3>Veronica gets up, and you eagerly spread your legs for her. She slides into you, starting slow and easy, but it doesn't take long for things to get seriously hot and heavy.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom12'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh… fuck…">>
<h3>You gasp, completely blown away by how good it feels. </h3>
<<Speech Veronica "You like that, huh? My dick feels good in you?">>
<h3>She whispers in your ear, her breath hot on your skin.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Yes… God, yes...">>
<h3>You're lost in the moment, a whole new world of pleasure opening up to you. </h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Get on all fours for me, baby. You know I love it like this." >>
<h3>She helps you get into position, her hands all over you. </h3>
<<linkreplace 'You get on all fours'>>
<h3>Veronica slams into you from behind, and it sends shivers down your spine. Being fucked like this is amazing.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom13'>>
<<Speech Player "Ahh... Veronica… Fuck, that feels so good.">>
<h3>You moan, your body arching back into hers.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "You like it rough, don't you? You little slut.">>
<h3>She whispers, her voice thick with lust.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Yes… harder…">>
<h3> You can barely even talk, your body's taking over.</h3>
<<Speech Veronica "I'm gonna cum… Can't hold back anymore.">>
<h3>You feel her tense up as she gets ready to come.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Wait, I want to taste you. Get on all fours for me.">>
<h3>You're suddenly hit with a wave of desire, wanting to try something new.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'She gets on all fours'>>
<h3>You waste no time, taking your mouth deep into her ass and jerking her cock with your hand. The sensations are intense, almost too much to handle.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom14'>>
<<Speech Veronica "Oh… God… That feels amazing.">>
<h3>She moans, grinding her hips against your mouth. </h3>
<<Speech Player "You like that, don't you? My turn to make you cum.">>
<h3>You grin, loving the power you have over her right now. </h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Yes… Fuck, I'm gonna cum!!">>
<h3>Her whole body shudders as she comes.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'She cums'>>
<h3>You pull away and watch as Veronica collapses, totally spent but in a good way. You stand up, legs wobbly, but your heart's racing.</h3>
<h3>Veronica's not done, though. She pulls you back to the sink, legs still open for her. With a smirk, she starts touching herself right there in front of you, faster and faster, until she cums all over your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'veronica/house/bathroom/bathroomSex/veronicaBathroom15'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh… my God…">>
<h3>You gasp, feeling her cum drip down you. </h3>
<<Speech Veronica "Did you like watching that? Me touching myself for you?">>
<h3>She looks up at you, her eyes full of mischief.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Yes… God, yes…">>
<h3>You're completely breathless, your body buzzing with pleasure. </h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocation veronicaHouse>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Veronica VeronicaMeet>>
<<addRelation "Veronica">>
<<FinishSex Veronica false>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'VeronicaHallway'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">ABANDONED BUILDING 🏚️</h1>
<h3>It's a dark and abandoned building. You can hear the sound of rats and the smell of urine is strong.</h3>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.ghetto>>
<h1 class="ptitle">ESCAPING FROM CLASS 🏫</h1>
<h3>After ditching class, you and $npc.Natasha.name start brainstorming ideas for what to do.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome1'>>
<<Speech Player "Alright, what do you wanna do? Got any bright ideas?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I snuck out some booze and cigs. We could find a chill spot and just unwind.">>
<<linkreplace "Where to?">>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome2'>>
<<Speech Natasha "I know this place... abandoned building, pretty quiet. No one'll bother us there.">>
<<Speech Player "Sounds good to me, lead the way.">>
<<linkreplace "You spot the school janitor">>
<h3>Uh oh! The school janitor appears!</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome3'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Shit! Let's get outta here! He can't see us.">>
<<Speech Player "Hurry! He's coming this way!">>
<<linkreplace "You arrive at the abandoned building">>
<h3>You finally reach the abandoned building.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome4'>>
<<Speech Player "You sure this place is safe? It looks kinda creepy.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Relax, it's fine. I've been here a few times.">>
<<Speech Player "How are we even gonna get in?">>
<<Speech Natasha "The door's locked, but I know a way.">>
<<linkreplace "She smashes a window">>
<h3>She breaks the window!</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome5'>>
<<Speech Player "What are you doing?! You're gonna attract attention!">>
<<Speech Natasha "Nobody's around, chill. Come on, let's go inside.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, alright, let's do this.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Here, grab a drink and loosen up.">>
<<Speech Player "Woah, what is this stuff? Smells kinda weird.">>
<<Speech Natasha "It's a mix of... a few things. My own special brew. Try it.">>
<<linkreplace "Try the drink">>
<h3>You take a sip of the mysterious concoction.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome6'>>
<<Speech Player "Damn, that's strong! What's even in this?">>
<<Speech Natasha "Honestly? I don't even remember anymore.">>
<<Speech Player "You're insane, you know that?">>
<<Speech Natasha "How about we take some nude pics for that exhibitionist forum?">>
<<linkreplace "Sounds like a fun idea">>
<h3>You both start stripping down.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome7'>>
<<Speech Natasha "I brought a sexy little thing, I guess I'll wear it.">>
<<Speech Player "That's not fair, I didn't bring anything!">>
<<linkreplace "While you're undressing...">>
<h3>While you're taking off your clothes, you notice $npc.Natasha.name is already snapping photos of you!</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome8'>>
<<Speech Player "Hey! I'm not even finished changing!">>
<<Speech Natasha "Gotta capture the moment, babe.">>
<<Speech Player "Stop, I look terrible!">>
<<linkreplace "You run away">>
<h3>You run, $npc.Natasha.name chases after you. You stumble upon a homeless man on the floor!</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome9'>>
<<Speech Player "You said there wasn't anyone here!">>
<<Speech Natasha "I didn't know he was here!">>
<<Speech Player "I think we should just leave.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Wait, I have an idea! Grab the camera!">>
<<linkreplace "You grab the camera">>
<h3>You grab the camera and $npc.Natasha.name climbs on top of the homeless man. She tells you to take pictures.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome10'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Take pictures! Hurry! This is gonna be hilarious!">>
<<Speech Player "You're completely nuts!">>
<<Speech Natasha "This is gonna be a hit on the forum!">>
<<linkreplace "The homeless man wakes up">>
<h3>The homeless man wakes up, startled. You both run!</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome11'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Run! Run! Run!">>
<<Speech Player "I can't believe you did that!">>
<<Speech Natasha "Wasn't it funny, though?">>
<<linkreplace "He catches up to you">>
<h3>He corners you in a room.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome12'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Sorry! It was just a joke!">>
<<Speech Player "We're sorry, we didn't mean to scare you.">>
<<Speech Homeless "You think this is funny? Look what you did to me!">>
<<Speech Player "Ew, gross! Let's go!">>
<<Speech Homeless "You're not going anywhere.">>
<<Speech Natasha "What do you want?">>
<<Speech Homeless "You're gonna suck me, now.">>
<<linkreplace " $npc.Natasha.name tries to sweet-talk him">>
<h3> $npc.Natasha.name attempts to seduce him.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome13'>>
<<Speech Natasha "How about you just let us go?">>
<<Speech Homeless "I'm not stupid. You're not leaving here without making it up to me.">>
<<Speech Player "Please, just let us go.">>
<<Speech Homeless "You, shut up! You're gonna record everything.">>
<<linkreplace " $npc.Natasha.name kneels in front of him">>
<h3> $npc.Natasha.name gets on her knees in front of him.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome14'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, you recording?">>
<<Speech Player "This is disgusting. I'm not doing this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "You will, or I'm calling the cops.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, okay! I'll do it!">>
<<linkreplace "You start recording">>
<h3>You start recording $npc.Natasha.name giving him head.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome15'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Damn, two little sluts for me.">>
<<Speech Player "This is so gross. I can't believe I'm doing this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "You talk too much! Both of you, against the wall! Now!">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the wall">>
<h3>You both go to the wall. He starts groping your asses, then shoves his dick into your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome16'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Is it nasty now, whore? This is what you get for running your mouth.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Just let us go, please!">>
<<Speech Homeless "You're staying here 'til I bust, got it?">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, fine, just don't hurt us.">>
<<Speech Homeless "Both of you, on your knees, give me head.">>
<<linkreplace "You kneel">>
<h3>You both kneel and start sucking his dick.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome17'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, suck it good, you little sluts.">>
<<Speech Player "Are you gonna cum anytime soon?">>
<<Speech Homeless "You're pissing me off! Because of that, I'm gonna fuck you! Get on top, you whore, and the other one, take pictures!">>
<<linkreplace "You get on top of him">>
<h3>You climb on top of him, and he starts fucking you.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome18'>>
<<Speech Homeless "That's it, ride it good, you little bitch!">>
<<Speech Natasha "I can't believe I'm doing this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "Now you, get on all fours!">>
<<linkreplace "$npc.Natasha.name gets on all fours for him">>
<h3> $npc.Natasha.name gets on all fours for him, and he starts fucking her too.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome19'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, you got a nice little pussy, you slut.">>
<h3>You look at $npc.Natasha.name and realize she's starting to enjoy it.</h3>
<<Speech Player "You're hopeless, you know that...?">>
<<Speech Homeless "Now you, lay on the floor and spread your legs.">>
<<linkreplace "You lie on the floor">>
<h3>You lie on the floor and spread your legs, exposing your pussy to him.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome20'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Come on, just embrace the moment.">>
<<Speech Homeless "That's right, listen to your friend, she already knows how it works.">>
<<Speech Player "I can't believe I'm doing this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "I want the other one on all fours again, and you're gonna spread her ass for me.">>
<<linkreplace "You obey">>
<h3>You obey. $npc.Natasha.name gets on all fours, and you spread her ass cheeks for him.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome21'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, you got a nice little asshole, you little slut.">>
<<Speech Natasha "I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "Now you, get on all fours for me! And the other one stays on all fours next to me!">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours">>
<h3>You get on all fours. $npc.Natasha.name stays on all fours next to you.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome22'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, you got a nice little pussy, you slut.">>
<<Speech Natasha "I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this.">>
<<Speech Homeless "Kneel down, I'm gonna cum!!">>
<<linkreplace "You kneel">>
<h3>You kneel down for him. He cums all over your faces.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome23'>>
<<Speech Homeless "Yeah, you little sluts, take my sperm!">>
<<Speech Player "Can we leave now?">>
<<Speech Homeless "Get out of here, before I change my mind. I'll always be here if you want more.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Let's go! Quickly.">>
<<linkreplace "You get dressed and leave">>
<h3>You get dressed and leave.</h3>
<<video 'abandonedBuilding/homelessThreesome/homelessThreesome24'>>
<<Speech Player "I can't believe that just happened.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Me neither, but... it was kinda hot, wasn't it?">>
<<Speech Player "You're crazy, you know that?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I know, but you liked it, didn't you?">>
<<Speech Player "I don't know, I guess so.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Let's do it again sometime, what do you say?">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe... but not right now.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene abandonedBuilding HomelessThreesome>>
<<FinishSex Homeless false>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Ghetto'>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CHURCH</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<createSubLocationButton "Pray" Pray "/church/prayAction.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Confessional" Confess "/church/confessAction.webp">>
<<if $npc.Priest.scenes.ConfessionSex.unlocked && $npc.Priest.scenes.PriestVisit.executedToday == false>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Visit the priest" PriestVisit "/church/priestTalk.webp">>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering) && $Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering.progress == 0>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Deliver the package" PackageDeliver "/darkalley/drugdealer/packagedeliver.png">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.ghetto>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CONFESSIONARY</h1>
<h3>You are in the confessional booth. The priest is on the other side of the screen.</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 4>>
<p>The priest looks at you with a stern expression. "You have sinned, my child. You must confess your sins and seek forgiveness."</p>
<<linkreplace 'Confess'>>
<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
<<goto 'ConfessionSex'>>
<h3>You confess your sins to the priest. He listens patiently and offers you guidance.</h3>
<<AddTime 1>>
<p>The priest looks at you with a kind expression. "You have sinned, my child but you are not beyond redemption. Confess your sins and seek forgiveness."</p>
<<linkreplace "Confess">>
<h3>You confess your sins to the priest. He listens patiently and offers you guidance.</h3>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<button 'Church ⛪' 'Church'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CONFESSIONAL</h1>
<h3>You enter the confessional and close the door behind you. The priest's voice comes through the screen.</h3>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex1'>>
<<Speech Priest "Bless you, my child. What sins do you wish to confess?">>
<<Speech Player "I've done a lot of things I wouldn't do">>
<<Speech Priest "I'm here to listen, my child.">>
<<linkreplace "I became a slut">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex2'>>
<<Speech Player "Father, I've been a bad girl... a real slut.">>
<<Speech Priest "My child, you've strayed from the righteous path, but redemption is always within reach.">>
<<Speech Player "Really? Is there anything I can do? I feel so…dirty.">>
<<Speech Priest "Confession is the first step. Tell me everything. Unburden your soul.">>
<<linkreplace "Tell him">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex3'>>
<<Speech Player "I…I've been having sex with my $npc.Dad.relationship and my $npc.Brother.relationship.">>
<<Speech Priest "That's… unsettling, my child. Tell me more. Don't hold back.">>
<<Speech Player "It started…wrong. I didn't want to. But now…it feels…good. I crave it.">>
<<Speech Priest "Describe one of these…encounters. Paint me a picture with your words.">>
<h3>You find the priest's questions a bit too specific. Why does he need so many details?</h3>
<<linkreplace "There was a time that..">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex4'>>
<<Speech Player "There was this one time… I was sleeping, and my $npc.Dad.relationship… he… he took advantage of me.">>
<<Speech Priest "Took advantage? Explain, my child. Be explicit.">>
<<Speech Player "Is this really necessary for confession? It's so…embarrassing.">>
<<Speech Priest "Absolution requires understanding. I need to know the extent of your…sin.">>
<<linkreplace "I was sleeping and..">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex5'>>
<h3>You notice a strange movement beneath the priest's robes. Is he…touching himself?</h3>
<<Speech Player "I was sleeping, and my $npc.Dad.relationship came into my room and…he touched me.">>
<<Speech Priest "Where did he touch you? Tell me, child. Let it out.">>
<<Speech Player "He… he touched me…down there…and then…">>
<<Speech Priest "And then? Don't stop now.">>
<<Speech Player "I woke up, and he told me to be quiet while he…fucked me.">>
<<linkreplace "This is very serious, my dear!">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex6'>>
<<Speech Priest "This is a grave sin, my child! A terrible transgression!">>
<<Speech Player "I know…but… I want it again. I need it.">>
<<Speech Priest "There's only one way to cleanse you of this…filth…">>
<<Speech Player "What? What is it? Tell me!">>
<<Speech Priest "I must…purify you. Here. Now.">>
<<linkreplace "How?">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex7'>>
<h3>Suddenly, the priest thrusts his erection through the confessional screen. You're shocked, terrified, but also…aroused.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Oh my god! What are you doing?! Are you insane?!">>
<<Speech Priest "This is your salvation, child. Do to me what you do to your $npc.Dad.relationship. Release your sin.">>
<<linkreplace "Do what he says">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex8'>>
<h3>Driven by a strange mix of fear and excitement, you take the priest's cock into your mouth.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Yes, my child. Take my holy offering. Think of your Father... your savior...">>
<h3>Your mind swirls with conflicting emotions. The taboo thrill heightens your arousal.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Deeper, child. Suck harder. Release the sin that torments you.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex9'>>
<h3>You try to deepen the blowjob, desperate for absolution, for release.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Much better. You're a natural. Such a devout child.">>
<<Speech Player "Will this... will this really cleanse me, Father?">>
<<Speech Priest "Of course, my child. The Lord works in mysterious ways.">>
<h3>He withdraws from the confessional window.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Come inside, child. This cramped space hinders our holy work. True purification requires…closeness.">>
<<linkreplace "Enter the cabin">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex10'>>
<h3>You enter the confessional cabin and find a man wearing a strange mask.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Who…who are you? Where's Father…?">>
<<Speech Priest "It is I, my child. The mask is…a necessary precaution. For both our sakes. Now, get on your knees. On all fours. Prepare yourself.">>
<<linkreplace "Obey him">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex11'>>
<h3>You obey, a nervous tremor running through you. He lifts your skirt and pushes your face towards the confessional window.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Such a delectable offering…">>
<<Speech Player "What…what are you doing?">>
<<Speech Priest "Hush, child. Salvation is at hand.">>
<<linkreplace "He 'purifies' you ">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex12'>>
<h3>He slaps your ass hard, then thrusts into you roughly.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Ahh!">>
<<Speech Priest "This is how we banish the demons, child. Embrace the pain. Embrace the pleasure.">>
<h3>The pain quickly turns to a burning arousal. You find yourself moaning, lost in the sensation.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Now, lie down. Face me. Let me see your beautiful, sinful face.">>
<<linkreplace "Do what he asks">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex13'>>
<h3>You lie back as he rips off your panties and opens your blouse, exposing your breasts. He continues thrusting.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Does this feel good, my child? Does this cleanse your soul?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes…Father…yes…">>
<<Speech Priest "We must remove these earthly garments. Bare yourself before God…before me.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your clothes">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex14'>>
<h3>He removes the last of your clothes, leaving you completely naked beneath his gaze.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "Beautiful. Now, truly free. Now, we can truly begin your absolution.">>
<h3>He thrusts deep inside you again.</h3>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex15'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god…yes…">>
<<Speech Priest "We need to…adjust our positions. Explore other avenues of purification.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex16'>>
<h3>He lies back and you straddle him, riding his cock.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "That's it, my child. Ride me to salvation. Faster! Harder!">>
<<Speech Player "I…I'm almost there…">>
<<Speech Priest "Lie down. Let me finish your purification.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie down">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex17'>>
<h3>He pulls out a camera and begins recording.</h3>
<<Speech Player "What…what are you doing?">>
<<Speech Priest "Just documenting your…redemption, my child. For the church archives, of course. Now be quiet.">>
<h3>He fucks you relentlessly, the camera capturing every thrust, every moan.</h3>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<<video 'church/confessionSex/confessionSex18'>>
<h3>He pulls out and explodes over your body.</h3>
<<Speech Priest "You are cleansed, my child! Purified!">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you…Father…">>
<<Speech Priest "Remember, child. Whenever sin darkens your soul, the church is here to…purify you. Come back anytime.">>
<h3>Shaken, but strangely exhilarated, you dress and leave the confessional, the priest's words echoing in your mind.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Priest ConfessionSex>>
<<FinishSex Priest false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Church ⛪' 'Church'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -20>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Church Delivery</h1>
<h3>You spot a man in the church, nervously pacing near a stained-glass window. He looks up as you approach.</h3>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Speech Strange "Are… are you the one? With the package?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, that's me. Got something for… uh… 'Father'.">>
<<Speech Strange " (whispering) Please, don't use that name here. Just… give it to me. Quickly.">>
<h3>You hand over the package. The man snatches it, his hand trembling slightly.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Thank you. Thank you so much. Just… forget you ever saw me.">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering 1 "I should go back to the dealer and let him know the package has been delivered.">>
<<Speech Player "Sure. No problem. Just another day.">>
<<Speech Strange "Are you the one? With the package?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, that's me. Got something for… uh… 'Father'.">>
<<Speech Strange "Come here at late night, I'll be waiting for you.">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, I'll be back.">>
<<button 'Church ⛪' 'Church'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRAY</h1>
<h3> You pray to God for guidance and forgiveness.</h3>
<<button 'Church ⛪' 'Church'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRIEST VISIT</h1>
<h3>You knock hesitantly on the priest's door, and he opens it with a welcoming smile.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit1'>>
<<Speech Priest "Hello, my child. How can I help you today?">>
<<Speech Player "Father, I need to talk with you again.">>
<<Speech Priest "Of course, my child. Come in. The Lord always welcomes those who seek guidance.">>
<<linkreplace "Come in">>
<h3>You step inside the priest's house, the door closing behind you with a soft thud.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit2'>>
<<Speech Priest "Now, tell me what troubles your soul, my child. The weight of sin can be heavy.">>
<<Speech Player "Father, my sins... they feel overwhelming. I don't know what to do.">>
<<linkreplace "What I can do ?">>
<h3>You anxiously inquire about how you can find forgiveness, your heart heavy with guilt.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit3'>>
<<Speech Priest "Hmm, the path to redemption can be complex. I must confess, my child, I sense a great darkness within you... to truly understand the nature of your sins, I must conduct a... *thorough* examination. I need you to start by removing your skirt. It is part of the process, my child." >>
<<Speech Player "If it's for my redemption, I trust you, Father.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your skirt">>
<h3>With trembling hands, you remove your skirt, feeling a mixture of fear and anticipation.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit4'>>
<<Speech Priest "Good. Now, we must delve deeper into the source of your impure thoughts. Your underwear must be removed as well. It is essential for my guidance and to properly remove your impurities.">>
<<Speech Player "This feels strange, Father, but I trust your judgment.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your panties">>
<h3>You hesitantly slide your panties down, a blush creeping up your neck.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit5'>>
<<Speech Priest "Now, my child, please get on all fours. This will allow me to better perceive the extent of your... affliction. Remember that humility is the greatest virtue, do not be ashamed.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, Father, as you say.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You get on your hands and knees, feeling vulnerable and exposed in front of the priest.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit6'>>
<<Speech Priest "Hmm... I see, I see. This is... indeed concerning. I need to investigate this more closely. It is an area that requires careful scrutiny. ">>
<<Speech Priest "I need to check better. Come closer my child.">>
<<Speech Player "I am here, Father. Please help me.">>
<<linkreplace "I need to check better">>
<h3>The priest approaches, his eyes lingering on your exposed form as he examines you closely.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit7'>>
<<Speech Priest "My child, to banish the impurities that cling to you, I may need to... *probe* a little deeper. Please do not be alarmed, It is for your own salvation. I will use my finger to remove all that filth that your body gathered through your sins.">>
<<Speech Player "I understand, Father. I'm ready for this purification.">>
<<linkreplace "He needs to check better">>
<h3>You feel the priest's finger entering you, an unfamiliar sensation mixing with your fear.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit8'>>
<<Speech Priest "Are you alright, my child? Do not worry, this feeling is just a sign that I am close to releasing you from all your impurity. I will need to add another finger, this will amplify the purifing process.">>
<<Speech Player "It's... a bit uncomfortable, but I'll bear it for my salvation.">>
<<linkreplace "I'm fine">>
<h3>The priest's fingers move within you, causing a strange ache to spread through your core.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit9'>>
<<Speech Priest "My child, this is more serious than I had anticipated. The darkness inside you is stronger than I thought. We must resort to more advanced methods. Please stand up. But know this: Your path to redemption is not easy.">>
<<Speech Player "If it's what I have to do, I'm ready. Tell me what to do next, Father.">>
<<linkreplace "Stand up">>
<h3>You stand up, your body trembling slightly.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit10'>>
<<Speech Priest "Now, please get on all fours again, this is the only way, it is a true test of faith my child, trust me.">>
<<Speech Player "I trust you Father, I will do anything to be forgiven.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You obey, your bare skin feeling vulnerable against the cool air as you get on all fours once more.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit11'>>
<<Speech Priest "Now, my child, open yourself to the lord. Can you feel it? That is the lord's touch. Open yourself to his grace, my child. I'm going to go a bit deeper now, is that alright?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, Father. Anything for salvation.">>
<<linkreplace "I'm fine">>
<h3>You feel the priest's hard length pressing against you, and his movements grow faster and more forceful.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit12'>>
<<Speech Priest "Now, kneel before me, my child. Partake of the Lord's blessings through this holy communion.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, Father. I'm ready.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel">>
<h3>You kneel before the priest, taking his shaft into your mouth, a strange mix of fear and devotion filling you.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit13'>>
<<Speech Priest "Yes, that's it, let the purity flow through you my child, let the lord guide me through you. Embrace this moment with all your heart.">>
<<Speech Player "(Your throat feels sore and you feel dizzy, but you keep going for the sake of your salvation)" >>
<<linkreplace "He hold my head">>
<h3>The priest grips your head, pushing you deeper onto him, his actions bordering on forceful.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit14'>>
<<Speech Priest "The Lord's will is being done, my child. Now, stand up, stand up, my child, your body must be fully integrated in the puryfication. Sit on me, it will help remove the rest of your impurity.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, Father, I'll do as you say." >>
<<linkreplace "Sit on him">>
<h3>You sit on the priest, your body bouncing with each movement as the feeling becomes more intense.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit15'>>
<<Speech Priest "Yes, move with the rhythm of the Lord, my child, let this motion remove all of your sins, the lord has guided you to this path, don't give up.">>
<<Speech Player "(Your body feels strange, and a bit hurt, but this is for a good cause)" >>
<<linkreplace "He grab my breasts">>
<h3>The priest's hands move to your breasts, kneading and squeezing them with a fervent touch.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit16'>>
<<Speech Priest "I sense that the impurity is almost gone. Just a bit more. turn around, I need to feel it leaving your body, this is important, do it now.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, Father." >>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You turn around, your skin sensitive to the priest's touch as you straddle him.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit17'>>
<<Speech Priest "Yes, yes. I can feel it, it is working. This is how the lord wants. Now lay down on the sofa, my child, and allow me to finish the purifcation of your soul. Spread your legs and receive the grace.">>
<<Speech Player "(You feel a bit afraid, but this is your salvation)" >>
<<linkreplace "Lie down">>
<h3>You lie back on the sofa, a nervous tremble running through you as you spread your legs.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit18'>>
<<Speech Priest "The lord is almost done, be ready to receive his holy grace. Now, kneel again before me, so you can receive the final and ultimate blessing. This will completely absolve you from all your sins.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm ready, Father. Please make it stop." >>
<<linkreplace "Kneel">>
<h3>You kneel before him, your heart pounding in your chest as the priest releases his seed onto your face.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit19'>>
<<Speech Priest "There you go, child. You have been redeemed by the grace of the lord. You are now forgiven.">>
<<linkreplace "Thank you">>
<h3>You thank the priest, a strange mix of relief and confusion washing over you as you leave the church.</h3>
<<video 'church/priestVisit/priestVisit20'>>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, Father. I feel... lighter.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Priest PriestVisit>>
<<FinishSex Priest false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Church ⛪' 'Church'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">DARK ALLEY</h1>
<h3>You are in a dark alley. The air is thick with the smell of garbage and decay. You hear the sound of rats scurrying in the shadows.</h3>
<<set $game.dice = random(1,3)>>
<<if $game.dice == 1 && $game.time == "LN">>
<p>A man steps out of the shadows and talks to you.</p>
<<button "Talk with him" "DarkAlleyRape1">><</button>>
<<elseif $game.dice == 2>>
<p>In that alley, a man is leaning against the wall wearing a jacket, you can't see his face</p>
<<button "Talk with him">>
<<if Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering)>>
<<goto "DrugDealerMeet">>
<<goto "DrugDealer">>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">TALK WITH STRANGER</h1>
<<Speech Gangster "What the fuck you doin' here, huh? Think this is a goddamn playground?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm lost. Can you, uh... help me?">>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape1'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Help you? Yeah, I can help you alright, sweetheart. But you gotta scratch my back first, see?">>
<<Speech Player "What do you... want?">>
<<Speech Gangster "Get your sweet ass over here and find out.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I don't know about this.">>
<<linkreplace "Help!">>
<h3>He snatches you up by the throat, his grip like iron, and hauls you inside the building.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape2'>>
<<Speech Player "No! Please!">>
<<Speech Gangster "Shut your goddamn yap, bitch!">>
<<Speech Player "Don't hurt me, please!">>
<<Speech Gangster "I won't... long as you keep your pretty little mouth shut and do what I say.">>
<<linkreplace "He caresses your body">>
<h3>His hands crawl all over you, rough and greedy, grinding against your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape3'>>
<<Speech Gangster "What's a fancy piece of ass like you doin' in a shithole like this, huh?">>
<<Speech Player "I told you... I'm lost.">>
<<Speech Gangster "You're lucky I found you, sweetheart. Guys around here would tear you apart.">>
<<Speech Player "What... what are you going to do to me?">>
<<Speech Gangster "Just gonna have some fun. You and me.">>
<<linkreplace "He puts your tits out">>
<h3>He rips your shirt open, your tits spilling out.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape4'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Damn, nice tits.">>
<h3>Terror paralyzes you.</h3>
<<Speech Gangster "Now, be a good girl and do what I tell ya.">>
<<linkreplace "He brings you to your knees">>
<h3>He shoves you to your knees, his hand a vice in your hair.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape5'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Gonna tie you up real good, make sure you stay put.">>
<<Speech Player "What?!">>
<<Speech Gangster "Shut the fuck up, bitch. Jerk me off while I get this rope ready.">>
<<linkreplace "Stroke his cock">>
<h3>With trembling hands, you stroke his cock.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape6'>>
<<Speech Gangster "That's it, slut. You've done this before, haven't ya?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not a slut!">>
<<Speech Gangster "You are now.">>
<<linkreplace "He ties you up">>
<h3>He ties your wrists together, the rope biting into your skin.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape7'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Now we're talkin'.">>
<<Speech Player "Please... let me go.">>
<<Speech Gangster "Shut your trap and suck my dick.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck him">>
<h3>He shoves his cock at you. You take it in your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape8'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Yeah, that's it, slut. Suck it good and deep.">>
<h3>You obey, your mind blank with terror.</h3>
<<Speech Gangster "Be a good girl and this might be over quick.">>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape9'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Turn around, bitch. Let's get this show on the road.">>
<<linkreplace "Obey him">>
<h3>You turn around. He grabs your hips and rams himself inside you.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape10'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Knew you were a whore.">>
<<Speech Player "Please... slow down... it hurts.">>
<<Speech Gangster "Shut up and get on all fours. Come on, bitch, move it!">>
<<linkreplace "Doggy">>
<h3>You crawl on your hands and knees. He fucks you hard, his hand clamped over your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape11'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Damn, you're tight. Might have to keep you around.">>
<h3>You can't help but moan.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Mhmmmmm..">>
<<Speech Gangster "Enjoying it, aren't you? Little whore.">>
<<Speech Player "No!">>
<<Speech Gangster "Lie down, slut. Spread 'em.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie down">>
<h3>You lie down and open your legs.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape12'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Goddamn, you're hot. Gonna paint you with my cum.">>
<<Speech Player "Just... just finish already.">>
<<Speech Gangster "Beg for it. Beg me to cum.">>
<<Speech Player "Please... cum... cum for me.">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He forces you to kneel and open your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'darkalley/rape1/Alleyrape13'>>
<<Speech Gangster "Swallow it all, bitch.">>
<<Speech Player "Please... let me go now.">>
<<Speech Gangster "Get the fuck outta here. And don't breathe a word of this to anyone. You got that?">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishSex Gangster false>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Gangster DarkAlleyRape1>>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Drug Dealer</h1>
<h3>You slip back into the dark alley to meet the dealer.</h3>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering)>>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Well, well. Back so soon? Did you take care of business?">>
<<if $Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering.progress == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Not yet">>
<<Speech Player "Not yet.">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "What's the holdup? Time is money, friend.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm on it. Just had a few… complications.">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, I did">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, it's done. Package delivered.">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Good, good. Pleasure doing business with you. Here's your cut.">>
<h3> He hands you $200.</h3>
<<addMoney 200>>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Now I know I can trust you, go to that place, you can do very well if you work right.">>
<h3>He shows your a picture of the place.</h3>
<<UnlockLocation vipers>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering>>
<<Speech DrugDealer "You again? Looking for something else to take the edge off? Or maybe… another job?">>
<div id="another-job">
<<linkreplace "Another job?">>
<<run $('#nothing-today').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, another job sounds good. Got anything?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Let's see… I might have something brewing. Come back later.">>
<div id="nothing-today">
<<linkreplace "Nothing today">>
<<run $('#another-job').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "Nah, just passing through.">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Suit yourself. But remember, I'm always here if you need something.">>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Shady Character</h1>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Psst... hey, friend. You look like you could use a little somethin' somethin' to take the edge off.">>
<<Speech Player "What are you talking about?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Y'know, somethin' to help you unwind. Forget your troubles.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you have ?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "I got a little of this, a little of that. Depends what you're lookin' for.">>
<div id="looking-for-job">
<<linkreplace "Looking for a job">>
<<run $('#not-interested').hide()>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<Speech Player "Actually, I'm looking for work. Can you help me ?">>
<h3>He eyes you up and down, a sly grin spreading across his face.</h3>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Maybe I can. Maybe I can't.">>
<<Speech Player "What kind of work are we talking?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Let's just say I need someone to help me move some… product.">>
<<Speech Player "Product? Like what?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "The good stuff. The kinda stuff that makes your worries disappear. Wink, wink.">>
<<linkreplace "Is it safe?">>
<<Speech Player "Is it safe?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Safe? Look around, pal. Nothin's safe. But I've been doin' this a long time, and I'm still breathin'. That gotta count for somethin', right?">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, alright. I think I can help you out.">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Good. Glad to hear it.">>
<<linkreplace "What do I have to do?">>
<<Speech Player "So, what's the job?">>
<h3>He slips a small, nondescript package into your hand.</h3>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Take this to the address I wrote down here. And be discreet. Don't want any unwanted attention, ya dig?">>
<<Speech Player "What's in it?">>
<<Speech DrugDealer "Don't you worry your pretty little head about that. Just deliver it. No questions asked.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'll do it.">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.DrugDealer.PackageDelivering>>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<<Speech Player "Nah, I'm good. Not interested.">>
<h3>You can't shake the feeling that this is a bad idea.</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<div id="not-interested">
<<linkreplace "Nothing, thanks">>
<<run $('#looking-for-job').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "I'll pass.">>
<h3>You turn and walk away, wanting nothing to do with this shady character.</h3>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">GHETTO</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<for _location range $location>>
<<if _location.area == "Ghetto" || _location.area == "*">>
<<CityMap _location>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STRIP CLUB</h1>
<h3>You are in a strip club. The air is thick with the smell of sweat and perfume. The sound of music and laughter fills the room.</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<createSubLocationButton "Watch a Strip Show" StripClubShow "/stripclub/watchShow.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Get a Drink" StripClubDrink "/stripclub/drink.webp">>
<<if !$location.stripclub.job>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Get a job" StripClubInterview "/stripclub/job/job.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Work" StripClubWork "/stripclub/work.webp">>
<h3>You don't feel comfortable in this place, you should leave.</h3>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.ghetto>>
<h1 class="ptitle">DRINK</h1>
<h3>You drink some alcohol, you feel a little tipsy</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("drink1.webp", "drink2.webp", "drink3.webp", "drink4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/bar/drink/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STRIP CLUB INTERVIEW</h1>
<h3>You walk into the manager's office. He's lounging back in a leather chair, cigar dangling from his lips, a glass of amber liquid swirling in his hand. He eyes you up and down, a slow smirk spreading across his face.</h3>
<<Speech StripClubManager "So, you think you got what it takes to work here, sweetheart?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, I think I can handle it.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Handle it, huh? This ain't folding laundry, dollface. This is about turning heads, making it rain. You think you can do that?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm a fast learner.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Fast learner, eh? Well, let's see just how fast you can learn to… shed a few layers.">>
<<linkreplace "What do you mean?">>
<<Speech Player "What do you mean by 'shed a few layers'?">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Honey, this ain't a knitting circle. Let's just say I need to see what you're working with. Clothes off. Now. Let's see if you're stage material. I've got two other girls waiting, so make it snappy.">>
<div id="stripclub-interview-ok">
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 4>>
<<linkreplace "Okay, fine.">>
<<run $('#stripclub-interview-no').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "Alright, alright. If you insist…">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "That's my girl. Don't keep me waiting.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<h3>You slide your pants down your legs, letting them pool around your ankles.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview1'>>
<h3>You peel off your top, revealing…</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview2'>>
<<if getBeauty() == 0>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Whoa there, darlin'. Not quite what we're lookin' for. Maybe try a bakery? This ain't it. Get dressed and get out.">>
<h3>Maybe you should work on your… beauty before trying again.</h3>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. We can definitely work with this.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm glad you think so.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Alright, sweetheart. Now, let's see you move. Get up on that stage and show me what you can do. Give me a little taste of the magic.">>
<<Speech Player "You got it.">>
<<button 'Go to the stage' 'StripClubInterviewStage'>><</button>>
<div id="stripclub-interview-no">
<<linkreplace "No way. I'm not doing that.">>
<<run $('#stripclub-interview-ok').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "Absolutely not. I'm not stripping for you.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Suit yourself, sweetheart. Door's that way. Don't let it hit ya where the good Lord split ya.">>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'StripClub'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STAGE</h1>
<h3>You step onto the stage. The lights are blinding, the music pulsates through you, and you can feel the heat of the audience's gaze. The manager leans against the side of the stage, watching you intently.</h3>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Alright, sweetheart. Show me what you've got. Let's see those moves.">>
<<linkreplace "Start Dancing">>
<h3>You start to move, letting the music flow through you. You sway your hips, run your hands over your body, teasing the audience with every glance. The manager's eyes follow your every move.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview3'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Yeah, that's it. Work it, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "Keep Dancing">>
<h3>You pick up the pace, your movements becoming more fluid, more suggestive. The music builds, and so does the energy in the room. The manager nods in approval, a smirk playing on his lips.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview4'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Not bad, not bad at all. Come here, let's talk business.">>
<<linkreplace "Approach the Manager">>
<h3>You walk over to the manager, your heart pounding in your chest. He looks you over with a predatory gaze.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview5'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "You've got potential, I'll give you that. But this is just the audition, sweetheart. Think you can handle the real thing? I've already had three girls warming my bed today. Think you can make it four?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sure I can impress you.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Impress me? Honey, I need more than impressed. I need… satisfied. Get on your knees.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel">>
<h3>You slowly lower yourself to your knees, your eyes locked on the manager's.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview6'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "That's a good girl. Now, show me how good you are with your mouth.">>
<<linkreplace "Take Him in Your Mouth">>
<h3>You take the manager's cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview7'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Fuck, yeah Just like that. Now, ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride Him">>
<h3>You straddle the manager, slowly lowering yourself onto his cock. You begin to move, grinding against him, the friction building the heat between you.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview8'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Damn, you're good. Real good.">>
<<Speech Player "You like that?">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "I love it. Keep going.">>
<h3>You increase your pace, riding him harder, faster.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview9'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Get on the floor. I wanna fuck you.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie Down">>
<h3>You lie back on the floor, spreading your legs. The manager positions himself between them.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview10'>>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "My clients are gonna go crazy for you.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm glad to hear it.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "On your hands and knees. I wanna take you from behind.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on All Fours">>
<h3>You get on all fours, arching your back.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview11'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Holy shit, you're amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "I aim to please.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "I'm gonna cum.">>
<<linkreplace "He Cums">>
<h3>The manager pulls out and cums all over you.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview12'>>
<<Speech StripClubManager "You definitely have what it takes. You're hired.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you.">>
<<Speech StripClubManager "Let's go back to my office and make this official.">>
<<linkreplace "Return to the Office">>
<h3>You follow the manager back to his office.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/job/stageInterview13'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene stripclub StripClubInterview>>
<<set $location.stripclub.job = true>>
<<FinishSex StripClubManager true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PRIVATE SESSION</h1>
<h3> You follow the guy to a private room.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Baby, I've been dying for a taste of those tits ever since I saw you on stage.">>
<<Speech Player "Glad you liked what you saw. I promise you won't be disappointed.">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Then prove it. Let's see 'em.">>
<<linkreplace "Show your tits">>
<h3>You peel off your top, revealing your breasts to the eager client.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck, they're even better up close. Just as I imagined.">>
<<Speech Player "You got a thing for tits, huh?">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Honey, I've been obsessed since I was a teenager.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on the bed">>
<h3>You crawl onto the bed, arching your back in a provocative doggy style pose.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "I can't wait to get my hands on you.">>
<<Speech Player "Come and get me, then.">>
<<linkreplace "Tease him">>
<h3>You stretch out on the bed, beckoning him closer with a sultry look.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm ready.">>
<<linkreplace "He plays with your tits">>
<h3>He dives in, squeezing and licking your nipples with unrestrained desire.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "God, they're so soft.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, glad you like them.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes his cock out">>
<h3>His cock springs free, and he starts rubbing it against your wet pussy.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "I'm gonna bury myself inside you.">>
<<Speech Player "Do it.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your panties">>
<h3>He rips off your panties and plunges into you, starting a frantic rhythm.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private6'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck, you're so wet.">>
<<Speech Player "You make me wet.">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Come on, baby, I need to feel your mouth on me.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You sink to your knees, wrapping your lips around his throbbing cock.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "That's it, baby. But I need more. Take it deeper.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you want?">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Deepthroat me, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "Deepthroat">>
<h3>You take his cock deep down your throat, gagging slightly as he pushes it further.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private8'>>
<<Speech Player "Fuck! Easy... I'm gonna choke!">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "I don't care. Take it all.">>
<<Speech Player "Play with my tits... I need to breathe!">>
<<linkreplace "Titjob">>
<h3>You take a break from deepthroating to give him a titjob, his cock twitching between your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck, yeah. Your tits are amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "They're all yours, baby.">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Get on your knees. I wanna fuck you from behind again.">>
<<linkreplace "Doggy style">>
<h3>You obediently get on all fours, and he slams back into you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private10'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "So fucking wet.">>
<<Speech Player "Just for you.">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Now get on top. Ride me, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>You climb on top and start riding him, setting a rhythm that drives you both wild.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Goddamn, you're amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "You like that?">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck yes. Now jerk me off.">>
<<linkreplace "Masturbate him">>
<h3>You take his cock in hand and start stroking him furiously.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private12'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Yes! Keep going!">>
<<Speech Player "Enjoying yourself?">>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck yeah! I need those tits on my cock again!">>
<<linkreplace "Titjob">>
<h3>You give him one last titjob, milking him with your soft breasts.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "I'm so close. Can I cum inside you?">>
<<Speech Player "Please...">>
<<linkreplace "Accept">>
<h3>He spreads your legs wide and pounds into you one last time.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private14'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Fuck! I'm cumming!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me, baby!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He cums hard inside you, filling you with his hot seed.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private15'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "That was incredible. Let me see that pretty pussy full of my cum.">>
<<Speech Player "Take a look...">>
<<linkreplace "He open your pussy">>
<h3>He spreads your pussy lips, admiring his cum inside you.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/private1/private16'>>
<<Speech Strange "Client" "Thanks, baby. You were amazing. Here's your money.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<set $game.random to random(200,250)>>
<h3> You earned $game.random $</h3>
<<addMoney $game.random>>
<<Speech Player "Thanks. Come back and see me again soon.">>
<<UnlockLocationScene stripclub StripClubPrivate1>>
<<FinishSex Strange true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -30>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STRIP SHOW</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("show1.webp", "show2.webp", "show3.webp", "show4.webp", "show5.webp", "show6.webp", "show7.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/stripclub/show/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if $location.stripclub.job>>
<h3> You see a lot of money being thrown at the strippers. I should work here more often.</h3>
<h3>You see a lot of money being thrown at the strippers. You can't help but feel a little jealous, maybe you should try it out?</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<energy -20>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STAGE SESSION</h1>
<h3>A guy approaches you while you're on stage and starts to watch you dance.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Keep it up, you're captivating.">>
<div id="stageAccept">
<<linkreplace "Spread your legs">>
<<HideDiv "stageIgnore">>
<h3>You spread your legs wide for him, practically flashing your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage2'>>
<<Speech Strange "Hey, can I have a word with you for a sec?">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, what's up?">>
<<linkreplace "Talk to him">>
<h3>You chat with him, and he seems really into you.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage3'>>
<<Speech Strange "I'm getting so hard for you, you're incredibly hot.">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks, if you want, we could take this to a private room.">>
<<Speech Strange "Nah, I want it right here!">>
<<Speech Player "For the right price, I'll do anything.">>
<<linkreplace "Spread your legs">>
<h3>You spread your legs in front of him, pulling your panties to the side.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage4'>>
<<Speech Player "What do you think of her?">>
<<Speech Strange "Perfect, I want a taste.">>
<<Speech Player "Then taste it.">>
<<linkreplace "He starts to lick you out">>
<h3>He moves closer and starts going down on you right there.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage5'>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, suck me good.">>
<<Speech Strange "You taste amazing, now come here and suck me.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck him off">>
<h3>You kneel down and start giving him a blowjob.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage6'>>
<<Speech Strange "That's it, suck my dick good.">>
<<Speech Player "Come on, I want to feel you inside me.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on top of him">>
<h3>You climb on top of him and start riding him.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage7'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes, fuck me hard, go on.">>
<<Speech Strange "Ride my dick, you little slut.">>
<<Speech Player "Let me turn around, I can go faster like this.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn around to face him">>
<h3>You turn around to face him, straddling his dick and riding him.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage8'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, that's incredible, you're one hot whore.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck this pussy, yeah.">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on all fours for me, you bitch.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You drop to your hands and knees, and he starts pounding you hard from behind.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage9'>>
<<Speech Strange "Take it, you dog, take my dick.">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, fuck me harder, come on.">>
<<Speech Strange "Lay down and spread your legs for me, you whore.">>
<<linkreplace "Lay down and spread your legs">>
<h3>You lie back and open your legs for him, he starts fucking you hard.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage10'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes, fuck me hard, keep going.">>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, I can't hold back anymore, I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Where do you want to cum?">>
<<Speech Strange "Kneel down for me, I'm gonna bust all over your face.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel down">>
<h3>You kneel in front of him, and he cums all over your face and mouth.</h3>
<<video 'stripclub/work/stage1/stage11'>>
<<Speech Strange "Take my juice, you slut, swallow it all.">>
<<Speech Player "Hope you enjoyed that.">>
<<Speech Strange "Definitely, here's your money.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<set $game.random to random(200,250)>>
<<Speech Player "Thanks, come back anytime.">>
<<UnlockLocationScene stripclub StripClubStage1>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<h3> You earned $game.random $</h3>
<<addMoney $game.random>>
<div id="stageIgnore">
<<linkreplace "Ignore him">>
<<HideDiv "stageAccept">>
<h3>You ignore him and keep dancing, focusing on your routine.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Rude..">>
<<Speech Strange "Whatever, plenty of other dancers here.">>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -30>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STRIP SHOW</h1>
<h3> You go to the stage and start dancing. Some people throw money at you, you feel a little embarrassed but you keep going. </h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("show1.webp", "show2.webp", "show3.webp", "show4.webp", "show5.webp", "show6.webp", "show7.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/stripclub/show/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<set $game.random to random(1,4)>>
<<if $game.random == 1>>
<h3>A guy in the audience talks to you and tell you that he wants to pay you for a private session</h3>
<<button 'Accept' 'StripClubPrivate1'>><</button>>
<<elseif $game.random == 2>>
<<goto 'StripClubStage1'>>
<<set $game.random to random(150, 200)>>
<h3>You earned $game.random $</h3>
<<addMoney $game.random>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Strip Club 🏩' 'StripClub'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -50>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HOUSE ROBBING 🥷🏻🏠</h1>
<<if $game.daysToWork > 0>>
<<Speech Mamba "We need to wait a few days before we can rob another house.">>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<<if $game.time != "LN">>
<<Speech Mamba "We should await until late night to do this, come back later.">>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<h3> You and Mamba are in front of a house, ready to rob it.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob1'>>
<<Speech Mamba "This is the place. Let's go to the backyard.">>
<<Speech Player "Ok">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the backyard">>
<h3>You and Mamba go to the backyard of the house, trying to find a way to get in.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob2'>>
<<Speech Mamba "Hold this for me, I'll try to jump over the wall.">>
<<Speech Player "Ok">>
<<linkreplace "He jumps the wall">>
<h3>While Mamba is trying to jump the wall, you hear a noise coming from the front of the house.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob3'>>
<<Speech Mamba "Fuck, the cops are here! Run!">>
<<Speech Player "Shit! We need to get out of here!">>
/*TODO Success path */
<<linkreplace "Hands up! 🙌🏻">>
<h3>Mamba jump the wall and get out of the house, but you are caught by the police.</h3>
<<video 'vipers/houseRob/houseRob4'>>
<<Speech PoliceMan "Hands up! You are under arrest!">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck!">>
<<button 'Get arrested 🚓' 'HouseRobPrison'>>
<<set $player.gang.daysToWork = 3>>
<h1 class="ptitle">A NEW MEMBER 🐍</h1>
<h3>The door slams shut behind you, the sound echoing in the sudden darkness.
A figure emerges from the shadows, silent as a wraith.
You can barely make out her face, but you feel the weight of her gaze - cold and sharp, like an ice pick.
She moves with a predatory grace, circling you slowly before stopping inches away. Her voice is a low purr, barely audible above the thumping bass coming from somewhere deeper in the building.</h3>
<<Speech Krait "Well, well. What brings a little lamb like you to this slaughterhouse?">>
<h3>Your throat tightens. You try to swallow, but your mouth's gone dry.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Uh... someone said I could, you know... find some opportunities here.">>
<<Speech Krait "Opportunities, huh? And who told you that little fairy tale?">>
<<linkreplace "Don't know his name">>
<<Speech Player "I don't know his name. Met him in a dark alley. He gave me a package...">>
<<Speech Krait "So you're the delivery girl. The King Cobra been expecting you.">>
<<Speech Player "King Cobra?">>
<<Speech Krait "That's our leader, sweetheart. Come on. Don't keep him waiting.">>
<<linkreplace "Go with her">>
<h3>She leads you through a maze of corridors, each darker and more twisted than the last.
The air is thick with the smell of stale smoke and sweat. You can practically feel the eyes of the Vipers on you, watching from the shadows.
Finally, you reach a door, heavy and iron-bound. Krait raps on it with a knuckle, then pushes it open, revealing a dimly lit room.</h3>
<<Speech KingCobra "So you're the girl Mamba sent.">>
<<Speech Player "Mamba?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "Yeah, Mamba. The guy who gave you the package. Ring any bells?">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, I know him.">>
<<Speech KingCobra "Good. You're in.">>
<<linkreplace "In?">>
<<Speech Player "In what?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "In the Vipers, kid. You're one of us now.">>
<<Speech Player "Vipers?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "That's right. We're a family. We look out for each other. Understand?">>
<<linkreplace "What do you want from me?">>
<<Speech Player "What do you want from me?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "Loyalty. Respect. And we want you to prove you've got the guts to be a Viper.">>
<<Speech Player "How?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "You'll see. Soon enough. For now, you're gonna run some errands for us. Keep your nose clean, and you might just live long enough to see your next birthday.">>
<<Speech Player "What kind of errands?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "You ask a lot of questions, kid. You'll find out when you need to. Now get out of my sight. Krait will fill you in." >>
<<Speech Krait "Follow me">>
<<linkreplace "Follow her">>
<<goto "JoinVipersEnd">>
<h1 class="ptitle">THE VIPERS 🐍</h1>
<<Speech Krait "You're wearin' the colors now, kid, but don't get any ideas. You ain't a Viper 'til you prove you can slither with the best of 'em.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so lost right now.">>
<<Speech Krait "You'll catch up. Or you won't. Either way, not my problem.">>
<<linkreplace "What now?">>
<<Speech Player "So, what now?">>
<<Speech Krait "You work for us. You do what we say, when we say it. You keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. Got it?">>
<<Speech Player "And if I don't?">>
<<Speech Krait "Then you'll end up face down in the gutter with the rest of the city's scum. Think about that before you get any bright ideas.">>
<<linkreplace "...">>
<<Speech Player "...">>
<<Speech Krait "Something you wanna say, sweetheart? Spit it out.">>
<<Speech Player "No. Nothin'.">>
<<Speech Krait "Good. Now get lost. I got things to do.">>
<<linkreplace "Right.">>
<<Speech Player "Right.">>
<<Speech Krait "And don't call me 'right'. I got a name. Use it.">>
<<Speech Player "Right, Krait.">>
<<Speech Krait "Better. Now scram.">>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SELLING DRUGS</h1>
<h3> You are selling drugs for the Vipers. You have to be careful, the police are always watching.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $player.gang.daysToWork == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Wait for customers">>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<h3> You find a customer, you sell him the drugs and get the money.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("sellingdrugs1.webp", "sellingdrugs2.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/vipers/selldrugs/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(200,300)>>
<<set $vipersCut to Math.round($game.randomMoney / 2)>>
<<set $earnings to $game.randomMoney - $vipersCut>>
<h3>You earn $ $game.randomMoney, but you have to give $ $vipersCut to the Vipers.</h3>
<<addMoney $earnings>>
<<SetDaysToWork 2>>
<h3> You wait for a long time, but no one comes.</h3>
<h3>I should wait a few days before selling drugs again, I don't want to attract attention.</h3>
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THE BOSS</h1>
<h3> You are in front of the boss of the Vipers, one of the most dangerous gangs in the Ghetto.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $player.gang.respect == 10 && $player.gang.title == "Recruit">>
<<Speech Player "You want to talk with me, boss?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "I aprecciate your work, yow now are promoted to the rank of Dealer. Now you can sell drugs.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, boss.">>
<<set $player.gang.title = "Dealer">>
<<set $player.gang.daysToWork = 0>>
<<elseif $player.gang.respect == 20 && $player.gang.title == "Dealer">>
<<Speech Player "You want to talk with me, boss?">>
<<Speech KingCobra "You are doing a great job, now you are promoted to the rank of House Burglar. Now you can rob houses.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, boss.">>
<<set $player.gang.title = "House Burglar">>
<<set $player.gang.daysToWork = 0>>
<h3>You don't have nothing to talk with him.</h3>
<<button 'Back' 'Vipers'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THE VIPERS 🐍</h1>
<h3>The Vipers are a gang that operates in the Ghetto. They are known for their ruthlessness and their control over the drug trade in the area.</h3>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<createSubLocationButton "Talk with Boss" TalkBoss "/vipers/talkBoss.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Clean" VipersClean "/vipers/clean.webp">>
<<if $player.gang.respect >= 10>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Sell Drugs" SellDrugs "/vipers/selldrugs.webp">>
<<if $player.gang.respect >= 20>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Rob a house" HouseRob "/vipers/houserob.webp">>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Ghetto 🌆' 'Ghetto'>><</button>>
<<if $player.gang.respect == 0>>
<<goto "JoinVipers">>
<h1 class="ptitle">THE VIPERS 🐍</h1>
<<if $player.gang.daysToWork == 0>>
<h3>You take the bucket and the mop and start cleaning the Vipers' hideout. This is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You earn <<green>>$50<</green>> and gain some respect with the Vipers.</h3>
<<addMoney 50>>
<<energy -25>>
<<set $player.gang.daysToWork = 1>>
<h3>There's nothing to clean right now. You should come tomorrow.</h3>
<<button 'Back' 'Vipers'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Emma's bedroom 🛏️" "EmmaBedroom">><</button>>
<<button "Bathroom 🚾" "EmmaBathroom">><</button>>
<<button "City 🏙️" "Residential">><</button>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<goto 'SexPlaying'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EMMA'S HOUSE</h1>
<h3>You reach Emma's house and knock on the door</h3>
<<linkreplace "Go in">>
<h3>You enter the house and find Emma in the living room, completely absorbed in her videogame</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hey, what are you playing? You seem really into it">>
<h3>She's so engrossed that she doesn't even realize you're there. The controller vibrates in her hands, and her eyes dart across the screen, reflecting the flashing lights of the game</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying1'>>
<<Speech Player "Earth to Emma? I'm starting to think this game is more interesting than me">>
<h3>She finally tears her eyes away from the screen, a startled look on her face</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying2'>>
<<Speech Emma "Oh, hey! I didn't even hear you come in. Sorry, this level is insane">>
<<Speech Player "Clearly. You seem a little tense though. How about a break?">>
<<linkreplace "You try to get her attention">>
<h3>You try to capture her attention, but she's quickly drawn back into the action on the screen. You can practically hear her competitive spirit flaring</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying3'>>
<<Speech Player "Hey, I'm here">>
<h3>She doesn't even seem to register your words, fingers flying across the buttons</h3>
<<Speech Player "Alright, I guess I'll have to try a different approach">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Try to get her attention">>
<h3>You move behind her and gently begin to massage her shoulders, feeling the knots and tension beneath your fingertips</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying4'>>
<h3>At first, she barely seems to notice, but as your touch grows firmer, a sigh escapes her lips. Her head tilts back slightly, and you hear a soft moan of relief</h3>
<<Speech Player "Let's see if you can keep playing now">>
<<linkreplace "Expose her tits">>
<h3>You gently lift her shirt, revealing her smooth, tanned skin. Her nipples harden instantly, and a faint blush spreads across her cheeks</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying5'>>
<h3>You expose her tits and start playing with them</h3>
<<Speech Emma "Mhmmmmm">>
<h3>You hear her moaning, she's enjoying it</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying6'>>
<<Speech Player "I knew you would like it">>
<<linkreplace "Take off her shorts">>
<h3>You slide her shorts down, revealing more of her smooth skin</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying7'>>
<<Speech Player "Let me see that gorgeous ass">>
<h3>You cup her buttocks, feeling the soft curves beneath your palms. She gasps and pushes her hips forward, grinding against you</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying8'>>
<<linkreplace "You take off her pants">>
<h3>You pull her pants off, leaving her barely naked. Her body is flawless, and you can't help but admire her curves</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying9'>>
<h3>You continue to grope her buttocks, feeling her muscles clench and relax beneath your touch. She moans loudly, her body trembling with pleasure</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying10'>>
<h3>She's so wet</h3>
<<Speech Player "I knew you would like it">>
<<linkreplace "Masturbate her">>
<h3>You reach between her legs and start to masturbate her. She moans even louder, her body arching towards you.</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying11'>>
<<Speech Emma "Oh my god, that's so good">>
<h3>She's moaning so loud, you do it faster</h3>
<<Speech Player "You are so gorgeous">>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying12'>>
<h3>You gently turn her around and pull her panties down. Her pussy is wet and glistening, and you can't wait to taste it</h3>
<<Speech Player "I want to taste you">>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying13'>>
<<linkreplace "She stop playing">>
<h3>She stops playing and looks at you</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying14'>>
<<Speech Emma "What are you doing, naughty girl?">>
<<Speech Player "Just having some fun while you play">>
<<linkreplace "Lick her pussy">>
<h3>You get down and start to lick her pussy. She moans and writhes beneath you, her body shaking with pleasure</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying15'>>
<<Speech Emma "Oh, god, yes, lick me there">>
<<Speech Player "Your pussy tastes really good">>
<<Speech Emma "Come here, give me a kiss">>
<<linkreplace "Kiss Emma">>
<h3>You lean up and kiss her, tasting her sweet lips. She kisses you back, her tongue dancing with yours</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying16'>>
<<Speech Emma "Let me taste those titties">>
<h3>She takes your breasts in her mouth and starts to lick them. You moan and arch your back, enjoying the sensation of her warm tongue on your skin</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying17'>>
<<linkreplace "She takes your panties off">>
<h3>She reaches down and takes your panties off. You're now both barely naked, and you can't wait to make love</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying18'>>
<h3>She starts licking your pussy</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying19'>>
<<Speech Emma "We should get naked">>
<<linkreplace "Get naked">>
<h3>You both get naked and lie down on the bed. You kiss and cuddle, your bodies pressed close together</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying20'>>
<<Speech Player "Get on top of me, put that pussy in my mouth">>
<h3>She gets on top of you and starts to ride your face. You moan and thrust your tongue into her pussy, enjoying the taste of her juices</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying21'>>
<<Speech Emma "Oh my god, you are so good">>
<<Speech Player "You are so wet, I love it">>
<<Speech Emma "Now it's my turn to lick you">>
<<linkreplace "She licks your pussy">>
<h3>You get on top of her and position yourself between her legs. You lower your head and start to lick her pussy</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying22'>>
<<Speech Emma "You taste so good">>
<<Speech Player "I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to cum">>
<<linkreplace "You cum">>
<h3>You cum in her mouth and she swallows it all. You both lay down on the bed, exhausted but satisfied</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying23'>>
<<Speech Emma "That was amazing">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so glad you enjoyed it">>
<h3>You both lay down on the sofa and she goes back to playing</h3>
<<video 'emma/house/livingRoom/sexPlaying/sexPlaying24'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Emma SexPlaying>>
<<addRelation "Emma">>
<<FinishSex Emma false>>
<h3>Maybe if you were a little more naughty you could get her attention</h3>
<<Speech Player "Actually, I think I should come another day">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button "Leave" "Residential">>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EMMA'S BATHROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'EmmaHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EMMA'S BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'EmmaHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JOGGING SEX 1</h1>
<h3>You pull him into a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "I can't believe you're actually doing this. You're so fucking hot.">>
<<Speech Player "I know, right? I can't believe it either.">>
<h3>His hand snakes around your ass, gripping and squeezing the flesh.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex1'>>
<<Speech Player "Is it soft? Tell me you like it.">>
<<Speech Strange "Oh god, yeah, it's incredibly soft. Feels amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "Want to feel more? Touch my tits.">>
<<Speech Strange "Like I could resist.">>
<<linkreplace "He touches your boobs">>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex2'>>
<h3>He cups your breasts, kneading them gently, his thumbs teasing your nipples.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Do you like them? Are they everything you imagined?">>
<<Speech Strange "They're perfect. So soft and firm. God, I want to feel them all over me.">>
<<Speech Player "Then take off your pants, show me what you've got.">>
<h3>He eagerly sheds his pants, revealing his hard cock.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Damn, that's big. I bet it feels even better than it looks.">>
<<Speech Strange "I want to feel your tits wrapped around it.">>
<<linkreplace "Titjob him">>
<h3>You take him in hand, stroking him with your breasts, letting him rub against your soft flesh.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, you're amazing at this.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, I'm glad you're enjoying it.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex4'>>
<h3>He groans, his cock twitching in your hand. You lean down and take him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Holy shit, your mouth is heaven!">>
<<Speech Player "I want you inside me. Now.">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on all fours, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex5'>>
<h3>You obey, positioning yourself on your hands and knees. He wastes no time slamming into you from behind.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "You're so tight. So fucking good.">>
<<Speech Player "Harder! Give it to me harder!">>
<h3>He chokes you gently, slipping a finger into your mouth as he continues to pound into you.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex6'>>
<<Speech Strange "You dirty girl. You like that, don't you?">>
<<Speech Player "I love it. I'm a slut for it.">>
<<Speech Strange "I'm gonna… I'm gonna cum!">>
<<linkreplace "He's gonna cum">>
<h3>He pulls out, stroking himself furiously against your slick pussy.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck! Here it comes!">>
<h3>He explodes, covering your ass with his cum.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex1/joggingSex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "That was incredible. We should do this again soon.">>
<<Speech Player "Definitely. I'm already looking forward to it.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene park JoggingSex1>>
<<FinishSex Strange true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Park'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JOGGING SEX 2</h1>
<h3>You stroll through the forest, aware of him trailing close behind. You decide to turn up the heat.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, you've got an amazing ass.">>
<<Speech Player "I know. Like what you see?">>
<h3>His hand reaches out, caressing your ass and dipping a finger into your wet heat.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex2'>>
<<Speech Player "Someone's getting a little handsy. Trying to take advantage of me already?">>
<<Speech Strange "I've been wanting you since the second I laid eyes on you in the park.">>
<<Speech Player "So this is what you wanted to see, huh? Feast your eyes.">>
<<linkreplace "Show your tits">>
<h3>You unbutton your bra, letting your breasts spill free. He stares, speechless with desire.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck… you're driving me crazy.">>
<<Speech Player "Just with this? You haven't seen anything yet.">>
<h3>You push him gently onto a fallen log, then turn around, grinding your ass against his hardening cock.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex4'>>
<<Speech Player "Get ready for the best blowjob of your life.">>
<<Speech Strange "I don't doubt it for a second.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You kneel, unzipping his shorts and freeing his throbbing cock. You take him in hand, licking a slow stripe from base to tip.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Oh god, yes… suck me!">>
<<linkreplace "Let's fuck">>
<h3>You stand, straddling the log as he moves behind you. He pulls your panties aside and slides into your waiting pussy.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex6'>>
<<Speech Player "Fuck yes! Right there… fuck me hard!">>
<<Speech Strange "This is unbelievable. I can't believe this is happening.">>
<<Speech Player "Let me get on all fours. I want to feel you deep.">>
<<linkreplace "On all fours">>
<h3>You lean against the log, presenting your ass as you get on all fours.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex7'>>
<h3>You hear voices approaching. You pull him further into the trees, then quickly reposition yourself, lifting your ass high as he slides back inside you.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex8'>>
<<Speech Strange "I can't hold back anymore. I'm going to cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum inside me! Fill me with your cum!">>
<<linkreplace "Cum!!">>
<h3>He thrusts harder, faster, then explodes inside you.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex9'>>
<<Speech Strange "We should go. Someone might have seen us.">>
<h3>Your mind is blank, filled only with the pleasure of his cum dripping from your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSex2/joggingSex10'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… I can feel it dripping…">>
<h3>You quickly dress, your panties soaked with his cum, and hurry away.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene park JoggingSex2>>
<<FinishSex Strange true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Park'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JOGGING SEX</h1>
<h3>You pull him into a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hey, check this out for a sec.">>
<<linkreplace "Show him your ass">>
<h3>As you walk, you move in front of him and casually slip off your shorts, leaving you in just your panties and top.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant1'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, that's a nice ass.">>
<<Speech Player "You wanna see something else too?">>
<<Speech Strange "Definitely.">>
<<linkreplace "Show him your breasts">>
<h3>You turn to face him again, lifting your top and bra to reveal your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant2'>>
<<Speech Strange "You are so hot!">>
<<Speech Player "Come here, put your hands all over me.">>
<<linkreplace "He grabs you">>
<h3>He grabs you from behind, caressing your body as he starts to pull off your clothes.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant3'>>
<<Speech Player "You're such a perv, haha.">>
<<Speech Strange "And you're totally wild, now get over here and suck my dick.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck his dick">>
<h3>You kneel in front of him, pull out his dick, and start giving him a blowjob.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant4'>>
<<Speech Strange "Yeah, suck it good, you little slut.">>
<<Speech Player "Now fuck me, fuck me hard.">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours for him">>
<h3>You turn around and get on all fours, waiting for him to fuck you.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant5'>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, fuck me, you dirty boy.">>
<<Speech Strange "You really are a slut, I love it.">>
<<Speech Player "Harder!">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you harder">>
<h3>He starts fucking you harder, your legs tremble, and you feel every thrust.</h3>
<<video 'park/joggingSexPregnant/joggingSexPregnant6'>>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me, you fucker!">>
<<Speech Strange "Get on your knees, I'm gonna cum!">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel">>
<h3>You kneel in front of him, and he masturbates until he cums all over your face.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "That was fucking incredible, damn!">>
<<Speech Player "Definitely, we should do this again sometime.">>
<<Speech Strange "For sure, now we better get out of here before someone sees us.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene park JoggingSexPregnant>>
<<FinishSex Strange true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Park'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Strange Guy</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<linkreplace "Wake up">>
<h3>You come to with a throbbing headache, your wrists bound tightly. Everything's blurry, and the last thing you remember is… nothing. Where the hell are you?</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced1'>>
<<linkreplace "Where am I ?">>
<h3>A shadowy figure emerges, their hands running over your body, making your skin crawl.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced2'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmmmph...">>
<<Speech Strange "Relax, sweetheart. Struggling will only make it worse.">>
<<linkreplace "He turns your back">>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced3'>>
<<Speech Strange "Damn, you've got a fine ass. I can't resist this.">>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<h3>He savors the sight of your body for a moment before the sting of a whip cuts across your skin. He groans with pleasure, each lash a perverse caress.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced4'>>
<<linkreplace "On fours">>
<h3>He unties your wrists, only to drag you to a nearby tree. He binds you again, forcing you onto all fours. You gasp as you feel his hard cock against your lips, then he shoves it deep into your throat, making you gag.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced5'>>
<<Speech Strange "Be a good girl and suck it nice and deep.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck it">>
<h3>He pulls back, then slams his cock back into your mouth, the force of it making you choke. He pumps in and out, enjoying your involuntary gags.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced6'>>
<<linkreplace "Fuck me">>
<h3>He finally pulls out of your mouth, leaving you gasping for air. He moves behind you, the head of his cock pressing against your slick folds. He thrusts hard, filling you completely, and starts fucking you relentlessly.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced7'>>
<<Speech Strange "Fuck, you're so tight.">>
<<linkreplace "Let me go">>
<h3>The world explodes in a white-hot blur as he fucks you into oblivion. You wake up shivering, your body still tied to the tree. The chilling splash of warm water washes over you, a cruel reminder of your helplessness. He's cleaning you up, the bastard.</h3>
<<video 'park/parklatenight/strangeforced8'>>
<h3>The world fades to black again.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<UnlockLocationScene park KidnapAtPark>>
<<button 'You passed out' 'ParkLateNight'>>
<<energy 0>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PARK</h1>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<createSubLocationButton "Go Jog 🏃🏼" ParkJog "/park/parkjogbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Change Clothes 👟" Wardrobe "/house/bedroom/wardrobe/wardrobebanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.residential>>
<<if $game.time == "N" || $game.time == "LN" || $game.time == "E">>
<<goto 'ParkLateNight'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JOGGING</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("jogging1.webp", "jogging2.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/park/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $player.clothing.corruption >= 15>>
<h3>You're wearing very flashy clothes, so naturally you're attracting a lot of male gazes, but you notice that one of them is almost drooling over you.
You feel an inexplicable pleasure, and you start to fantasize about what it would be like to show off your naked body in public.</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2 >>
<<linkreplace "Flash him 🫦">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("flashing1.webp", "flashing2.webp", "flashing3.webp", "flashing4.webp", "flashing5.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/park/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech Strange "Wow, what a body!">>
<<Speech Player "Thanks">>
<<UnlockLocationScene park JoggingFlash>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<Speech Strange "I would love to see the rest of your body">>
<<if $player.clothing.corruption >= 30>>
<<button 'Come with me 😘'>>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<goto 'JoggingSexPregnant'>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<goto 'JoggingSex1'>>
<<goto 'JoggingSex2'>>
<<button 'Maybe next time, haha 😂'>>
<<goto 'Park'>>
<<elseif $player.corruption.level == 0 >>
<<linkreplace "Ignore him ">>
<<Speech Player "Leave me alone you pervert!">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Park'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -15>>
#place-head img {
width: auto;
<h1 class="ptitle">LATE NIGHT AT PARK</h1>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<createSubLocationButton "Go Jog 🏃🏼" ParkLateNightJog "/park/parklatenight/latenightjogbanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Change Clothes 👟" Wardrobe "/house/bedroom/wardrobe/wardrobebanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.residential>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LATE NIGHT JOGGING</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<energy -10>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<h4 class="ptitle">You see someone following you and start running faster</h4>
<<linkreplace "Try to escape">>
<<if $player.fitness <= 5 || random(1,2) == 1>>
<h4 class="ptitle"><span class="drunk">While trying to escape, you feel a strong blow to your head and faint.</span></h4>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<goto 'KidnapAtPark'>>
<h4 class="ptitle">You manage to lose him and go straight home</h4>
<<button 'Go home 🏠' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'ParkLateNight'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">RESIDENTIAL AREA</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<for _location range $location>>
<<if _location.area == "Residential" || _location.area == "*">>
<<CityMap _location>>
<h1 class="ptitle">RESTAURANT</h1>
<<if $location.restaurant.open == false>>
<<EnterLocation 'center'>>
<<goto 'Center'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "The restaurant is closed!">>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<createSubLocationButton "Eat 🍽️" RestaurantEat "/restaurant/restauranteatbanner.webp">>
<<if !$location.restaurant.job>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Apply to work 💼" RestaurantInterview "/restaurant/applyworkbanner.webp">>
<<if $player.energy >= 25>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Work 💼" RestaurantWork "/restaurant/workbanner.webp">>
<<if $location.restaurant.scenes.PromotionScene.unlocked >>
<<createSubLocationButton "Work at VIP ⚜️" RestaurantVIP "/restaurant/vip/workVip.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Change Clothes 👠" Wardrobe "/house/bedroom/wardrobe/wardrobebanner.webp">>
<<Notification 'warning' "You are too tired to work!">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Quit job ❌" RestaurantQuit "/restaurant/quitjobbanner.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.center>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VIP SECTION</h1>
<h3>They're all sitting at the bar and greet you, looking very pleased about something.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang1'>>
<<Speech Player "So, what are you guys celebrating?">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "We just closed a massive deal and we're looking to celebrate. Wanna join us?">>
<<linkreplace "Sure, I'd love to">>
<h3>You smile and accept their invitation.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang2'>>
<<Speech Player "Sure, I'd love to.">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Great, I think we can start with a few drinks to get the night going.">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Yeah, let's have some fun!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Let the night begin!">>
<<linkreplace "You toast and take a shot">>
<h3>You toast and take a shot. It feels like it's going to be a long night.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang3'>>
<<Speech Player "Damn, that drink is strong!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Now that I really look at you, you're really hot. How about we have a little fun?">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Yeah, let's have some fun with her!">>
<<linkreplace "They go behind the counter">>
<h3>They lead you behind the counter and close in on you. They start groping your ass and lifting your skirt.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang4'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Damn, you really do have a nice ass!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Check out what I've got for you!">>
<<linkreplace "They pull out their dicks">>
<h3>They pull out their dicks. You're already feeling the alcohol and can't resist.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang5'>>
<<Speech Player "Damn, you guys are crazy!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Let's see if you can handle what we've got for you!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Let's see if you're as good as you look!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Hey, don't forget about me!">>
<<linkreplace "You start sucking all three">>
<h3>You start sucking all three of them. They are really turned on and you're loving the situation.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang6'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Damn, you're really good at that!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Check her out, George!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Guys, look at the size of her tits!">>
<<linkreplace "They unbutton your blouse">>
<h3>They unbutton your blouse and expose your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang7'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Holy shit, those are amazing tits!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "I think we really hit the jackpot tonight!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Get on all fours, let's see what you can take!">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours">>
<h3>You get on all fours. One of them comes from behind and starts fucking you while you suck another one.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang8'>>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Wow, you're so tight!">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, fuck me harder!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "I want a turn too!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Let's put her up on the table!">>
<<linkreplace "They put you on the table">>
<h3>They put you up on the table. Several customers start approaching to get a peek.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang9'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Let's see if you can handle all of us!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Come on guys, let's get in on this!">>
<<Speech Player "I think this is getting a little out of hand!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Relax, you're loving it!">>
<<linkreplace "They try to eat your ass">>
<h3>Suddenly, one of them tries to eat your ass. You feel a little pain but you're starting to enjoy it.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang10'>>
<<Speech Player "Slowly, please!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Damn, your ass is so tight!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Think she can handle two at once?">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Go for it, try to get it in her pussy!">>
<<linkreplace "They double penetrate you">>
<h3>You sit on one, while the other comes from behind and starts shoving his dick in your ass.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang11'>>
<<Speech Player "Holy fuck, this is insane!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "She took it!!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "This is so good!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "She's almost passing out, let's take it easy!">>
<<linkreplace "You suck one while the other fucks you">>
<h3>You lie on all fours on the table. In front of you, one of them puts his dick in your mouth, while the other fucks you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang12'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Yeah, suck it good!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Didn't expect this when I walked in here!">>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum, take it all!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums in your mouth">>
<h3>He pulls his dick out of your mouth and masturbates until he cums all over you.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang13'>>
<<Speech Strange "Noah" "Take it, you little slut!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Yeah, cum on her face!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Delicious, she loved it!">>
<<Speech Player "I want to suck all of you again!">>
<<linkreplace "You suck all of them">>
<h3>You kneel down, and they all stand around you with their dicks out. You start sucking them all.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang14'>>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Yeah, slut, suck it good!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Damn, I can't hold back!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Here it comes!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums on you">>
<h3>While you masturbate him, he unleashes a load of cum all over you.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang15'>>
<<Speech Strange "George" "Take it, you little whore!">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, give me everything!">>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "I'm gonna cum too!!">>
<<linkreplace "You receive another load">>
<h3>You turn to the other side and immediately receive another load on your face. You're completely covered.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang16'>>
<<Speech Strange "Christian" "Yeah, take more cum!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "She loves this!">>
<<Speech Player "I want more!">>
<<linkreplace "You lie down on the floor">>
<h3>You lie down on the floor. Several people who were watching approach and start cumming on you.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang17'>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, give me everything you've got!">>
<<Speech Strange "George" "She's a real slut!">>
<<Speech Strange "Maid" "I think that's enough for today, let's get out of here before more people want to join in!">>
<<linkreplace "Your coworker helps you up">>
<h3>Your coworker helps you up. You're completely covered and exhausted. The men applaud and cheer for you.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/restaurantGangbang/restaurantGangbang18'>>
<<Speech Player "Thanks, I think I got a little carried away!">>
<<Speech Strange "Maid" "Don't worry about it, you were amazing!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<h3>They give to you <<green>>$250<</green>>.</h3>
<<addMoney 250>>
<<UnlockLocationScene restaurant RestaurantGangbang>>
<<FinishSex Strange false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'RestaurantVIP'>>
<<energy -30>>
<h1 class="ptitle">JOB INTERVIEW</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You are in a job interview at a restaurant, the boss is asking you some questions</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Answer right 📖'>>
<<if $player.intelligence >= 0>>
<<goto 'RestaurantInterviewEnd'>>
<<Notification 'int' "You aren't smart enough to do the job! (5+ int)">>
<<button 'Seduce the boss 🫦'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<goto 'RestaurantInterviewSex'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Restaurant'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">YOU GOT THE JOB!</h1>
<<Speech Boss "Congratulations! You got the job, don't be late and come every day to avoid being fired">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview_end'>>
<<Speech Player "Thank you!! I'm so happy">>
<<set $location.restaurant.job = true>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Restaurant.INeedMoney>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Restaurant.Promotion>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Restaurant'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SEDUCE THE BOSS 💋</h1>
<h3>A voice calls your name. You smooth down your skirt and enter the room.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview1'>>
<<Speech Boss "Welcome. Have a seat, let's begin.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you, sir.">>
<<Speech Boss "I'd like to start by discussing your experience as a waitress...">>
<<Speech Player "How about we skip the formalities and get right to the fun part?">>
<<Speech Boss "What are you suggesting?">>
<<linkreplace "Kiss him 💋">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview2'>>
<<Speech Boss "Mmm, I see. You're a bold one. Come closer. Let me get a better look at you.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir.">>
<<linkreplace "Go close to him">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview3'>>
<<Speech Boss "Good girl. Now, be a good girl and unzip my pants.">>
<<Speech Player "With pleasure.">>
<<linkreplace "Unzip his pants">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview4'>>
<<Speech Boss "That's it. Now show me how good you can be. Suck it.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview5'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, how's that, boss? Am I doing a good job?">>
<<Speech Boss "Yes, my dear. Keep that up and the job is yours. Now, get on the table, on all fours. I want to fuck that tight little pussy.">>
<<Speech Player "Wait, I thought this was just a blowjob?">>
<<Speech Boss "Haha, you think you're the first to offer yourself up for this position? Now hurry up before I change my mind.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the table">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview6'>>
<<Speech Player "Please, be gentle...">>
<<Speech Boss "Shut up and take it like a good little whore.">>
<<linkreplace "Harder!">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview7'>>
<<Speech Player "Ah! It hurts! Slow down!">>
<<Speech Boss "You won't get the job whining like that. Get up. I want you on top.">>
<<linkreplace "Get up">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview8'>>
<<Speech Boss "Come here. Straddle me. Bounce, bitch.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir...">>
<<Speech Boss "Why are you still dressed? Take those clothes off, slut!">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview9'>>
<<Speech Boss "Much better. Don't you agree?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir...">>
<<Speech Boss "Get up. Let's move somewhere more comfortable.">>
<<linkreplace "Get up">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview10'>>
<<Speech Boss "Follow me.">>
<<linkreplace "Follow him">>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview11'>>
<<Speech Boss "Ride me, slut. Earn that position.">>
<h3>After a while...</h3>
<<Speech Boss "Come here. I'm going to cum all over you.">>
<<linkreplace "Kneel for him">>
<<Speech Boss "Oh yeah, take it, slut! I'm cumming!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<set $location.restaurant.job = true>>
<<UnlockLocationScene restaurant RestaurantInterviewSex>>
<<FinishSex Boss false>>
<<button 'End Interview' 'RestaurantInterviewEnd'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PROMOTION!!!</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You answer your boss's call and go to your office</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/interview/interview1'>>
<<Speech Player "Did you call me boss?">>
<<Speech Boss "Yes, I'm happy to tell you that you will be promoted!">>
<<Speech Player "This is amazing, for what position will I go?">>
<<Speech Boss "So we need to talk about it, here at the restaurant there is a secret section for VIP customers, you were promoted to work as a waitress in this section.">>
<<Speech Player "I don't understand, I figured that I would go to a higher position, earn a higher salary ...">>
<<Speech Boss "Don't worry dear, the salary there is bigger, just as the tips are much more generous.">>
<<Speech Player "And what is the difference between my current work for this new one?">>
<<Speech Boss "It starts with the uniform, VIP customers don't like boring traditional uniforms, so this here will be their new uniform from now on.">>
<<set $clothes.sexymaid.purchased = true>>
<<linkreplace "Wear the uniform">>
<<ChangeClothes $clothes.sexymaid>>
<<Speech Player "I don't know if I like it, it's a bit revealing.">>
<<Speech Boss "Don't worry, you will get used to it. Come with me, I will show you where the VIP section is.">>
<<button 'Follow the boss' 'RestaurantVIPScene'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SPECIAL VISIT</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You walk into your boss's office and see him sitting in the chair waiting for you</h3>
<<Speech Boss "Thanks for coming, I have a task for you">>
<<Speech Player "What do you need, boss?">>
<<Speech Boss "I have a special client who wants a special service, I need you to take care of him">>
<<Speech Player "What kind of service?">>
<<Speech Boss "They are a couple, she has a cuckold fetish, so you will have sex with her husband while they have lunch">>
<<Speech Player "When will they come?">>
<<Speech Boss "They will be here any moment, I want you to serve only their table">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'll do it">>
<<button 'Go to the salon' 'RestaurantSpecialVisitSex'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VIP SECTION</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>A sleek car pulls up outside. Looks expensive.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Greet the guests 🚪">>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit1'>>
<<Speech Player "Welcome! I hope you have a wonderful evening.">>
<<Speech Michael "Thank you. We're looking forward to it.">>
<<Speech Susan "Yes, thank you.">>
<<Speech Player "I'll do my best to ensure you have a memorable experience. Right this way, please.">>
<<Speech Michael "I'm sure you will.">>
<h3>You lead them to a plush table in the VIP section.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit2'>>
<<Speech Player "Here are our menus.">>
<<Speech Michael "We already know what we want.">>
<<Speech Susan "Let me just have a quick glance, darling, just in case.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, then. What can I get for you?">>
<<Speech Michael "Two liqueurs to start. We'll decide on our meals after.">>
<<Speech Player "Certainly. I'll be right back.">>
<h3>As you head for the bar, your boss intercepts you, his fingers quickly unbuttoning your blouse. Your breasts spill free.</h3>
<<Speech Boss "Much better. He'll want to see those. And when you bring their meals, I want you under that table, giving him a blowjob. Understood?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir.">>
<<linkreplace "Serve the liqueurs 🍸">>
<h3>You return, breasts exposed, carrying the drinks.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit3'>>
<<Speech Player "Here are your liqueurs. Have you decided on your meals?">>
<<Speech Michael "I'll have the filet mignon.">>
<<Speech Susan "The salmon for me, please.">>
<<Speech Player "Excellent choices. I'll be back with those shortly.">>
<<linkreplace "Serve the dishes 🍽️">>
<h3>You serve their meals and, as instructed, slip under the table, taking Michael's cock in your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit4'>>
<<Speech Michael "The food here is always exceptional, wouldn't you say, my love?">>
<<Speech Susan "Absolutely.">>
<h3>You emerge from under the table, hiking up your skirt and straddling Michael, his cock sinking into you.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit5'>>
<<Speech Michael "Excuse me a moment. I need to… adjust myself.">>
<<Speech Player "Of course.">>
<h3>While Michael removes his trousers, you chat with Susan.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit6'>>
<<Speech Player "So, how are you enjoying everything so far?">>
<<Speech Susan "It's wonderful. Just as we planned.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks me 🐩">>
<h3>Michael returns, finding you on all fours. He wastes no time taking you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit7'>>
<<Speech Michael "Let me help you with that.">>
<<Speech Player "Be my guest.">>
<h3>He removes your clothes, leaving you completely naked.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit8'>>
<<Speech Player "Would you care for an appetizer? It's a house specialty.">>
<<Speech Michael "Certainly.">>
<h3>You retrieve the appetizer, your naked body on display.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Serve the appetizer 🍢">>
<h3>Returning, you offer the appetizer directly to Michael's mouth.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit9'>>
<<Speech Michael "Mmm… Delicious.">>
<h3>You settle back onto his cock, riding him smoothly.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit10'>>
<<Speech Michael "You should try some of this.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you.">>
<<Speech Michael "Turn around. Face me.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn to him">>
<h3>You turn, resuming your ride as he fondles your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit11'>>
<<Speech Susan "My husband is quite the connoisseur, isn't he?">>
<<Speech Player "It's a pleasure serving you both.">>
<h3>He lifts you, sits, and pulls you down to your knees.</h3>
<<Speech Michael "Suck me. I'm close.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You take him in your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit12'>>
<<Speech Susan "Are you close, darling? I want to see you cum in her mouth.">>
<<Speech Michael "Just about there, my love.">>
<h3>He grips your hair, stroking himself as he fills your mouth with cum.</h3>
<<video 'restaurant/vip/specialVisit/specialVisit13'>>
<<Speech Player "I hope you enjoyed everything.">>
<<Speech Michael "Immensely. We'll be back.">>
<<Speech Susan "Most definitely.">>
<<Speech Michael "Here's a little something extra for your… excellent service.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<h3>He hands you <<green>>$100<</green>>.</h3>
<<addMoney 100>>
<<UnlockLocationScene restaurant RestaurantSpecialVisitSex>>
<<FinishSex Michael false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'RestaurantVIP'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VIP SECTION</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<set $game.random to random(1,4)>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 4 && $location.restaurant.xp >= 25 && previous() != 'RestaurantSpecialVisitScene' && previous() != 'RestaurantGangbang'>>
<<if $location.restaurant.scenes.RestaurantSpecialVisitSex.unlocked == false>>
<h3>You hear your boss calling you from his office.</h3>
<<Speech Boss "$player.name come to my office!">>
<<button 'Go to his office' 'RestaurantSpecialVisit'>><</button>>
<<elseif $game.random == 1>>
<h3>You hear your boss calling you from his office.</h3>
<<Speech Boss "$player.name come to my office!">>
<<button 'Go to his office' 'RestaurantSpecialVisit'>><</button>>
<<elseif $game.random == 2 && $location.restaurant.xp >= 30 >>
<h3>Some guys approached you at the bar, they seem to be interested in you.</h3>
<<Speech Strange "Hey, we want to celebrate, can you help us?">>
<<button 'Help them' 'RestaurantGangbang'>><</button>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("blowclient1.webp", "blowclient2.webp", "blowclient3.webp", "fuckclient2.webp", "fuckclient3.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(20,30)>>
<<message "You got $game.randomMoney $">>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<energy -25>>
<<addJobXP "restaurant">>
<h3>A customer is requesting a special dish!</h3>
<<linkreplace "Serve him">>
<div class="shower">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/restaurant/vip/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(20,30)>>
<<message "You got $game.randomMoney $">>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("blowclient1.webp", "blowclient2.webp", "blowclient3.webp", "fuckclient2.webp", "fuckclient3.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(20,30)>>
<<message "You got $game.randomMoney $">>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<energy -25>>
<<addJobXP "restaurant">>
<h3>A customer is requesting a special dish!</h3>
<<linkreplace "Serve him">>
<div class="shower">
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/restaurant/vip/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(20,30)>>
<<message "You got $game.randomMoney $">>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Restaurant'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">VIP SECTION</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<Speech Boss "Welcome to the VIP section, here will be your new place of work.">>
<h3>You look around and see several erotic scenes in the VIP section.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Look">>
<h3>You get scared, but soon all that environment begins to become exciting.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Ok, can I start?">>
<<Speech Boss "For sure, but first I need to check if you are really fit for the position.">>
<<Speech Player "What I need to do ?">>
<<Speech Boss "You need to make a blowjob in me here in the middle of everyone.">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You open the zipper of his pants and start making a blowjob.</h3>
<<Speech Boss "Good girl, surely it will be a good waitress here.">>
<<linkreplace "Cum">>
<h3>Without much delay, he enjoys his face and leaves back to the office</h3>
<<UnlockLocationScene restaurant PromotionScene>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Restaurant.Promotion>>
<<FinishSex Boss false>>
<<button 'Go to work' 'RestaurantVIP'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WORKING</h1>
<h3>You work hard at the restaurant</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("working.webp", "working1.webp", "working2.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(10,20)>>
<<set $game.dice to random(1,2)>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/restaurant/work/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<addJobXP "restaurant">>
<<if $location.restaurant.xp >= 15 && $location.restaurant.scenes.PromotionScene.unlocked == false && $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<h3>You hear your boss calling you from his office.</h3>
<<Speech Boss "$player.name come to my office!">>
<<button 'Go to his office' 'RestaurantPromotionScene'>><</button>>
<<if $game.dice == 1>>
<<Speech Strange "Customer" "Hey sweetie, do you want to earn a tip? Show me that body">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<linkreplace "Flash him">>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("flash1.webp", "flash2.webp", "flash3.webp", "flash4.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(5,15)>>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<<UnlockLocationScene restaurant WorkFlash>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/restaurant/flash/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<linkreplace "I'm sorry, I can't do that">>
<h3>He looks at you disappointed and leaves</h3>
<<Speech Player "Maybe I can earn some money if I do it?">>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Restaurant'>>
<<energy -25>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SCHOOL 🏫</h1>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<if $player.energy >= 10>>
<<if $location.school.daysToNextTest == 0 && $game.day == "Monday">>
<<createSubLocationButton "School Test 👩🏻🏫" SchoolTest "/school/schoolTest/schooltestbanner.webp">>
<<if $game.time == "EM">>
<<createClassButton "MathClass">>
<<elseif $game.time == "M">>
<<createClassButton "HistoryClass">>
<<createClassButton "ComputerClass">>
<<elseif $game.time == "A">>
<<createClassButton "PEClass">>
<<if $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring.progress >= 1>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Go to teacher office 👩🏻🏫" TeacherTutoring "school/tutoring/teacherOffice.webp">>
<<elseif $game.time == "E">>
<<createClassButton "EmptyClass">>
<<elseif $player.energy <= 10>>
<<button '🪫 Too tired to study 🪫'>><</button>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Men's Bathroom 🚹" SchoolMaleBathroom "/school/bathroom/mensbathroombanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Women's Bathroom 🚺" SchoolWomenBathroom "/school/bathroom/womensbathroombanner.webp">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Library 📚" Library "school/library/librarybanner.webp">>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty) && $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty.progress == 0>>
<<createSubLocationButton "Talk with Thomas 👦🏻" ThomasPartyInvite "/school/talkThomas.webp">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.residential>>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.School.FirstDayOfSchool)>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.School.FirstDayOfSchool>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.School.SchoolTest>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SCHOOL TEST</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<linkreplace 'Take the school test'>>
<h3>YOUR SCORE IS:</h3>
<<set $location.school.daysToNextTest = 7>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<if $location.school.grade < 6 && $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring.progress == 0>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Hey $player.name, come to my desk.">>
<<button 'Go to teacher desk' 'TutoringEvent'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring>>
<<elseif $location.school.grade >= 8>>
<<if $Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus.active == false>>
<<Speech Marcus "Hey $player.name, I saw that you got a good grade, can't we study at my house sometime?">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, we can study in the afternoon then!">>
<<Speech Marcus "Alright, I'll wait for you there, I live in the residential area">>
<<Speech Player "OK!">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus>>
<<UnlockLocation marcusHouse>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MEN'S BATHROOM</h1>
<<Speech Marcus "Take my cock, babe. Show me how much you want it.">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student1'>>
<<Speech Player "I want you deep inside me. Fuck my pussy, Marcus.">>
<<linkreplace "Bend to him">>
<<Speech Marcus "Mmm, that's it… I'm going to bury myself in you.">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student2'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Fuck me harder! Don't hold back!">>
<<linkreplace "Fuck harder">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student3'>>
<<Speech Marcus "Come here. Ride me. I want to feel you move.">>
<<linkreplace "Sit on him">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student4'>>
<<Speech Player "Is that all you've got? I can barely feel it.">>
<<Speech Marcus "Hey! Shut up and ride me!">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student5'>>
<<Speech Marcus "I'm… I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "You're what?! Don't you dare cum inside—">>
<<linkreplace "💦">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student6'>>
<<Speech Player "You came inside me! Are you fucking kidding me?!">>
<<Speech Marcus "Shit… sorry. I couldn't help it. You feel so good.">>
<<linkreplace "Get up">>
<<video 'school/bathroom/bathroom_sex_student/bathroom_sex_student7'>>
<<Speech Marcus "I told you, I couldn't resist. You're too hot.">>
<<Speech Player "You idiot! What if I get pregnant?!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school BathroomStudentSex>>
<<energy -10>>
<<FinishSex Marcus true>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CABIN</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MEN'S BATHROOM 🚹</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<set $game.dice to random(1,3)>>
<<if previous() != "SchoolBathroomStudentSex" && $game.dice == 1>>
<<Speech Marcus "What are you doing here? Here is the men's bathroom">>
<<linkreplace "Tease him">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<Speech Player "Do you like them ?">>
<<Speech Marcus "What a bitch.. Do you want to fuck?">>
<<button 'Yes'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<goto 'BathroomStudentSex'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<button 'No!'>>
<<goto 'School'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You leave the bathroom to avoid problems">>
<<UnlockLocationScene school BathroomFlash>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<button 'Get out' 'School'>><</button>>
<<button 'Cabin 🚽' 'SchoolBathroomCabin'>><</button>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WOMEN'S BATHROOM 🚺</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Cabin 🚽' 'SchoolBathroomCabin'>><</button>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CLASSROOM</h1>
<h3> You slip into the empty classroom and saunter over to your desk, that familiar little thrill running through you at the thought of being alone here.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent1'>>
<h3>You sink into your chair, the worn leather warm against your thighs. You spread your books across the desk, a playful smile tugging at your lips as you imagine the things you could be doing on top of it instead of studying. But hey, a good girl's gotta get her grades, right?</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent2'>>
<h3>A shiver runs down your spine, a delicious tingle of awareness. You feel eyes on you, hot and heavy, making you squirm in your seat. Is it just your imagination, or is someone actually watching you? It's kind of turning you on...</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Janitor.Afterclass>>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent3'>>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Janitor.Afterclass) == 0>>
<h3>You glance over your shoulder, a coy little look, but there's no one there. Damn. You get up, your skirt swaying around your hips, and slink over to the door, pulling it closed with a soft click. Locking it might be a little too obvious, wouldn't want to scare away your secret admirer...</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent4'>>
<h3>Back at your desk, the thought of someone watching you, even if it's just in your head, makes it hard to concentrate. You manage to get some studying done, though, even if your mind keeps wandering to more… stimulating subjects. You're definitely smarter now, and maybe a little bit more… adventurous.</h3>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Janitor.Afterclass 1>>
<h3>Just as you settle back into your chair, a noise behind you makes you jump. You turn around, your heart pounding in your chest, and there he is… the janitor. He's tall, with broad shoulders and a mischievous glint in his eye. You can't help but notice how his uniform stretches across his… assets.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent5'>>
<h3>He gives you a slow, knowing smile that sends shivers down your spine. You try to play it cool, but your cheeks flush and your breath hitches in your throat. This is… unexpected.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent6'>>
<<linkreplace "You drop the pen">>
<h3>As he walks towards you, his gaze intense and unwavering, your fingers fumble and you drop your pen. You bend down to pick it up, your skirt riding up your thighs, but he gets there first. He reaches down, his hand brushing against yours as he retrieves the pen. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through you.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent7'>>
<<Speech Player "Oops…">>
<<Speech Janitor "Here you go, sweetheart. What's your name? I'm the school janitor, Mr. Wilson… but you can call me Mr. W.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm $player.name… nice to meet you, Mr… W.">>
<h3>You can barely get the words out, your voice a breathy whisper.</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "Nice to meet you too, $player.name. I'm here to clean the room… but maybe we could… clean each other up a little first?">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent8'>>
<<Speech Player "Um… I was just about to leave. I have… things to do.">>
<h3>You try to sound confident, but your voice trembles.</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "I insist you stay. Just a little while…">>
<h3>His voice drops an octave, a husky command that makes your knees weak. You sink back into your chair, a strange mix of fear and excitement coursing through you. You can't believe this is happening… but you're not sure you want it to stop.</h3>
<<linkreplace "You sit down again">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent9'>>
<h3>He starts to clean, the rhythmic swoosh of his mop a strangely hypnotic counterpoint to the pounding of your heart. You try to focus on your studies, but his presence is overwhelming. You can feel his eyes on you, hot and heavy, making it impossible to concentrate.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent10'>>
<<Speech Janitor "So… how are those private lessons with $npc.MathTeacher.name going?">>
<h3>He leans against his mop, a smirk playing on his lips.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I… I don't know what you're talking about.">>
<h3>You try to keep your voice steady, but it comes out a little too high-pitched.</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "Don't lie to me, sweetheart. I know everything that happens in this school. These walls have ears… and eyes.">>
<h3>He winks.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent11'>>
<<Speech Janitor "I know he fucks you good. Real good. Makes me wonder if you moan his name… or beg for more.">>
<h3>His voice is low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Who… who told you that?!">>
<h3>Your cheeks burn with shame and… a flicker of something else. Excitement?</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "Let's just say… I have my sources. And now… I want a taste.">>
<h3>He takes a step closer, his gaze lingering on your lips.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent12'>>
<<Speech Player "I'm not going to do anything with you! You're disgusting!">>
<h3>You try to sound indignant, but your voice wavers, betraying your fear.</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "Oh, really? Because I think you'll reconsider when everyone at school sees the little video I have of you and your math teacher… getting extra credit, shall we say?">>
<h3>Your blood runs cold. A video? He has a video? Of *that*? Your mind races, trying to comprehend the implications. Your carefully constructed world crumbles around you, leaving you exposed and vulnerable.</h3>
<<linkreplace "What do I do ?">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent13'>>
<<Speech Player "Okay, if I do what you're asking, will you delete the video?">>
<<Speech Janitor "Of course, sweetheart. I just want the pleasure of fucking this hot little body, just like Professor $npc.MathTeacher.name did.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, we have a deal.">>
<h3>A wave of nausea washes over you, but you swallow it down. You don't have a choice.</h3>
<<linkreplace "He kisses you">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent14'>>
<<Speech Janitor "Let's take a look at those titties.">>
<h3>He roughly pulls your dress aside, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze. Shame burns through you, hot and intense.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent15'>>
<h3>Frozen in fear, you can only watch, your secret held hostage.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent16'>>
<h3>Tears prick your eyes. You feel degraded, humiliated, a plaything for his twisted desires.</h3>
<<Speech Janitor "Let's see if this little body is as hot as it looks.">>
<h3>He pushes your dress up further, baring you almost completely to the cool air. You try to cover yourself, but he slaps your hands away.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent17'>>
<h3>He rips your panties down, your last shred of dignity gone with them.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent18'>>
<<Speech Janitor "It looks like someone hasn't shaved in a while… but that's okay, I like it that way too. A little… wild.">>
<h3>He grins, a predatory gleam in his eyes. With a final tug, he removes your dress completely, leaving you naked and exposed on the desk. He pulls you to the edge, forcing you to sit on the cold, hard surface.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent19'>>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Janitor.Afterclass) >= 2>>
<<Speech Janitor "Let me feel that pussy">>
<<linkreplace "He masturbates you">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent20'>>
<h3>His fingers work their magic, igniting a fire within you that you didn't know existed. A mixture of shame and pleasure washes over you.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent21'>>
<h3>He grabs your hand, pulling it down to his hardening cock. Your fingers wrap around him, and you begin to stroke him, the heat of his skin burning against your palm.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent22'>>
<<Speech Janitor "Kneel for me">>
<<linkreplace "You kneel for him">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent23'>>
<h3>You kneel, your eyes fixed on him as he sheds his clothes, revealing his hard, throbbing cock.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent24'>>
<h3>He nods, a predatory gleam in his eyes. You take him in your hand, stroking him with increasing confidence.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent25'>>
<h3>His hand pushes down on the back of your head. You open your mouth, and he thrusts inside. The taste of him is…unexpected.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent26'>>
<h3>You work your mouth around him, your gaze locked on his. He watches you, a smug grin spreading across his face.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent27'>>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Janitor.Afterclass) >= 4>>
<<Speech Janitor "Come here, let's fuck!">>
<<linkreplace "He wants to fuck you">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent28'>>
<h3>He flips you onto all fours, his grip rough on your hips. Humiliation floods you as you feel him press against you, then thrust inside.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent29'>>
<h3>He groans, his thrusts becoming erratic. Then, he stills. "Shit," he mutters. "Suck me. Make me hard again."</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent30'>>
<h3>You obey, the taste of him bitter in your mouth. When he's hard again, he pulls you up and throws you roughly onto the table.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent31'>>
<h3>He spreads your legs wide, his fingers digging into your thighs. He thrusts into you again, hard and fast, his grunts filling the room.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent32'>>
<<Speech Janitor "Get on top of me">>
<<linkreplace "He wants you on top of him">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent33'>>
<h3>He pulls you down on top of him, impaling yourself on his cock. He bucks up into you, his hands gripping your hips.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent34'>>
<h3>"Turn around," he commands. You do as you're told, your back to him. He grabs your waist and starts pumping you up and down, his rhythm hard and unrelenting.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent35'>>
<<Speech Janitor "I'm gonna cum!!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent36'>>
<h3>He pulls you off of him and pushes you down onto your knees. Gripping his cock, he pumps himself furiously, his breath coming in ragged gasps.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent37'>>
<h3>With a guttural groan, he explodes, filling your mouth with his warm seed. He smirks down at you, his eyes filled with contempt.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/janitorAfterclass/janitorEvent38'>>
<h3>You stumble to your feet, gathering your scattered clothes. Shame and disgust wash over you in waves as you flee the classroom, the janitor's laughter echoing behind you.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Janitor.Afterclass>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school Afterclass>>
<<FinishSex Janitor false>>
<h3>You hear someone walk down the hall, you get dressed and go back to your normal activities</h3>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Janitor.Afterclass 1 "Keep going to study in the classroom after classes">>
<h3>You hear someone walk down the hall, you get dressed and go back to your normal activities</h3>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Janitor.Afterclass 1 "Keep going to study in the classroom after classes">>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'EmptyClass'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$location.school.classroom</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $location.school.classroom == 'Computer Class 🖥️'>>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/classbanner'>>
<<webp 'school/classroom/classbanner'>>
<<if $location.school.classroom == "Computer Class 🖥️">>
<<if $npc.Emma.relation == 0 && random(1,2) == 1>>
<h3>You see a girl sitting in front of a computer, it's looks like she's is playing a game</h3>
<<button 'Approach her' 'MeetEmma'>><</button>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Study">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'Socialize 💬'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Socialize">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<<switch $location.school.ClassAction>>
/*STUDY */
<<case "Study">>
<h1 class="ptitle">STUDY</h1>
<<if previous() == 'ComputerClass' && random(1,3) == 1>>
<<goto 'ComputerClassEvent'>>
<<message "You pay attention to the class and feel smarter!">>
<<if isPregnant() && changeMediaPregnant() && random(1,3) == 1>>
<<case "Socialize">>
<h1 class="ptitle">SOCIALIZE</h1>
<h2>You waste time socializing with your classmates</h2>
<<set $game.dice to random(1,3)>>
<<if $game.dice == 1>>
<<elseif $game.dice == 2 && Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty)>>
<<elseif $game.dice == 3 && Quest.isCompleted($Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism)>>
<<case "Empty">>
<h1 class="ptitle">EMPTY CLASSROOM</h1>
<h2>The room is empty, you take the opportunity to study</h2>
<<if $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring.completed>>
<<Speech Janitor "What are you doing here? The class is over">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">AFTER CLASS</h1>
<h3>You stayed after class to get some help from the teacher</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You can put your chair near my desk, I will teach you some things that might help you understand programming better">>
<h3>You take your chair and place it next to his desk</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be back soon, okay?">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, I'll wait for you">>
<h3>After he leaves the room, you realize he left his laptop unlocked</h3>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/laptopTeacher'>>
<<linkreplace "Spy on the notebook">>
<h3> You can't resist the temptation and decide to take a look at his laptop</h3>
<<Speech Player "Let's see what the professor has in his search history">>
<<linkreplace "Open the search history tab">>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/spying'>>
<h3>After opening the history, you see several searches like "teacher fucking student", " sexy girl blowing teacher", "teacher fucking student"</h3>
<<Speech Player "Wow, what a pervert! Apparently he has a fetish for students, maybe I should wear more provocative clothes to get his attention ?">>
<<linkreplace "For sure">>
<<run $('#better-not').hide()>>
<<if $player.corruption.points >= 30>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.ComputerTeacher.TeacherSecretFetish>>
<<Speech Player "I'm not that type of girl">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<h3>You hear some footsteps and quickly close the notebook history tab</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Well, now can we begin?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes">>
<h3>The teacher teaches you some things about programming for 1 hour, you feel smarter</h3>
<div id="better-not">
<<linkreplace "Better not">>
<h3>You hear some footsteps and quickly close the notebook history tab</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Well, now can we begin?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes">>
<h3>The teacher teaches you some things about programming for 1 hour, you feel smarter</h3>
<<button 'Leave' 'School'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$location.school.ComputerClass.title</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/classbanner'>>
<<if $npc.Emma.relation == 0 && random(1,2) == 1>>
<h3>You see a girl sitting in front of a computer, it's looks like she's is playing a game</h3>
<<button 'Approach her' 'MeetEmma'>><</button>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Study">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'Socialize 💬'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Socialize">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<if $npc.Emma.relation > 0>>
<<button 'Play with Emma 🕹️'>>
<<if $npc.Emma.relation >= 5 && $player.lesbian && $location.emmaHouse.unlocked == false>>
<<goto 'EmmaInvite'>>
<<Talk Emma>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CAN'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS</h1>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/dumb'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're not understanding anything, $player.name, do you want to stay after class for a little help?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, I need help">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Alright, I'll wait for you after class">>
<<button 'Wait until after class'>>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.ComputerTeacher.TeacherSecretFetish) && $player.clothing.corruption >= 30>>
<<goto 'TeacherSecretFetish'>>
<<goto 'ComputerAfterClass'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<run $('#no-thank-you').hide()>>
<div id="no-thank-you">
<<linkreplace "No, thank you">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Alright, see you tomorrow">>
<<button 'Leave' 'School'>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING WITH EMMA</h1>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/emmaPlaying'>>
<<Speech Emma "Hey, $player.name, do you want to go to my house to play after school?">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, I'll go">>
<<Speech Emma "Great! I'll wait for you at my house in evening">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, I'll be there">>
<<button 'Leave' 'Classroom'>>
<<UnlockLocation emmaHouse>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WHO'S THIS GIRL ?</h1>
<<webp 'school/classroom/computerClass/emmaPlaying'>>
<<Speech Player 'Hey, what are you playing?'>>
<<Speech Emma "Oh, hi! I'm playing a game called 'The Last of Us'. Have you heard of it?">>
<<Speech Player "No I haven't, but it looks fun">>
<<Speech Emma "It is! I'm Emma by the way, nice to meet you">>
<<Speech Player "I'm $player.name, nice to meet you too">>
<<Speech Emma "Do you want to play a game with me?">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, why not">>
<h3>You and Emma play the game for a while, you have a great time together</h3>
<<button 'Leave' 'Classroom'>>
<<Talk Emma>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LET'S PROVOKE HIM</h1>
<h3>The last bell rings, signaling the end of another excruciatingly boring class. You linger behind as other students file out, a plan forming in your mind. Soon, the only other person left is the teacher, Mr. [Last Name] - the object of your desires.</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Don't forget to finish Chapter 3 for homework. See you all next week.">>
<h3>You stand up and walk to the teacher's desk without your chair, swaying your hips seductively. You let your fingertips trail across his desk until you're standing close enough to brush against him.</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Something you need, $player.name? Learning standing up is very tiring.">>
<h3>You lean against his desk, letting your fingers dance playfully across the surface. Your eyes lock with his, a mischievous glint in them. He can't possibly miss the way your gaze lingers on his lips.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp1'>>
<<Speech Player "We won't need a chair, I imagine. Not for what I have in mind.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "And what exactly is on your mind?">>
<<linkreplace "I know your secret, teacher">>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp2'>>
<<Speech Player "I know your secret, teacher.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "What are you talking about?">>
<<Speech Player "I know you have a fetish for students. I saw your search history - some things you just shouldn't leave on your laptop." >>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You saw my search history? How did you...?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, I saw">>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp3'>>
<<Speech Player "You left your laptop unlocked. Couldn't resist taking a peek.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You shouldn't have done that.">>
<<Speech Player "I think you should give me a good grade, don't you think? To keep this little secret between us.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "I think you want more than that.">>
<<linkreplace "What do you mean?">>
<h3>He stands up and places you against the wall, his body pressing against yours. One hand slides over your body, his fingers tracing the curve of your waist. You let out a small gasp.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp4'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're wearing those clothes on purpose to tease me, aren't you, you little minx?">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not a minx, I'm just a student who wants to get a good grade. And maybe a few other things.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You want a good grade? I'll give you a good grade.">>
<<linkreplace "He lifts your skirt">>
<h3>He lifts your skirt, revealing your black panties. You shiver as his rough fingers run over your delicate skin, making you ache for his touch. </h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp5'>>
<<Speech Player "I want a good grade. And I want you.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Then you'll have to work hard for it.">>
<<Speech Player "I'll do anything.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Anything?">>
<<Speech Player "Anything.">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Then let's start.">>
<<linkreplace "He kisses you">>
<h3>He kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring every corner of your mouth. His hands glide over your body, pulling you closer with a firm yet gentle touch.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp6'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're going to be my star student, right?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I'll be your best student">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your blouse">>
<h3>He slowly unbuttons your blouse, revealing your bra, then he playfully tears it off, exposing your skin.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp7'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You have an incredibly beautiful pair of breasts">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you 🤭">>
<h3>He starts to tease your nipples, gently pinching and rolling them between his fingers.</h3>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You like that, don't you?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I like it">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're a very naughty student">>
<<Speech Player "I'm just a student who wants to get a good grade">>
<<linkreplace "He grabs you from behind">>
<h3>He grabs you from behind, pressing his body against yours, and starts to rub your pussy while squeezing your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp8'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're a delight, I've fantasized about this body so many times">>
<<Speech Player "You are a pervert">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're the one who's here, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Player "😏">>
<<linkreplace "He puts you on all fours">>
<h3>He positions you on all fours and begins to lick your ass, savoring every inch.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp9'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You have an incredibly tasty ass">>
<<Speech Player "Mhmmmmm">>
<h3>He takes out his dick and pulls down your panties, then starts fucking you from behind, his hands gripping your hips tightly.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp10'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Isn't this what you wanted, you little slut? To be fucked by your teacher? Now take it like a good girl.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I wanted it">>
<<linkreplace "He gags your mouth with his belt">>
<h3>He gags your mouth with his belt, muffling your moans.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp11'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "That's so fucking hot!!">>
<<Speech Player "Mmmmmmm">>
<h3>He throws you onto his desk, spreading your legs wide.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp12'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Say you're my little pet">>
<<linkreplace "I'm your little pet">>
<h3>He wraps his belt around your neck, treating you like his pet.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp13'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "You're my little pet, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I'm your little pet">>
<h3>He sits on a chair in front of you and makes you masturbate him with your feet, his eyes locked on yours.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp14'>>
<<Speech Player "You're full of fetishes, aren't you?">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Shut up and work, you little bitch">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, sir">>
<<linkreplace "He puts you on all fours on the table">>
<h3>He positions you on all fours on the table and starts to fuck you from behind, his thrusts becoming more intense.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp15'>>
<<Speech Player "That's it, fuck me good!!">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Fuck, I'm close to cumming">>
<<Speech Player "Cum in my little mouth, teacher">>
<<linkreplace "He sits you down in a chair">>
<h3>He sits you down in a chair and starts to fuck your mouth, his hands gripping your hair.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp16'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Suck it, without mercy">>
<h3>You give him a blowjob, almost choking several times as he thrusts deeper.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp17'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "I'm gonna cum!!">>
<<linkreplace "He makes you kneel">>
<h3>He makes you kneel and cums on your face, marking you as his.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/computerClass/computerTeacherHelp/computerTeacherHelp18'>>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "What a hot cumshot!!">>
<<Speech Player "Don't forget my grade, okay?">>
<<Speech ComputerTeacher "Okay, but go away, no one can see us here">>
<h3>You get dressed and leave, a satisfied smile on your face.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school TeacherSecretFetish>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.ComputerTeacher.TeacherSecretFetish>>
<<FinishSex ComputerTeacher false>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Leave' 'School'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EMPTY CLASSROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Empty">>
<<set $game.dice to random(1,2)>>
<<if $game.dice == 1 && $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring.completed>>
<<goto 'Afterclass'>>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$location.school.HistoryClass.title</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<webp 'school/classroom/classbanner'>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Study">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'Socialize 💬'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Socialize">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$location.school.MathClass.title</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<webp 'school/classroom/classbanner'>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Study">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<button 'Socialize 💬'>>
<<set $location.school.ClassAction = "Socialize">>
<<goto 'ClassroomEvent'>>
<<if $location.school.homework >>
<<button 'Deliver homework to the teacher' 'MathHomework'>><</button>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<<if $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework.progress == 0>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework 1 "I need to do my math homework and hand it in to the teacher in class tomorrow">>
<h1 class="ptitle">HOMEWORK DELIVER</h1>
<<Speech Player "Teacher, I've finished my homework. Here you go.">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Alright, let me take a look. I'll let you know what you got.">>
<h3>He scans your homework, then calls you over to his desk.</h3>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You got every single question wrong. This is… disappointing.">>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent1'>>
<<Speech Player "What? But I'm sure I did it all right. Can you show me where I went wrong?">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Let's just say things work a little differently around here. You need to make… an effort, if you want to get ahead.">>
<<Speech Player "I think I understand what you mean.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace 'Take off your shirt'>>
<h3>You slowly unbutton your uniform blouse, giving him a tantalizing glimpse of your bra.</h3>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent2'>>
<<Speech Player "Maybe this will help improve my grade?">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I think it will… considerably.">>
<<linkreplace 'He caresses your body'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent3'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You have a beautiful body. Such soft skin.">>
<<Speech Player "And it can all be yours, if you help me out.">>
<<linkreplace 'He sucks your tits'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent4'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Mmm… such a good girl.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm…">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework) > 2>>
<<linkreplace 'Blowjob'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent5'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "That's it. Good girl. Now open wide and take it in your mouth.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… just like you taught me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Keep going'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent6'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Good girl. Keep sucking. You're doing great.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework) > 4>>
<<linkreplace 'Go on fours'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Mmm, your pussy is so tight. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around me.">>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent7'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Come on, ride me. Show me what a good student you are.">>
<<linkreplace 'Ride on him'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent8'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You're so beautiful. You're driving me wild.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm glad I can… help you with your… extracurricular activities. I hope this earns me an A.">>
<<linkreplace 'Go to desk'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent9'>>
<h3>He flips you back onto all fours, his cock already throbbing against your entrance.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent10'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Fuck, this is so good! You're amazing.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework) > 6>>
<<linkreplace 'He sticks it inside'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent11'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I'm gonna cum! Get ready!">>
<<linkreplace 'Cum'>>
<<video 'school/classroom/teacherEvent/teacherEvent12'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Take it all, you little slut. You earned it.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school MathHomework>>
<<FinishSex MathTeacher false>>
<<Speech Player "If you want to cum you will have to keep helping me..">>
<<Speech Player "If you want to fuck my pussy will have to keep helping me..">>
<<Speech Player "If you keep helping me like this, you will have more..">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<if $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework.progress == 1>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework 1 "You need to get a good grade on the activity, no matter what">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.MathHomework 1>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<<set $location.school.homework = false>>
<h1 class="ptitle">THOMAS'S PARTY</h1>
<h3> You see Thomas in the hallway, you approach him to ask about the party.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Talk with him">>
<<Speech Player "Hey Thomas, I heard you're having a party this weekend. Can I come?">>
<<if $player.social >= 15 && $player.beauty >= 3>>
<<Speech Thomas "Yeah, sure. It's going to be lit.">>
<<Speech Player "Great, I'll be there.">>
<<Speech Thomas "Cool, see you there.">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty 1 "I should go to Thomas's party on friday night">>
<<elseif $player.social < 15>>
<h3>He looks at you holding back a laugh</h3>
<<Speech Thomas "Sorry, but I don't want losers at my party.">>
<<Notification 'social' "I need to improve my social skills to be able to go to the party">>
<<elseif $player.beauty < 3>>
<h3>He looks at you with a frown</h3>
<<Speech Thomas "Sorry, but I don't want ugly people at my party.">>
<<Notification 'beauty' "I need to improve my beauty to be able to go to the party">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $npc.Natasha.relation >= 5 && $Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism.completed && !$Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism.completed>>
<<Speech Natasha "I have an idea, I think you gonna like it">>
<<button 'What idea? 🤔' 'NatashaPublicExhibitionism'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism>>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism)>>
<<button 'Library Exhibitionism 👀' 'LibraryExhibitionism'>>
<<button "Talk with Natasha 👩🏼">>
<<if !$npc.Natasha.talk>>
<<Notification 'info' "You spend some time talking with Natasha">>
<<Talk Natasha>>
<<Notification 'warning' "I already talked to her today, better try tomorrow">>
<<if Quest.isCompleted($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism)>>
<<button 'Library Exhibitionism 👀' 'LibraryExhibitionism'>><</button>>
<<if Quest.isCompleted($Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism)>>
<<button 'Public Exhibitionism 👀' 'PublicExhibitionism'>><</button>>
<<button 'Study 📖'>>
<<if Quest.isCompleted(($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism) || Quest.isActive($Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism))>>
<<Notification 'info' "You study for a while">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<goto "LibraryStudy">>
<<Notification 'info' "You study for a while">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING WITH NATASHA</h1>
<h3>With a sly smile, you slowly open your blouse, revealing your breasts to Natasha.</h3>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism3'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Wow, you really like this.">>
<<Speech Player "I told you. Doesn't it feel amazing?">>
<<linkreplace 'Unzip Natasha dress'>>
<h3>Your fingers fumble with the zipper of Natasha's dress, pulling it down to reveal her bra. The lace barely contains her full breasts.</h3>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism4'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Come here, let me suck those titties.">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism5'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… I wonder if anyone is watching us.">>
<h3>The thought makes you even hotter.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Natasha remove your pants'>>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism6'>>
<<Speech Natasha "I don't know, but I hope so.">>
<h3>She bites her lip, a mischievous glint in her eyes.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<h3>Suddenly, you hear voices and footsteps approaching.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Shit! I think the librarian is coming. Hide!">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism7'>>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism) > 1>>
<<linkreplace 'Hide'>>
<<Speech Natasha "I think they're gone. We can continue now.">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism8'>>
<<Speech Player "Let me taste that pussy.">>
<h3>You pull Natasha close, your hand sliding down her thigh.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Show off'>>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism9'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Good girl, keep going.">>
<h3>She arches her back, pressing against your touch.</h3>
<h3>Emboldened, Natasha starts shedding her clothes, the library's hushed atmosphere heightening the thrill of exposure.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<Speech Player "Hey, how about you take off those panties?">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism11'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Good idea.">>
<h3>It's so much hotter like this.</h3>
<h3>She slips them off, her bare flesh gleaming in the dim light.</h3>
<h3>You hear voices and footsteps approaching again.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Damn it! The librarian's back! Hide!">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism) > 3>>
<<linkreplace 'Hide'>>
<h3>After a tense few minutes, the librarian finally leaves.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "We can continue now. That was close!">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism10'>>
<<Speech Player "Take it all off, Natasha!!">>
<<linkreplace 'Natasha take it all'>>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism12'>>
<<Speech Player "That's it! You're so beautiful.">>
<h3>You run your hands over her body, admiring her curves.</h3>
<h3>You hear voices and footsteps approaching yet again.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Oh no, not again! Hide!">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism) > 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Hide'>>
<h3>The librarian gives up and leaves for good. As soon as she's gone, Natasha crawls between your legs.</h3>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism13'>>
<<Speech Player "Mhmm… Yes! I'm going to cum!">>
<h3>Your body convulses as you climax, Natasha's tongue working its magic.</h3>
<<linkreplace 'Make up with Natasha'>>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism14'>>
<<Speech Player "That was amazing!!">>
<<Speech Natasha "You can come here whenever you want. I do this almost every day.">>
<h3>She winks. "It's my little secret."</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm sure I'll be back several times!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school LibraryExhibitionism>>
<<Speech Player "Okay for today, we'll continue another day">>
<<Speech Player "Okay for today, we'll continue another day">>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button "Library 📚">>
<<goto 'Library'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -20>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LIBRARY STUDY</h1>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism1'>>
<h3>While you are reading a book, your friend Natasha appears to talk to you</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Hi $player.name, what are you doing?">>
<<video 'school/library/libraryExhibitionism/libraryExhibitionism2'>>
<<linkreplace "Looking for some books">>
<<Speech Player "I was looking for some books to study, and you?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I was looking to have fun, you know I'm a fan of exhibitionism. I was thinking about satisfying that desire a little, do you want to do it with me?">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2 && $player.exhibitionism >= 10>>
<<linkreplace "I'm in">>
<<Speech Player "I'm in, I'm also a fan of exhibitionism.">>
<<button 'Play with her' 'LibraryExhibitionism'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Natasha.LibraryExhibitionism>>
<<linkreplace "I don't know..">>
<h3>You are not sure if you want to do it, you are not sure if you want to be seen by other people</h3>
<<Speech Player "I don't know, I'm not sure if I want to do it.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Okay.. Next time maybe.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level == 0>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<if $player.exhibitionism < 10>>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 10>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Library 📚" 'Library'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">NATASHA</h1>
<<Speech Natasha "I loved our little adventure at the library… but I'm thinking we could try something a bit more… dangerous this time.">>
<h3>She leans in close, her voice a husky whisper.</h3>
<<Speech Player "What are you up to this time, Natasha?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I saw this challenge online… the Public Exhibitionism Challenge. The idea is to do something naughty in public… without getting caught.">>
<h3>She bites her lip, a mischievous glint in her eye.</h3>
<<Speech Player "And what exactly does 'naughty' entail?">>
<<Speech Natasha "The rules are simple. We do something… risqué… in a public place and record it. The more daring the act, the more points we get.">>
<<linkreplace "Like what?">>
<<Speech Player "Like what? Flashing someone?">>
<<Speech Natasha "Oh, we can be much more creative than that. Think bigger. Much bigger.">>
<<Speech Player "What do you have in mind?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I think we could start on the street. What do you think?">>
<<if $player.clothing.corruption >= 30>>
<<button 'Sure 🔥'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3 && $player.exhibitionism >= 20>>
<<goto "PublicExhibitionism">>
<<elseif $player.corruption.level < 2>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<elseif $player.exhibitionism < 10>>
<<NotifyExhibitionism 20>>
<<button 'No way 😳'>>
<<goto 'Library'>>
<<Speech Player "That sounds… intense.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Okay, but first you need to wear something more… sensual. There's a store in the mall that sells some school clothes. You should go there.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'll come back here when I've got something… suitable.">>
<<if $Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism.progress == 0>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism 1 "Go to a clothing store and buy a school uniform with at least 30 corruption.">>
<<button "Library 📚" 'Library'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STREET</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You two leave school and go to the street.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "So, as I explained, the more things you do, the more points you accumulate. If you reach a certain number of points, you can become a forum member and access the next challenges.">>
<<Speech Player "Is there anything else I need to know?">>
<<Speech Natasha "You'll be evaluated by a forum moderator, so he'll ask you to do specific things during the challenge.">>
<<Speech Player "Like what, for example?">>
<<Speech Natasha "It's more fun when it's a surprise, hehe.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, I'm ready.">>
<<Speech Natasha "The first challenge is to show your breasts in public.">>
<<linkreplace 'Do it! 🔥'>>
<h3>You're a little nervous; you've never done anything this exhibitionist before.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb1'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Come on, I know you can do better than that. Give them a good show!">>
<<linkreplace 'Show more'>>
<h3>You take a deep breath and fully expose your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb2'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Much better! We gained a point!">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, what's next?">>
<<Speech Natasha "He's asking you to keep walking with your breasts exposed.">>
<<linkreplace 'Keep going'>>
<h3>You continue walking, your breasts swaying freely in the open air. The thrill of being seen, combined with the fear of getting caught, sends a rush through you.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb3'>>
<<Speech Player "This mix of horniness, fear, and nervousness is driving me crazy!">>
<<Speech Natasha "I know the feeling! It was the same for me the first time. Just enjoy the rush.">>
<<Speech Player "What's next?">>
<<Speech Natasha "Now he's asking you to lift your skirt and show your pussy.">>
<<linkreplace 'Lift your skirt'>>
<h3>You hesitate for a moment, then boldly lift your skirt, exposing your pussy to the world.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb4'>>
<<Speech Natasha "We gained another point! You're a natural!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm getting more and more excited. This is… kind of amazing.">>
<<Speech Natasha "I know, me too!">>
<<Speech Player "What's next?">>
<<Speech Natasha "He asked you to show your pussy again, but this time spread your legs on a bench.">>
<<linkreplace 'Spread your legs'>>
<h3>You sit on a bench and slowly spread your legs, the cool air a stark contrast to the burning heat in your core.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb5'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Very good, but he asked you to do it one more time. Hold it for a bit longer.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay!">>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb6'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Good! One more point!">>
<<Speech Player "What's next?">>
<<Speech Natasha "Now he wants you to lift your skirt and show your ass as you walk up those stairs.">>
<<linkreplace 'Lift your skirt'>>
<h3>As you climb the stairs, you lift your skirt, giving anyone behind you a clear view of your ass.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb7'>>
<<Speech Natasha "He didn't like it very much. He said you didn't lift your skirt high enough. Be bolder!">>
<<Speech Player "Let's try again then.">>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb8'>>
<<Speech Natasha "We're improving, but I think this skirt can go up higher. Show them what you've got!">>
<<linkreplace 'Lift higher'>>
<h3>You take a deep breath and hike your skirt up even further, your cheeks burning with a mixture of shame and excitement.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb9'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Much better!! We gained one more point!">>
<<Speech Player "Great, what's the next challenge?">>
<<Speech Natasha "For the next challenge, we need to find another bench for you to sit on.">>
<<linkreplace 'Sit on a bench'>>
<h3>You sit on the bench, your heart pounding in anticipation.</h3>
<<Speech Natasha "Okay, for the next challenge, you need to spread your legs and show your pussy again, then flash your boobs.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay! Let's do it!">>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb10'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Good, now he wants you to show your boobs.">>
<<linkreplace 'Show your boobs'>>
<h3>You pull your top aside, giving the imaginary moderator - and anyone else watching - a good view.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb11'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Great, now lift your legs up on the bench.">>
<<linkreplace 'Lift your legs'>>
<h3>You lift your legs up onto the bench, spreading them wide. You feel completely exposed, and the thrill is intoxicating.</h3>
<<video 'natasha/publicExb1/publicExb12'>>
<<Speech Natasha "Okay, that was the last challenge. Now let's see if you succeeded!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so excited!">>
<<Speech Natasha "Me too!">>
<<linkreplace 'And the result is...'>>
<<Speech Natasha "You did it! You passed the first challenge!">>
<<Speech Player "I can't believe it! That was… intense.">>
<<Speech Natasha "Now you're officially a member of the forum. We'll have plenty more challenges to do together.">>
<<Speech Player "And when can we do the next one?">>
<<Speech Natasha "I'll find out and let you know. I need to go for now!">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, see you later!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Natasha.PublicExhibitionism>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school PublicExhibitionism>>
<<button 'Go to the city' 'Center'>><</button>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CHEERLEADER EVENT</h1>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Coach.Cheerleader) == 2>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader 0 "Keep visiting the coach to join the cheerleader team">>
<h3>Before you enter, you see a girl leaving the coach's office, her eyes red and puffy.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hey, are you okay? What happened?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "He's a creep! He… he wants you to sleep with him to join the cheerleaders.">>
<h3>You hesitate, a knot forming in your stomach. Is making the team really worth this?</h3>
<<set $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress = 3>>
<<linkreplace 'Enter the coach office'>>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Coach.Cheerleader) >= 3>>
<h3>You enter the coach's office, your decision made. You'll do whatever it takes to make the team.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent1'>>
<h3>He looks at you, a predatory gleam in his eyes.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm here, Coach. Just like you asked. Ready for my tryout.">>
<<Speech Coach "Excellent. I trust you understand the… requirements for joining the squad?">>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent2'>>
<<Speech Player "I understand. And I assure you, you won't regret choosing me.">>
<<linkreplace 'Kneel'>>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent3'>>
<<Speech Coach "Well, this is easier than I expected. You're definitely cheerleader material.">>
<h3>You unzip his pants, pulling out his cock and engulfing it in your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent4'>>
<<Speech Coach "Damn, you're good at that. What a talented mouth.">>
<<Speech Player "You like that, Coach? I'm just getting started.">>
<<linkreplace 'Suck him'>>
<h3>You increase the pace, taking him deeper and faster, your throat bobbing with each stroke.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent5'>>
<<Speech Coach "You must really like sucking cock. A natural talent.">>
<h3>He stands, leaning against his desk, watching you with a hungry gaze.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent6'>>
<<Speech Player "Want to see something else I'm good at?">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Coach.Cheerleader) > 5>>
<<linkreplace 'Take off your top'>>
<h3>You pull off your top, revealing your breasts. He reaches out, cupping and kneading them roughly.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent7'>>
<<Speech Coach "They're beautiful. But I want to see more. Show me your pussy.">>
<<linkreplace 'Take off your panties'>>
<h3>You lie back on the desk, sliding your panties down your legs.</h3>
<<Speech Player "How about you… earn a closer look?">>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent8'>>
<h3>He dives between your legs, his tongue lapping at your folds.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent9'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… oh god, yes…">>
<<linkreplace 'He puts his dick inside'>>
<h3>He pulls back, rubbing his cock against your slick opening before thrusting inside.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent10'>>
<<Speech Coach "Isn't this what you wanted? To prove you're cheerleader material?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Fuck me harder, Coach!">>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent11'>>
<<Speech Coach "Get on your knees. I want to take you from behind.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Coach.Cheerleader) > 8>>
<<linkreplace 'On fours'>>
<h3>He pulls you up, turning you around and bending you over the desk.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent12'>>
<<Speech Coach "Do you like it doggy style? Like a good little slut?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes! I love it!">>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent13'>>
<<Speech Coach "I'm going to cum. Open your mouth.">>
<<linkreplace 'He cums'>>
<h3>He strokes himself furiously, cumming into your waiting mouth.</h3>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent14'>>
<<Speech Player "So… do I make the team?">>
<<video 'school/gym/cheerleaderEvent/cheerleaderEvent15'>>
<<Speech Coach "Be at practice tomorrow. Don't be late.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school Cheerleader>>
<<FinishSex Coach false>>
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school principal knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school coordinator knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school coordinator knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>>
<<if $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress >= 3>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader 1 "Keep visiting the coach until you get into the team">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PE CLASS</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<h3>You work out in the gym, improving your fitness</h3>
<<if Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.Coach.Cheerleader) && random(1,3) == 1>>
<h3>While working out, you see several cheerleaders training for the next game</h3>
<<Speech Player "Being a cheerleader must be so cool, one day I want to become one!">>
<h3>A girl next to you overhears your comment and smiles</h3>
<<linkreplace "Confront her">>
<<Speech Player "What are you smiling at?">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "To become a cheerleader, your physique must be very good, you need to train a lot to become a cheerleader until the coach notices you">>
<<linkreplace "I'm going to become a cheerleader!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm going to become a cheerleader!">>
<<Speech Strange "Student" "Good luck, I hope you can do it">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SCHOOL GYM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if !changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<if $player.fitness >= 15 && $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress == 1>>
<<set $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress = 2>>
<<Speech Coach "Hey, you're doing great in PE classes, you should try joining the cheerleaders">>
<<Speech Player "Wow, really? I would love">>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'schoolCheerleader'>>
<<Speech Coach "You already have the uniform, great!">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, I'm ready to join the cheerleaders">>
<<Speech Coach "Just come to my office when you're ready">>
<<button 'Join Cheerleaders 🎉' 'Cheerleader'>><</button>>
<<Speech Coach "Yes, just buy the uniform and come to my office wearing it">>
<<elseif $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress > 1 && $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.completed == false>>
<<button 'Join Cheerleaders 🎉'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'schoolCheerleader'>>
<<goto 'Cheerleader'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You need the cheerleader uniform to join them">>
<<if $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress == 2>>
<<set $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress = 3>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Attend Class 📖'>>
<<goto 'GymClass'>>
<<button 'Change Clothes 👙' 'Wardrobe'>>
<<set $activeTab to 'fitness'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<<Speech Coach "You can't go to the PE class, you're pregnant">>
<<Speech Player "But, but I want to...">>
<<Speech Coach "No, you can't, you need to take care of your baby">>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>><</button>>
<<if $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.active && $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader.progress == 0>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Coach.Cheerleader 1 "Keep working to increase your fitness">>
<h1 class="ptitle">TUTORING</h1>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring1'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Glad you came. Ready to start our… private lesson?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, teacher. I'm eager to learn.">>
<<linkreplace 'Study'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring2'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "There's something we need to discuss first.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh? What's that?">>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring3'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Let's just say nothing in life is free. And I've had my eye on you for a while now.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not sure I understand…">>
<<linkreplace 'Continue'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring4'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I expect you to… reciprocate my help. Let's call it tuition of a different kind.">>
<<Speech Player "I… I don't know if I'm comfortable with that.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring) > 1>>
<<linkreplace 'Handjob'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring5'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Good. Now, be a good girl and take it in your hand. Stroke it for me.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh… okay…">>
<<linkreplace 'Blow him'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring6'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Yes… that's it. Now take it in your mouth. Deep.">>
<<linkreplace 'Sit at the table'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring7'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Good girl. Now, spread your legs for me. Let me see what I'm working with.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring) > 3>>
<<linkreplace 'Spread legs'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring8'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You're so beautiful. You're making me very… excited.">>
<<Speech Player "This… this doesn't feel right. Shouldn't we be studying?">>
<<linkreplace 'Jerk him'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring9'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "We'll get to that. Just keep stroking. And touch yourself for me. Show me how much you want this.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay…">>
<<linkreplace 'Open legs'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring10'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "That's it. Now, get ready. I'm about to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours.">>
<<Speech Player "But… I thought this was supposed to help my grades…">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring) > 5>>
<<linkreplace 'He sticks it inside'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring11'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "It will. Just relax and let me… teach you a few things.">>
<<linkreplace 'Keep going'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring12'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Take off your shirt. I want to see those beautiful tits.">>
<<linkreplace 'Turn aside'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring13'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I'm close… I'm going to cum!">>
<<linkreplace 'He cums'>>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring14'>>
<<Speech Player "Did you… did you cum inside me?">>
<<linkreplace 'Finish'>>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Oops. Couldn't help myself. Now get dressed and get out of here before someone sees us.">>
<<video 'school/tutoring/tutoring15'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring>>
<<UnlockLocationScene school TeacherTutoring>>
<<FinishSex MathTeacher true>>
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school principal knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<</if>><!-- 5 PROGRESS -->
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school principal knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<</if>><!-- 3 PROGRESS -->
<h3>Suddenly, you hear the school coordinator knocking on the door. You get dressed quickly and you leave.</h3>
<</if>><!-- 1 PROGRESS -->
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'School Hallway 🏫' 'School'>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring 1>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<h1 class="ptitle">TEACHER</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<Speech MathTeacher "You should know why I called you, right?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes I know.">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You have low grades, and I can't allow you to continue like this.">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I am willing to help you, but you need to strive.">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "I will be available to help you every day in the afternoon in my office.">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "You can come here at any time, and I will be willing to help you. ">>
<<Speech MathTeacher "Now go home, and study.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes sir.">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'School'>>
<<set $Quests.MathTeacher.Tutoring.progress = 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<h3> You are in the garage, you can see the car and the tools. </h3>
<<if $game.day == "Friday" && Quest.isActive($Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty) && $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty.progress == 2>>
<<button 'Go to the party'>>
<<if $game.time == "N">>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<EnterLocation 'thomasParty'>>
<<goto 'TyreFixSex'>>
<<Notification 'warning' 'I can only go to the party at night'>>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">GARAGE</h1>
<h3> When you reach the door, you realize that you lost your keys and everyone is asleep. </h3>
<<linkreplace "Wait for someone">>
<h3> After waiting all night at the door, you hear a noise coming from the garage</h3>
<<linkreplace "Go see what it is">>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk1'>>
<h3>You approach the garage, stumbling from being drunk, and see your grandpa messing with his motorcycle</h3>
<<Speech Grandpa "What are you doing here at this hour?">>
<<Speech Player "I couldn't get in the house, I lost my keys and the door was locked">>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're drunk, aren't you?">>
<<linkreplace "You try to deny it">>
<h3>You try to deny it, but your grandpa notices you're drunk as hell</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk2'>>
<<Speech Player "No, I only had a little bit">>
<<Speech Grandpa "I'm gonna teach you a lesson so you never drink again, come here">>
<<linkreplace "Your grandpa grabs your arm">>
<h3>Your grandpa pulls you by the arm and turns you around, he lifts your skirt and starts spanking your ass</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk3'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "This is so you learn to never drink again, you little slut">>
<<Speech Player "Stop, grandpa, I promise I'll never drink again">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Alright, but don't ever do that again">>
<<linkreplace "Kiss him">>
<h3>You, still under the influence of alcohol, act without thinking, and while hugging your grandpa, you kiss him passionately</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk4'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "What the hell are you doing?">>
<<Speech Player "I don't know, but I want you">>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're such a bad girl...">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your top">>
<h3>Your grandpa, surprised, takes off your top, leaving you only with your bra</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk5'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're a very bad girl, but I can't resist">>
<<Speech Player "I want you, grandpa">>
<<linkreplace "He unbuttons your bra">>
<h3>Your grandpa unbuttons your bra and starts caressing your breasts</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk6'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're so hot, I can't resist">>
<<Speech Player "I'm so horny, grandpa">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Damn, you're making me hard...">>
<<linkreplace "He sucks on your breasts">>
<h3>Your grandpa lowers his head and starts sucking your breasts passionately</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk7'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "You have wonderful breasts, my granddaughter">>
<<Speech Player "I want your dick, grandpa, let me suck it">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Just like that, my naughty girl...">>
<<linkreplace "You give him a blowjob">>
<h3>You kneel and start sucking your grandpa's dick, who moans with pleasure</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk8'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're such a naughty little whore, but I like it">>
<<Speech Player "I want you inside me, grandpa">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Get on all fours for me, go on!">>
<<linkreplace "You get on all fours">>
<h3>You obey and get on all fours, your grandpa starts fucking you from behind</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk9'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "You're so tight, it's been a while since I've had such a tasty pussy">>
<<Speech Player "Come on grandpa, fuck me hard">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Get on top of me, I can't last much longer">>
<<linkreplace "You ride his dick">>
<h3>You get on top of your grandpa, who is lying on the floor, and start riding his dick</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk10'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "That's it, grind on my cock, you little slut">>
<<Speech Player "I want to cum, grandpa">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Me too, put your mouth here">>
<<linkreplace "You suck his dick">>
<h3>You kneel and start sucking your grandpa's dick again</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk11'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "Keep going like that, I'm gonna cum">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me, go on, I want to feel your milk">>
<<Speech Grandpa "I'm going to cum!!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>While you're masturbating him, your grandpa cums</h3>
<<video 'house/garage/garageDrunk/garageDrunk12'>>
<<Speech Grandpa "That was delicious, it's been a while since I've cum like that">>
<<Speech Player "I didn't know you could still fuck, grandpa">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Of course I can, have some respect girl!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Grandpa GarageDrunk>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div class="newCityMap-container">
<<createSubLocationButton "Your Bedroom 🛏️" Bedroom "/house/bedroom/bedroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Kitchen 🍽️" Kitchen "/house/kitchen/kitchenbanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "$npc.Brother.relationship's Bedroom 🧑🏻" BrotherBedroom "/house/brotherbedroom/brotherbedroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Bathroom 🚾" Bathroom "/house/bathroom/bathroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "$npc.Dad.relationship's Bedroom 🧓🏻" DadBedroom "/house/dadbedroom/dadbedroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "$npc.Grandpa.relationship's Bedroom 👴🏻" GrandpaBedroom "/house/grandpabedroom/grandpabedroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Living Room 🛋️" LivingRoom "/house/livingroom/livingroombanner.png">>
<<createSubLocationButton "Garage 🚗" Garage "/house/garage/garagebanner.png">>
<div class="gridcityZone-container">
<<CityMap $location.residential>>
<<if $game.time == "LN" && $player.drunkness >= 3 && random(1,2) == 1 && (previous() == "Residential" || previous() == "ThomasParty")>>
<<goto "GarageDrunk">>
<h1 class="ptitle">BATHROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Shower 🚿'>>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Notification 'warning' "It's too late, you should go to bed">>
<<goto 'BathroomShower'>>
<<button 'Mirror 🪞' 'BathroomMirror'>><</button>>
<<button 'Take pregnancy pill 💊'>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.pillDays > 0>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You can only take the pill every 3 days">>
<<elseif $player.inventory.contraceptivePill > 0>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.isPregnant>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You are pregnant, you can't take the pill">>
<<set $player.pregnancy.pillDays += 3>>
<<RemoveFromInventory contraceptivePill>>
<<Notification 'success' "You took the pill, you are safe for 3 days">>
<<Notification 'warning' "You don't have any contraceptive pills, you can buy them at the pharmacy">>
<<button 'Pregnancy Test 🤰'>>
<<if $player.inventory.pregnancyTest > 0>>
<<goto 'PregnancyTest'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You don't have any pregnancy tests, you can buy them at the pharmacy">>
<<if $player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<<button 'Check belly 🤰' 'BathroomCheckBelly'>><</button>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<<if previous() == "Hallway">>
<<if $npc.Dad.location == 'House' && random(1, 4) == 1>>
<<if $game.time == "EM">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant() && !$npc.Dad.scenes.DadShowerSexPregnant.executedToday>>
<<goto "DadShowerSexPregnant">>
<<elseif !$npc.Dad.scenes.DadShowerSex.executedToday>>
<<goto "DadShowerSex">>
<<elseif $game.time == "N" && !$npc.Dad.scenes.DadPeepSex.executedToday>>
<<goto "DadPeepSex">>
<<if isPregnant() && changeMediaPregnant() && random(1, 3) == 1>>
<<goto "BathroomLactation">>
<h1 class="ptitle">BELLY 🤰</h1>
<h3> You gonna give birth in $player.pregnancy.days days</h3>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BATHROOM FLASHING</h1>
<h3>Just as you were about to take off your clothes, you realize someone is spying on you 👀</h3>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<linkreplace "Flash to him 📸">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("pregbathroomflashing1.webp", "pregbathroomflashing2.webp", "pregbathroomflashing3.webp", "pregbathroomflashing4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/pregnancy/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("bathroomflashing1.webp", "bathroomflashing2.webp", "bathroomflashing3.webp", "bathroomflashing4.webp", "bathroomflashing5.webp", "bathroomflashing6.webp", "bathroomflashing7.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>You decide to give the spy a little show ❤️🔥</h3>
<<button 'Go to shower 🚿' 'BathroomShower'>><</button>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad ShowerFlash>>
<<linkreplace "Close the door">>
<<message 'You close the door and go to your shower'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<button 'Go to shower 🚿' 'BathroomShower'>><</button>>
.passage img {
max-height: max-content;
<h1 class="ptitle">You feel a strange sensation in your breasts 🍼</h1>
<<linkreplace "Squeeze them">>
<h3>You squeeze your breasts and a jet of milk comes out</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("lactating1.webp", "lactating2.webp", "lactating3.webp", "lactating4.webp", "lactating5.webp", "lactating6.webp")>>
<div>[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/pregnancy/' + $game.randomMedia]]</div>
<<UnlockMCScene BathroomLactation>>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">You watch yourself in the mirror 🪞</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("mirror.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/mirror/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<button 'Apply make up 💄' 'BathroomMirrorMakeUp'>><</button>>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">You apply some make up 💄</h1>
<h3>You look at yourself in the mirror and decide to apply some make up to enhance your beauty</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("makeup.webp", "makeup1.webp", "makeup2.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/mirror/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if $player.makeup == false>>
<<set $player.makeup = true>>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾'>>
<<goto 'Bathroom'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">You take a shower and wash all your body! 🚿</h1>
<<if previous() != "BathroomFlashScene" && random(1,2) == 1 && $npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.corruption > 0 && $npc.Dad.location == "House" && $game.time != "LN">>
<<goto "BathroomFlashScene">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("preg_shower1.webp", "preg_shower2.webp", "preg_shower3.webp", "preg_shower4.webp", "preg_shower5.webp", "preg_shower6.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("shower.webp", "shower1.webp", "shower2.webp", "shower3.webp", "shower4.webp", "shower5.webp")>>
<div class='shower'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/shower/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<button 'Masturbate ❤️🔥'>>
<<if $player.arousal > 0>>
<<goto 'BathroomShowerMasturbate'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You are not aroused enough to masturbate">>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>>
<<set $player.drunkness = 0>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<if $player.makeup>>
<<set $player.makeup = false>>
<<set $player.beauty -= 1>>
<<Notification 'warning' "Your makeup is washed away">>
<h1 class="ptitle">MASTURBATE 🚿</h1>
<<if (random(1,3) == 1 || $npc.Brother.arousal == 3) && Corruption.StageOne($npc.Brother) && $npc.Brother.location == "House">>
<<goto 'BrotherShowerSex'>>
<h3 class="ptitle">You masturbate yourself. Corruption increased!</h3>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either ("preg_showermasturbate1.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("showermasturbate1.webp", "showermasturbate2.webp", "showermasturbate3.webp", "showermasturbate4.webp", "showermasturbate5.webp", "showermasturbate6.webp")>>
<div class='showermast'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bathroom/shower/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MASTURBATE 🚿</h1>
<h3>The hot water cascades over you, and you begin to touch yourself, your fingers exploring the folds of your pussy, your other hand cupping your breast.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent1'>>
<<linkreplace "You hear the door… 👀">>
<h3>Lost in the pleasure, you don't register the sound of the door opening.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent2'>>
<<Speech Brother "Damn, she's hot…">>
<h3>$npc.Brother.relationship's gasp breaks the spell. You see him standing there, watching you.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent3'>>
<<Speech Player "What the hell are you doing?! Were you spying on me?!">>
<<Speech Brother "I… I didn't know anyone was in here. I just needed to use the bathroom.">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent4'>>
<<Speech Player "Seriously? You couldn't hear the shower running?">>
<<Speech Brother "Okay, okay, you caught me. I was watching. You're just… so hot.">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent5'>>
<<Speech Brother "I'm so fucking horny right now. Help me out here.">>
<<Speech Player "Help you out? What do you mean?">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() > 3>>
<<linkreplace "Join him ✅">>
<h3>You decide to give in to the temptation.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent6'>>
<<Speech Player "Get your clothes off and get in here.">>
<<Speech Brother "Gladly.">>
<h3>He strips and joins you under the spray.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Take him in your mouth 🍆">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent7'>>
<h3>You sink to your knees, taking his cock deep into your mouth.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "Fuck… you're good at that.">>
<<Speech Player "Shut up and eat me out.">>
<<linkreplace "Let him eat your pussy 🍑">>
<h3>You stand and spread your legs, offering yourself to him.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent8'>>
<h3>His tongue works magic on your clit, sending waves of pleasure through you.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes… keep doing that!">>
<<Speech Brother "Lean against the wall. I want to fuck you.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Lean against the wall">>
<h3>You lean back, bracing yourself as he slides his cock inside you.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent9'>>
<<Speech Player "Fuck… yes… harder!">>
<<Speech Brother "You're such a little slut.">>
<h3>He picks up the pace, your moans echoing in the small space.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent10'>>
<<Speech Brother "Ride me.">>
<<Speech Player "Get down on the floor.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<h3>He lies down, and you slowly lower yourself onto his cock.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent11'>>
<<Speech Brother "Oh fuck… I'm not going to last long.">>
<<Speech Player "Not yet… I'm not ready.">>
<h3>You increase the tempo, riding him hard.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent12'>>
<<Speech Brother "Turn around. I want to watch those tits bounce.">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You turn, facing him as you continue to ride.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent13'>>
<<Speech Brother "Fuck yes… that's it…">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me, $npc.Brother.relationship.">>
<<linkreplace "He's close!">>
<h3>He stands up, pulling you with him. He strokes himself, his eyes locked on yours.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent14'>>
<<Speech Player "Cum in my mouth.">>
<<Speech Brother "I'm cumming!">>
<h3>He explodes, filling your mouth with his cum.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/brotherShowerEvent/brotherShowerEvent15'>>
<<Speech Brother "Fuck… that was amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "You're welcome.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherShowerSex>>
<<FinishSex Brother false>>
<h3>You hear the house door slamming, your $npc.Brother.relationship comes out of the bathroom, afraid of someone catching you two together</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 3>>
<h3>You hear the house door slamming, your $npc.Brother.relationship comes out of the bathroom, afraid of someone catching you two together</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 2>>
<<button "I can't help you, sorry" 'Bathroom'>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">BATHROOM</h1>
<h3>A muffled thump from the bathroom makes you curious. You peek through the door and freeze... your $npc.Dad.relationship is fucking a prostitute right there!</h3>
<<linkreplace "Peep">>
<<webp 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad'>>
<h3>Your eyes are glued to the scene, heat pooling in your belly. You watch your $npc.Dad.relationship pound into the woman, every thrust making you ache with a forbidden excitement.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Stroke your pussy">>
<<if getArousal() > 0>>
<h3>You start touching yourself through your clothes, fingers stroking over your aching clit, your other hand kneading your breast.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad1'>>
<<Speech Dad "Take this dick, you dirty slut!">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "Tell me what you want me to do, Daddy.">>
<<Speech Dad "Suck it! Show me how much you like my cock.">>
<<linkreplace "Inside the shorts">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 2>>
<h3>You can't resist anymore. You shove your hand down your shorts, your fingers finding your slick folds, rubbing your clit with frantic urgency.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad2'>>
<<Speech Dad "Yeah, that's it! Deep throat like a good girl.">>
<h3>The prostitute is now on her knees, your $npc.Dad.relationship's cock disappearing into her mouth. Your breathing gets ragged, a moan escaping your lips. </h3>
<<Speech Dad "Let me see that ass. Shake it for me, baby.">>
<<linkreplace "This is getting hot">>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship sits down on the toilet, pulling the prostitute up with him. She stands in front of him, her ass shaking in his face. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad3'>>
<<Speech Dad "You have a nice ass. Reminds me of my $npc.Dad.player's ass...">>
<<Speech Player "Though" "What the fuck?!">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "You're a real sick fuck, aren't you?">>
<<Speech Dad "Shut up, bitch. Just sit on it.">>
<<linkreplace "She obey">>
<h3>She doesn't hesitate, turning around and slowly lowering herself onto his waiting cock. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad4'>>
<<Speech Dad "Ah, fuck yeah. You're worth every penny, you little whore.">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "I don't know if I can say the same...">>
<<Speech Dad "What was that?">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "Nothing, Daddy. How about I get on all fours for you?">>
<<linkreplace "She get on all fours">>
<h3>They both stand up, and the prostitute quickly gets on her hands and knees, pushing her ass up towards him. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad5'>>
<<Speech Dad "That's it, you filthy little slut. Take it all.">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "...">>
<<Speech Dad "You know what, this position is tiring me out. Get back on top.">>
<<linkreplace "She obey">>
<h3>She crawls back over to him, straddling his lap and sinking back down on his cock. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad6'>>
<<Speech Dad "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Suck it! Suck my cock!">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "Okay, Daddy. Here it comes!">>
<<linkreplace "She blows him">>
<h3>She pulls off him just as he starts to shoot his load, taking his entire cock into her mouth. He groans, his hands gripping her hair.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad7'>>
<<Speech Dad "Goddamn, that was hot!">>
<<Speech Strange "Prostitute" "Payment time, honey. You know the drill.">>
<<linkreplace "I'm going to cum!">>
<h3>You can't hold it back any longer. As you watch them, your body is wracked with an intense orgasm, your hand flying furiously between your legs.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/PeepingDad/PeepingDad8'>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad DadPeepSex>>
<h3>I should get out of here, someone could arrive at any moment</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<h3>You are not aroused enough to do this</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>>
<<set $npc.Dad.scenes.DadPeepSex.executedToday = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SOMEONE IS IN THE SHOWER</h1>
<h3>As you approach the bathroom door, you hear the sound of the shower running. Someone's definitely getting clean in there...</h3>
<<linkreplace "Go in 👀">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent1'>>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() == 4>>
<h3>You push the door open, the steam billowing out to greet you. And there he is... your $npc.Dad.relationship, completely naked under the spray of the shower. He looks so hot like that...</h3>
<<Speech Player "Thought" "Oh my god, I am so incredibly horny right now...">>
<<linkreplace "Masturbate">>
<h3>You can't help yourself. You lean against the doorframe and start touching yourself, your eyes glued to your $npc.Dad.relationship's glistening body.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent2'>>
<<linkreplace "Open the shower door">>
<h3>Desire takes over completely. You push the shower door open. Your $npc.Dad.relationship jumps, startled, but then you see it... he's already hard!</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent3'>>
<<Speech Player "Well, well, well... Looks like someone was already having a little fun in here.">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Dad)>>
<<Speech Dad "Maybe I was. And maybe you're just in time to help me out.">>
<<Speech Player "Anything you want, Daddy. Anything at all...">>
<<linkreplace "Blow him">>
<h3>You sink to your knees, your tongue darting out to taste the water running down his shaft. He groans, his hand finding your hair and holding you in place. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent4'>>
<<Speech Dad "Yeah, that's it... Suck my cock, you little slut.">>
<h3>You get on all fours, taking him deeper into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent5'>>
<<Speech Dad "Let's get out of here.">>
<<linkreplace "He get out of the shower">>
<h3>He steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry off. You can't take your eyes off him.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent6'>>
<<Speech Player "Gonna fuck me now, Daddy? Hmm?">>
<h3>You're already stroking yourself to the sight of him, your pussy dripping. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent7'>>
<<linkreplace "He starts groping your ass">>
<h3>His hand wraps around your ass, squeezing hard. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent8'>>
<<Speech Dad "Get those clothes off. I want to see you, all of you.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<h3>You eagerly pull off your shirt, your bra the only thing between you and his touch. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent9'>>
<<Speech Dad "Bra too. Now.">>
<h3>Turning your back to him, you feel his hands on your shoulders, his fingers deftly unhooking your bra.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent10'>>
<h3>He doesn't waste any time, taking advantage of your position...</h3>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you">>
<h3>He thrusts into you, his hard cock filling you completely. You moan, your hands gripping the wet tile.</h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent11'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes! Fuck me hard, Daddy!">>
<h3>You lift your leg up, resting it on the edge of the trashcan to give him better access. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent12'>>
<<Speech Dad "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He pulls out, unable to hold back any longer. He strokes himself furiously, his hot cum splattering across your ass. </h3>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEvent/DadShowerEvent13'>>
<<Speech Dad "Get out of here now. I need to finish my shower.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad DadShowerSex>>
<<FinishSex Dad false>>
<<Speech Dad "Get out of here, I'm busy">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 3>>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<h3>You open the door and see your $npc.Dad.relationship taking a shower, you feel a little uncomfortable</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Leave 🚪' 'Hallway'>>
<<set $npc.Dad.scenes.DadShowerSex.executedToday = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Shower Time Together</h1>
<h3>As you approach the bathroom door, you hear the sound of the shower running. Someone's definitely getting clean in there...</h3>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() == 4>>
<<linkreplace "Join him in the shower 🚿">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Dad)>>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant1'>>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship gently caresses your belly as he soaps you up.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Thought" "This feels so fucking good...">>
<<Speech Dad "How's my little fucker doing in there? Getting ready to cause some trouble?">>
<<Speech Player "He's kicking, alright. Little monster.">>
<<linkreplace "Soap him up 😉">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant2'>>
<h3>You take the soap and begin to lather his cock, feeling him harden in your hands.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Feels good, doesn't it?">>
<<Speech Dad "Damn right it does. You know how to work it, don't you, slut?">>
<<linkreplace "Passionate Kiss 😘">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant3'>>
<h3>The soap slips from your hands as you both lean in for a passionate kiss. His hands find your breasts, squeezing them roughly.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "You're getting fat, but I still want you, you hear me?">>
<<Speech Player "I hear you, Daddy.">>
<<Speech Dad "Now, get on all fours for me, I need to release my stress!">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours 😈">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant4'>>
<h3>Desire takes over, and you drop to your hands and knees, leaning against the shower wall. He wastes no time entering you from behind.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Ugh, fuck, yes! Daddy!">>
<<Speech Dad "Take it like a good little whore. That's my good girl.">>
<<linkreplace "More Kisses 💋">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant5'>>
<h3>He pauses his thrusts to shower you with kisses, his lips trailing down your neck and back.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "I'm gonna fuck you 'til you scream my name, you hear?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, Daddy! Fucking do it!">>
<<linkreplace "Get Deeper 🥵">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant6'>>
<h3>You lower yourself even further, giving him deeper access. The pleasure is almost overwhelming.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Aah... Fuck! Harder!">>
<<Speech Dad "That's it, take it all, you little cumdump.">>
<<linkreplace "Climax Together 💦">>
<<video 'house/bathroom/DadShowerEventPregnant/DadShowerEventPregnant7'>>
<h3>He continues to thrust until he can hold back no longer, his orgasm rocking through you as he fills you with his seed.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "I'm coming! You like that, you little bitch?!">>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Daddy! Fuck! I love it!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad DadShowerSexPregnant>>
<<FinishSex Dad true>>
<h3>When you enter the shower, your $npc.Dad.relationship gets scared and scolds you</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Get out of here, I'm busy">>
<<Speech Player "I just wanted to take a shower..">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 3>>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<h3>You open the door and see your $npc.Dad.relationship taking a shower, you feel a little uncomfortable</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Leave 🚪' 'Hallway'>>
<<set $npc.Dad.scenes.DadShowerSexPregnant.executedToday = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle"> You try to pee on the stick 🤰</h1>
<<linkreplace "Check the result">>
<<RemoveFromInventory pregnancyTest>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.isPregnant>>
<h3>You are pregnant, your belly gonna grow in a few days!</h3>
<<set $player.pregnancy.discovered = true>>
<h3>You are not pregnant!</h3>
<<button 'Bathroom 🚾' 'Bathroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">YOUR BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<!-- STUDY -->
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<button '❌ Too late to study ❌'>><</button>>
<<elseif $player.energy <= 0>>
<<button '🪫 Too tired to study 🪫'>><</button>>
<<button 'Study 📖' 'BedroomStudy'>><</button>>
<<if $location.school.homework == false && $game.days > 1>>
<<button 'Do homework 📖'>>
<<set $location.school.homework = true>>
<<Notification 'int' "You do your homework!">>
<!-- SLEEP -->
<<if $game.time == "N" || $game.time == "LN">>
<<button 'Sleep 💤' 'BedroomSleep'>><</button>>
<<button '❌ Too early to sleep ❌'>><</button>>
<!-- NAP -->
<<button 'Nap 💤'>>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<goto 'BedroomSleep'>>
<<Notification 'info' "You take a nap for an hour. You feel a little more rested.">>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<energy 15>>
<!-- WARDROBE -->
<<button 'Wardrobe 👚' 'Wardrobe'>>
<<set $activeTab to 'casual'>>
<!-- LAPTOP -->
<<if $items.laptop.purchased>>
<<button 'Laptop 💻' 'Laptop'>><</button>>
<<button "Import Old Save 💾">>
<<goto "OldSaveImport">>
<!-- HALLWAY -->
<<button 'Hallway 🚪'>>
<<if $player.clothing.type == 'naked' && $player.corruption.level < 3>>
<<Notification 'warning' "I should wear some clothes.. 30+ Corruption Needed">>
<<elseif $player.clothing.type == 'underwear' && $player.corruption.level < 2>>
<<Notification 'warning' "I should wear some clothes.. 15+ Corruption Needed">>
<<elseif $player.energy == 0>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You need to sleep!">>
<<goto 'Hallway'>>
<<if isPregnant() && $player.pregnancy.days == 0>>
<<goto 'Birth'>>
<<if previous() == "Hallway" && $game.time != "LN">>
<<if ($npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.location == "House") || ($npc.Brother.arousal > 0 && $npc.Brother.location == "House")>>
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
<<goto 'BedroomGrope'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">GROPE</h1>
<<set $game.dice to random(1,2)>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("dad_groping1.webp", "dad_groping2.webp", "dad_groping3.webp", "dad_groping4.webp", "dad_groping5.webp")>>
<<if $game.dice === 1 && $npc.Dad.arousal > 0>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech Dad "You are looking gorgeous today sweetheart!">>
<<message "Your $npc.Dad.relationship groped you!">>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad DadBedroomGrope>>
<<if $player.corruption.points <= 5>>
<<elseif $game.dice === 2 && $npc.Brother.arousal > 0>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech Brother "Hey sister, where are you going ?">>
<<message 'Your $npc.Brother.relationship groped you!'>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherBedroomGrope>>
<<if $player.corruption.points <= 5>>
<<goto 'Bedroom'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SLEEP</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("sleep.webp", "sleep1.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/sleep/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<!-- DAD SCENE -->
<<if $npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.corruption > 0 && random(1,4) == 1
&& previous() isnot "BedroomSleepDadScene"
&& previous() isnot "SleepingBrother"
&& previous() isnot "OldSaveImport">>
<<goto 'BedroomSleepDadScene'>>
<<for _baby range $player.baby>>
<<if _baby.days % 7 == 0>>
<<set _babyExpense to Math.floor($player.money * 0.1)>>
<<set _expenseMessage to "You have to pay $" + _babyExpense + " for " + _baby.name + " expenses">>
<<Notification "money" _expenseMessage>>
<<set $player.money -= _babyExpense>>
<<set $game.day to $game.day>>
<<if $dev.galleryMode>>
<<set $dev.galleryMode to false>>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<if !$player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<h3>You feel your belly a little bigger, maybe you are pregnant? I should buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy</h3>
<<if $player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<h3>Your belly is getting bigger, you also feel your breasts heavier</h3>
<<if isPregnant() && !$player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<h3>You feel very nauseous, maybe you are sick?</h3>
<<if $location.school.daysToNextTest == 0 && $game.day == "Monday">>
<h3>You have a test at school today!</h3>
<<if $items.phone.purchased>>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.followers >= 500 && $Quests.Richard.Model.progress == 0>>
<<Notification 'info' "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.followers >= 1000>>
<<if $Quests.Jim.Pornstar.progress == 0 && false>>
<<Notification 'info' "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<<if Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer)>>
<<Notification 'info' "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<<button 'Wake up' 'Bedroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle"><<print $npc.Dad.relationship.toUpperCase()>> SLEEP SCENE</h1>
<h3>While you are sleeping, your $npc.Dad.relationship comes into your room to see if everything is okay. For a moment, his eyes linger on your sleeping form, lust clouding his features. He pulls his hardening dick out of his shorts and throws the blanket off your body.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene1'>>
<h3>He climbs on top of the bed and starts caressing your ass, his breath catching in his throat.</h3>
<<linkreplace "He pulls down your shorts">>
<<Speech Dad "Mind" "God, you're so beautiful... I need to touch you, feel your perfect ass.">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene2'>>
<<linkreplace "He starts to masturbate himself">>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship starts masturbating, his hand a blur of motion against his skin as he rubs your ass, his touch growing bolder. </h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene3'>>
<<Speech Dad "Mind" "Holy fuck, you're so fucking hot. I can't believe I haven't done this sooner.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He fondles your breasts">>
<h3>His hand leaves your ass, trailing up your back before cupping your breast through your shirt. You stir slightly, but don't wake. He groans, his arousal spiking. </h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene4'>>
<<linkreplace "He takes your shirt off">>
<h3>Driven by lust, he slowly peels your shirt off, exposing your breasts to his hungry eyes.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene5'>>
<<linkreplace "He sucks your tits">>
<h3>His mouth closes over your nipple, sucking hard. His hand reaches down, rubbing your clit through your panties. You moan softly in your sleep.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene6'>>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He pushes your legs apart and slides his dick inside you.">>
<h3>He roughly pushes your legs apart and shoves his cock inside your unprepared pussy, the force of it finally waking you up.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene7'>>
<<Speech Player "Dad?! What are you doing in my room? And why am I naked??">>
<<Speech Dad "Shh.. Go back to sleep, honey. Daddy's just relieving himself a little.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you">>
<h3>He ignores your protests, continuing to pump his hips into yours. You're trapped beneath him, his weight forcing you down as he fucks you mercilessly. </h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene8'>>
<<linkreplace "You try to scream.">>
<h3>Tears prick at your eyes. You try to scream, to fight him off, but he clamps his hand over your mouth, stifling your cries. </h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene9'>>
<<Speech Dad "Shh.. We don't want to make noise, your $npc.Brother.relationship might wake up." >>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you.">>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship cums inside you with a groan, his body shuddering in release. He collapses on top of you for a moment before regaining his senses. He rolls off, fixing his clothes and leaving you a sobbing, violated mess in his wake.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/sleep/dad_sleepscene10'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad BedroomSleepDadScene>>
<<FinishSex Dad true>>
<h3>After a while, your $npc.Dad.relationship goes back to his room.</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 3>>
<h3>After a while, your $npc.Dad.relationship goes back to his room.</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 2>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'You go back to sleep' 'BedroomSleep'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">STUDY</h1>
<<set $game.dice to random(1,5)>>
<!-- DAD SCENE -->
<<if $game.dice == 1 && $npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.corruption > 0>>
<<goto 'BedroomStudyDadGrope'>>
<<elseif $game.dice == 2 && $npc.Brother.arousal > 0 && $npc.Brother.corruption > 0>>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<goto 'BedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant'>>
<<goto 'BedroomStudyBrotherGrope'>>
<<elseif $game.dice == 3 && $npc.Brother.arousal > 0 && $npc.Brother.corruption > 0>>
<<goto 'BrotherHelpStudy'>>
<<message "You studied an hour and feel smarter!">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>><</button>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle"><<print $npc.Brother.relationship.toUpperCase()>> GROPE</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("brother_studygrope1.webp", "brother_studygrope2.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/study/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<Speech Brother "Hey sister, you have gorgeous boobs">>
<<Speech Player "Leave me alone idiot!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BedroomStudyBrotherGrope>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<linkreplace "Keep studying">>
<h3>You studied for an hour and felt smarter!</h3>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle"><<print $npc.Brother.relationship.toUpperCase()>> GROPE</h1>
<h3>While you are studying, your $npc.Brother.relationship appears behind you and grabs your ass!</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant1'>>
<<Speech Brother "Damn, $npc.Brother.player, what a juicy ass you're growing! Being pregnant suits you.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Do you like it?">>
<h3>You ask him if he likes it, while you teasingly pull at his shorts.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant2'>>
<<Speech Brother "Like it? Are you kidding me? You know I do. Seems like you want to play a little game.">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe I do. I'm feeling horny, so do something about it!">>
<<if Corruption.StageOne($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "He rubs your pussy">>
<h3>He starts rubbing your pussy with his fingers, as you push your ass back into him, moaning.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant3'>>
<<Speech Brother "Oh, you like that, don't you? Tell me you do.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Don't stop, keep going! God, that feels good.">>
<<Speech Brother "Then take your clothes off for me, baby. Let me see what I'm working with.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off clothes">>
<h3>You strip off your clothes, leaving you in just your bra and panties, your pregnant belly exposed.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant4'>>
<<Speech Brother "You've gotten even hotter pregnant. But lose the rest, I want to see it all.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, alright, you pervert. You can wait a little bit, can't you?">>
<<linkreplace "Get naked">>
<h3>You take off the rest of your clothes, standing completely naked before him, swollen with pregnancy.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant5'>>
<<Speech Player "So, what are you going to do with me now? I hope you have some ideas...">>
<<Speech Brother "Turn around. Get on your hands and knees for me. I want to see that ass in the air.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You turn around and get on your hands and knees, presenting yourself to him.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant6'>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, fuck me good. I want to feel your cock deep inside me. Make me scream.">>
<<Speech Brother "You are such a little slut, I love it when you talk dirty to me. But this position isn't working for me.">>
<<Speech Player "Then what do you want to do? You're the one calling the shots!">>
<<linkreplace "Sit on him">>
<h3>You climb on top of him, straddling his lap and feeling his hard cock slide into your pussy.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant7'>>
<<Speech Brother "Fuck, you're so tight. This is amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me! Fuck me! Faster!">>
<<Speech Brother "Turn around, face me. I want to see your slutty face while I pound you.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn around">>
<h3>You turn around to face him, and he eats your pussy with fervor, his hands gripping your hips.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant8'>>
<<Speech Brother "I wish you were pregnant all the time. I love eating you like this. You taste so sweet.">>
<<Speech Player "You really like eating pregnant pussy that much? What about the baby?">>
<<Speech Brother "Definitely. Now get back on all fours. I prefer it that way. More access to that lovely pregnant form.">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours again">>
<h3>You turn back around and get on your hands and knees for him again, arching your back.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant9'>>
<<Speech Brother "That's it, shake that ass for me, baby. Ride my cock like you mean it.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm close, I'm almost there, don't stop! Please!">>
<<Speech Brother "I'm going to cum too! Oh God!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He cums inside you, you feel the hot, thick load of cum filling your pussy, throbbing with pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherStudyGropePregnant/bedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant10'>>
<<Speech Brother "Damn, I came so hard. You are unbelievably hot. I love you being pregnant.">>
<<Speech Player "Me too. That was amazing. I think that was the best yet.">>
<<FinishSex Brother true>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant>>
<<Speech Brother "Well, I should probably go. I have things to do.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, okay. See you later.">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 3>>
<<Speech Brother "Ehh... I guess I need to go. Gotta go.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, see you around.">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 2>>
<<Speech Brother "Ehh.. Sorry, I gotta go. See you later.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, bye!">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 1>>
<<linkreplace "Get away from me, you pervert!">>
<h3>You shove him away, disgusted, and tell him to leave you alone.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "Whoa, easy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. I just thought... well, never mind.">>
<<Speech Player "Just leave me alone! I'm trying to study. Get out!">>
<<linkreplace "Keep studying">>
<h3>You studied for an hour and felt smarter!</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle"><<print $npc.Dad.relationship.toUpperCase()>> GROPE</h1>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope1'>>
<<Speech Dad "Hey there. Whatcha doin'?">>
<<Speech Player "Just studying for school.">>
<<if Corruption.StageOne($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "Try to ignore him">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope2'>>
<<Speech Dad "Come on, I'm so horny. Don't you want to help your old $npc.Dad.relationship out?">>
<<Speech Player "I really can't. Please leave me alone.">>
<<linkreplace "He continues groping you">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope3'>>
<<Speech Dad "Mmm, your breasts have gotten so big. And soft…">>
<<Speech Player "*Mphmm…*">>
<<Speech Dad "Stand up, sweetheart. You can keep studying if you want.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "You stand up">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope4'>>
<<Speech Player "What are you doing?">>
<<linkreplace "$npc.Dad.relationship gropes you more boldly">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope5'>>
<<Speech Dad "Let's get these panties off. Much better.">>
<<Speech Player "What?! No!">>
<<linkreplace "He caresses your pussy">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope6'>>
<<Speech Dad "Such a delicious little pussy you have.">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He pushes his cock inside you">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope7'>>
<<Speech Dad "So tight. I thought you'd be looser by now.">>
<<Speech Player "I… I haven't!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you">>
<<Speech Dad "I'm cumming!">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/dadStudyGrope/dad_studygrope8'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god!">>
<h3>After he finishes, he leaves you there, sticky and shaken. You try to focus on your studies.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad BedroomStudyDadGrope>>
<<FinishSex Dad true>>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 3>>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 2>>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 1>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<linkreplace "Keep studying">>
<h3>You studied an hour and feel smarter!</h3>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HELP STUDY</h1>
<h3>While you are studying, your brother comes in and offers to help you study.
He sits next to you, his leg brushing yours, and starts explaining the topic you're struggling with. You feel a spark of excitement and like you're actually getting it.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy1'>>
<<Speech Player "Wow, thanks for the help, bro. I'm actually understanding this now. You're a lifesaver.">>
<<Speech Brother "No problem, sis. I'm always happy to help, especially when it comes to you.">>
<<linkreplace "How can I thank you?">>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy2'>>
<<Speech Player "So, how can I possibly thank you for being such a great tutor?">>
<<if Corruption.StageOne($npc.Brother)>>
<<Speech Brother "You know exactly how you can thank me. Don't play coy.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<Speech Player "Oh, you naughty boy, I have a pretty good idea what you're after.">>
<<linkreplace "You take his cock out">>
<h3>You reach down, grab his hardening cock, and begin to stroke it. He moans softly, and you feel the heat radiating from him.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy3'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm, you like that, don't you?">>
<<Speech Brother "Oh, yeah. Don't stop.">>
<<Speech Player "I think it's time for a taste.">>
<<linkreplace "You suck his cock">>
<h3>You take him in your mouth, feeling him pulse as he grows harder. The taste is intoxicating.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy4'>>
<<Speech Brother "Oh god, that feels so fucking good.">>
<<Speech Player "Am I doing a good job?">>
<<Speech Brother "Yeah, keep going, don't stop.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes your breasts out">>
<h3>He leans closer, his hands finding the hem of your top. He undoes the lace, freeing your breasts. Your nipples harden under his gaze</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy5'>>
<<Speech Brother "They are magnificent. I've wanted to see them like this for so long.">>
<<Speech Player "Do you like the view?">>
<<Speech Brother "I love them. I want to feel them.">>
<<Speech Player "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get down to business.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Doggy">>
<h3>You get on your hands and knees, your ass in the air, as he positions himself behind you, ready to take you.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy6'>>
<<Speech Player "I'm so fucking horny, now, fuck me harder.">>
<<Speech Brother "You like that, don't you, sis? Taking you like this.">>
<<Speech Player "Take off my shorts, I want to feel you deep inside.">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your shorts">>
<h3>He swiftly removes your shorts, leaving you completely naked, exposed for his pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy7'>>
<<Speech Brother "You have the most beautiful body. I want to worship every inch of you.">>
<<Speech Player "Then don't stop, keep going. I need more.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you harder">>
<h3>He grips your hips, driving into you harder, making you gasp and moan with pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy8'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh, yeah, right there, that's it!">>
<<Speech Brother "You like that, don't you? Should I keep you up all night?">>
<<Speech Player "I think I'm gonna need a lot more of these private study sessions.">>
<<if Corruption.StageThree($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Missionary">>
<h3>He gently lays you down on your back, hovering above you, ready to claim you missionary style.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy9'>>
<<Speech Brother "I can't hold back anymore. I need to be inside you.">>
<<Speech Player "Come on, give it to me, c*m for me.">>
<<Speech Brother "I'm c*mming! It's gonna be so good!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He withdraws, his hot load spilling across your stomach and chest.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy10'>>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, I want all of it. Cover me.">>
<<Speech Brother "Take my c*m, you hot little thing.">>
<<linkreplace "He leaves">>
<h3>He leaves you there, sticky and satisfied, the afterglow of the encounter lingering in the air.</h3>
<<video 'house/bedroom/study/brotherHelpStudy/brotherHelpStudy11'>>
<<Speech Brother "I need to go now, but I'll see you later. We should study again.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, see you later. And thanks for the, uh, help.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishSex Brother false>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherHelpStudy>>
<<Speech Brother "Well, I should probably go. I have things to do.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh, okay. See you later.">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 3>>
<<Speech Brother "Ehh... I guess I need to go. Gotta go.">>
<<Speech Player "Alright, see you around.">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 2>>
<<Speech Player "Sorry, I don't think I can do that right now.">>
<<Speech Brother "Oh, come on, I just helped you out. Don't be like that.">>
<<Speech Player "I know, but... maybe another time.">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<Speech Brother "Ehh.. Sorry, I gotta go. See you later.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay, bye!">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 1>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Bedroom'>>
<<energy -10>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<p>You feel a terrible stab that spreads like fire. The pain makes it hard to breathe, and everything around you starts to spin.</p>
<div id="scream">
<<linkreplace "Scream for help">>
<<HideDiv 'move'>>
<h3>You let out a desperate scream</h3>
<<Speech Player "Aaaargh... Someone... Help me!">>
<<linkreplace "Your $npc.Brother.relationship rushes into the room">>
<<Speech Brother "What happened?! Oh my god! I'm taking you to the hospital, now!">>
<<button 'Go to the hospital 🏥' 'HospitalBirth'>>
<<SetPlayerLocation Hospital>>
<div id="move">
<<linkreplace "Try to move">>
<<HideDiv 'scream'>>
<p>You attempt to get up, but a new wave of pain hits, forcing you back onto the bed, the world spinning around you.</p>
<<linkreplace "Your $npc.Brother.relationship rushes into the room">>
<<Speech Brother "What's going on? Are you okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain!">>
<<button 'Go to the hospital 🏥' 'HospitalBirth'>>
<<SetPlayerLocation Hospital>>
<h1 class="ptitle">CHANGE CLOTHES</h1>
<div class="gridwardrobe-menu">
<<button 'Underwear 🩲'>>
<<set $activeTab to "underwear">>
<<button 'Casual 👗'>>
<<set $activeTab to "casual">>
<<button 'School 👩🏼🎓'>>
<<set $activeTab to "school">>
<<button 'Fitness 👟'>>
<<set $activeTab to "fitness">>
<<button 'Swim 👙'>>
<<set $activeTab to "swim">>
<<button 'Uniform 👔'>>
<<set $activeTab to "uniform">>
<div class="gridwardrobe-container">
<<for _clothing range $clothes>>
<<if _clothing.purchased && _clothing.type.includes($activeTab)>>
<<Wardrobe _clothing>>
<div class="MenuLocation">
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<if $player.clothing.name == 'Naked' && $player.corruption.level <= 3>>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<<elseif $player.clothing.name == 'Underwear' && $player.corruption.level <= 2>>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>>
.passage button {
width: 90%;
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Brother.relationship's Bedroom</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<h3>It's late at night, your $npc.Brother.relationship is sleeping.</h3>
<<if $npc.Brother.location == "School">>
<h3>Your $npc.Brother.relationship is at school</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<if $npc.Brother.relation >= 10>>
<<button 'Sleep with him 💤' 'SleepingBrother'>><</button>>
<<if $npc.Brother.location == "House">>
<<button "Talk with him 🗣️">>
<<Talk Brother>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<button 'Tease him ❤️🔥'>>
<<if Scene.CheckSceneReq($npc.Brother.scenes.BrotherBedroomTease)>>
<<goto 'BrotherBedroomTease'>>
<<button 'Flash to him ❤️🔥'>>
<<if Scene.CheckSceneReq($npc.Brother.scenes.BrotherBedroomFlash)>>
<<goto 'BrotherBedroomFlash'>>
<<if $npc.Brother.location == "House" && previous() == "Hallway">>
<<set $game.random = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $game.random == 1 && !$npc.Brother.scenes.PeepBrotherSex.executedToday>>
<<goto 'PeepBrotherSex'>>
<<elseif $game.random == 2 && !$npc.Brother.scenes.BrotherCaughtMasturbating.executedToday>>
<<goto 'BrotherCaughtMasturbating'>>
<<elseif $npc.Brother.Location == "School">>
<h3>Your $npc.Brother.relationship is at school</h3>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Brother.relationship Flash</h1>
<h3>You give a little show to your $npc.Brother.relationship</h3>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("preg_brotherflash1.webp", "preg_brotherflash2.webp", "preg_brotherflash3.webp", "preg_brotherflash4.webp", "preg_brotherflash5.webp", "preg_brotherflash6.webp")>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("brotherflash1.webp", "brotherflash2.webp", "brotherflash3.webp", "brotherflash4.webp", "brotherflash5.webp")>>
<div class='shower'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/brotherbedroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherBedroomFlash>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'BrotherBedroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Brother.relationship tease</h1>
<h3>You tease your $npc.Brother.relationship a bit</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("brothertease1.webp", "brothertease2.webp", "brothertease3.webp", "brothertease4.webp", "brothertease5.webp")>>
<div class='shower'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/brotherbedroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherBedroomTease>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'BrotherBedroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Brother.relationship's Bedroom</h1>
<h3>When you enter the room, you see your $npc.Brother.relationship masturbating to your picture at his computer. He's so focused on the screen that he doesn't notice you at first. You can't help but feel a little flattered, but also a little turned on. What do you do?</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating1">>
<<linkreplace "Enter the room">>
<h3>You step into the room, your $npc.Brother.relationship's eyes widening in shock as he sees you. He quickly closes the browser window, his face flushing bright red.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating2">>
<<Speech Player "Looks like someone's been enjoying my photos. Do I look that good?">>
<<Speech Brother "Oh god, you saw that? I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to see... it just happened.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother)>>
<<linkreplace "Shhh">>
<h3>You put your hand over his chin, you caress his face</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating3">>
<<Speech Player "Shhh, it's okay. I'm flattered, honestly. No need to be embarrassed.">>
<<Speech Brother "You're really not mad? I feel like such a creep.">>
<<Speech Player "Not at all. Actually, it's kind of a turn-on.">>
<<Speech Brother "Seriously? Wow.">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah. Want me to show you?">>
<<Speech Brother "Show me what, exactly?">>
<<linkreplace "You kiss him">>
<h3>You lean in and press your lips against his, feeling his body tense up in surprise. You also put your hand on his cock, feeling it harden under your touch.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating4">>
<<Speech Player "How about I help you with that?">>
<<Speech Brother "Wait, are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable.">>
<<Speech Player "Shhh, just relax and let me take care of it.">>
<<linkreplace "You blow him">>
<h3>You make him lay down on the bed, you take his cock in your mouth, feeling him moan in pleasure. You can't help but feel a little proud of yourself.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating5">>
<<Speech Player "Like that? Tell me what you want.">>
<<Speech Brother "Oh god, yes. It feels incredible. Just...don't stop.">>
<<Speech Player "What if I showed you something else? Something you'd really like?">>
<<Speech Brother "Like what...?">>
<<linkreplace "You show him your boobs">>
<h3>You take off your shirt, revealing your boobs to him. He stares at them in awe, his eyes wide with desire.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating6">>
<<Speech Player "Pretty, aren't they?">>
<<Speech Brother "They're...they're perfect. I can't believe I'm seeing this.">>
<<Speech Player "Want to feel them? Maybe on something hard?">>
<<Speech Brother "Yes! Please.">>
<<linkreplace "You titty fuck him">>
<h3>You take his cock between your boobs, moving them up and down his shaft. He moans in pleasure, his hands gripping the sheets as he thrust into your boobs.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating7">>
<<Speech Brother "So soft...so hot...This is amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "You know what else is soft and warm? And waiting for you?">>
<<Speech Brother "What? Tell me!">>
<<linkreplace "You jump on him">>
<h3>You straddle him, rubbing your pussy against his cock. He groans in pleasure, his hands gripping your hips as he thrust into you.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating8">>
<<Speech Brother "This...this is even better than my fantasies. I can't believe this is happening.">>
<<Speech Player "Want to feel me around you? Want me to ride you?">>
<<Speech Brother "God, yes! More than anything.">>
<<linkreplace "You fuck him">>
<h3>You put his cock inside you, feeling him fill you up completely as he thrust into you. You moan in pleasure, your body moving in time with his.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating9">>
<<Speech Brother "Oh god, you feel so good. So tight.">>
<<Speech Player "Faster! Harder! Don't stop!">>
<<Speech Brother "I won't! I promise!">>
<<linkreplace "Harder!">>
<h3>You feel him thrust into you harder and harder, his cock hitting all the right spots inside you.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating10">>
<<Speech Brother "Holy shit, I'm close! I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Already? Just getting started.">>
<<Speech Brother "I can't help it! You feel too good!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>Your $npc.Brother.relationship take off his cock from you and cums all over your ass. You feel his warm cum on your skin, making you shiver in pleasure.</h3>
<<video "house/brotherbedroom/brotherCaughtMasturbating/brotherCaughtMasturbating11">>
<<Speech Player "That was...intense.">>
<<Speech Brother "Yeah...that was...wow. Best moment of my life.">>
<<Speech Player "I should probably go. Before someone walks in.">>
<<Speech Brother "Right, yeah. Good idea. Maybe...maybe we can do this again sometime?">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother BrotherCaughtMasturbating>>
<<FinishSex Brother false>>
<h3>He quickly hides his dick and tells you to leave his room.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "Don't you know how to knock before barging in? You idiot!">>
<<StageNotification $npc.Brother 2>>
<h3>You feel disgusted by what he's doing and yell at him.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Ew! You're so gross, you pervert! Stop it!">>
<<Speech Brother "Get out!">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>>
<<set $npc.Brother.scenes.PeepBrotherSex.executedToday = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Brother.relationship's Bedroom</h1>
<h3>You push open the door to your $npc.Brother.relationship's room, only to stop dead in your tracks. He's in bed with a girl, their bodies tangled together... and they're definitely not just sleeping!</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("brotherEvent1.webp", "brotherEvent2.webp","brotherEvent4.webp", "brotherEvent5.webp", "brotherEvent6.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/brotherbedroom/brotherEvent/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<linkreplace 'Peep'>>
<h3>Heat flares in your belly as you watch them through the cracked door. Your $npc.Brother.relationship is groaning, his hands gripping the girl's hips as he moves over her. You're mesmerized, your own breathing getting ragged.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherEvent/masturbate1'>>
<<linkreplace 'Stroke your pussy'>>
<<if getArousal() > 0>>
<h3>You can't help yourself. You slip your hand under your shorts, your fingers finding your already wet folds. The sounds of their moans and gasps fill the air, fueling your own desire. </h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherEvent/masturbate2'>>
<<linkreplace 'Masturbate'>>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 2>>
<h3>You're so turned on, you can't stand it anymore. You pull up your shirt, exposing your aching breasts, and slide your shorts down your legs. Your hand moves frantically between your legs, your eyes glued to the scene in front of you.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherEvent/masturbate3'>>
<<linkreplace 'Cum!'>>
<h3>Your body can't take anymore. You bite back a moan, your orgasm crashing over you in a wave of white-hot pleasure. You pull your clothes back on, your heart racing, and quickly slip away before anyone can discover what you were doing. </h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherEvent/masturbate4'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother PeepBrotherSex>>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<h3>I should get out of here, someone could arrive at any moment</h3>
<h3>You are not aroused enough to do this</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>>
<<set $npc.Brother.scenes.PeepBrotherSex.executedToday = true>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">Sleep with $npc.Brother.relationship</h1>
<h3>You slip under $npc.Brother.relationship's covers, snuggling close to his sleeping form.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping1'>>
<<if getArousal() >= 1 && getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<h3>Sleep is impossible. Your body thrums with a restless energy.</h3>
<h3>You begin to explore $npc.Brother.relationship's body with hesitant touches.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Kiss and stroke him">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping2'>>
<h3>You kiss and caress him, your mouth working its magic until his cock hardens.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Get undressed">>
<h3>You shed your clothes, the cool air a welcome contrast to the heat building between you.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping3'>>
<h3>You straddle him, his cock pressing against your wetness.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping4'>>
<h3>He stirs, his eyes fluttering open.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "What… what are you doing? Why are we naked?">>
<<Speech Player "I couldn't sleep. I… I need you.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother)>>
<<Speech Brother "Well then… let me take care of you.">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, please…">>
<<linkreplace "He guides his cock inside you">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping5'>>
<h3>He thrusts upwards, filling you completely. You begin to grind against him.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "You're such a little slut, aren't you? Sneaking in here like this.">>
<<Speech Player "Just shut up and fuck me.">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping6'>>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… yes…">>
<<Speech Brother "I know you can do better than that. Ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him faster">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping7'>>
<h3>You pick up the pace, lost in the sensation.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "That's it… much better.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me harder, $npc.Brother.relationship…">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping8'>>
<<Speech Brother "Lie down. I want to be on top.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie back">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping9'>>
<h3>You lie back, spreading your legs. He wastes no time getting between them, his cock sliding back inside you.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes…">>
<<Speech Brother "Keep it down. Someone might hear us.">>
<<Speech Player "Sorry…">>
<<Speech Brother "Get on all fours. I want to see that ass.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping10'>>
<h3>You turn over, pushing your ass up for him.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "That's it… such a perfect ass. I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum inside me, $npc.Brother.relationship!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you">>
<h3>He explodes inside you, his body shuddering.</h3>
<<video 'house/brotherbedroom/brotherSleepingEvent/brotherSleeping11'>>
<<Speech Brother "Oh fuck… that was amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… I need to sleep now.">>
<<Speech Brother "Goodnight, $npc.Brother.player.">>
<<Speech Player "Goodnight, $npc.Brother.relationship.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother SleepingBrother>>
<<FinishSex Brother true>>
<<button 'Go to your bedroom and sleep 😴' 'BedroomSleep'>><</button>>
<<Speech Brother "I think you better go to your room, someone might hear">>
<h3>You get angry with your $npc.Brother.relationship, but you choose to ignore it and go to your room to sleep</h3>
<<StageNotification 2>>
<<button 'Go to your bedroom and sleep 😴' 'BedroomSleep'>><</button>>
<<button 'Sleep 😴' 'BedroomSleep'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Dad.relationship's Bedroom</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<h3>It's late at night, your $npc.Dad.relationship is sleeping</h3>
<<elseif $game.time == "N">>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("dadpeek1.webp", "dadpeek2.webp")>>
<h3>You hear a strange noise coming from your $npc.Dad.relationship bedroom.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Peek 👀">>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/dadbedroom/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3>When you peek, you see your $npc.Dad.relationship having sex with a prostitute</h3>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad ProstituteSex>>
<<elseif $npc.Dad.Location == "Work">>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship is at work</h3>
<h3>Your $npc.Dad.relationship is not here</h3>
<<if $game.day == "Friday" && Quest.isActive($Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty) && $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty.progress == 1>>
<<linkreplace "Search for the key 🔑">>
<h3>I found the key, now I can go to the party</h3>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty 1 "I found the key, now I can go to the party, the car is in the garage">>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">$npc.Grandpa.relationship's Bedroom</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<h3>It's late at night, your $npc.Grandpa.relationship is sleeping</h3>
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">KITCHEN</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button 'Eat 🍽️' 'KitchenEat'>><</button>>
<<button 'Wash Dishes 🫧'>>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Notification 'warning' "It's too late, you should go to bed">>
<<goto 'WashDishes'>>
<<button 'Order Pizza 🍕' 'PizzaDelivery'>><</button>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EATING</h1>
<h3>You sit down and eat your food. It's delicious!</h3>
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.location == "House">>
<<goto "EatSex">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PIZZA DELIVERY</h1>
<h3>You're craving a hot and greasy pepperoni pizza, so you call the delivery service.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Hey, I'm in the mood for a large pepperoni pizza, please.">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Alright, it'll be there in about 30 minutes, hot and ready.">>
<<Speech Player "Perfect, can't wait, thanks.">>
<<if galleryMode() || ($player.clothing.name == 'Naked' && $location.house.scenes.PizzaDelivery.executedToday == false)>>
<<linkreplace "Wait and get naughty">>
<h3>While you wait, your thoughts turn deliciously dirty.</h3>
<<Speech Player "He's gonna get a real show when he arrives. Gotta greet him with nothing on!">>
<h3>You grab a robe, but let it fall open, anticipation building as you wait for your pizza and a little extra.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked1'>>
<h3>You hear the doorbell ring, and you can feel the heat rise. The delivery guy is here, and so is the chance for some fun.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Open the door with a tease">>
<h3>You fling the door open, letting him catch a good look, you're mostly naked under that robe.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked2'>>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Uh, here's your pizz... Whoa, um...">>
<<Speech Player "Oops, did I forget something? Just a little... naked fun. 😊">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "I see, well, that'll be $20.">>
<<linkreplace "Pay him with more than money">>
<h3>You playfully tuck the money into his pocket, letting your hand linger as you grab his cock, feeling him instantly stiffen.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked3'>>
<<Speech Player "Looks like someone is getting excited, aren't you?">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Sorry, I just... couldn't resist a little peek.">>
<<Speech Player "Don't apologize, you can touch me if you want. I like it.">>
<<linkreplace "He gets grabby">>
<h3>The delivery guy's hand boldly claims your breast, your nipples hardening instantly, as you feel his dick pressing against you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked4'>>
<<Speech Player "Do you like what you feel and see? I'm all yours for a few minutes.">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "I do, you are so incredibly sexy. I'm on fire.">>
<<Speech Player "Let me give you a better, closer view.">>
<<linkreplace "Drop the robe like a bomb">>
<h3>You drop the robe with a flourish, revealing all your curves and secrets, your skin glowing in the light.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked5'>>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "You are beyond beautiful, and I really can't resist. This is amazing!">>
<<Speech Player "Let me make you more comfortable, you've earned it.">>
<<linkreplace "Make him sit for a taste">>
<h3>You guide him to sit on a chair, kneeling before him, your gaze never leaving his growing erection.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked6'>>
<<Speech Player "We need to be quick, I don't have much time for dilly-dallying, but you're worth it.">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "I'll make it worth your while, I promise.">>
<<linkreplace "Give him a hot treat">>
<h3>You start sucking his dick, your mouth working its magic, and he's groaning in pure pleasure.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked7'>>
<<Speech Player "Do you like the taste of me? You like this, don't you?">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Oh god yes, you are so good. So, so good.">>
<<Speech Player "Cum for me, right now, I don't have much time.">>
<<linkreplace "Swallow his reward">>
<h3>The pizza delivery guy cums in your mouth, a hot, creamy explosion, and you swallow every drop.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/pizzaDelivery/pizzaDeliveryNaked8'>>
<<Speech Player "That was absolutely delicious, thank you. You're a treat.">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Thank *you* for this. Enjoy your pizza, and maybe I'll be back for seconds.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockLocationScene house PizzaDelivery>>
<<FinishSex DeliveryGuy false>>
<h3>You hear the doorbell ring, the pizza delivery guy is here. Your pizza has arrived!</h3>
<<linkreplace "Open the door">>
<h3>You open the door and there he is with your pizza, ready to deliver.</h3>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "Hey, here's your pizza. That'll be $20.">>
<<linkreplace "Pay him">>
<<addMoney -20>>
<<Speech Player "Here you go, thanks a bunch.">>
<<Speech DeliveryGuy "No problem, enjoy your pizza. Have a good one.">>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EATING</h1>
<h3>You're eating when you feel $npc.Dad.relationship's presence behind you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat1'>>
<h3>A hand rests on your shoulder, then trails down to your breast, squeezing firmly.</h3>
<<linkreplace "What's going on?">>
<h3>His hand continues to fondle your breast.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat2'>>
<<Speech Player "What the hell are you doing?!">>
<<Speech Dad "Shut up. I'm horny.">>
<<Speech Player "This is disgusting!">>
<<if Corruption.StageOne($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He pulls up your shirt">>
<h3>He hikes your shirt up, exposing your breasts.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat3'>>
<<Speech Dad "God, you're beautiful. I can't resist.">>
<<Speech Player "Get off me!">>
<<linkreplace "He rips off your shirt">>
<h3>He tears your shirt off, leaving you bare-chested.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat4'>>
<<Speech Dad "Damn, you're hot.">>
<<Speech Player "Just… hurry up.">>
<<Speech Dad "Get on all fours. Let me have some fun.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You comply, and he pulls your panties off.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat5'>>
<<Speech Dad "Be a good girl and take it.">>
<<Speech Player "Just get it over with!">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He thrusts inside you">>
<h3>He rams his cock into you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat6'>>
<<Speech Dad "So fucking tight.">>
<<Speech Player "I can't believe this is happening…">>
<<Speech Dad "Get on the table.">>
<<linkreplace "Lie down on the table">>
<h3>You lie down, his weight pressing you into the hard surface.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat7'>>
<<Speech Dad "I'm going to fuck you so hard.">>
<<Speech Player "…">>
<<Speech Dad "Turn over. I want to see your face.">>
<<linkreplace "Turn over">>
<h3>You turn, and he enters you again.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat8'>>
<<Speech Dad "Your friends must love fucking you. You're such a whore.">>
<<Speech Player "Just shut up and finish.">>
<<linkreplace "He squeezes your breasts">>
<h3>He squeezes your breasts, his thrusts becoming more urgent. You feel his cock pulsing inside you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat9'>>
<<Speech Dad "I'm cumming… fuck… you're so good.">>
<<Speech Player "Just do it already!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He pulls out, cumming across your face. You manage to turn your head at the last second, avoiding the worst of it.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat10'>>
<<Speech Dad "The fuck…? Why did you do that?!">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not swallowing your cum.">>
<<Speech Dad "Get the hell out of here!">>
<<Speech Player "At least give me something to clean up with!">>
<<linkreplace "Clean yourself up">>
<h3>He throws you a napkin, his disgust evident.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/eat/sexEat/sexEat11'>>
<<Speech Player "Asshole…">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishSex Dad false>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad EatSex>>
<h3>You hear a noise, your $npc.Dad.relationship leaves and leaves you alone.</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 2>>
<h3>You hear a noise, your $npc.Dad.relationship leaves and leaves you alone.</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 1>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WASHING DISHES</h1>
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && $npc.Dad.arousal > 0 && $npc.Dad.location == "House">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<goto 'WashDishesSexPregnant'>>
<<goto 'WashDishesSex'>>
<h3>Washing dishes is a boring chore, but it needs to be done.</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("wash1.webp", "wash2.webp", "wash3.webp", "wash4.webp")>>
<div class='shower'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/kitchen/washDishes/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<<AddTime '1'>>
<<energy -10>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WASHING DISHES</h1>
<h3>You're elbow-deep in suds when you feel $npc.Dad.relationship's presence behind you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad1'>>
<<Speech Player "$npc.Dad.relationship! Stop it!">>
<<Speech Dad "What? I'm just trying to help. You've been doing all the housework yourself lately.">>
<<Speech Player "That's not what this is.">>
<<Speech Dad "Oh, isn't it?">>
<<if Corruption.StageOne($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "See what he wants">>
<h3>He sheds his clothes, his erection springing free. He pushes you against the counter, hiking up your shirt to expose your ass. His hand strokes your bare skin.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad2'>>
<<Speech Player "You're masturbating?! That's disgusting!">>
<<Speech Dad "I can't help myself. You're driving me crazy.">>
<<Speech Player "Are you insane?! We're in the kitchen!">>
<<linkreplace "You feel a sharp thrust">>
<h3>His cock buries itself deep inside you, his balls slapping against your skin. The intrusion is shocking, his cock thick and his thrusts hard.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad3'>>
<<Speech Player "$npc.Dad.relationship! Stop! This is wrong! I'm your $npc.Dad.player! We can't do this!">>
<<Speech Dad "Don't be like that, honey. Daddy has needs.">>
<h3>He pulls your blouse up, exposing your breasts as he continues to pound into you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad4'>>
<<Speech Dad "Look at that body. So beautiful. I'd fuck you all day if I could.">>
<<Speech Player "Just… just get it over with.">>
<h3>His thrusts become even more frantic.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad5'>>
<<Speech Dad "Come sit on the chair.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay…">>
<<linkreplace "Sit on the chair">>
<h3>You sit, and he strokes himself, his gaze locked on yours as he kisses you roughly.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad6'>>
<<Speech Dad "Are you getting turned on, sweetheart?">>
<h3>You avoid his gaze, unable to answer.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Let me help you with that.">>
<h3>His hand slides between your legs, caressing your clit. He starts slowly, building the pressure until you moan involuntarily.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad7'>>
<<Speech Dad "Now you're enjoying it, aren't you? Show me how much. Jerk me off.">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "Jerk him off">>
<h3>You obey, wrapping your hand around his cock.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad8'>>
<<Speech Dad "Mmm, that's it. You're a natural. Been practicing on other boys, have you, slut?">>
<h3>His words sting, a mix of shame and arousal flooding through you.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Spread your legs. I want to fuck you again.">>
<<linkreplace "Spread your legs">>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad9'>>
<h3>You obey, and he lines himself up, his cock pressing against your entrance.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Here we go again.">>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad10'>>
<h3>He fucks you relentlessly, his grunts growing louder.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Don't cum inside! Pull out!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDad/dishesDad11'>>
<h3>He pulls out just in time, his cum splattering across your stomach.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Oh god, that was amazing. We'll have to do this again soon.">>
<h3>You hear the front door open - $npc.Brother.relationship is home. Your $npc.Dad.relationship quickly pulls up his pants and tells you to get dressed.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad WashDishesSex>>
<<FinishSex Dad true>>
<h3>You both hear someone coming home, it's probably your $npc.Brother.relationship, your $npc.Dad.relationship tells you to get dressed and leaves</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 2>>
<h3>After saying this, he turns around and leaves, you are confused, but you prefer to just forget about it and continue washing the dishes</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 1>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WASHING DISHES</h1>
<h3>You're elbow-deep in suds when you feel $npc.Dad.relationship's presence behind you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant1'>>
<<Speech Player "$npc.Dad.relationship! Stop it!">>
<<Speech Dad "What? I'm just trying to help. You've been doing all the housework yourself lately.">>
<<Speech Player "That's not what this is.">>
<<Speech Dad "Oh, isn't it?">>
<<if Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Dad)>>
<<linkreplace "He lubricates you">>
<h3>He takes some lube and spreads it on your pussy</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant2'>>
<<Speech Player "What are you doing?">>
<<Speech Dad "You know, you being pregnant is making me really horny">>
<<Speech Player "That's disgusting!">>
<<Speech Dad "I can't help myself. You're driving me crazy.">>
<<linkreplace "He penetrates you">>
<h3>He pushes his cock inside you, his balls slapping against your skin. The intrusion is shocking, his cock thick and his thrust hard.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant3'>>
<<Speech Player "$npc.Dad.relationship! Stop! This is wrong! I'm your $npc.Dad.player! We can't do this!">>
<<Speech Dad "Don't be like that, honey. Daddy has needs.">>
<h3>He pulls your blouse up, exposing your breasts as he continues to pound into you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant4'>>
<<Speech Dad "Look at that body. So beautiful. I'd fuck you all day if I could.">>
<<Speech Player "Just… just get it over with.">>
<<linkreplace "He masturbate you">>
<h3>He starts to masturbate you, his fingers working on your clit</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant5'>>
<<Speech Dad "Are you getting turned on, sweetheart?">>
<h3>You avoid his gaze, unable to answer.</h3>
<<Speech Dad "Let me help you with that.">>
<h3>His hand slides between your legs, caressing your clit. He starts slowly, building the pressure until you moan involuntarily.</h3>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you">>
<h3>He fucks you relentlessly, his grunts growing louder.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant6'>>
<<Speech Dad "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Just finish it quickly!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside">>
<h3> He cums inside you, his cock pulsing as he empties himself into you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant7'>>
<<Speech Dad "Oh god, that was amazing. We'll have to do this again soon.">>
<<Speech Player "Don't you dare!">>
<<linkreplace "His cum leaks out">>
<h3>His cum leaks out of you, a mix of shame and arousal flooding through you.</h3>
<<video 'house/kitchen/washDishes/washDishesDadPregnant/washDishesDadPregnant8'>>
<<Speech Dad "I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<Speech Player "Just leave me alone!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Dad WashDishesSexPregnant>>
<h3>You both hear someone coming home, it's probably your $npc.Brother.relationship, your $npc.Dad.relationship tells you to get dressed and leaves</h3>
<<StageNotification $npc.Dad 2>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Kitchen'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">EXERCISE</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("exercise1.webp", "exercise2.webp", "exercise3.webp", "exercise4.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/livingroom/exercise/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3> You exercise for a while and feel your body getting stronger! 🏋️♂️</h3>
<<button 'Living Room 🚪' 'LivingRoom'>>
<<energy -15>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LIVING ROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Watch TV 📺">>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Notification 'warning' "It's too late to watch TV, you should go to sleep">>
<<goto 'WatchTv'>>
<<button "Exercise 🏋️♂️">>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Notification 'warning' "It's too late to exercise, you should go to sleep">>
<<goto 'Exercise'>>
<<button "Play videogames 🎮">>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<Notification 'warning' "It's too late to play videogames, you should go to sleep">>
<<goto "PlayingVideogame">>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'Hallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING 🎮</h1>
<h3>You're totally focused on the game, controller tight in your hands. You're trying to beat this really hard level and are sweating a bit from the concentration.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Ugh, this level is impossible! I swear it's designed to torture me.">>
<<linkreplace "Your $npc.Brother.relationship appears">>
<h3>Your $npc.Brother.relationship walks into the living room, a grin on his face. He sits on the sofa and watches you play, a little too interested.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames1'>>
<<Speech Brother "Woah, what's got you so wound up? Some intense gaming sesh, huh?">>
<h3>You barely notice him, eyes glued to the screen. Your fingers are moving fast, trying to win the level.</h3>
<<Speech Brother "I've got an idea how to make this more interesting...">>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your shorts">>
<h3>Before you know it, his hands are on you. He pulls down your shorts, the sudden touch making you jump. He's smirking at you now.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames2'>>
<<Speech Brother "Damn, you're so hot... I couldn't resist. Seeing you like this got me rock hard.">>
<<Speech Player "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Stop it!">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "He takes off your panties">>
<h3>His hands move to your panties, tracing your curves before pulling them down. His eyes are dark and full of lust.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames3'>>
<<Speech Brother "Look at that sweet pussy, all juicy and waiting for me. Let me taste it.">>
<<Speech Player "This is so wrong! But... oh god... it feels kind of amazing.">>
<<linkreplace "He insert a finger inside">>
<h3>You try to go back to the game, but then he slides a finger inside you. A jolt of pleasure makes you gasp. You can't ignore how it feels.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames4'>>
<<Speech Brother "Sorry, not sorry. I'm gonna fuck you good right here. You're mine now.">>
<<Speech Player "I... I can't focus on the game anymore... your touch is driving me crazy.">>
<<linkreplace "He insert his cock inside">>
<h3>He doesn't wait, pushing inside you. It feels familiar but still intense. The game is forgotten, replaced by the feeling of him inside you. You try to keep it together but it's hard.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames5'>>
<<Speech Brother "You are so tight, holy shit! I can barely breathe. You feel incredible.">>
<<Speech Player "Oh my god... this is...wow...">>
<<linkreplace "You start to moan">>
<h3>You can't help but moan as pleasure washes over you. You give in to what feels so good.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames6'>>
<<Speech Brother "There it is... that sounds like you're enjoying this. Good girl.">>
<<Speech Player "Keep going... please... don't stop.">>
<<Speech Brother "Get up here. I want you to suck me until I explode.">>
<<linkreplace "You get up and kneel in front of him">>
<h3>You obey him, kneeling before him. The game controller is on the sofa. He's looking at you with desire.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames7'>>
<<Speech Brother "Suck it, you little slut. Make me feel it. You know how to do that perfectly.">>
<<Speech Player "I can't... my head's spinning. Just keep fucking me...I need you inside me.">>
<<linkreplace "You lie down">>
<h3>He pushes you back onto the sofa. You open your legs for him, wanting more.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames8'>>
<<Speech Brother "Are you winning now, sweetheart? Are you feeling like you're winning?">>
<<Speech Player "Yes... This is the best game ever! Better than any video game.">>
<<Speech Brother "I want you to ride me. Take control. Make me beg.">>
<<linkreplace "You get on top of him">>
<h3>You get on top of him, taking charge. You start to move your hips and it feels amazing.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames9'>>
<<Speech Brother "I'm gonna cum, baby! I'm gonna cum hard for you!!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He pulls back and cums on your belly, both of you breathing hard. Your bodies are hot and sweaty.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames10'>>
<<Speech Brother "That was absolutely insane. I love you so much when you are like this, a naughty little devil.">>
<<Speech Player "Now... let me finish this level... I'm so close.">>
<<linkreplace "Keep playing">>
<h3>You look back at the game. The controller feels weird after what just happened.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGames/playingGames11'>>
<<Speech Player "I won! I finally beat that stupid level! Yes!!">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother PlayingGamesSex>>
<<FinishSex Brother false>>
<<Speech Player "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off me!">>
<<Speech Brother "I can't resist... you're way too hot. I just need to touch you.">>
<<Speech Player "Get the fuck out of here, you pervert! You disgust me!">>
<h3>You push him away, feeling disgusted. He's surprised and leaves the room quickly.</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return' 'LivingRoom'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING 🎮</h1>
<h3>You're engrossed in your game, the controller clutched in your hands.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant1'>>
<<linkreplace "Your brother approaches">>
<h3>You feel a hand on your back, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. The weight of your pregnancy makes the contact feel… different.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant2'>>
<<Speech Brother "Don't stop playing. I just want to… have some fun.">>
<<Speech Player "I don't know… I'm pregnant. Is this really a good idea?">>
<<Speech Brother "I'll be gentle. Just a little fun.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<Speech Player "Okay… but be careful.">>
<<linkreplace "He enters you">>
<h3>He slides into you, a brief stab of pain quickly replaced by a deeper pleasure.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant3'>>
<<Speech Brother "You're so tight. I love it.">>
<<Speech Player "Just hurry. I don't want anyone to catch us.">>
<<Speech Brother "Don't worry. I will.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you faster">>
<h3>He increases his pace, the pleasure building with each thrust.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant4'>>
<<Speech Brother "You being pregnant is so hot.">>
<<Speech Player "This is wrong… we shouldn't be doing this.">>
<<Speech Brother "Take off your clothes. I want to see you.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your clothes">>
<h3>You shed your clothes, a wave of embarrassment washing over you, quickly followed by a thrill of excitement.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant5'>>
<<Speech Brother "You're so beautiful. I love your body.">>
<<Speech Player "Are you almost done?">>
<<Speech Brother "Almost there.">>
<<linkreplace "He fucks you harder">>
<h3>His thrusts become deeper, harder, pushing you closer to the edge.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant6'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god… I'm going to cum!">>
<<Speech Brother "Me too!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums inside you">>
<h3>He fills you with his cum, the warmth spreading through you.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant7'>>
<<Speech Brother "That was incredible, $player.name.">>
<<Speech Player "Just get out of here now. I want to finish my game.">>
<<Speech Brother "Okay, okay.">>
<<linkreplace "Return to your game">>
<h3>You pick up your controller, trying to regain your focus.</h3>
<<video '/house/livingroom/playingGamesPregnant/playingGamesPregnant8'>>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Brother PlayingGamesSexPregnant>>
<<FinishSex Brother true>>
<<linkreplace "Refuse">>
<<Speech Player "No, I don't think we should be doing this.">>
<<Speech Brother "Ok, I understand.">>
<<Speech Player "Just leave me alone.">>
<<Speech Brother "I'm sorry.">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return' 'LivingRoom'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PLAYING 🎮</h1>
<h3>You are playing a game on the console, you are very focused on the game.</h3>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Return' 'LivingRoom'>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1 && Corruption.StageTwo($npc.Brother) && $npc.Brother.location == "House">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<goto "PlayingGamesSexPregnant">>
<<goto "PlayingGamesSex">>
<h1 class="ptitle">WATCH TV</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("watchingTv1.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/livingroom/watchTv/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<h3> You watch TV for a while, relaxing and enjoying the show. 📺</h3>
<<button 'Living Room 🚪' 'LivingRoom'>>
<<energy -5>>
<<AddTime 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">HALLWAY</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<div class="menuLocation">
<<button "Marcus's bedroom 🛏️" "MarcusBedroom">><</button>>
<<button "Sam's bedroom" "SamBedroom">><</button>>
<<button "Bathroom 🚾" "MarcusBathroom">><</button>>
<<button "City 🏙️" "Residential">><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">WHAT IS HE DOING ?</h1>
<h3>Before entering his room, you hear some strange noises</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating1'>>
<<Speech Player "What the hell is he up to?">>
<<linkreplace "Peek through the door">>
<h3>You slowly open the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of what Sam is doing</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating2'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh my god, he's totally jerking off!">>
<h3>You quickly close the door before being caught, your heart racing with a mix of intrigue and excitement.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Peek again">>
<h3>Curiosity consumes you, and you can't resist taking another peek.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating3'>>
<<Speech Player "Holy smokes!">>
<h3>This time, however, your presence doesn't go unnoticed. Sam turns, catching your eye with a mortified expression.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating4'>>
<h3>You slam the door shut, but it's too late. He saw you.</h3>
<<linkreplace "You are very embarrassed">>
<h3>Your face burns with shame as you meet Sam in the hallway.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating5'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I was just... curious.">>
<h3>Sam, though still a little flustered, offers you a reassuring smile.</h3>
<<Speech Sam "Hey, it's alright, don't worry. Happens to the best of us.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<Speech Player "To be honest, it was kinda hot.">>
<<Speech Sam "Really? That's... different.">>
<<Speech Player "Don't judge me. Come on, let's watch together.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to his bedroom">>
<h3>You both head back to his room, the tension thick in the air, and sit down on the bed.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating6'>>
<h3>You reach for his laptop, eager to see what he was watching, but he quickly pulls it away.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating7'>>
<<Speech Player "What are you hiding?">>
<<Speech Sam "Nothing, just some videos.">>
<<Speech Player "Let me see!">>
<<Speech Sam "Okay, okay, fine.">>
<<linkreplace "Get the laptop">>
<h3>You grab the laptop and open it. The screen flickers to life, revealing a steamy porn scene.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating8'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh my god, you were watching porn!">>
<<Speech Sam "Yeah, so? Don't act like you've never seen it before.">>
<<Speech Player "I'm not judging, just curious. What were you watching?">>
<<Speech Sam "We can watch it together if you want.">>
<<linkreplace "Watch porn with Sam">>
<h3>You scoot closer, your shoulder brushing against his as you both focus on the screen.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating9'>>
<<Speech Player "So, do you ever think about anyone in particular when you're watching this stuff?">>
<<Speech Sam "Sometimes. Usually just someone I have a crush on.">>
<<linkreplace "Look at the screen">>
<h3>You try to concentrate on the video, but you can't help but feel a stirring in your pants. The air feels charged with unspoken desire. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating10'>>
<<Speech Player "So... what do you want to do?">>
<<Speech Sam "I think I want to finish what I started.">>
<<Speech Player "Go ahead. I don't mind.">>
<h3>He hesitates for a moment before reaching down and pulling out his already hard cock.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating11'>>
<<Speech Player "Would it turn you on if I took my top off?">>
<<Speech Sam "Definitely.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your top">>
<h3>You slowly peel off your top, letting it fall to the floor. Sam's eyes roam over your body, a hungry look in his eyes.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating12'>>
<<Speech Player "Do you like it?">>
<<Speech Sam "Yes, you are very beautiful">>
<<Speech Player "Can I touch you?">>
<<Speech Sam "Yes, you can">>
<<linkreplace "Touch Sam">>
<h3>You reach out and boldly stroke his cock, eliciting a low moan from his throat. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating13'>>
<<Speech Player "Do you want me to... use my mouth?">>
<<Speech Sam "God, yes. Please.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck Sam">>
<h3>You lean down and take him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating14'>>
<<Speech Sam "Oh fuck...">>
<<Speech Player "Do you want me to deepthroat you?">>
<<Speech Sam "Yes!">>
<<linkreplace "Put Sam's dick in your mouth">>
<h3>You take him deep into your mouth, bobbing your head back and forth with increasing confidence. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating15'>>
<<Speech Sam "You're amazing at this...">>
<<Speech Player "I could do this all day, but it's your turn to return the favor. Come here and suck my tits.">>
<<linkreplace "Sam sucks your tits">>
<h3>He eagerly dives in, his tongue swirling around your nipples, sending shivers down your spine.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating16'>>
<<Speech Player "Wait, let me get these shorts off. They're in the way." >>
<<Speech Sam "Anything you want.">>
<<linkreplace "Take off your shorts">>
<h3>You kick off your shorts, revealing your bare body to him. He drinks in the sight, his hands roaming over your curves with renewed fervor.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating17'>>
<<Speech Player "Come on, I need you to eat me out.">>
<<Speech Sam "Okay, okay.">>
<<linkreplace "Sam sucks your pussy">>
<h3>He moves down your body, his tongue diving between your folds, sending waves of pleasure through you.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating18'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes! Right there!">>
<h3>You arch your back, moaning his name as his tongue works its magic.</h3>
<<Speech Sam "I need to be inside you.">>
<<Speech Player "Then what are you waiting for? Fuck me.">>
<<linkreplace "Sam fucks you">>
<h3>You roll onto your side, and he wastes no time in lining himself up and sliding into your wet heat.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating19'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Oh fuck, yes!">>
<<Speech Sam "You're so fucking tight.">>
<<Speech Player "Turn over, I want to ride you." >>
<<linkreplace "Ride Sam">>
<h3>He flips onto his back, and you straddle his hips, slowly sinking down onto his waiting cock. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating20'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, this is amazing!">>
<<Speech Sam "You're so hot, I'm gonna cum!">>
<h3>You pick up the pace, riding him harder and faster.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating21'>>
<<Speech Sam "Get on your hands and knees for me, baby.">>
<<Speech Player "Okay.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You obey, the change in position adding a new level of intensity to the experience.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating22'>>
<<Speech Player "Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck!">>
<<Speech Sam "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna--">>
<<Speech Player "Cum on my face!">>
<<linkreplace "Sam cums on your face">>
<h3>He explodes with a groan, painting your face with his release. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating23'>>
<<Speech Sam "That was... wow.">>
<<Speech Player "It was pretty hot. But let's finish the video, I want to see how it ends." >>
<h3>You both catch your breath, settling back down to watch the rest of the porn. </h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/SamBedroom/samMasturbating/samMasturbating24'>>
<h3>Once it's over, you get dressed and quietly slip out of his room, your body still buzzing from the encounter.</h3>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Sam CaughtMasturbating>>
<<FinishSex Sam false>>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, I'm gonna go now">>
<<Speech Sam "O-ok">>
<h3>You go back to hallway</h3>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'MarcusHallway'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SAM'S BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'MarcusHallway'>><</button>>
<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
<<goto 'CaughtMasturbating'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MARCUS'S BATHROOM</h1>
<h3>You approach the bathroom, hearing the sound of the shower. The door is slightly ajar.</h3>
<<linkreplace "Peek inside 👀">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex1'>>
<h3>Sam is in the shower, his hand moving rhythmically over his hard cock. You freeze, mesmerized by the sight.</h3>
<<Speech Player "What should I do…?">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 3>>
<<linkreplace "Enter the bathroom">>
<h3>You push the door open. Sam jumps, startled.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex2'>>
<<Speech Sam "What the hell?! This bathroom's occupied!">>
<<Speech Player "I can see that. Mind if I join you?">>
<<linkreplace "Slip off your shorts">>
<h3>You slide your shorts down, your boldness clearly unnerving him.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex3'>>
<h3>He continues to stroke himself, his eyes glued to your body.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Enjoying the view?">>
<<Speech Sam "Definitely.">>
<<Speech Player "Want to see more?">>
<<Speech Sam "Y-Yeah…">>
<<linkreplace "Remove your shirt">>
<h3>You peel off your shirt, revealing your naked body. Sam groans, his cock throbbing.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex4'>>
<<Speech Player "Like what you see?">>
<<Speech Sam "Fuck, yes. You're perfect.">>
<<Speech Player "Then let's get a little closer.">>
<<linkreplace "Step into the shower">>
<h3>You step into the shower, reaching for his cock. You start stroking him, your fingers slick with water and arousal.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex5'>>
<<Speech Sam "I had no idea Marcus had such a hot friend.">>
<<Speech Player "He doesn't. She's all mine.">>
<<linkreplace "Lean against the wall">>
<h3>He positions himself behind you, his cock pressing against your entrance. He pushes inside.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex6'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god… that's good.">>
<<Speech Sam "So tight… you feel amazing.">>
<<Speech Player "Fuck me, Sam. Fuck me harder.">>
<<Speech Player "Maybe we should move this somewhere more… comfortable?">>
<<Speech Sam "Yeah, the water's getting cold.">>
<<linkreplace "Get out of the shower">>
<h3>You climb out of the shower, getting on all fours on the bathroom counter. Sam wastes no time entering you from behind.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex7'>>
<<Speech Player "Ahhhhh…">>
<<Speech Sam "Oh fuck… yes…">>
<<Speech Player "Harder…">>
<<Speech Player "I want to see your face. Let me sit on the counter.">>
<<Speech Sam "I want to see yours too when you cum.">>
<<Speech Player "Then hurry up.">>
<<linkreplace "Sit on the counter">>
<h3>You sit on the counter, spreading your legs.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex8'>>
<<Speech Player "Much better. I can see your pretty face… and that big cock.">>
<h3>He slides into you, his thrusts deep and rhythmic.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex9'>>
<<Speech Sam "You're so wet… I love it.">>
<<Speech Player "Don't stop… please…">>
<h3>You hear the front door open.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Who's that?">>
<<Speech Sam "Probably my dad. Come here, let me listen.">>
<<linkreplace "Go to the door">>
<h3>He pulls you off the counter, quickly resuming his position behind you as you get on all fours near the door.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex10'>>
<<Speech Player "Are you sure he won't come in here?">>
<<Speech Sam "I doubt it.">>
<h3>A knock on the door makes you jump. You open it a crack.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex11'>>
<<Speech Oliver "Have you seen Marcus or Sam? I asked them to take out the trash.">>
<<Speech Player "I haven't seen them. I was just looking for Marcus to study.">>
<<Speech Oliver "Okay, thanks.">>
<h3>As soon as he leaves, Sam starts fucking you again.</h3>
<<Speech Player "I'm going to cum!">>
<<linkreplace "You cum">>
<h3>You drop to your knees, opening your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bathroom/brotherSex/brotherSex12'>>
<<Speech Player "Cum in my mouth!">>
<h3>He fills your mouth with his cum, and you swallow it all.</h3>
<<Speech Sam "We better get dressed before my dad comes back.">>
<<Speech Player "Yeah, that would be awkward.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Sam BathroomSurprise>>
<<FinishSex Sam false>>
<<button "I should leave">>
<<NotifyCorruption 3>>
<<goto 'MarcusHallway'>>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'MarcusHallway'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MARCUS'S BATHROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'MarcusHallway'>><</button>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<goto 'BathroomSurprise'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MARCUS'S BEDROOM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Study with Marcus' 'StudyWithMarcus'>><</button>>
<<button 'Hallway 🚪' 'MarcusHallway'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">MARCUS'S BEDROOM</h1>
<h3>You settle down at the table with Marcus to study.</h3>
<<Speech Marcus "Thanks for coming over. I'm really struggling with this stuff.">>
<<Speech Player "No problem. Happy to help.">>
<<Speech Marcus "I appreciate it. I'm really grateful.">>
<<Speech Player "You'll do great. I know you will.">>
<<Speech Marcus "Thanks. I needed to hear that.">>
<<Speech Player "Ready to start?">>
<<Speech Marcus "Yeah.">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent1'>>
<h3>After a few minutes of studying…</h3>
<<Speech Marcus "Hey, um… can I tell you something?">>
<<Speech Player "Sure, what is it?">>
<<Speech Marcus "This might sound weird, but I'm… kind of really turned on right now. I can't concentrate.">>
<<if getCorruptionLevel() >= 2>>
<<linkreplace "Consider his request">>
<<Speech Player "Oh really? Maybe I can help with that.">>
<<Speech Marcus "Seriously?">>
<<linkreplace "He pulls you onto the table">>
<h3>He lifts you onto the table, his hands working quickly to unbutton your blouse.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent2'>>
<<Speech Player "Wow. Eager, aren't we?">>
<<Speech Marcus "I can't help myself. You're too tempting.">>
<h3>He kisses your breasts, his touch sending shivers down your spine.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent3'>>
<<Speech Player "Marcus… you're so naughty.">>
<<Speech Marcus "Let me taste you.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus) > 2>>
<<linkreplace "He goes down on you">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent4'>>
<h3>He kneels between your legs, his tongue finding your clit.</h3>
<<Speech Player "Mmm… that's so good… but now it's my turn.">>
<<linkreplace "Suck his cock">>
<h3>You pull him up, unbuttoning his pants and taking his cock into your mouth.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent5'>>
<<Speech Marcus "Damn… you're amazing at this.">>
<h3>You look into his eyes, the intensity of his gaze mirroring your own.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent6'>>
<<Speech Marcus "I can't take it anymore. I need to fuck you.">>
<<if getQuestProgress($Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus) > 4>>
<<Speech Player "Then fuck me, Marcus.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours">>
<h3>You get on all fours, pushing your ass up for him. He positions himself behind you.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent7'>>
<<Speech Player "Oh god, yes… fuck me!">>
<<Speech Marcus "You're so tight… it's driving me crazy.">>
<<linkreplace "He lifts your leg">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent8'>>
<<Speech Marcus "Ride me.">>
<<linkreplace "Ride him">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent9'>>
<<Speech Marcus "Faster!">>
<<Speech Player "Oh yes… fuck!">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent10'>>
<<Speech Marcus "Get back on all fours.">>
<<linkreplace "Get on all fours again">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent11'>>
<<Speech Player "Harder!">>
<<Speech Marcus "Anything for you, baby.">>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent12'>>
<<Speech Marcus "I can't hold it back… I'm going to cum!">>
<<Speech Player "Cum in my mouth!">>
<<linkreplace "He cums">>
<h3>He pulls you up, his cum jetting into your open mouth.</h3>
<<video 'marcus/house/bedroom/studyEvent/studyevent13'>>
<<Speech Marcus "We should do this again sometime.">>
<<Speech Player "Definitely.">>
<<if !galleryMode()>>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus>>
<<UnlockNPCScene Marcus StudyWithMarcus>>
<<FinishSex Marcus false>>
<<Speech Player "It's late, I need to go home, we can continue this another time">>
<<Speech Marcus "Ok, I hope to see you soon">>
<h3>Keep visiting Marcus to advance the scene</h3>
<<Speech Player "It's late, I need to go home, we can continue this another time">>
<<Speech Marcus "Ok, I hope to see you soon">>
<h3>Keep visiting Marcus to advance the scene</h3>
<<linkreplace "What should I do ?">>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<Speech Player "Sorry, but I think I better go home">>
<<Speech Marcus "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable">>
<<Speech Player "No, it's okay, I just think it's better to go">>
<h3>Keep visiting Marcus to advance the scene</h3>
<<if galleryMode()>>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'MarcusBedroom'>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Marcus.StudyWithMarcus 1>>
<<AddTime 2>>
</center><<widget "Dev">>
<div class="devPanel">
<h3>DEV PANEL</h3>
<<set _devLocation to ''>>
<<textbox "_devLocation" ''>>
<<button 'Go to'>>
<<if _devLocation != "">>
<<goto _devLocation>>
<<button 'Advance Day'>>
<<button 'Add Time'>>
<<AddTime '2'>>
<<button 'Sandbox' 'Sandbox'>><</button>>
<<button 'X'>>
<<if $game.time == 'E'>>
<<set $location.center.imgPath = '/citymap/center/citybannernight.png'>>
<<set $location.residential.imgPath = '/citymap/residential/residentialbannernight.png'>>
<<set $location.elite.imgPath = '/citymap/elite/elitebannernight.webp'>>
<<set $location.ghetto.imgPath = '/citymap/ghetto/ghettobannernight.webp'>>
<<elseif $game.time == 'EM'>>
<<set $location.center.imgPath = '/citymap/center/citybanner.png'>>
<<set $location.residential.imgPath = '/citymap/residential/residentialbanner.png'>>
<<set $location.elite.imgPath = '/citymap/elite/elitebanner.webp'>>
<<set $location.ghetto.imgPath = '/citymap/ghetto/ghettobanner.webp'>>
<<set _previousPassage to previous()>>
<<if _previousPassage != 'Cheats' && _previousPassage != 'PatreonActivation' && _previousPassage != 'WalkthroughV2'
&& _previousPassage != 'Phone' && _previousPassage != 'Quests' && _previousPassage != "Instafame" && _previousPassage != "InstafameDM"
&& _previousPassage != 'Selfie' && _previousPassage != 'Preferences' && _previousPassage != "OldSaveImport" && _previousPassage != "Messages"
&& _previousPassage != 'Wardrobe' && _previousPassage != 'GalleryPatreon' && _previousPassage != 'GalleryPatreonCode' && !galleryMode()>>
<<set $game.lastPassage to _previousPassage>>
<<if $game.version != '0.12.1' && passage() != 'OldSaveImport' && !$game.intro>>
<<Notification 'alert' "You are playing an old version of the game, please import your save to the latest version">>
<<goto 'OldSaveImport'>>
<h1 class="ptitle">SANDBOX</h1>
<<button "Open Event Modal">><<script>> openRandomEventModal("DadGrope"); <</script>><</button>>
<div id="randomEventOverlay"></div>
<div id="randomEvent">
<img id="randomEventImage" src="">
<p id="randomEventText"></p>
<button id="closeRandomEvent">Fechar</button>
</center><div class="bottom-bar-container">
<div class="left-button">
<<button 'Toggle Left Bar'>>
<div class="right-button">
<<button 'Toggle Right Bar'>>
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display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
padding: 10px;
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background: rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.75);
border-color: rgba(137, 2, 62);
transform: scale(1.05);
</style><div class="card">
<p class="time-text">$game.timeIcon
<<switch $game.time>>
<<case "EM">>
Early Morning
<<case "M">>
<<case "A">>
<<case "E">>
<<case "N">>
<<case "LN">>
Late Night
<div class="card">
<p class="time-text">🗓️<<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>></p>
<div class="grid-container">
<<switch $player.corruption.level>>
<<case 0>>
<div class="pure">$player.corruption.title</div>
<<case 1>>
<div class="naughty">$player.corruption.title</div>
<<case 2>>
<div class="naughty">$player.corruption.title</div>
<<case 3>>
<div class="slut">$player.corruption.title</div>
<<case 4>>
<div class="whore">$player.corruption.title</div>
<div>💵Money: $player.money $</div>
<<if $player.energy > 30 >>
<div>🔋Energy: $player.energy%</div>
<div>🪫Energy: $player.energy%</div>
<div>❤️🔥Arousal: $player.arousal/$game.maxArousal</div>
<<if $player.corruption.points >= 45>>
<div>🫦Corruption: MAX</div>
<div>🫦Corruption: $player.corruption.points</div>
<div>👀Exhibitionism: $player.exhibitionism</div>
<div>📖Intelligence: $player.intelligence</div>
<div>💬Social: $player.social</div>
<div>👟Fitness: $player.fitness</div>
<div>💄Beauty: $player.beauty</div>
<div class="grid-container">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/astk1" class="grid-item-link" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family: 'Font Awesome Brands'; font-size: 24px; font-weight: 900; color: #e4dedf"></span>
<a href="https://discord.gg/cb4YRG8gwm" class="grid-item-link" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family: 'Font Awesome Brands'; font-size: 24px; font-weight: 900; color: #e4dedf"></span>
<b>Version $game.version</b>
<div class="sidebarClothing">
<b class="sidebarClothing-title">Your Outfit</b>
<div class="grid-rightsidebar">
<<if $player.location == "Restaurant">>
<<elseif $player.location == "Office" && $location.office.job == true>>
<<elseif $player.location == 'School'>>
<<elseif $player.location == "Bar" || $player.location == "Club" || $player.location == "ThomasParty">>
<<elseif $player.location == "Vipers">>
<<if haveBaby()>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.discovered>>
<div class="buttons">
<<if $dev.devMode>>
Dice: $game.dice | Location: $player.location
<<button '🧑🏻💻 Dev 🧑🏻💻'>>
<div id="devMenuOverlay"></div>
<div id="devMenu"><<Dev>></div>
<<button '📜 Quests 📜'>>
<dialog id="questbook">
<<include "QuestBook">>
<dialog id="phone" class="phone-dialog">
<<include "Phone">>
<<if $items.phone.purchased >>
<<button '📱 Phone 📱'>>
<<button '👾 Cheats 👾' 'Cheats'>><</button>>
<<button '🖼️ Gallery 🖼️'>>
<<CheckGallery $dev.galleryCode>>
<<button '🏠 Go to your room 🏠' 'Bedroom'>>
<<SetPlayerLocation House>>
<<button '📕 Walkthrough 📕' 'WalkthroughV2'>><</button>>
<<button ' ⚧️ Preferences ⚧️' 'Preferences'>><</button>>
<<button ' 🪲 Report a bug 🪲'>>
window.open("https://forms.clickup.com/37010198/f/139erp-357/J5JSUM7I5PSK7PDDJB", "_blank");
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border: 1px solid black;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 1px #000000bf;
height: 50px;
margin-bottom: 7px;
.buttons button:hover, a.link-internal.macro-linkreplace:hover {
border-color: rgba(137, 2, 62);
background: rgba(15, 15, 15, 0.75);
transform: scale(1.05);
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</style><<widget video>>
<<set _extension = ($args[1] ?? 'webm')>>
<<set _videoType = 'video/' + _extension>>
<<set $url to setup.ImagePath+'/'+$args[0]+'.' + _extension>>
<video controls autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.0">
<source @src="$url" @type="_videoType">
<<widget webp>>
<<set $url to setup.ImagePath+'/'+$args[0]+'.webp'>>
<img @src="$url">
<h1 class="ptitle">GALLERY 🖼️</h1>
<h2>❗Gallery is only for Patreons❗</h2>
<<button "Become a Patreon">>
window.open("https://www.patreon.com/astk1", "_blank");
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + $game.lastPassage + '">>'>>
.buttonsGallery {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
width: 90%;
background-color: rgb(14 15 16 / 90%);
padding: 25px;
border-radius: 20px;
gap: 10px;
.buttonsWalktrough button.link-internal.macro-button {
min-width: 90%;
.gallery-grid {
display: grid;
gap: 20px;
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border-radius: 20px;
padding: 5px;
font-size: clamp(14px, 1.8vw, 22px);
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justify-content: center;
.gallery-grid > *:only-child {
max-width: 200px;
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width: 90%;
height: 90%;
input[type="checkbox"].macro-checkbox {
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height: 20px;
background: #eee;
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@media (max-width: 1200px) {
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height: 70%;
<h2>❗Gallery is only for Patreons❗</h2>
<<button "Become a Patreon">>
window.open("https://www.patreon.com/astk1", "_blank");
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + $game.lastPassage + '">>'>>
</center><div class="hideuiR">
<h1>⚠️ ADBLOCK ⚠️</h1>
This game has integration with an error monitoring tool, however, when using adblock, errors will no longer be sent.
The game does not have any type of advertisement, if possible, disable adblock, even if you are playing the downloaded version.
<<button 'Ok' 'Character'>><</button>>
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
#story a.link-external:after {
content: "";
</style><div class="hideuiR responsive">
<h1>🔞 WARNING 🔞</h1>
<h3>This game contains mature content and is not suitable for all audiences. You must be of legal age in your jurisdiction to play this game. By accepting these terms, you confirm you meet the age requirement.</h3>
<<button 'Accept' 'WarningGame'>><</button>>
<<button "Reject">>
window.location.href = "https://f95zone.to/";
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
#story a.link-external:after {
content: "";
<div id="place-head">
<<message 'Choose your name'>>
<<textbox "$player.name" "Victoria">>
<<message 'Choose your relationship with the guys that live with you and what they are to you'>>
<<Speech Dad "Stepfather" "What's my name ?">>
<<textbox "$npc.Dad.name" "Alfred">>
<<Speech Dad "Stepfather" "Who am I to you ?">>
He is yours
<<textbox "$npc.Dad.relationship" "Stepfather">>
and you are his
<<textbox "$npc.Dad.player" "Stepdaughter">>
<<Speech Brother "Stepbrother" "What's my name ?">>
<<textbox "$npc.Brother.name" "Robert">>
<<Speech Brother "Stepbrother" "Who am I to you ?">>
He is yours
<<textbox "$npc.Brother.relationship" "Stepbrother">>
and you are his
<<textbox "$npc.Brother.player" "Stepsister">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Stepgrandfather" "What's my name ?">>
<<textbox "$npc.Grandpa.name" "William">>
<<Speech Grandpa "Stepgrandfather" "Who am I to you ?">>
He is yours
<<textbox "$npc.Grandpa.relationship" "Stepgrandfather">>
and you are his
<<textbox "$npc.Grandpa.player" "Stepgranddaugther">>
<<button 'Continue' 'Preferences'>><</button>>
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
<h1 class="ptitle">GAME MECHANICS</h1>
This game is currently in development, so you may encounter incomplete scenes, inaccessible areas, or limited content. Occasional bugs might also appear during your gameplay.
<h2>Scenes and Actions</h2>
The available actions and scenes depend on your corruption level. You start at the "Pure" stage, and with every 15 points of corruption, your stage evolves—unlocking new actions and scenes.
The game employs a time system where activities such as taking a shower, studying, or working out advance the day by one or half a period. The day is divided into:
<b>Early Morning > Morning > Afternoon > Evening > Night > Late Night</b>
Your character has various attributes that influence both events and actions, and you can enhance them throughout your gameplay. For example, studying increases your intelligence, while working out or walking boosts your fitness. Some attributes currently have no direct impact on gameplay or unlock additional features.
The game features a clothing system that allows you to purchase and wear outfits to access specific locations, such as schools and clubs. Certain scenes are exclusive to particular outfits. Additionally, wearing quality clothes boosts your beauty attribute—the more expensive the clothes, the greater the enhancement.
<h2>House Events</h2>
Household events involving your housemates are influenced by their arousal levels and your corruption. Their statuses are indicated as follows:
❄️ = not aroused
🔥 = slightly aroused
🔥🔥 = aroused
🔥🔥🔥 = highly aroused
This status directly affects indoor events—the higher the arousal, the further the events progress. Corruption also plays a significant role.
<<button 'History' 'History'>><</button>>
<div id="place-head">
When $player.name was just an infant, the devastating loss of her mother shattered the heart of her family. Her $npc.Dad.relationship, overwhelmed by sorrow, spiraled into a profound depression—resorting to risky gambling and succumbing to the lure of alcohol, which drained their once-secure future. Growing up under the weight of such a turbulent past, $player.name quickly learned the value of resilience and developed an unwavering determination to forge a new destiny.
Now, every day is a battle to rise above the pain and rewrite her story. To escape the haunting memories of home, she must dedicate herself to her studies and secure a job, slowly gathering the means to build a brighter, independent future. Her journey toward success starts now, with every choice paving the way to a promising new life.
<<button 'Start' 'Bedroom' >>
<<StartQuest $Quests.School.FirstDayOfSchool>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Restaurant.INeedMoney>>
<<set $game.intro = false>>
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
</style><div class="hideuiR">
<div id="place-head">
<div><<button 'Play ▶️' 'WarningGame'>><</button>></div>
<<button 'Skip Intro ⏩' 'Bedroom'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.School.FirstDayOfSchool>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Restaurant.INeedMoney>>
<<set $player.lesbian = true>>
<<set $player.trans = true>>
<<set $player.pregnancy.enabled = true>>
<<set $game.intro = false>>
<<button 'Load 💾'>>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button 'Exit ❌'>>
window.open('', '_self', '');
<h2>Version $game.version</h2>
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#ui-bar {
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<div id="place-head">
<div><<button 'Play ▶️'>>
window.open("https://roadtosuccess.tech/", "_blank");
<h2>Version $game.version</h2>
html {
overflow: hidden;
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
#story a.link-external:after {
content: "";
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100% {
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font-size: 20px;
#place-head img {
margin-bottom: 15px;
<h1 class="ptitle">❗THIS IS A PATREON VERSION, TYPE YOUR CODE❗</h1>
<<textbox "$patreonCode" "">>
<<button 'Continue'>>
<<CheckPatreon $patreonCode>>
html {
overflow: hidden;
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
#story a.link-external:after {
content: "";
#passages {
max-width: 90em;
font-family: 'Outfit';
html, body {
width: 100%;
body {
background: linear-gradient(-45deg, #ee7752, #e73c7e, #23a6d5, #23d5ab);
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0% {
background-position: 0% 50%;
50% {
background-position: 100% 50%;
100% {
background-position: 0% 50%;
<div id="place-head">
<h3>In this game, there is content that you may not like, below you can choose which content you want or do not want to display</h3>
<div class="genreChoices">
<h3>Trans Content</h3>
<p><b>Enable</b> trans content (scenes with shemales, femboys, sissies and etc)</p>
<<checkbox "$player.trans" false true autocheck>>
<div class="genreChoices">
<h3>Lesbian Content</h3>
<p><b>Enable</b> lesbian content (scenes with player having sex with other womans)</p>
<<checkbox "$player.lesbian" false true autocheck>>
<div class="genreChoices">
<p><b>Enable</b> pregnancy (you can still avoid it by using contraceptives)</p>
<<checkbox "$player.pregnancy.enabled" false true autocheck>>
<<if $game.intro>>
<<button 'Game Mechanics' 'GameMechanics'>><</button>>
<<button 'Return'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + $game.lastPassage + '">>'>>
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
input[type="checkbox"].macro-checkbox {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: #eee;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.genreChoices {
background: #141414;
border-radius: 20px;
width: 65%;
</style><div class="hideuiR">
<h1>⚠️ WARNING ⚠️</h1>
<h3>This game is mainly focused on Grind/Sandbox, if you have as a priority a great story, with a lot of text to read maybe this game does not like you so much.</h3>
<h3>As it is in an early version, the game does not offer much play time, but your feedback is very important for development.</h3>
<h3>All characters and stories in this game are purely fictional, they have no relationship with the real world.</h3>
<<button 'I understand' 'Adblock'>><</button>>
<<button "This is not my type of game">>
<<run window.location.href = "https://f95zone.to/">>
#right-ui-bar {
display: none;
#ui-bar {
display: none;
#story a.link-external:after {
content: "";
</style><<widget "InitLocations">>
<<set $location = $location || {}>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("residential", "Residential 🏡", "Zone", true, "/citymap/residential/residentialbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("house", "House 🏠", "Residential", true, "/house/housebanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("school", "School 🏫", "Residential", true, "/school/schoolbanner.jpg")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("park", "Park 🌳", "Residential", true, "/park/parkbanner.jpg")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("restaurant", "Restaurant 🍽️", "Center", true, "/restaurant/restaurantbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("marcusHouse", "Marcus's House 🏠", "Residential", false, "/marcus/house/house.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("emmaHouse", "Emma's House 🏠", "Residential", false, "/emma/house/house.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("center", "City Center 🏙️", "Zone", true, "/citymap/center/citybanner.jpg")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("gym", "Gym 🏋️♀️", "Center", true, "/gym/gymbanner.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("mall", "Mall 🛍️", "Center", true, "/shopping/shoppingbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createSubLocation("mall", "techStore", "Tech Store 💻", true, "")>>
<<run setup.Location.createSubLocation("mall", "clothingStore", "Clothing Store 👚", true, "")>>
<<run setup.Location.createSubLocation("mall", "pharmacy", "Pharmacy 💊", true, "")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("club", "Night Club 🍸", "Center", true, "/club/clubbanner.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("beach", "Beach 🏖️", "Center", true, "/beach/beachbanner.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("bar", "Bar 🍺", "Center", true, "/bar/barbanner.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("pool", "Public Pool 🏊♀️", "Center", true, "/pool/poolbanner.jpg")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("filmStudio", "Film Studio 🎥", "Center", false)>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("photoStudio", "Photo Studio 📸", "Center", false, "/photostudio/banner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("policeDep", "Police Station 🚔", "Center", true, "/policedep/policebanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("hospital", "Hospital 🏥", "Center", true, "/hospital/hospitalbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("office", "Office 🏢", "Center", true, "/office/officebanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("hotel", "Hotel 🏨", "Center", false, "/hotel/hotelbanner.webp")>>
/*ELITE */
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("elite", "Elite District 🏢", "Zone", true, "/citymap/elite/elitebanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("jamalHouse", "Jamal's House 🏠", "Elite", false, "/jamal/house/house.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("veronicaHouse", "Veronica's House 🏠", "Elite", false, "/veronica/house/house.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("thomasHouse", "Thomas's House 🏠", "Elite", false, "/thomas/house/house.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("ghetto", "Ghetto 🌆", "Zone", true, "/citymap/ghetto/ghettobanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("church", "Church ⛪", "Ghetto", true, "/church/churchbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("stripclub", "Strip Club 🏩", "Ghetto", true, "/stripclub/stripclubbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("darkAlley", "Dark Alley 🌃", "Ghetto", true, "/darkalley/darkAlleybanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("vipers", "The Vipers 🐍", "Ghetto", false, "/vipers/vipersbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("abandonedBuilding", "Abandoned Building 🏚️", "Ghetto", true, "/abandonedbuilding/abandonedbuildingbanner.webp")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("busStop", "Bus Stop 🚌", "*", true, "/bus/busStopbanner.png")>>
<<run setup.Location.createLocation("bus", "Bus 🚌", "Bus", true, "")>>
<<if !$location.gym.hasOwnProperty("days")>>
<<set $location.gym.days = 0>>
<<if !$location.restaurant.hasOwnProperty("job")>>
<<set $location.restaurant.job = false>>
<<if !$location.restaurant.hasOwnProperty("xp")>>
<<set $location.restaurant.xp = 0>>
<<if !$location.office.hasOwnProperty("job")>>
<<set $location.office.job = false>>
<<if !$location.office.hasOwnProperty("xp")>>
<<set $location.office.xp = 0>>
<<if !$location.office.hasOwnProperty("rank")>>
<<set $location.office.rank = 1>>
<<if !$location.restaurant.hasOwnProperty("promoted")>>
<<set $location.restaurant.promoted = false>>
<<if !$location.stripclub.hasOwnProperty("job")>>
<<set $location.stripclub.job = false>>
<<if !$location.stripclub.hasOwnProperty("experience")>>
<<set $location.stripclub.experience = 0>>
<<if !$location.club.hasOwnProperty("gloryholeExp")>>
<<set $location.club.gloryholeExp = 0>>
<<if !$location.mall.subLocations.techStore.hasOwnProperty("discount")>>
<<set $location.mall.subLocations.techStore.discount = false>>
<<if !$location.bus.hasOwnProperty("busDestination")>>
<<set $location.bus.busDestination = "">>
<<widget "CityMap">>
<<set _location to _args[0]>>
<<capture _location>>
<<if _location.unlocked >>
<div class="image-wrapper">
<<link [img[setup.ImagePath+_location.imgPath]]>>
<<EnterLocation _location.name>>
<<widget "MoveNPC">>
<<set $npcName to _args[0]>>
<<set $npcLocation to _args[1]>>
<<set $npc[$npcName].location = $npcLocation>>
<<unset $npcName>>
<<unset $npcLocation>>
<<widget "Bus">>
<<set _location to _args[0]>>
<<capture _location>>
<<if _location.unlocked >>
<div class="image-wrapper">
<<link [img[setup.ImagePath+_location.imgPath]]>>
<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
<<set $location.bus.busDestination = _location>>
<<goto 'BusRandomEvent'>>
<<EnterLocation _location.name>>
<<widget "CreateLocationFunctions">>
<<set setup.Location = {
createLocation: function(location, title, area, unlocked, imgPath) {
if (!$location.hasOwnProperty(location) || $location[location] == null) {
$location[location] = {
name: location,
open: true,
title: title,
unlocked: unlocked,
area: area,
imgPath: imgPath,
subLocations: {}
} else {
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("name") || $location[location].name == null) {
$location[location].name = location;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("open") || $location[location].open == null) {
$location[location].open = true;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("title") || $location[location].title == null) {
$location[location].title = title;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("unlocked") || $location[location].unlocked == null) {
$location[location].unlocked = unlocked;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("area") || $location[location].area == null) {
$location[location].area = area;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("imgPath") || $location[location].imgPath == null) {
$location[location].imgPath = imgPath;
if (!$location[location].hasOwnProperty("subLocations") || $location[location].subLocations == null) {
$location[location].subLocations = {};
createSubLocation: function (location, subLocation, title, unlocked, imgPath) {
if (!$location[location].subLocations.hasOwnProperty(subLocation) || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation] == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation] = {
name: subLocation,
open: true,
title: title,
scenes: {},
unlocked: unlocked,
imgPath: imgPath
} else {
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("name") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].name == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].name = subLocation;
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("open") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].open == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].open = true;
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("title") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].title == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].title = title;
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("scenes") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].scenes == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].scenes = {};
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("unlocked") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].unlocked == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].unlocked = unlocked;
if (!$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].hasOwnProperty("imgPath") || $location[location].subLocations[subLocation].imgPath == null) {
$location[location].subLocations[subLocation].imgPath = imgPath;
<</widget>><<widget "InitNPC">>
<<set $npc = $npc || {}>>
/* Npc Name Avatar Location*/
<<run setup.Npc.createFamilyNpc("Dad", "Dad", "House", "Stepfather", "Stepdaughter")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createFamilyNpc("Brother", "Brother", "House", "Stepbrother", "Stepsister")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createFamilyNpc("Grandpa", "Grandfather", "House", "Stepgrandfather", "Granddaughter")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Marcus", "Marcus", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Sam", "Sam", "Marcus House")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Oliver", "Oliver", "Marcus House")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Janitor", "Mr. Wilson", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("MathTeacher", "Mr. Thompson", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Coach", "Mr. Williams", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Natasha", "Natasha", "School Library")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Emma", "Emma", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("ComputerTeacher", "Mr. Henry", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Thomas", "Thomas", "School")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Strange", "Strange", "Park")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("StrangeBBC", "Strange", "Center")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Jim", "Jim", "Film Studio")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Richard", "Richard", "Photo Studio")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Boss", "Boss", "Restaurant")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Michael", "Michael", "Restaurant")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Susan", "Susan", "Restaurant")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("OfficeBoss", "Mr. Davis", "Office")>>
/*CLUB */
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Jamal", "Jamal", "Club")>>
/*BAR */
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Veronica", "Veronica", "Bar")>>
/*GYM */
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("PersonalTrainer", "Personal Trainer", "Gym")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Priest", "Priest", "Church")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Gangster", "Gangster", "DarkAlley")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("DrugDealer", "Drug Dealer", "DarkAlley")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("KingCobra", "King Cobra", "Vipers")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Mamba", "Mamba", "Vipers")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Krait", "Krait", "Vipers")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("StripClubManager", "Strip Club Manager", "StripClub")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Stripper", "Stripper", "StripClub")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Bartender", "Bartender", "StripClub")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("PoliceMan", "Captain William Carter", "PoliceStation")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("PoliceWoman", "Sergeant Emily Lewis", "PoliceStation")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Doctor", "Dr. Johnson", "Hospital")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Homeless", "Homeless", "AbandonedBuilding")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("Edward", "Edward", "Instafame")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("TowTruckDriver", "Tow Truck Driver", "Nowhere")>>
<<run setup.Npc.createNpc("DeliveryGuy", "Delivery Guy", "Nowhere")>>
<<widget "CreateNpcFunctions">>
<<set setup.Npc = {
createNpc: function(npc, name, location) {
if (!$npc[npc]) {
$npc[npc] = {};
$npc[npc] = {
name: name,
avatar: npc,
location: location,
relation: $npc[npc]?.relation || 0,
talk: $npc[npc]?.talk || false,
corruption: 0
createFamilyNpc: function(npc, name, location, relationship, player) {
if (!$npc[npc]) {
$npc[npc] = {};
$npc[npc] = {
name: name,
avatar: npc,
arousal: $npc[npc]?.arousal || 0,
corruption: $npc[npc]?.corruption || 0,
sideBarText: $npc[npc]?.sideBarText || "",
location: $npc[npc]?.location || location,
relation: $npc[npc]?.relation || 0,
relationship: $npc[npc]?.relationship || relationship,
player: $npc[npc]?.player || player,
talk: $npc[npc]?.talk || false,
scenes: $npc[npc]?.scenes || {}
<<widget "CreateNpc">>
<<set _npc to _args[0]>>
<<set _npcName to _args[1]>>
<<set _npcLocation to _args[2]>>
<<if not $npc[_npc]>>
<<set $npc[_npc] to {}>>
<<set $npc[_npc] = {
"name": _npcName,
"avatar": _npc,
"location": _npcLocation,
"relation": 0,
"talk": false
<<widget "CreateFamilyNpc">>
<<set _npc to _args[0]>>
<<set _npcName to _args[1]>>
<<set _npcLocation to _args[2]>>
<<set _npcRelationship to _args[3]>>
<<set _npcPlayer to _args[4]>>
<<if not $npc[_npc]>>
<<set $npc[_npc] to {}>>
<<set $npc[_npc] = {
"name": _npcName,
"avatar": _npc,
"arousal": 0,
"corruption": 0,
"sideBarText": "",
"location": _npcLocation,
"relation" : 0,
"relationship": _npcRelationship,
"player": _npcPlayer,
"talk": false,
"scenes": {}
<<widget "NpcRoutine">>
<<if $game.day == "Saturday" || $game.day == "Sunday">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "House">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "House">>
<<if $game.time == "EM">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "House">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "House">>
<<if $game.time == "M">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "Work">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "School">>
<<if $game.time == "A">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "Work">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "School">>
<<if $game.time == "E">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "House">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "House">>
/*NIGHT */
<<if $game.time == "N">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "House">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "House">>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<set $npc.Dad.location = "House">>
<<set $npc.Brother.location = "House">>
<h1 class="ptitle">OLD SAVE IMPORT</h1>
<h3>You've loaded an outdated save file. Please import it to update to the latest version of the game.</h3>
<h3>Although starting a new game is always recommended, you can import your old save here if you prefer.</h3>
<h3>If you encounter any error messages or if something isn't working as expected, please report the issue on our F95zone thread, Discord, Patreon, or Bug Report button</h3>
<<linkreplace "Import Old Save">>
<<Notification "info" "Old save imported!">>
<<button "Keep Playing" "BedroomSleep">><</button>>
</center><<widget "EnergyController">>
<<if $player.energy >= 100>>
<<set $player.energy to 100>>
<<if $player.energy <= 0>>
<<set $player.energy to 0>>
<<if $player.energy == 0 && passage() != 'Bedroom' && passage() != 'NoEnergy' && passage() != 'BedroomSleep'>>
<<goto 'NoEnergy'>>
<<widget "NotifyEnergy">>
<<Notification 'warning' "I'm very tired, I should rest!">>
<div class="notebook">
<h1 class="ntitle">QUESTS</h1>
<div class="notebook-section">
<div class="notebook-heading">ACTIVE</div>
<div class="notebook-section">
<div class="notebook-heading">COMPLETED</div>
<div class="notebook-button">
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
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/* Adiciona espaço entre as quests */
.notebook-section div {
margin-bottom: 10px; /* Espaço entre cada quest */
padding: 10px; /* Espaço interno */
border-bottom: 1px solid #cfa960; /* Linha separadora */
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.ntitle {
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</style><<widget "InitQuests">>
<<set $Quests = $Quests || {}>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Game", "Instafame", "Buy a phone and create an Instafame account")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Jim", "Pornstar", "Accept Jim's proposal")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Richard", "Model", "Accept the Richard's proposal")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Edward", "SecretAdmirer", "Accept the Edward's proposal")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("School", "FirstDayOfSchool", "Today is my first day at school, I'm so nervous")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("School", "SchoolTest", "Take the school test on Monday")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("MathTeacher", "MathHomework", "I need to go to math class and deliver the homework")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("MathTeacher", "Tutoring", "Have private lessons with the math teacher")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Coach", "Cheerleader", "It must be amazing being a cheerleader, but I have to practice a lot until the coach notices me")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Janitor", "Afterclass", "Go to the classroom after class at evening")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Marcus", "StudyWithMarcus", "Go to Marcus house and study with him")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Natasha", "LibraryExhibitionism", "Go to the library and talk with Natasha")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Natasha", "PublicExhibitionism", "I should go talk to Natasha, does she have any new ideas?")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("ComputerTeacher", "TeacherSecretFetish", "Buy a school outfit with at least 30 corruption")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Thomas", "ThomasParty", "I should ask Thomas if I can go to the party, I think I see him in the hallway", true)>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Restaurant", "INeedMoney", "I should get a job, maybe at the restaurant?")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Restaurant", "Promotion", "I need to work hard to get promoted, my salary is very low")>>
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("DrugDealer", "PackageDelivering", "I need to deliver this package, the address says Church, that doesn't make much sense")>>
/*JAMAL */
<<run setup.Quest.createQuest("Jamal", "PoolParty", "Jamal invited me to a pool party at sunday, I should go")>>
<<widget "CreateQuest">>
<<set _npcName to _args[0]>>
<<set _title to _args[1]>>
<<set _description to _args[2]>>
<<set _requirement to _args[3]>>
<<if not $Quests[_npcName]>>
<<set $Quests[_npcName] to {}>>
<<set $Quests[_npcName][_title] to {
"title": _title,
"description": _description,
"progress": 0,
"active": false,
"completed": false
<<widget "ShowActiveQuests">>
<<for _npcName, _npcQuests range $Quests>>
<<for _questName, _quest range _npcQuests>>
<<if _quest.active>>
<<set _titleWithSpaces to _quest.title.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (letter) => " " + letter)>>
<<widget "ShowCompletedQuests">>
<<for _npcName, _npcQuests range $Quests>>
<<for _questName, _quest range _npcQuests>>
<<if _quest.completed>>
<<set _titleWithSpaces to _quest.title.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (letter) => " " + letter)>>
<<widget "CreateQuestFunctions">>
<<set setup.Quest = {
createQuest: function(quest, title, description, repeatable = false) {
if (!$Quests[quest]) {
$Quests[quest] = {};
const existingQuest = $Quests[quest][title] || {};
$Quests[quest][title] = {
title: title,
description: existingQuest.progress > 0 ? existingQuest.description : description,
progress: existingQuest.progress || 0,
active: existingQuest.active || false,
completed: existingQuest.completed || false,
repeatable: repeatable,
<h1 class="ptitle phone-title">QUESTS</h1>
<div class="grid-quests">
<div class="grid-completed-quests">
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<if $items.phone.purchased>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Phone">>
.phone-title {
color: white;
font-size: 48px;
font-weight: bold;
opacity: 0.9;
h2 {
color: white;
font-size: 36px;
font-weight: bold;
opacity: 0.9;
</style><<widget "InitScenes">>
/*HOUSE */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene ("house", "PizzaDelivery", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Pizza Delivery", 33, "Order pizza naked.", true)>>
/*PARK */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("park", "JoggingFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Jogging Flash", 33, "Jog at the park.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("park", "KidnapAtPark", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Kidnapped At Park", 50, "Jog at the park late at night.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("park", "JoggingSex1", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Jogging Sex 1", 33, "Jog with +30 corruption outfit and flash tits.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("park", "JoggingSexPregnant", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Jogging Sex Pregnant", 33, "Jog with +30 corruption outfit and flash tits while being pregnant.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("park", "JoggingSex2", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Jogging Sex 2", 33, "Jog with +30 corruption outfit and flash tits.", true)>>
/*BEACH */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("beach", "SwimFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Swim Flash", 50, "Swim at the beach.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("beach", "BikiniThief", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Bikini Thief", 50, "Wear a bikini at the beach.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("beach", "TouristsThreesome", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Tourists Threesome", 50, "Wear a bikini at the beach.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("beach", "SunbatheLotion", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Sunbathe Lotion", 33, "Wear a 30+ corruption bikini and sunbathe.", true)>>
/*MALL */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("mall", "MallFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Mall Flash", 33, "Visit the mall.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("mall", "DiscountSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 10, "corruption": 15}, "Discount Sex", 100, "Ask for discount at the Tech Store.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("mall", "MallCaughtFlashing", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Caught Flashing", 33, "Flash at the mall; get caught by security.", true)>>
/*CLUB */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("club", "ClubFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Club Flash", 50, "Dance at the club.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("club", "ClubGloryHole", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Club Gloryhole", 100, "Go to the club bathroom cabin.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "ClassroomFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Classroom Flash", 50, "Go to the classroom and socialize.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "BathroomStudentSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Bathroom Student Sex", 50, "Flash the student in the male bathroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "BathroomFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Bathroom Flash", 50, "Flash the student in the male bathroom.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "MathHomework", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Math Homework", 100, "Deliver homework to teacher in classroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "TeacherTutoring", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Teacher Tutoring", 100, "Fail school test (score < 6).", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "Cheerleader", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Join the Cheerleaders", 100, "Get enough fitness in PE class.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "Afterclass", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Janitor Event", 50, "Finish tutoring quest; study in classroom after class.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "LibraryExhibitionism", {}, {"exhibitionism": 10, "corruption": 15}, "Library Exhibitionism", 50, "Go to the library and talk with Natasha.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "PublicExhibitionism", {}, {"exhibitionism": 20, "corruption": 30}, "Public Exhibitionism", 100, "Talk with Natasha in the library after 'Library Exhibitionism'.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "TeacherSecretFetish", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Teacher Secret Fetish", 100, "Spy on the teacher's laptop in Computer Class.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("school", "ClassLactation", {}, {}, "Class Lactation", 100, "Study at classroom while being pregnant.")>>
/*GYM */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("gym", "GymFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Gym Flash", 50, "Visit the gym and workout.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("gym", "GymPersonalSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Gym Personal Sex", 50, "Visit the gym and workout.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("restaurant", "RestaurantInterviewSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Interview Scene", 100, "Seduce the boss at the restaurant interview.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("restaurant", "PromotionScene", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Promotion Scene", 100, "Work at restaurant and have at least 10 XP.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("restaurant", "WorkFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Work Flash", 50, "Work at the restaurant.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("restaurant", "RestaurantSpecialVisitSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Special Visit", 100, "Work in VIP section at restaurant with 25+ XP.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("restaurant", "RestaurantGangbang", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Restaurant Gangbang", 25, "Work in VIP section at restaurant with 30+ XP.", true)>>
/*POOL */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("pool", "PoolFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 10, "corruption": 30}, "Pool Flash", 33, "Swim at the pool with a 30+ corruption bikini.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("pool", "PoolSwimSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 10, "corruption ": 30}, "Pool Swimming Sex", 33, "Swim at the pool with a 30+ corruption bikini and flash.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("photoStudio", "ModelPhotoshoot", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Model Photoshoot", 100, "Have 500+ Instafame followers; read your DMs.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("stripclub", "StripClubInterview", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Strip Club Interview", 100, "Apply for a job at the strip club.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("stripclub", "StripClubPrivate1", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Private Session 1", 25, "Work at the strip club; get a client.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("stripclub", "StripClubStage1", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Stage Session 1", 25, "Work at the strip club; get a client.", true)>>
/*BUS */
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("bus", "BusFlash", {}, {"exhibitionism": 10, "corruption": 0}, "Bus Flash", 50, "Ride the bus and flash.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("bus", "BusMasturbate", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Bus Masturbate", 33, "Ride the bus and masturbate the strange guy.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("bus", "BusGrope", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Bus Grope", 33, "Ride the bus.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("policeDep", "HouseRobPrison", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "House Robbing", 100, "Rob a house with the Vipers.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("thomasHouse", "ThomasPartyPongSex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Beer Pong Sex", 33, "Go to Thomas's party; play beer pong.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("thomasHouse", "ThomasPartySpinTheBottle", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Spin Bottle Group Sex", 33, "Go to Thomas's party; go to the second floor.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("office", "OfficeInterview", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Office Interview", 100, "Apply for a job at the office.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("office", "SecretarySex", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 0}, "Secretary Sex", 25, "Work at the office.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("abandonedBuilding", "HomelessThreesome", {}, {"exhibitionism": 20, "corruption": 30}, "Homeless Threesome", 33, "Escape from class with Natasha.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addLocationScene("hospital", "PrenatalCareBigBelly", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 30}, "Prenatal Care Big Belly", 100, "Get pregnant and go to the hospital for prenatal care at least three times", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addPlayerScene("XCam", {}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Stream at XCam", 100, "Buy laptop/webcam; stream at XCam.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addPlayerScene("BathroomLactation", {}, {}, "Bathroom Lactation", 33, "Go to the bathroom at the house.")>>
/*DAD */
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "DadBedroomGrope", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 0}, {}, "$npc.Dad.relationship Bedroom Grope", 20, "Go to your bedroom.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "BedroomStudyDadGrope", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 1}, {}, "$npc.Dad.relationship Bedroom Study Grope", 20, "Study in your bedroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "BedroomSleepDadScene", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 1}, {}, "$npc.Dad.relationship Bedroom Sleep", 25, "Sleep in your bedroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "ShowerFlash", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 1}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 15}, "Shower Exhibitionism", 50, "Take a shower in the house bathroom.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "ProstituteSex", {}, {}, "$npc.Dad.relationship Prostitute Sex", 25, "Go to $npc.Dad.relationship's bedroom at night.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "WashDishesSex", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {}, "Washing Dishes Sex", 20, "Go to the kitchen and wash the dishes.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "WashDishesSexPregnant", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {}, "Washing Dishes Pregnant Sex", 20, "Go to the kitchen and wash the dishes.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "DadShowerSex", {"arousal": "🔥🔥🔥", "corruption": 15}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Peeping $npc.Dad.relationship's Shower", 33, "Go to the bathroom at early morning.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "DadShowerSexPregnant", {"arousal": "🔥🔥🔥", "corruption": 15}, {"exhibitionism": 0, "corruption": 45}, "Peeping $npc.Dad.relationship's Shower Pregnant", 33, "Go to the bathroom at early morning while being pregnant.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "DadPeepSex", {}, {"corruption": 15}, "$npc.Dad.relationship's Shower Sex", 25, "Go to the bathroom at night.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Dad", "EatSex", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {}, "Eating Sex", 33, "Eat at the kitchen.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherBedroomGrope", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 0}, {}, "$npc.Brother.relationship Bedroom Grope", 20, "Go to your bedroom.")>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BedroomStudyBrotherGrope", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 1}, {}, "$npc.Brother.relationship Bedroom Study Grope", 20, "Study at your room.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BedroomStudyBrotherGropePregnant", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 1}, {"corruption": 30}, "$npc.Brother.relationship Bedroom Study Grope Pregnant", 20, "Study at your room while being pregnant.", true )>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "SleepingBrother", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 10, "relation": 10}, {"corruption": 30}, "Sleep with $npc.Brother.relationship", 100, "Go to $npc.Brother.relationship bedroom late at night and ask to sleep with him.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherBedroomFlash", {}, {"corruption": 15}, "Bedroom Flash", 100, "Go to your $npc.Brother.relationship bedroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherBedroomTease", {}, {"corruption": 5}, "Bedroom Tease", 100, "Go to your $npc.Brother.relationship bedroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherShowerSex", {"arousal": "🔥", "corruption": 5}, {"corruption": 30}, "Shower Sex", 33, "Masturbate at shower at the house bathroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "PeepBrotherSex", {}, {"corruption": 15}, "Peep $npc.Brother.relationship sex", 25, "Go to your $npc.Brother.relationship bedroom.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "PlayingGamesSexPregnant", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {"corruption": 30}, "Playing Videogame Pregnant with $npc.Brother.relationship", 20, "Play videogame at your living room while being pregnant.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "PlayingGamesSex", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {"corruption": 30}, "Playing Videogame", 20, "Play videogame at your living room.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherHelpStudy", {"arousal": "🔥🔥🔥", "corruption": 15}, {}, "Brother Help Study", 20, "Study at your room.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Brother", "BrotherCaughtMasturbating", {"arousal": "🔥🔥", "corruption": 10}, {"corruption": 30}, "Brother Caught Masturbating", 25, "Go to your $npc.Brother.relationship bedroom", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Grandpa", "GarageDrunk", {}, {}, "Garage Drunk", 50, "Go to your house at late night and very drunk.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Veronica", "VeronicaMeet", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Meet Veronica", 33, "Go to the bar and drink until you get drunk.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Veronica", "VeronicaFirstVisit", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Visit Veronica", 100, "Visit Veronica at her house in the evening.", true)>>
/*JAMAL */
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Jamal", "JamalMeet", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Meeting Jamal", 33, "Go to the club and dance.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Jamal", "JamalBilliardsSex", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Playing Billiards", 33, "Go to the jamal house at saturday afternoon.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Jamal", "JamalPoolGangbang", {}, {"corruption": 45}, "Pool Gangbang", 100, "Receive an message at friday from Jamal inviting you to his house after playing billiards with him.", true)>>
/*EMMA */
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Emma", "SexPlaying", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Playing with Emma", 33, "Play with Emma until she invites you to her house.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Marcus", "StudyWithMarcus", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Study With Marcus", 100, "Take the test and get at least an 8 grade.", true)>>
/*SAM */
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Sam", "BathroomSurprise", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Bathroom Surprise", 33, "Go to the bathroom at Marcus's house.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Sam", "CaughtMasturbating", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Caught Masturbating", 25, "Go to the Sam's bedroom at Marcus's House.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Priest", "ConfessionSex", {}, {"corruption": 45}, "Sex in the confessional", 25, "Go to church and confess your sins.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Priest", "PriestVisit", {}, {"corruption": 45}, "Priest Visit", 100, "After confessing your sins, go to the church and visit the priest.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Gangster", "DarkAlleyRape1", {}, {"corruption": 0}, "Dark Alley Scene", 33, "Go to the dark alley late at night.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("TowTruckDriver", "TyreFixSex", {}, {"corruption": 0}, "Tyre Fix", 50, "Go to the Thomas's party with your $npc.Dad.relationship's car.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Edward", "SecretAdmirer", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Secret Admirer", 100, "Reach 1000 followers on Instafame and read your dm.", true)>>
<<run setup.Scene.addNpcScene("Edward", "SecretAdmirerPregnant", {}, {"corruption": 30}, "Secret Admirer Pregnant", 100, "Reach 1000 followers on Instafame and read your dm. (Visit Edward on Hotel while being pregnant.)", true)>>
<<widget "CreateSceneFunctions">>
<<set setup.Scene = {
addLocationScene: function(location, sceneName, requirements, requirementsMC, title, chance, guide, gallery = false) {
if (!$location[location].scenes) {
$location[location].scenes = {};
$location[location].scenes[sceneName] = {
"requirementsMC": {
"corruption": requirementsMC.corruption || 0,
"exhibitionism": requirementsMC.exhibitionism || 0
"title": title,
"chance": chance,
"guide": guide,
"unlocked": $location[location].scenes[sceneName] ? $location[location].scenes[sceneName].unlocked : false,
"executedToday": false,
"gallery": gallery
addNpcScene: function(npc, sceneName, requirements, requirementsMC, title, chance, guide, gallery = false) {
if (!$npc[npc]) {
$npc[npc] = {};
if (!$npc[npc].scenes) {
$npc[npc].scenes = {};
$npc[npc].scenes[sceneName] = {
"requirements": {
"arousal": requirements.arousal || "",
"corruption": requirements.corruption || 0,
"relation": requirements.relation || 0
"requirementsMC": {
"corruption": requirementsMC.corruption || 0,
"exhibitionism": requirementsMC.exhibitionism || 0
"title": title,
"chance": chance,
"guide": guide,
"unlocked": $npc[npc].scenes[sceneName] ? $npc[npc].scenes[sceneName].unlocked : false,
"executedToday": false,
"gallery": gallery
addPlayerScene: function(sceneName, requirements, requirementsMC, title, chance, guide, gallery = false) {
if (!$player.scenes) {
$player.scenes = {};
$player.scenes[sceneName] = {
"requirementsMC": {
"corruption": requirementsMC.corruption || 0,
"exhibitionism": requirementsMC.exhibitionism || 0
"title": title,
"chance": chance,
"guide": guide,
"unlocked": $player.scenes[sceneName] ? $player.scenes[sceneName].unlocked : false,
"executedToday": false,
"gallery": gallery
<h1 class="ptitle">CHEATS</h1>
<h2>❗Cheats are only for Patreons❗</h2>
<<button "Become a Patreon">>
window.open("https://www.patreon.com/astk1", "_blank");
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + $game.lastPassage + '">>'>>
.passage button {
width: 95%;
<h1 class="ptitle">LAPTOP</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<button 'Watch porn 🔞'>>
<<if $player.arousal < 1>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You aren't aroused enough!">>
<<goto 'WatchPorn'>>
<<button 'xCam 📷' 'xCam'>><</button>>
<<button 'Turn off 🔴' 'Bedroom'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">PORN</h1>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("masturbate.webp", "masturbate2.webp", "masturbate3.webp", "masturbate4.webp", "masturbate5.webp", "masturbate6.webp", "masturbate7.webp", "masturbate8.webp")>>
<div class='watchporn'>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/laptop/watchporn/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<message "You watch some porn at the laptop and release your arousal">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Laptop'>><</button>>
<h1 class="ptitle">LIVESTREAM</h1>
<<set $game.randomMoney to random(100, 150)>>
<<addMoney $game.randomMoney>>
<h3>You made a stream and won $game.randomMoney $!</h3>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("camgirl.webp", "camgirl1.webp", "camgirl2.webp", "camgirl3.webp", "camgirl4.webp", "camgirl5.webp", "camgirl6.webp")>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'/house/bedroom/laptop/xcam/' + $game.randomMedia]]
<<UnlockMCScene XCam>>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'xCam'>>
<<AddTime 2>>
<<set $player.xcam.exp += 1>>
<h1 class="ptitle">XCAM</h1>
<div id="place-head">
<<if $player.xcam.account == false>>
<<button 'Create an account 🔗'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level < 3>>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<<set $player.xcam.account >>
Dialog.setup("Please enter your model name: ");
Dialog.wiki('<<textbox "$player.xcam.name" "Victoria" autofocus>><<button "Done">><<goto "xCam">><<set $player.xcam.account to true>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>>');
Dialog.open({top: "calc(50vh - 51px)"}, setup.done);
<span id="name"></span>
<<if $player.xcam.account >>
<<button 'Go Live 🎥'>>
<<if $player.xcam.streamed == false>>
<<set $player.xcam.streamed = true>>
<<goto 'Live'>>
<<Notification 'warning' "You already streamed today!">>
<<button 'Return ↩️' 'Laptop'>><</button>>
</center><div id="instafame-container" class="instafame-container">
<div class="instafame-header">
<h1 class="ptitle">Instafame</h1>
<div class="followers">$player.phone.instafame.followers Followers</div>
<div class="instafame-buttons">
<<button 'Take a selfie 📸'>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.type = 'selfie'>>
<<replace "#instafame-container">>
<<include "Selfie">>
<<button 'Take a lewd selfie 📸'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.type = 'lewd'>>
<<replace "#instafame-container">>
<<include "Selfie">>
<<NotifyPhone "You aren't corrupted enough!">>
<<button 'Take a naked selfie 📸'>>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 4>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.type = 'naked'>>
<<replace "#instafame-container">>
<<include "Selfie">>
<<NotifyPhone "You aren't corrupted enough!">>
<!-- EVENTS DM -->
<<if $player.phone.instafame.followers >= 500 && $Quests.Richard.Model.progress == 0>>
<<NotifyPhone "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<div class="instafame-buttons">
<<button 'You have a new message ✉️'>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.dm = 'Richard'>>
<<replace "#instafame-container">>
<<include "InstafameDM">>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.followers >= 1000>>
<<NotifyPhone "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<<if $Quests.Jim.Pornstar.progress == 0 && false>>
<div class="instafame-buttons">
<<button 'You have a new message ✉️'>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.dm = 'Jim'>>
<<if Quest.isAvaliable($Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer) || $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer.progress == 0>>
<<NotifyPhone "You have a new message! Check your Instafame DMs!">>
<div class="instafame-buttons">
<<button 'You have a new message ✉️'>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.dm = 'Edward'>>
<<replace "#instafame-container">>
<<include "InstafameDM">>
<div class="instafame-footer">
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Phone">>
/* Estilo do Instafame */
.instafame-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #fafafa;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
overflow-y: auto;
max-height: 100%;
.instafame-header {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
.instafame-header h1 {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #333;
.instafame-header .followers {
font-size: 16px;
color: #888;
.instafame-buttons {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
margin-top: 20px;
.instafame-buttons button {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 8px;
border: none;
background-color: #007bff;
color: white;
cursor: pointer;
margin-bottom: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s ease-in-out;
.instafame-buttons button:hover {
background-color: #0056b3;
transform: scale(1.05);
.instafame-footer {
margin-top: auto;
padding-top: 20px;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.instafame-footer button {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 8px;
border: none;
background-color: #ff0000;
color: white;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s ease-in-out;
.instafame-footer button:hover {
background-color: #cc0000;
transform: scale(1.05);
<h1 class="ptitle">INSTAFAME DM</h1>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.dm == "Jim">>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.dm == "Richard">>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.dm == "Edward">>
.passage button, a.link-internal.macro-linkreplace {
font-size: 15px;
</style><<widget 'JimDM'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Jim.Pornstar>>
<<Speech Jim 'Hello how are you? I saw your profile on Instafame and I was interested, I have a proposal to make you.'>>
<<Speech Player 'Hi, which proposal ?'>>
<<Speech Jim 'I am a producer of adult films and I would like to offer you a role in one of my films, you will be paid very well.'>>
<<Speech Player "I don't know, I have to think about it">>
<<Speech Jim "I understand, but think about it, it's a great opportunity.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 4>>
<<linkreplace "Accept the proposal">>
<<Speech Player "I accept the proposal">>
<<Speech Jim "Great, I will send you the address of my studio, we will start recording soon.">>
<<NotifyPhone "Jim's Studio is now unlocked on the city map">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Jim.Pornstar 1 "Visit the Jim's Studio">>
<<UnlockLocation filmStudio>>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry but I can't do that">>
<<Speech Jim "I understand, if you change your mind, you can contact me.">>
<<NotifyCorruption 4>>
<<widget 'RichardDM'>>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Richard.Model>>
<<Speech Richard 'Hello, I am Richard, I am a photographer and I would like to offer you a photo shoot, you will be paid very well.'>>
<<Speech Player 'Hi, which proposal ?'>>
<<Speech Richard 'I saw your profile on Instafame and I was interested, I think you have a lot of potential.'>>
<<Speech Player "I don't know, I have to think about it">>
<<Speech Richard "I understand, but think about it, it's a great opportunity.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 2>>
<<linkreplace "Accept the proposal">>
<<Speech Player "I accept the proposal">>
<<Speech Richard "Great, I will send you the address of my studio, we will start the photo shoot soon.">>
<<NotifyPhone "Richard's Studio is now unlocked on the city map">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Richard.Model 1 "Visit the Richard's Studio">>
<<UnlockLocation photoStudio>>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry but I can't do that">>
<<Speech Richard "I understand, if you change your mind, you can contact me.">>
<<NotifyCorruption 2>>
<<widget "EdwardDM">>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer>>
<<Speech Edward "H-Hey... I'm Edward, I'm a fan of yours. I saw your profile on Instafame and I was... interested. I have a proposal to make you.">>
<<linkreplace "Which proposal?">>
<<Speech Player "Hi, which proposal?">>
<<Speech Edward "It's... well... I know it might sound strange, but... I really admire your work, your photos... you're very beautiful.">>
<<Speech Player "Thank you...">>
<<Speech Edward "So... I was thinking... and... well, I have... money. And I'd like to... you know... spend some time with you.">>
<<linkreplace "What kind of time?">>
<<Speech Player "What kind of time?">>
<<Speech Edward "A... a more... intimate time. I-I would pay for it.">>
<<linkreplace "Are you offering me money?">>
<<Speech Player "Edward, are you offering me money to sleep with you?">>
<<Speech Edward "I-It wasn't supposed to sound like that! I'm... I'm terrible at this. It's just that I'm... a virgin... and... I really like you...">>
<<linkreplace "I can't do this">>
<<Speech Player "Look, I don't have interest in this kind of thing.">>
<<Speech Edward "I can pay you a lot of money!">>
<<linkreplace "How much?">>
<<Speech Player "Wait, how much are we talking about?">>
<<Speech Edward "I... I have a lot of money. I can give you... 500 dollars.">>
<<if $player.corruption.level >= 3>>
<div id="acceptProposal">
<<linkreplace "Well..">>
<<HideDiv "declineProposal">>
<<Speech Player "Well...">>
<<Speech Edward "I know it's not much, but... I'm really nervous...">>
<<Speech Player "For that amount of money, I can make an exception.">>
<<Speech Edward "R-Really?">>
<<linkreplace "Yes, really">>
<<Speech Player "Yes, really.">>
<<Speech Edward "S-So... when can we...">>
<<Speech Player "Send me your address, I'll go to your place.">>
<<Speech Edward "I-I prefer to go to an hotel...">>
<<linkreplace "Send me the address">>
<<Speech Player "Fine, send me the address.">>
<<Speech Edward "I-I'll send it to you right now! You can meet me at night...">>
<<UnlockLocation hotel>>
<<NotifyPhone "Hotel is now unlocked on the city map">>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Edward.SecretAdmirer 1 "Meet Edward at the hotel at night">>
<<NotifyPhone "You aren't corrupt enough to accept this proposal">>
<div id="declineProposal">
<<linkreplace "I can't do this">>
<<HideDiv "acceptProposal">>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, but I can't do that.">>
<<Speech Edward "I-I understand... I'm sorry... If you change your mind, you can contact me.">>
<h1 class="ptitle">SELFIE 📸</h1>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.type == 'selfie'>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("selfie1.webp", "selfie2.webp", "selfie3.webp", "selfie4.webp", "selfie5.webp")>>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.type == 'lewd'>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("lewd1.webp", "lewd2.webp", "lewd3.webp", "lewd4.webp", "lewd5.webp")>>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.type == 'naked'>>
<<set $game.randomMedia to either("naked1.webp", "naked2.webp", "naked3.webp", "naked4.webp", "naked5.webp")>>
<<set $imagePath to setup.ImagePath + '/tech/phone/instafame/selfies/' + $game.randomMedia>>
<<print '<img src="' + $imagePath + '" class="selfie-image">'>>
<<linkreplace "Post 📸">>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.posted == false>>
<<if $player.phone.instafame.type == 'selfie'>>
<<set $game.random to random(5,20)>>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.type == 'lewd'>>
<<set $game.random to random(30,50)>>
<<elseif $player.phone.instafame.type == 'naked'>>
<<set $game.random to random(60,80)>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.posted = true>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.followers += $game.random>>
<<set _message to "Photo posted! You gained " + $game.random + " followers!">>
<<NotifyPhone _message>>
<h3>You already posted a photo today! Try again tomorrow!</h3>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Instafame">>
/* Estilo para ajustar o tamanho da foto no Instafame */
.selfie-image {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin: 20px 0;
<h1 class="ptitle phone-title">MESSAGES</h1>
<<if $player.phone.message == "JamalPoolParty">>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Phone">>
.phone-title {
color: white;
font-size: 48px;
font-weight: bold;
opacity: 0.9;
</style><div id="phone-content" class="phone-content">
<div class="phone-header">
<<showcycle 'day' upperfirst>>
<div class="phone-time">12:00</div>
<div class="button-grid">
<<if $player.phone.instafame.account>>
<<button 'Instafame 🤳'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Instafame">>
<<if Quest.isActive($Quests.Game.Instafame)>>
<<button 'Create an Instafame account 🤳'>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.account = true>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.name = $player.name>>
<<NotifyPhone "Account created!">>
<<FinishQuest $Quests.Game.Instafame>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Phone">>
<<if $player.phone.message>>
<<button 'New Message 📩'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Messages">>
<<button 'Messages 📩'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Messages">>
<<button 'Quests 📜'>>
<<replace "#phone-content">>
<<include "Quests">>
<div class="phone-footer">
<<button 'Turn off 🔴'>>
</div><<widget 'NewMessage'>>
<<set _message to _args[0]>>
<<set $player.phone.message = _message>>
<<Notification 'info' "You have a new message, check your phone!">>
<<widget 'JamalPoolPartyMessage'>>
<<Speech Jamal "Hey, I'm organizing a pool party at my house on Sunday, I would like you to come.">>
<div id="jamal-party-accept">
<<linkreplace "Accept the invitation">>
<<run $('#jamal-party-decline').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "I'll be there, Jamal.">>
<h3> You accepted Jamal's invitation to the pool party.</h3>
<<StartQuest $Quests.Jamal.PoolParty>>
<div id="jamal-party-decline">
<<linkreplace "I can't go">>
<<run $('#jamal-party-accept').hide()>>
<<Speech Player "I'm sorry, Jamal, but I can't go.">>
<<Speech Jamal "No problem, maybe next time.">>
<<unset $player.phone.message>>
<</widget>><<widget "NewDay">>
<!-- NEW DAY -->
<<Notification "success" "The game has been saved">>
<<set $game.days += 1>>
<!-- ENERGY -->
<<set $player.energy to 100>>
<!-- AROUSALS -->
<<if $npc.Dad.arousal < 4>>
<<set $npc.Dad.arousal += 1>>
<<if $npc.Brother.arousal < 4>>
<<set $npc.Brother.arousal += 1>>
<!-- GYM -->
<<if $location.gym.days > 0>>
<<set $location.gym.days -= 1>>
<<if $player.arousal < 10>>
<<set $player.arousal = 10>>
<!-- SCHOOL TEST -->
<<if $location.school.daysToNextTest > 0>>
<<set $location.school.daysToNextTest -= 1>>
<<if $location.school.daysToNextTest == 0 && $game.day == "Monday">>
<<Notification 'info' "You have a test at school today!">>
<<if $player.makeup>>
<<set $player.makeup = false>>
<<if $player.beauty > 0>>
<<set $player.beauty -= 1>>
<<set $player.drunkness = 0>>
<<for _npc range $npc>>
<<set _npc.talk to false>>
<<set $player.phone.instafame.posted = false>>
<<set $player.xcam.streamed = false>>
<<for _npcKey range Object.keys($npc)>>
<<capture _npcKey>>
<<if $npc[_npcKey].scenes>>
<<for _sceneKey range Object.keys($npc[_npcKey].scenes)>>
<<capture _sceneKey>>
<<set $npc[_npcKey].scenes[_sceneKey].executedToday to false>>
<<for _locationKey range Object.keys($location)>>
<<capture _locationKey>>
<<if $location[_locationKey].scenes>>
<<for _sceneKey range Object.keys($location[_locationKey].scenes)>>
<<capture _sceneKey>>
<<set $location[_locationKey].scenes[_sceneKey].executedToday to false>>
<<if $player.gang.daysToWork > 0>>
<<set $player.gang.daysToWork -= 1>>
<!-- PREGNANCY -->
<<if isPregnant() && $player.pregnancy.days > 0>>
<<set $player.pregnancy.days -= 1>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.pillDays > 0>>
<<set $player.pregnancy.pillDays -= 1>>
<<if $player.pregnancy.pillDays == 0>>
<<Notification 'info' "You can take another contraceptive pill!">>
<<if changeMediaPregnant()>>
<<UpdateClothesPregnant true>>
<<UpdateClothesPregnant false>>
<!-- QUESTS -->
<<if $items.phone.purchased
&& $npc.Jamal.scenes.JamalBilliardsSex.unlocked
&& !Quest.isActive($Quests.Jamal.PoolParty)
&& $game.day == "Friday"
&& $player.corruption.level >= 4>>
<<NewMessage "JamalPoolParty">>
<<if $game.day == "Friday" && Quest.isActive($Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty)>>
<<UpdateQuest $Quests.Thomas.ThomasParty 0 "I need to steal my $npc.Dad.relationship's car so I can go to the party. Where is the key?">>
<!-- BABY -->
<!-- ADD TIME -->
<<widget "AddTime">>
<<if $game.time == "LN">>
<<goto "LateNight">>
<<run Cycle.get('time').update(_args[0])>>
<</widget>><<widget "printRequirements">>
<<set _requirements to $args[0]>>
<<if def _requirements>>
<<if def _requirements.arousal && _requirements.arousal > 0>>
<<print "Arousal">><br>
<<print _requirements.arousal>><br>
<<if def _requirements.corruption && _requirements.corruption > 0>>
<<print "Corruption">><br>
<<print _requirements.corruption>><br>
<<if def _requirements.exhibitionism && _requirements.exhibitionism > 0>>
<<print "Exhibitionism">><br>
<<print _requirements.exhibitionism>><br>
<<print "None">>
<<widget "WalkthroughTable">>
<<set _object to $args[0]>>
<<set _name to $args[1]>>
<<set _displayName to (def _object.relationship) ? _object.relationship : _object.name>>
<<if def _object.scenes>>
<table class="container">
<th colspan="7">
<<if _name == "NPC" || _name == "MC">>
<<print _displayName>>
<<print _object.title>>
<th><h3><<print _name>></h3></th>
<<if _name == "NPC">>
<th><h3>Requirements (NPC)</h3></th>
<th><h3>Requirements (MC)</h3></th>
<<for _sceneName, _sceneData range _object.scenes>>
<td><<print _sceneData.title>></td>
<<if _name == "Location">>
<<print _object.title>>
<<elseif _name == "MC">>
<<print $player.name>>
<<print _displayName>>
<<if _name == "NPC">>
<td><<printRequirements _sceneData.requirements>></td>
<td><<printRequirements _sceneData.requirementsMC>></td>
<td><<print _sceneData.chance + "%">></td>
<td><<print _sceneData.guide>></td>
<td><<if _sceneData.unlocked>>✅<<else>>❌<</if>></td>
<h1 class="ptitle">WALKTHROUGH</h1>
<<set _npcsWithScenes to {}>>
<<for _npcName, _npcData range $npc>>
<<if def _npcData.scenes>>
<<set _npcsWithScenes[_npcName] to _npcData>>
<<set _locationWithScenes to {}>>
<<for _locationName, _locationData range $location>>
<<if def _locationData.scenes>>
<<set _locationWithScenes[_locationName] to _locationData>>
<h3>NPC SCENES</h3>
<div class="buttonsWalktrough">
<<button 'MC'>>
<<set $activeLocation to ''>>
<<set $activeNPC to ''>>
<<set $activeMC to 'true'>>
<<print 'MC'>>
<<for _npcName, _npcData range _npcsWithScenes>>
<<capture _npcName>>
<<if def _npcData.relationship>>
<<set _npcNameButton = _npcData.relationship>>
<<set _npcNameButton = _npcData.name>>
<<button _npcNameButton>>
<<set $activeNPC to _npcName>>
<<set $tempNpcName to _npcName>>
<<set $activeLocation to ''>>
<<set $activeMC to ''>>
<<print _npcName>>
<div class="buttonsWalktrough">
<<for _locationName, _locationData range _locationWithScenes>>
<<capture _locationName>>
<<button _locationData.title>>
<<set $activeLocation to _locationName>>
<<set $activeNPC to ''>>
<<set $activeMC to ''>>
<<print _locationName>>
<<if def $activeMC && $activeMC != ''>>
<<WalkthroughTable $player "MC">>
<<if def $activeNPC && $activeNPC != ''>>
<<WalkthroughTable $npc[$activeNPC] "NPC">>
<<if def $activeLocation && $activeLocation != ''>>
<<WalkthroughTable $location[$activeLocation] "Location">>
<<button 'Return ↩️'>>
<<print '<<goto "' + $game.lastPassage + '">>'>>
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display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
width: 90%;
background-color: rgb(14 15 16 / 90%);
padding: 25px;
border-radius: 20px;
.buttonsWalktrough button.link-internal.macro-button {
min-width: 90%;
.passage table {
max-width: 90%;
h1 {
font-size: 2.5em;
font-weight: 700;
text-align: center;
color: #FB667A;
margin: 20px 0;
h2 {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: 700;
text-align: center;
color: #41A9DA;
margin-bottom: 30px;
.table-container {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow-x: auto;
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: #1F2739;
padding: 15px;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
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border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
border-left: 2px solid #323C50;
border-right: 2px solid #323C50;
th, td {
padding: 12px 15px;
text-align: center;
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td:first-child {
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th {
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color: #FB667A;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 0.8em;
text-transform: uppercase;
border-bottom: 2px solid #464A52; /* Linha separando o header das colunas */
td {
background-color: #2C3446;
color: #A7A1AE;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 0.95em;
tr:nth-child(odd) td {
background-color: #3A3F51;
tr:nth-child(even) td {
background-color: #2C3446;
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padding: 20px;
/* Ajustes para telas menores */
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padding: 10px;
.buttonsGallery {
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padding: 15px;
@media (max-width: 480px) {
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th, td {
font-size: 0.8em;
padding: 8px;
td:last-child {
display: none;
.buttonsGallery {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
padding: 10px;
.passage button {
height: 70%;
</style><!-- UPDATE RIGHT SIDE BAR -->
<<widget "UpdateBar">><<silently>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<widget "message">>
<span class="message">_args[0]</span>
<!-- SPEECH -->
<<widget "Speech">>
<<set _npc to _args[0]>>
<<set _npcName to (_npc == 'Player') ? $player.name : $npc[_npc].name>>
<<if _args[2] != null>>
<<set _npcName to _args[1]>>
<<set _message to _args[2]>>
<<set _message to _args[1]>>
<<print "<<speech '"+ (_npc == 'Player' ? $player.avatar : $npc[_npc].avatar) + "' ' "+ _npcName +"'>> "+ _message +"<</speech>>">>
<<widget "lr">>
<<print "<div class='linkreplace macro-linkreplace'><p>_args[0]</p></div>">>
<</widget>><!-- UPDATE RIGHT SIDE BAR -->
<<widget "HouseGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🧓🏻 $npc.Dad.relationship 🧓🏻</b>
<div><b>Arousal:</b> $npc.Dad.sideBarText</div>
<div><b>Corruption:</b> <<print $npc.Dad.corruption >= 15 ? 'MAX' : $npc.Dad.corruption>></div>
<div><b>Location:</b> $npc.Dad.location</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🧑🏻 $npc.Brother.relationship 🧑🏻</b>
<div><b>Arousal:</b> $npc.Brother.sideBarText</div>
<div><b>Corruption:</b> <<print $npc.Brother.corruption >= 15 ? 'MAX' : $npc.Brother.corruption>></div>
<div><b>Location:</b> $npc.Brother.location</div>
<<widget "VipersGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🐍 Vipers 🐍</b>
<div><b>Respect:</b> $player.gang.respect</div>
<div><b>Rank:</b> $player.gang.title</div>
<<widget "BabiesGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🍼 Babies 🍼</b>
<<for _baby range $player.baby>>
<div><b>_baby.name:</b> _baby.days days old</div>
<<widget "PregnancyGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🍼 Pregnancy 🍼</b>
<div><b>Days to birth:</b> $player.pregnancy.days</div>
<<widget "DrunknessGrid">>
<div class="block">
<b>🍷 Drunkness 🍷</b>
<<if $player.drunkness == 0>>
<<elseif $player.drunkness == 1>>
<<elseif $player.drunkness == 2>>
<<elseif $player.drunkness >= 3>>
<<widget "SchoolGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<b>🏫 School 🏫</b>
<div><b>Grade:</b> $location.school.grade</div>
<div><b>Days to next school test: </b> $location.school.daysToNextTest</div>
<<widget "RestaurantGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class = "title">
<b>🛠️ Restaurant 🛠️</b>
<div><b>Experience: </b>$location.restaurant.xp</div>
<<widget "OfficeGrid">>
<div class="block">
<div class = "title">
<b>🏢 Office 🏢</b>
<div><b>Position: </b><<if $location.office.rank == 1>>Intern<</if>><<if $location.office.rank == 2>>Secretary<</if>></div>
<div><b>Experience: </b>$location.office.xp</div>
<div><b>$npc.OfficeBoss.name Corruption: </b>$npc.OfficeBoss.corruption</div>